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As just about everybody knows, new Artificial Intelligence tools are everywhere these days, and it’s hard to keep up with it all.

I tried earlier this month by posting A COLLECTION OF “BEST” LISTS ABOUT USING ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN EDUCATION, and I will continue updating all of the lists in that collection.

However, I also thought it would be helpful to readers – and to me – to begin yet another AI list where I collect various free (or ones that let you do enough free stuff to make it worth our time before they start charging) AI tools.

I’ll add them to various specific other “Best” lists too – if they fit and as I have time – but this list will also be more-or-less an AI potpourri of sorts.  Who knows how long this list is going to end up being!

Please let me know what I’m missing:

Rhyme Cool lets you create rap songs in the style of popular rappers.  In one of my other AI “Best” lists, you’ll find one about teaching ELLs I had it create, supposedly in the style of Tupac.

Genmo lets you create videos from text prompts.

Prompt Theory is a Kahoot-like game where players have to guess the prompts used to create AI generated images. I’ve previously shared how I’m doing a simple version of this idea with my ELLs.

Synthesys is a Chrome extension for creating text-generated images.

Character AI lets you create your own…characters to communicate via chatbots.

ResumAI develops your…resume.




Edit images through AI at I’m adding it to The Best Sites For Online Photo-Editing & Photo Effects.

Welma simplifies sentences and paragraphs through the use of AI.  I’m adding it to The Best Places To Get The “Same” Text Written For Different “Levels”

Wow To lets you make “how to” videos through the use of AI. You can make several for free. I’m adding it to THE BEST TOOLS FOR STUDENTS TO CREATE TUTORIALS ONLINE.

Stock AI lets you generate images via text, though it’s unclear to many how many you can make for free.

Excelformulabot turns text instructions into Excel and Google Sheets formulas.  You can use it several times for free before you have to pay.

Explain Like I’m Five will use AI to explain anything to you…like you are a five year old.

Tell analogenie what you want to explain, and it will use AI to come up with an appropriate analogy.

Perplexity.Ai and Teach Anything are search engines that provides short and simple answers to questions. And, of course, Microsoft is incorporating AI to do the same thing in its Bing search engine. Ten years ago there used to a few other sites that tried to do the same thing, but they seem to have drifted off, probably due to the face that they didn’t work very well. These new AI-powered tools should do better.

NovelListAI and InstaNovel both say they will create a novel out of an idea you have. Novelistai charges, though has free options, and has an intriguing feature that is supposed to let you create “Choose Your Own Adventure” books. InstaNovel seems to be free, but I can’t get it to work.

QuestGen will automatically generate questions for any text, including ones on Bloom’s Taxonomy levels. I’m adding it to both The Best Resources For Helping Teachers Use Bloom’s Taxonomy In The Classroom and to THE “BEST” TOOLS FOR AUTOMATICALLY TURNING TEXTS & VIDEOS INTO INTERACTIVE LANGUAGE LEARNING TOOLS.

Chatbase is interesting.  It lets you create a chatbot with any data, like a PDF, you upload.  For example, if you could get a freely accessible bio of a historical figure, you could upload it and then have students access info in that way.

Autodraw lets you start doodling something and uses AI to help things along. Hugging Face has a somewhat similar tool. Google developed their own tool called “AutoDraw” a while back, but it doesn’t seem to work right now – at least for me.  Google also has “Quick Draw,” which does seem to still work.

Paint by Text lets you “edit your photos using written instructions, with the help of an AI.” I’m adding it to The Best Sites For Online Photo-Editing & Photo Effects.

It isn’t a tool, but this article in the Atlantic about AI prompts, The Most Important Job Skill of This Century, is pretty interesting.

Kaiber is one of the first tools that uses AI to help you create a video – tell it what you want it to look like and it supposedly makes it so.  They have a reasonable free option.

Elicit uses AI to help make research easier.  I’m adding it to The Best Tools For Academic Research.

Curipod uses AI to create interactive lessons.  They seem pretty generic, though.  Perhaps a beginning teacher might find it useful for a starting place.  I wouldn’t add it, though, to The Best Places On The Web To Write Lesson Plans — Who Have I Missed? or to The Best Places To Find Free (And Good) Lesson Plans On The Internet.

As ChatGPT hype hits fever pitch, Neeva launches its generative AI search engine internationally is from TechCrunch.

Lumen5 – Quickly Turn Your Writing Into Videos is from Richard Byrne. I’m adding it to A POTPOURRI OF THE BEST & MOST USEFUL VIDEO SITES.

Prompt Hunt looks like a good place to use AI to create images.  I’m adding it to THE BEST RESOURCES FOR TEACHING & LEARNING WITH AI ART GENERATION TOOLS.

Choppity is supposed to use AI to turn your videos into better ones for TikTok. It’s probably not useful for the classroom, but could be helpful for teacher-created ed videos.

Storynaut is an app that uses AI to create stories once you input personalized preferences.  I’m adding it to THE BEST ONLINE TOOLS USING ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE FOR CREATING STORIES FOR CHILDREN.  Not sure about how good their free options are, though.

Pressto uses AI to help students write essays.  I’m adding it to The Best Online Tools That Can Help Students Write An Essay

DALL·E: An “Intelligent” Illustrator for your Language Classroom is from FLT Magazine. I’m adding it to THE BEST RESOURCES FOR TEACHING & LEARNING WITH AI ART GENERATION TOOLS.

Elaborate generates slides and narratives based on outlines.  It didn’t seem to do very well with fictional stories and much better with nonfiction topics.

Zyng is a text-based photo-editing tool — edit by text.  I’m adding it to The Best Sites For Online Photo-Editing & Photo Effects.

Tome is an AI-powered presentation tool that is getting a lot of buzz and you can use it for free for awhile with an education account.  Read more about it at Forbes. I’m adding it to The Best Tools That “Automatically” Create Presentations. shares an image or two related to this day in history, and then offers a variety of words that might relate to them. You have to pick the correct one-to-three words. There’s a new game each day, as well as a game archive. I’m adding it to The Best “Today In History” Sites.

Quizlet has added an AI-powered feature. It doesn’t seem that helpful to me, but I may very well be missing something.

Lumen5 Uses AI To Generate Videos From Blog Posts & Other Texts/Presentations

Blockade Labs will let you use AI to create a 360 degree image of an environment your prompt describes….

