FeedBlitz Blog Mail Service Plans

Unlike simple email and web page notification services, and more comprehensive than Bloglet, FeedBlitz offers the following capabilities for content publishers (bloggers!) and feed readers.

Featuring a comprehensive set of free and premium services, FeedBlitz ensures that publishers can always choose the right RSS email subscription solution for them. For many, the basic free services is fine. But if you want to customize the HTML emails and subscription landing pages (whether it's because you want to include your logo, your ads or you really, really don't like orange), choose the FeedBlitz "Pro" plan. And for those who want control over email distribution, "Turbo" accelerates deliver or slows it down by using its "on-demand" capability.

NEW!! All services feature FeedAdvisor, FeedBlitz's unique service that identifies and prioritizes feeds of likely interest to readers.

Compare the plans here, and then get started! If you want to know more, there's a new set of FAQs over here.

Standard Service
Pro $4.95
per feed per month
Turbo $9.95
per feed per month
No limits on the number of subscribers or emails sent
FeedAdvisor "related feeds" anlaysis
Image verification to prevent automated spamming
Real-time analytics for subscriber and posts mailed tracking
Email open and click-through tracking options and analytics
Free to subscribers
Daily email
Digest of all posts from all feeds in a single nightly email
Separate email for your feed
Text or HTML format
Anonymous subscriptions
Subscriber Management
Subscriber Import and Export
Customized confirmation emails
FeedBurner Integration
HTML and text format emails
Reader Unsubscription
Feed and Subscriber Management Dashboard
Signup forms and links
Emails Feed Ads
Images and links displayed
Truncated post options to force readers to your web site
Track RSS, HTML, Atom and OPML files
Autosubscription from OPML reading lists
Bloglet import capability with "silent" subscriber migration
Newsflash alerts
Customizable email content, styles and graphics
Custom from address and subject lines
Graphical (WYSIWYG) email template editor
Custom subscriber landing page
More frequent emails, up to hourly
On-demand mailing
Weekly newsletter email schedule
Monthly newsletter email schedule

There's No Comparison - Sign up today

Make no mistake. FeedBlitz is a professional-grade blog mail service. We intend to make a profit with our upcoming premium service offerings. And to make money we have to give you and your readers reliable service, quality solutions and total support.

Don't risk your readership and your reputation. Try our easy to use, customizable, no-cost service now.

(c) FeedBlitz - Email and E-Campaign Solutions - v1.1.0 | info@feedblitz.com | Privacy | Terms of Service |
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