Build Moto sees a future for mechanics

Build Moto sees a future for mechanics And so does Harley-Davidson which is now a sponsor
by Wayfarer

Would you have liked to build a motorcycle when you were in highschool?

A mentorship program based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, is teaching teams of high school students how to work on motorcycles. Mentors from various companies are scheduled to donate time and effort to educate students about motorcycles, their maintenance, and custom building them. Milwaukee also has a history with international motorcycling community and hence some big brands are coming onboard.

Build Moto program will get support from Harley-Davidson as a sponsor from 2025 donating motorcycles, parts, accessories, support, and manufacturing expertise to enable a generating of motorcycle mechanics and gearheads.

Students will also learn fabrication, welding, machining, and of course the marketing and fundraising skills which is essential to the motorcycle industry. Small businesses, race teams, employment at a factory or dealership– it all will benefit from this knowledge and experience.

While that’s the big picture–for the immediate short term effects, teams of students from schools will be invited to design and build flat track racing motorcycles that meet American Motorcyclist Association specifications.

Social media will document and promote the progress till the final winner is awarded their prize.

The global village, the internet and the community is definitely the need for the art and craft of motorcycling to survive and prosper. It is the connection between the rider and his community that spurred the Golden Era for motorcycling and this highly skilled, highly evolved industry can do this again by involving the community.

As Build Moto says on its website– “Build a motorcycle, Build a future”. Certainly agree to that!

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About Build Moto
BUILD is a non-profit organization building trade & life skills through motorcycle fabrication. We are made up of dedicated board members, motorcycle-builder mentors, faculty advisers, local businesses/sponsors, volunteers, and team students & parents. BUILD Moto Mentor is a 501c3 non-profit organization. 

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Life and Times of Bill May, 1971

The Girl, the Stroked Knucklehead and the Band as narrated by Bill May

Shifting back in time, in 1970 I sold the bike I rode from Nevada to Oklahoma on in ‘69. I cruised back to Reno for a few months and fell in love with a girl there. I was riding with a small club in Oklahoma.

There wasn’t much going on and I guess I was just bored. I took off to Reno in a ‘62 Chevy. When I arrived there, she touched me but had a young child and a husband in LA. She ultimately decided she should go back and make up with him.

Click here for the ride down memory lane, splitting hairs about what was only on

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