Ask My Book is similar to Chatbase – you upload a PDF and it will create a chatbot using that content.

ChatPDF does the same thing, as do Soma and DocLime.

Lucid Pic lets you create royalty-free images of people by selecting from an extensive “menu” of features.  I’m thinking it might be a useful exercise for ELLs when learning about how to describe things.

Beat Bot creates a song after you tell it your idea for one.

SoundDraw lets you create your own music. I’m adding it to The Best Places To Get Royalty-Free Music & Sound Effects.

Chat Journal serves as an online journal.  But what makes it more interesting is that you can turn it into a Chat Bot that you can talk to about you’re feeling and get advice.  I’m adding it to The Best Online “Chatbots” For Practicing English.

Team Station Mentor also provides advice through a chat bot, though this tool provides it through audio conversation.  I’m adding it to the same list.

Ora lets you create your “own” chatbot.

Opinionate will create a debate on any topic of your choosing – using AI. It seems to work pretty well. I’m adding it to The Best Sites For Students To Create & Participate In Online Debates.

ChatGPT YouTube is a Chrome Extension that will give you a summary of any YouTube video.

Upload data to Chartify and it will use AI to come up with various recommended ways to visualize it.  I’m adding it to The Best Tools To Make Simple Graphs Online.

Type the last three books you read into Reccabook , and it will make books recommendations for you. I’m adding it to The Best Places To Get Blog, Website,  Book, Movie, & Music Recommendations.

Readow is another AI tool for book recommendations.

Census GPT lets you search Census Data using “natural language.”  I’m adding it to The Best Tools For Analyzing Census Data.

D-ID is a chat bot that allows you to talk with it about a variety of topics through audio or text. I’m adding it to The Best Online “Chatbots” For Practicing English.

Scribble Diffusion lets you draw an image, and then AI completes it with the help of your text prompt. I’m adding it to The Best Art Websites For Learning English.

Grammar GPT helps you with…grammar.

MiniStudio will turn a scanned drawing into an AI-fueled image.

Practice Interview lets you choose the job you want, and then uses an AI-generated chatbot to ask you interview questions that you can answer.  I’m adding it to The Best Websites For Students Exploring Jobs and Careers.

The Auto Classmate Activation and Engagement Activity Generator looks like it could be helpful to teachers.  There are also other potentially useful tools at the same site.

You can now sign-up on a wait list for Google’s version of ChatGPT – Bard.

ChatMind will use AI to respond to your questions by producing mind maps.

PDFGPT joins many previously listed tools that let you upload a PDF, and then uses that info to create a chatbot.

JetVise will use AI to generate a cover letter.

Tell SlidesGPT the topic, and it will create a slideshow about it.  Here’s a presentation it created to the prompt, “What the best teaching practices for English Language Learners?”  The info is good, though the slide design is awful.” Does An Impressive Job Of Letting You Talk To Any Book

Quizify uses AI to create…quizzes.  It’s free option is a decent one.

Bing has now unveiled a text-to-image Image Creator, though you have to log-in to your Microsoft account to use it.

Hugging Face now has a text-to-video tool that doesn’t work very well.

Runway Research has a text-to-video tool that seems better.  You can make a few videos for free.

Consensus lets you ask a question, then uses AI to scour research to find simple one-sentence answers, along with links to the full research.  I’m adding it to The Best Tools For Academic Research.

Quizgecko uses AI to create a quiz from any text or url. You can use it for free with texts of less than 5,000 characters (less than 1,000 words), but it’s much too costly to subscribe (at least, in my opinion). For similar free or much lower-cost tools, check out THE “BEST” TOOLS FOR AUTOMATICALLY TURNING TEXTS & VIDEOS INTO INTERACTIVE LANGUAGE LEARNING TOOLS.

ChatGPT has released support for plugins – “Plugins are tools designed specifically for language models with safety as a core principle, and help ChatGPT access up-to-date information, run computations, or use third-party services.” I’m not exactly sure what that means, but a site called Speak is planning to use it for a language-learning tool. You can sign-up there to be on the waitlist.

Cover Letter Generator will use AI to generate a cover letter after you upload your resume and job application. I’m adding it to The Best Places For Students To Write Their Resumes. (which is different from a site I previously posted called Character.AI) lets you chat with many different characters, including a language teacher to help you learn a…language; historical characters, and people with different jobs.  Unfortunately, you’re only able to aske one character three questions before you have to pay.

Here’s a free ChatGPT extension for Chrome:

Twee lets teachers do a TON of lesson activities.  It’s free – for now. Here are some concerns about it, though.

Kaya lets you create your own personal chat bot.

MyAskAI also lets you do the same thing, with a free option.

Check For AI is another checker for teachers to use. I’m adding it to THE BEST POSTS ON EDUCATION & CHATGPT.


Your personal job interview coach is what it says it is. I’m adding it to The Best Places For Students To Write Their Resumes and to The Best Websites For Students Exploring Jobs and Careers.

TalkBerry is a Chrome extension that lets you talk with ChatGPT instead if communicating via text.

Gamma is supposed to automatically make your presentation slides look a lot better.

Have a Chat With Hundreds of Historical Figures is from Richard Byrne.

Quizalize is probably the least sophisticated of the online game sites (which include Quizizz, Kahoot, Blooket & Gimkit).  However, they are the first of the bunch to incorporate using AI to help make games.

Study For Citizenship Test uses AI to help you….study for the US citizenship test.  I’m adding it to The Best Websites For Learning About Civic Participation & Citizenship.

Turn text into images with Diffusion Art. I’m adding it to THE BEST RESOURCES FOR TEACHING & LEARNING WITH AI ART GENERATION TOOLS.

Story AI lets you create stories, but it seems to be more scaffolded then other similar tools, and that might make it more useful in the classroom.  It asks you specific questions about your story, as opposed to just asking you to give it a prompt.  I’m adding it to The Best Online Tools Using Artificial Intelligence For Creating Stories For Children.

AI Story Generator seems to do the same thing, without the scaffolds, as is Make Tales.

Practice Listening and Speaking with ChatGPT is from The Barefoot TEFL Teacher. I’m adding it to THE BEST POSTS ON EDUCATION & CHATGPT.

Teachology is “ is a collection of tools for teachers and educators to harness the power of AI in their pedagogy and planning.”

