Journaling through the Bible in 90 days: Week 6

We are more than one-third into the Bible! I hope you are finding meaning in each day’s reading, even though some days can be really tough to absorb. SO much hurt. SO much hate. But then SO much love from God whom I believe wants us to do well, but lets us make our own choices.

I have found the reading over the last two weeks to be a bit tough. I was really thankful for the dose of Nehemiah rounding us out on day 35. He didn’t mess around with God’s instruction: He stood up for it, pointed it out and enforced it. Boom.

Journaling through the Bible in 90 days: Week 6 Reflection Questions

  • Why did you decide to read and journal through the Bible in just 90 days?
  • Are you still doing this for the same reason?
  • As you were reading this week, what thoughts or scriptures particularly stood out to you?
  • How do you feel about the repetition we’ve just encountered? Why do you think there was so much repetition?
  • Think about Nehemiah as a leader. Did you have any qualities that you might like to adopt?

Journaling through the Bible in 90 days: Week 6 Reading Assignments

  • Day 36: Nehemiah 13:15 – Job 7:21
  • Day 37: Job 8:1 – Job 24:25
  • Day 38: Job 25:1 – Job 41:34
  • Day 39: Job 42:1 – Psalms 24:10
  • Day 40: Psalm 25:1 – Psalm 45:14
  • Day 41: Psalm 45:15 – Psalm 69:21
  • Day 42: Psalm 69:22 – Psalm 89:13

You are Here in the Bible:

(Posted with permission from Ted Cooper.)

You are Here in the Bible: Nehemiah

You are Here in the Bible: Job

You are Here in the Bible: Psalms

How’s it Going?

How is your reading coming along? I’d love to her about it in the comments. Please drop me a not and let me know how you are doing.. are you on track? ahead? behind? listening? reading? both?

I hope you are right in track for YOU and hearing Him daily.

Your comments encourage me in my reading and posting, so please let me know how it is coming for you.

Big hugs,



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