Rapjam will use AI to create and perform a rap about any topic you want.  Here’s one on teaching English Language Learners.

You can create your own bots here.

Cognosys is a way to try out AutoGPT, which is likely to be the next “big thing” in Artificial Intelligence (read more about it here). If I understand it correctly, and I may very well not, it means that you state what your ultimate goal is in the initial prompt, and then the AI takes it from there to self-generate a bunch of subsequent prompts – and answers to them – until it reaches your ultimate goal. For example, I asked it to “Identify a specific kind of book needed for the K-12 education Market.” It then went on to add fifteen new prompts (“tasks”) and answers to them. A fair number of the answers left a lot to be desired, but as AI tools become more powerful, this kind of tool has the potential of being pretty amazing…and a bit scary.

Diffit looks  likes a nice tool for teachers to use for creating differentiated materials.

LucidPic will use AI to generate images.  I’m adding it to THE BEST RESOURCES FOR TEACHING & LEARNING WITH AI ART GENERATION TOOLS.

Eduaide is another AI tool specifically designed to help teachers with their work.

I’ve previously posted about Curipod, an AI tool designed for teachers to use with students, and wasn’t very impressed with it that the time. It seems to be improving though, based on this video:

This video shares ideas how to use voice with ChatGPT as a partner to practice a language you’re learning. I’m adding it to The Best Sites To Practice Speaking English and to The Best Online “Chatbots” For Practicing English:

There are a fair number of AI-powered tools solely devoted to paraphrasing (though, of course, ChatGPT could do it, too).  Rephrase is one of them.  I’m adding it to I’ve Found These Decent Online Exercises To Teach Paraphrasing – Can You Suggest More? 

Word Sponge is a new extension designed to help you learn languages.

Banterai is like an audio chatbot with the avators of famous people.  You can call one for free and have a conversation (I had one with “Joe Biden”), but have to pay for more.  I’m adding it to The Best Online “Chatbots” For Practicing English.

Experience AI is a series of classroom lessons on AI from the Raspberry Pi Foundation.  I’m adding it to A Beginning List Of The Best Resources For Teaching About Artificial Intelligence.  Read more about it here.

Conker lets you use AI to create multiple choice quizzes about any subject and/or quizzes about text to paste into it.  I’m adding it to THE “BEST” TOOLS FOR AUTOMATICALLY TURNING TEXTS & VIDEOS INTO INTERACTIVE LANGUAGE LEARNING TOOLS.

Google seems to has now made its Practice Sets more widely available.  I’m adding it to THE BEST FREE ONLINE TOOLS USING ADAPTIVE LEARNING.” Is A New Free Site Using Artificial Intelligence To Support ELLs is yet another AI-powered tool to help teachers plan lessons and create learning tasks. You can try it for free, but then have to pay.

Stable Diffusion lets you create art from text prompts.  I’m adding it to THE BEST RESOURCES FOR TEACHING & LEARNING WITH AI ART GENERATION TOOLS.

Butternut AI lets you create a website using AI.  I’m adding it to The Best Ways For Students Or Teachers To Create A Website.

RapGPT is another AI tool that will create rap songs of your choice. This one is a little different in that it asks you to answer some questions about the rap you want instead of just asking for a prompt.

With Chat YouTube, just paste the url of the video and AI will let you “talk” with it.

Segment Anything is a new photo-editing tool using AI from Facebook/Meta.  Try it out here.

Negotiation Simulator might have some classroom relevance. Via chatbot, you negotiate with a bankrobber to save a hostage. It could be a high-interest activity for language development.

Graph Maker uses AI to easily make charts and graphs. I’m adding it to The Best Tools To Make Simple Graphs Online.

Dropchat lets you “talk” with any book or file.

gotFeedback – An AI Tool for Providing Feedback on Writing is from Richard Byrne. I’m adding it to The Best Online Tools That Can Help Students Write An Essay.

ChartGPT is pretty cool – tell it your data and the kind of chart you want, and it will create it (I tried this data – “The more a teacher tends to talk, the less a student tends to learn”). I’m adding it to The Best Tools To Make Simple Graphs Online.

HeyPi is another chatbot.  I’m adding it to The Best Online “Chatbots” For Practicing English.

ArcaneLand could be a fun, though complicated, choose your own adventure game for ELLs.

Infinite Adversaries is another complicated choose your own adventure game.

I’m adding both of them to The Best Places To Read & Write “Choose Your Own Adventure” Stories.

Chat with Ghengis Khan, and it also lets you create a chatbot of your own.

This AI Tool Generates Reading Comprehension Questions for Any Article is from Richard Byrne. I’m adding it to THE “BEST” TOOLS FOR AUTOMATICALLY TURNING TEXTS & VIDEOS INTO INTERACTIVE LANGUAGE LEARNING TOOLS.

Text2Pics might have some value to ELLs. As you type a sentence, or words, and image representing them appears above what you’ve typed. It might be an intriguing tool for ELL Beginners to try.

Shakespeare Toolbar might also be useful to ELLs. Among other things, once you highlight a passage, it will rephrase it in a more simple way.

HOW TO DIFFERENTIATE TEXTS WITH CHATGPT is from TechNotes. I’m adding it to The Best Places To Get The “Same” Text Written For Different “Levels” and to THE BEST POSTS ON EDUCATION & CHATGPT.

“Literally Anything” Lets You Use AI To Create A Lot Of Things (Though Not “Anything”)

LitGrades uses AI to create flashcards. I’m adding it to The Best Tools To Make Online Flashcards.

Superchat’s new AI chatbot lets you message historical and fictional characters via ChatGPT is from TechCrunch.

Hyperwrite’s Personal Assistant looks like it might be worth a look as an aide to writing. You have to get on its waiting list, though. However, until it’s released, their HyperWrite Google Extension might be worth a look. You can both get on the waiting list and download the extension here.

GPT-4 AI Movie Plot Twister is interesting. Type in the name of any movie, and it will provide you a variety of different “plot twists.” I’m thinking that it could be useful to show one of its examples as a model, and then challenge students to come up with their own – maybe an ELL activity?

ChatGPT on 2-Dimensional Map does what it’s name says it does – it gives answers to your prompt in sort of a “mind-map” that turns into a Prezi-like presentation. Here’s a screenshot (not interactive) of what it gave me after I asked it to list the most effective ELL teaching strategies. The answers are the same ChatGPT would give you anywhere, but the display is obviously different and, if you clicked on the boxes at the app, they would each become screensize:

It was free to create this one, though I’m sure it’s a freemium site.

Speaking of mind maps, Cool Mind Maps uses AI to create them on any topic you want, and it’s completely free.  Just type in the topic and it’s there!  I’m adding it to Not “The Best,” But “A List” Of Mindmapping, Flow Chart Tools, & Graphic Organizers.


FlashcardX uses AI to create…flashcards.  I’m adding it to The Best Tools To Make Online Flashcards.

With Song Words, you type in the name of the song and artist, and it will generate a downloadable image sharing that song’s most important lyric. I’m adding it to The Best Tools For Creating Visually Attractive Quotations For Online Sharing.

Wisdolia is yet another tool, this time a Chrome extension, for automatically creating flashcards.  I’m adding it to The Best Tools To Make Online Flashcards.

Tandem GPT and TalkPal are free online tools using AI to teach languages.  Tandem seems better designed to teach at different levels, and allows you to chat with a bot by text.  You can speak to it by audio, but it will only respond via text.  TalkPal doesn’t seem as well-designed, but you hear the audio of the bot, as well as speak to it.  I’m adding them both to THE BEST MULTILINGUAL & BILINGUAL SITES FOR LEARNING ENGLISH & OTHER LANGUAGES.

I’ve previously posted about a classroom activity I use designed to have students create simple explanations of complex topics (see STUDENT EXAMPLE OF TEACHING A COMPLEX TOPIC “TO A FIVE YEAR OLD”). There’s an online tool that does the same, but it charges, and is called ExplainLikeImFive.  However, Teaching Anything does something similar, and is free.

Summarize Paper uses AI to summarize research papers from Arxiv. I’m adding it to The Best Tools For Academic Research.

TinyStorie appears to be free, and lets you create online stories in English or in Spanish.  One thing I like about it is that it asks you several questions about what you want in your story first.  I’m adding it to The Best Online Tools Using Artificial Intelligence For Creating Stories For Children.

You probably know already that Google has ended its waitlist for Bard, its AI application, so it’s now open to everyone. Bing has done the same.

You can request access to Google’s “Test Kitchen” (I received an invite the following day).  It’s where they share their latest AI experiments.  The only one they have there now is a text-to-music tool called MusicLM (read about it here). I’m adding it to The Best Online Sites For Creating Music.



“Camcam” Is Supposed To Be “The First ChatGPT for Kids”

DetectGPT is a detector of AI text that’s been developed by professors at Stanford. It’s still in an experimental stage. I’m adding it to THE BEST POSTS ON EDUCATION & CHATGPT.

LearnLingo has a demo of tool they’re developing to teach multiple languages.

This isn’t a tool, but it’s good advice from SuperHuman: Use this prompt after pasting in something you’ve written:

Proofread my writing below. Fix grammar and spelling mistakes. And make suggestions that will improve the clarity of my writing.

Hugging Face has made its own ChatGPT-like tool. I’m adding it to THE BEST POSTS ON EDUCATION & CHATGPT.

A guide to prompting AI (for what it is worth) is from One Useful Thing. I’m adding it to the same list.

Five Interesting Uses of ChatGPT is from Century Tech. It’s going on the same list.

EdPuzzle has added “an AI feature called Edpuzzle Teacher Assist.” Read more about it at Richard Byrne’s blog.

Dezgo is another text-to-image AI tool.  I’m adding it to THE BEST RESOURCES FOR TEACHING & LEARNING WITH AI ART GENERATION TOOLS.

Prep AI will prepare questions, etc. about your content.  It has an okay free plan.  I’m adding it to THE “BEST” TOOLS FOR AUTOMATICALLY TURNING TEXTS & VIDEOS INTO INTERACTIVE LANGUAGE LEARNING TOOLS.

There’s nothing earth-shaking about this next video, but it’s short, and it gives some nice examples of how teachers can use Google’s Bard:

New from Bard:

Making sources more useful

  • What: Bard can now help you identify which parts of a response match a source. For the responses with sources, you’ll see numbers alongside the response. By clicking on the numbers you will now be able to identify the section of the text that matches the source and easily navigate to it.
  • Why: We want to make it easier for you to understand which parts of a response match a source and provide you with source links in line with the text.

OpenAI launches an official ChatGPT app for iOS is from TechCrunch.

“Camcam” Is Supposed To Be “The First ChatGPT for Kids”

Presentation GPT looks like the best automatic presentation-maker I’ve seen so far. The slides it creates have far too much text on them, but they do include images (unlike others). Here’s one on teaching ELLs it made for me in seconds.

Chat Prompt Genius helps you develop…prompts for ChatGPT.  I’m adding it to THE BEST POSTS ON EDUCATION & CHATGPT.

Avatars.Ai lets you “talk” with “famous” people. lets you create videos with AI-created characters.

Trancy and Talkberry are two AI-powered language learning apps that you can try for free.

Comical is an AI tool that will create comic strips.  You have to request an invitation before using it now.  I did, and liked it a lot.  Depending on its cost and availability, I think it would have a lot of potential for classroom use. For now, I’m adding it to The Best Ways To Make Comic Strips Online.


Neural Frames lets you create text-to-animations. You can create one a month for free.

Lesson Robot uses AI to create lesson plans, and you can make your first five for free.

Brisk Teaching is a Google extension designed to detect AI writing.  I’m adding it to THE BEST POSTS ON EDUCATION & CHATGPT.

Got Wonder is a ChatGPT for children (that also might be useful for ELLs).  You might also be interested in “CAMCAM” IS SUPPOSED TO BE “THE FIRST CHATGPT FOR KIDS”

ChatGPT for language learning – All the Prompts you need is from Educraft. I’m adding it THE BEST POSTS ON EDUCATION & CHATGPT.

Piggy Magic has AI creating quizzes, stories and summaries. I don’t think any of its features are quite ready for primetime, but you might want to take a look.

PanQuiz! looks like it might have potential as an AI maker of…quizzes. I’m adding it to The Best Ways To Create Online Tests.

CoverCraftr creates cover letters for resumes.  I’m adding it to The Best Places For Students To Write Their Resumes.

Kaya lets you upload documents and then “talk” to them.

Quiz Wizard lets you create lesson plans and quizzes. I think it’s too expensive, but you can create three lesson plans a month for free.

BitLife lets you create your own “virtual assistants.”

Meiro lets you use AI to create “tests, quizzes and text games.”  It’s free while in beta.

I’m fairly impressed with SkillFlow. Tell it precisely what you want to learn, and it will create an online “course” for you to take to learn it.

Slatebox will use AI to create a “mindmap” of the answer to your question. I’m adding it to Not “The Best,” But “A List” Of Mindmapping, Flow Chart Tools, & Graphic Organizers.

Video To Words will “Transcribe, Summarize and Share Quotes from YouTube.” I’m adding it to I’m adding it toA POTPOURRI OF THE BEST & MOST USEFUL VIDEO SITES..

PPTX lets you create AI-powered PowerPoint presentations for you. It really doesn’t produce much actual info content, but the slides look nice.

Cover Letter Assistant will use AI to write…cover letters.  I’m adding it to The Best Websites For Students Exploring Jobs and Careers.

AI Quiz Maker will make…quizzes automatically out of inputted text. I’m adding it to THE “BEST” TOOLS FOR AUTOMATICALLY TURNING TEXTS & VIDEOS INTO INTERACTIVE LANGUAGE LEARNING TOOLS.

Educator Lab is yet another site for educators to use for creating lessons with AI.  You can do a few things for free before you have to pay.

Avtars lets you “talk” with celebrities.

Adobe Firefly lets you do lots of things with images.  It is being added to Adobe Express via a beta version  and I’m assuming that it will eventually be added to Adobe Express for education, but who knows?

Hilink is a free AI-powered lesson planner.

Monica is yet another AI tool that creates flashcards.  I’m adding it to The Best Tools To Make Online Flashcards.

Explain Paper will…explain academic papers to you in plain language.  I’m adding it to The Best Tools For Academic Research.

Keenious is yet another AI tool that’s supposed to help you identify relevant research papers.  I’m actually not quite sure exactly how it works or how much you can use it for free, so I’m not yet adding it to The Best Tools For Academic Research.

Buddies lets you either chat to a specific chatbot or create your own.  There are so many of these now, and I don’t really know which tool is better than the other. Because of that, I’m going to stop adding most of them to The Best Online “Chatbots” For Practicing English.  Of course, ELLs can always just “talk” to Bard, ChatGPT or Poe.

Falou is yet another app for learning languages.

Lalamu is now a demo where you can sync lips in a video.  It’s free at this time, but I assume when they get out of demo mode, they’ll start charging.

YouTildr summarizes and does other things with YouTube videos. I’m adding it to A POTPOURRI OF THE BEST & MOST USEFUL VIDEO SITES.

Facebook has unveiled their text-to-music tool where you can create a twelve-minute piece of music.  I’m adding it to The Best Online Sites For Creating Music.

Clio will convert your sketch into a beautiful images that looks something like it.

Quick and Quirky Stories for the Language Classroom: Exploring Quizlet’s AI-powered Q-Chat is from FLT Mag.

OpenAI launches an official ChatGPT app for iOS is from TechCrunch.

ChatGPT Prompts for Busy Educators is from TechNotes. I’m adding it to THE BEST POSTS ON EDUCATION & CHATGPT.

Zoo lets you compare the results from several text-to-image models after you input a prompt.  I’m adding it to THE BEST RESOURCES FOR TEACHING & LEARNING WITH AI ART GENERATION TOOLS. is a free text-to-image tool.  I’m adding it to the same list.

ChatAD lets you interact with, along with creating your own, chatbots.  The difference between it and many others is that it is also audio-based.  I’m adding it to The Best Online “Chatbots” For Practicing English.

CopyingAI is a text-to-video tool.

Puzzicle lets you create free interactive video lessons. However, even though the design seemed pretty simple, it didn’t work as promised. I have had similar challenges with EdPuzzle’s AI quiz builder, so I wonder if this kind of exercise is particularly challenging for AI at the moment.

Got Feedback is an intriguing free tool. You first tell it what you want to evaluate in a piece of student writing. Then you upload the writing. Finally, it provides you with suggest feedback you can offer that student.

This is interesting: 3000+ Most Popular AI Websites Sorted By Monthly Traffic

Aidemia has lots of tools for teachers.  I’m adding it to NOT NECESSARILY THE “BEST,” BUT A LIST OF AI TEACHER PREP SITES.

AI Content Detector Tool is yet another one of those sites that purport to…detect AI writing. I’m adding it to THE BEST POSTS ON EDUCATION & CHATGPT.

ChatPrompt Genius will help you create the right prompt to get the results you want.  I’m adding it to the same list.

Five AI Tools to Try is from TechNotes. I’ve previously shared the tools they list, but they offer full explanations of each one.

Quino will summarize any pdf you upload, and let you write notes on it – as well as answer questions.

Curio will provide you with an audio “course” on any question. You can get a short free trial.

ChatEQ is a chatbot designed to provide personal coaching.

Gigabrain is basically a search engine for Reddit and other user-supported sites.

The AI Archives lets you save all your interactives with ChatGPT and Bard.

Speakable, the amazing AI-powered site for language instruction, is getting even better. All its new components might not yet be active, but they say the will be before the end of the summer. They include being able to tell it what language sets you want it to create (instead of having to make them manually), and having AI-powered student feedback on responses to questions. I was able to test them out, and they look terrific.

Anime Art and Freepik AI image generator are text-to-image generators. I’m adding them to THE BEST RESOURCES FOR TEACHING & LEARNING WITH AI ART GENERATION TOOLS.

RoomGPT lets you remodel your room – or any room.  It could be useful with ELLs where they could use the tool and then write about it.

Youtube AI Buddy lets you interact with YouTube videos. is yet another interview simulation tool. I’m adding it to The Best Websites For Students Exploring Jobs and Careers.

Albus is pretty interesting.  First you ask AI a question, and then it will respond to you in sort of stickynotes you put on a board.  Then you can add more notes to the board.  I’m adding it to The Best Online Virtual “Corkboards” (or “Bulletin Boards”).







Not a tool, but a useful article: Chatbots That Impersonate Famous Figures: Should Teachers Use Them or Steer Clear?

Guidde lets you create How-to videos.  I’m adding it to THE BEST TOOLS FOR STUDENTS TO CREATE TUTORIALS ONLINE.

How to make your own AI bot with Poe is from Fast Company.

Leapp will use AI to create a “learning plan” for any topic you want.

Three AI Tools for Creating Spreadsheet Formulas is from TechNotes.

GradeGenius gives feedback on essays.

AI Image Variations lets you upload a photo and then it produces several variations, generally with relatively minor changes.  I think it could be a useful tool for ELLs and I’m adding it to Using “Spot The Difference” Pictures With ELLs.

ChatGPT Prompt Library for Educators

TOP MARKS AI is another feedback tool for essays. It has a free trial.

Get Buddies lets you create your own virtual person.

Tome looks like an impressive storytelling tool.  I’m adding it to THE BEST ONLINE TOOLS USING ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE FOR CREATING STORIES FOR CHILDREN.

Leet Resumes will use AI to upgrade and revise your resume.  I’m adding it to The Best Places For Students To Write Their Resumes.

Sketch2Render will make a sketch you upload look a lot better.

Math Tutor is a chatbot who will…tutor you in math.

SwiftCover | AI-Powered Cover Letter Generator is being added to The Best Websites For Students Exploring Jobs and Careers.

This looks like a good – and free – intro online course to AI.

h2oGPT lets you ask six different AI chatbots the same question simultaneously.

Playground lets you create 1,000 images a day for free. I’m adding it to THE BEST RESOURCES FOR TEACHING & LEARNING WITH AI ART GENERATION TOOLS.

Open Resume uses AI to help you create a resume for free. I’m adding it to The Best Places For Students To Write Their Resumes.


Stork is a video conferencing tool that lets you have up to fifty participants free, along with AI assistants (though I don’t actually know what that means).

SummerQ summarizes YouTube videos and answers questions about them.

Prezo, not to be confused with the slideshow app Prezi, uses AI to create slideshow presentations on any topic you want. Like most of the AI presentation tools out there, its slides are terrible, but I guess they could be a start? You can create at least one presentation, maybe more, for free.

Dungeon AI lets you participate in a role-playing game with others, or create your own world. It is likely to be blocked by district content filters because of its multi-player function (so students could be playing with anyone), but it is intriguing because students could also create their own world and just play with their friends. Of course, after awhile, you also have to buy “credits” if you want to continue to play.

Story Spark is free, and lets you create personalized stories. They have a lot of plans to upgrade, so I’d keep an eye on it in the future. I’m adding it to THE BEST ONLINE TOOLS USING ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE FOR CREATING STORIES FOR CHILDREN.

The Learning Agency has created a chatbot trained on the What Works Clearinghouse. Try it out here.

Scribe lets you create online tutorials. I’m adding it to THE BEST TOOLS FOR STUDENTS TO CREATE TUTORIALS ONLINE.

How to Use Canva’s AI Image Generator is from Richard Byrne. I’m adding it to THE BEST RESOURCES FOR TEACHING & LEARNING WITH AI ART GENERATION TOOLS.

How to Magically Make a Presentation in Minutes is also from Richard Byrne.

Fantons lets you use AI to create comic “panels,” which I assume you can put together to create full comic strips.

SuperMeme uses AI to create memes for you.  I’m adding it to The Best Tools For Making Internet ” Memes”

Create Website lets you use AI to…create a website.

Lit Prompts shares lot of useful ChatGPT prompts.

Brain Buzz automatically creates quizzes from uploaded documents.  I’m adding it to THE “BEST” TOOLS FOR AUTOMATICALLY TURNING TEXTS & VIDEOS INTO INTERACTIVE LANGUAGE LEARNING TOOLS.

Canopy Directory is a listing of education-related AI tools.  I’m adding it to THE BEST COLLECTIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TOOLS.

Social Book Photo Studio is an AI-powered photo-creating and editing site.  I’m adding it to The Best Sites For Online Photo-Editing & Photo Effects and to THE BEST RESOURCES FOR TEACHING & LEARNING WITH AI ART GENERATION TOOLS.

Light seems to me just another site offering access to not-the-most-recent version of ChatGPT, but I might be missing something.  Even if it’s just that, though, it could be helpful if districts are trying to block ChatGPT and you want a way around their filters.

Reinforz is yet another AI-powered tool for creating quizzes.

Interview Igniter is another AI tool to use when practicing for interviews.  It’s free for now, but it sounds like they plan on charging.

Boom will use AI to create quizzes, which can then be played in a virtual room with up to eight participants.  I’m adding it to The Best Online Games Students Can Play In Private Virtual “Rooms”

Important to note:

Clipdrop uses AI for lots of kinds of photo-editing. Its Stable Doodle is particularly cool. I’m adding it to The Best Sites For Online Photo-Editing & Photo Effects.

How to Use AI to Do Stuff: An Opinionated Guide is from One Useful Thing.

Insou uses AI to generate presentations, and has a free trial.

Fliki is an AI video creation tool, and you can make some for free.

Free Resume Builder uses AI to do what it’s name says.  I’m adding it to The Best Places For Students To Write Their Resumes. “is a collection of small, simple, single-task tools, mostly designed to help neurodivergent people with tasks they find overwhelming or difficult.”

Bored Humans will create a song about any topic in any style.

Use AI to create a soundtrack.

Decipad lets you tell stories with data.

ChatWithPDF.AI lets you “chat” with any length PDF for free.

Slideoo is another AI-powered tool for creating presentations with a limited free plan. is yet another chatbot.

Kahoot has an AI question generator.

Schemely is yet another AI site designed to help teachers. I’m adding it to NOT NECESSARILY THE “BEST,” BUT A LIST OF AI TEACHER PREP SITES.

Laika uses AI to help you write in the style of famous authors.

“Write Excel and Google Sheet Formulas in seconds using AI” with Excel Formula Bot.

AceFlow is supposed to “tutor” you about the content of any PDF or website. It didn’t seem very impressive when I tried it, though.

StoryTailor is yet another tool for creating personalized stories. The first one is free. I’m adding it to THE BEST ONLINE TOOLS USING ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE FOR CREATING STORIES FOR CHILDREN.

5 Ways Google Bard is Better than ChatGPT is by Alice Keeler.

Synthical simplifies research studies.

Talk To Video lets you paste a video’s url address into it, and then ask it questions.

Drawify lets you use AI to create infographics and other visuals.  I’m adding it to The Best Resources For Creating Infographics.

This article is worth reading:

TalkChar is yet another site where you can “chat” with the avatars of famous people.

Hey Photo is yet another AI-powered photo-editing tool. I’m adding it to The Best Sites For Online Photo-Editing & Photo Effects.

Modify is another new AI-powered Photo-editing tool. I’m adding it to the same list.

What to Read After… offers book recommendations.  It worked most of the time I tried it, though sometimes I would receive an error. I’m adding it to The Best Places To Get Blog, Website, , Book, Movie, & Music Recommendations.

Chat 2024 lets you “ask” Presidential candidates any questions.

Quizup is yet another AI-powered tool for creating…quizzes.

YouLearn provides you summaries and notes for any Youtube video, and you can also have AI create flash cards and concept maps of its content.

Designing Generative AI to Work for People with Disabilities is from The Harvard Business Review.

Kansei use AI to help teach a variety of languages.  I don’t think it will work well with ELLs because the feedback it gives is in fairly high level English, but it could help in learning other languages. I’m adding it to THE BEST MULTILINGUAL & BILINGUAL SITES FOR LEARNING ENGLISH & OTHER LANGUAGES.

AI Tripmaker uses AI to develop travel itineraries.  I’m adding it to The Best Sites Where Students Can Plan Virtual Trips.

Luminaries offers “coaching” in various fields through chatbots trained on the content of famous people.

This NY Times article has some good AI-related lesson ideas. I’m adding it to THE “BEST” IDEAS FOR USING CHATGPT, BARD, & OTHER FORMS OF AI WITH STUDENTS.

Open Art looks like a nice tool for using AI to create….art.

Kwizie uses AI to automatically create quizzes for any YouTube video. You can create three for free before you have to start paying. The quizzes seems to be very accurate. However, it seems like you have to watch the entire video before you answer the questions (unless I’m missing something). I’ll stick to EdPuzzle for now, at least until the Google Classroom video feature goes live.

Teach Planet is yet another AI-driven educator planning tool.  This one is only for English teachers – and it’s free!  I’m adding it to NOT NECESSARILY THE “BEST,” BUT A LIST OF AI TEACHER PREP SITES.

ChatGPT announced that it can now access the Internet in real-time but, as this tweet indicates, it hasn’t come to its free version yet:

Recipe-e is another AI-powered text-to-image site. I’m adding it to THE BEST RESOURCES FOR TEACHING & LEARNING WITH AI ART GENERATION TOOLS.

AILocator has a nice collection of AI tools.  I’m adding it to THE BEST COLLECTIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TOOLS.

Teach Anything uses AI to generate simple explanations of…anything. I’m not sure if it really generates anything different than if you asked ChatGPT, but even if that is the case, it could be useful if ChatGPT is blocked by your school’s content filters.

Text-to-Sing does just that over at Hugging Face.

Seamless is a simultaneous translation system over at Hugging Face.

ThingLink has added AI features to its site.

Fusion Brain is a very neat AI text-to-image tool. I’m adding it to THE BEST RESOURCES FOR TEACHING & LEARNING WITH AI ART GENERATION TOOLS.

artFlow is a nice text-to-video tool.  You might also be interested in “INVIDEO” IS AN AI-DRIVEN VIDEO CREATION TOOL THAT HAS POTENTIAL FOR ELLS.

Artimator is a new free text-to-image generator. I’m adding it to THE BEST RESOURCES FOR TEACHING & LEARNING WITH AI ART GENERATION TOOLS.

Lit Grades is yet another AI-powered flash card maker. I’m adding it to The Best Tools To Make Online Flashcards.

Chat GPT Photos is another text-to-image generator.

Resume Trick is yet another AI site for creating…resumes.  I’m adding it to The Best Places For Students To Write Their Resumes.

Video Translate will….translate your videos.

Upload your data to GenChartAI, write in a sentence what chart you want it to use, and it’s created like that.  I’m adding it to The Best Tools To Make Simple Graphs Online.

Cap Cut is a new AI-powered photo editor.  I’m adding it to The Best Sites For Online Photo-Editing & Photo Effects.

Fill out uses AI for creating surveys, though I’m not ready to add it to The Best Sites For Creating Online Polls & Surveys.

Open Art is a text-to-image site.  I’m adding it to THE BEST RESOURCES FOR TEACHING & LEARNING WITH AI ART GENERATION TOOLS.

Quillionz lets you automatically create questions/quizzes. I’m adding it to THE “BEST” TOOLS FOR AUTOMATICALLY TURNING TEXTS & VIDEOS INTO INTERACTIVE LANGUAGE LEARNING TOOLS.

Stable Audio uses AI to create music.  Here is some guidance on prompts.

OpinionGPT is interesting. On just about any topic, you can adjust for different biases, and get an “opinion.” I’m adding it to The Best Tools & Lessons For Teaching Information Literacy – Help Me Find More.

Pika is a new text-to-video tool.

HeyGen Labs automatically translates videos.

Team GPT lets you collaborate while using ChatGPT.

Singify uses AI to create music.

Level to Explain will give you an explanation of any topic in various levels of complexity.

Use Stock Music to create royalty free music with AI. I’m adding it to The Best Places To Get Royalty-Free Music & Sound Effects.

Research Rabbit uses AI to organize… research. I’m adding it to The Best Tools For Academic Research.

Typpo is an intriguing video creation too.

How to talk to an AI is a useful interactive from The Washington Post.

I have not yet tried the prompt suggested in this post but, if it works, it could be a wonderful use of AI in the classroom: Choose Your Own AI Adventure: Unlocking the Educational Potential of AI-Driven Interactive Stories from Matthew Wemyss. I’m adding it to The Best Places To Read & Write “Choose Your Own Adventure” Stories.

Dub videos into different languages with Zeebra.

Try text-to-video tool Genmo.

Astrocyte lets you create AI characters.

Dict is an AI-powered dictionary game.

Create a simple website using AI on Framer.

DALLE-3 is integrated into ChatGPT to create text-to-images.


Unstock is a free text-to-image site. I’m adding it to the same list.

AI startup Gizmo raises $3.5M by using gamified quizzes and flashcards to make learning fun is from TechCrunch.

Use Stylize is yet another AI-powered photo-editing tool. They’re a dime a dozen these days, so I’m not adding it to The Best Sites For Online Photo-Editing & Photo Effects.

Gist is a Chrome extension that summarizes just about anything.

Magic Slides converts videos to PowerPoint.

3 Simple Ways to Get Started Using A.I. In Your Classroom is by A.J. Juliani. I’m adding it to THE “BEST” IDEAS FOR USING CHATGPT, BARD, & OTHER FORMS OF AI WITH STUDENTS.

As AI Chatbots Rise, More Educators Look to Oral Exams — With High-Tech Twist is an interesting article from EdSurge about a tool called Sherpa. I’m tentatively adding it to the same list, but I’m still on the fence about it.

8 free AI-powered tools that can save teachers time and enhance instruction is from KQED. I’m adding it to NOT NECESSARILY THE “BEST,” BUT A LIST OF AI TEACHER PREP SITES.


FlowDove uses AI to generate images, as well as using it for many other features. I’m adding it to THE BEST RESOURCES FOR TEACHING & LEARNING WITH AI ART GENERATION TOOLS.

Eleven Labs lets you dub your videos into a language of your choosing – with your voice!

Dorosi helps you create anime.

Shorbread lets you create Manga.

Anime Genius lets you create… anime.

30 ChatGPT Prompts For Language Learners is from Carnegie Learning. I’m adding it to THE BEST POSTS ABOUT USING ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE WITH ELLS.

HotShot is an easy text-to-GIF site (it appears you can also access a version here).

Script Monkey uses AI to create a…script.

This next site may sound weird, but it’s fun – it uses AI to power a text-to-IKEA-instruction-sheet.

Cloud Studio is an AI-powered video-editing too.

“Create Shorts from YouTube Links with Just 3 Clicks” with AICO.

7 AI Tools That Help Teachers Work More Efficiently is from Edutopia. I’ve previously posted about most of them, but this one was new to me:

Slidesgo: This tool provides access to free templates via Google Slides and now has the AI Presentation Maker. With this new functionality, presentations can be created within minutes. Simply choose a topic; select a tone such as casual, creative, or professional; make changes; and download your presentation. A time-saver for sure!



Verble uses AI to help craft your speeches.

Using ChatGPT to Support Student-Led Inquiry is from Edutopia. I’m adding it to THE “BEST” IDEAS FOR USING CHATGPT, BARD, & OTHER FORMS OF AI WITH STUDENTS.

Classroom Tools That Use AI is from Common Sense Education.

Introducing Canva’s biggest education launch (focusing on AI tools) is from Canva. I’m adding it to THE BEST RESOURCES FOR LEARNING HOW TO USE CANVA.

Canva Magic Studio Makes Creative Magic Possible is from Tech Notes. I’m adding it to the same list.

Interactive Grammar Practice: Collaborative Storytelling with ChatGPT is from a Journey In TEFL. I’m adding it to THE BEST POSTS ABOUT USING ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE WITH ELLS.

Cathoven is yet another AI site to assist teachers. I’m adding it to NOT NECESSARILY THE “BEST,” BUT A LIST OF AI TEACHER PREP SITES.

LingoTeach AI Simplifies Resource Creation is from FLT Magazine. I’m adding it to the previous “Best” list, as well as to THE BEST POSTS ABOUT USING ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE WITH ELLS.

Linguai is a new AI-powered English tool, with free options.

Insou is another text-to-presentation tool.

Voxxio lets you create animated storyboards.

Fable Fiesta is yet another AI-powered tool to create children’s stories. I’m adding it to THE BEST ONLINE TOOLS USING ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE FOR CREATING STORIES FOR CHILDREN.

Chatgot looks like a new text-to-image tools that’s also like a chatbot – I’m really not quite sure what it is.

9 Tips for Using AI for Learning (and Fun!) is from Edutopia. I’m adding it to THE “BEST” IDEAS FOR USING CHATGPT, BARD, & OTHER FORMS OF AI WITH STUDENTS.

AI Tools to Fuel Student Imagination is from Teacher Boot Camp.

Five AI Lesson Plan Generators is from TechNotes. I’m adding it to NOT NECESSARILY THE “BEST,” BUT A LIST OF AI TEACHER PREP SITES.

Qureos is another AI-powered resume-builder.  There are so many of these now, though, that I’m not adding any new ones to The Best Places For Students To Write Their Resumes.

Squibler is like a super-charged ChatGPT for writing stories.

I like this Interview Preparation Tool.  I’m adding it to The Best Places For Students To Write Their Resumes and to The Best Websites For Students Exploring Jobs and Careers.

Storia lets you create storyboards.

Story Bee is yet another AI tool for writing children’s stories.  I’m adding it to THE BEST ONLINE TOOLS USING ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE FOR CREATING STORIES FOR CHILDREN.

Art Flow lets you use AI to create videos and images.

Fabularis uses AI to help you create children’s stories but, unlike practically all the tools at THE BEST ONLINE TOOLS USING ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE FOR CREATING STORIES FOR CHILDREN, you can also create hardcopy versions.  I’ve previously posted about how I write and print stories for my grandchildren (see “BOOKBILDR” LETS YOU EASILY CREATE PDF & PAPER CHILDREN’S BOOKS – DO YOU KNOW OF OTHER SIMILAR TOOLS?).  Fabularis is the first tool apart from Bookbildr that seems to let you do it.

This is from SuperHuman, and it worked for me:

You can now access GPT-4 Turbo (the upgraded version of OpenAI’s GPT-4) in Microsoft Copilot at no cost. This means that you can use OpenAI’s most advance AI model without paying $20/month for ChatGPT.

Here’s how to access it:

The Prompt Index shares a lot of…AI prompts.

Vidiofy turns your articles into video “reels.”

LingoTeach is an AI-powered teacher tool especially for language teachers. I’m adding it to NOT NECESSARILY THE “BEST,” BUT A LIST OF AI TEACHER PREP SITES.

Alayna is another AI-powered teacher assistant.

As is Planning Period.

How to Build Your Own GPT: An A.I. Tool Trained By You is by AJ Juliani

Pitch is an AI-powered presentation tool.

MyAskAI is sort of an “all-in-one” AI tool.

If you go to this next video’s YouTube site, you’ll find links to all the places he mentions:

Chatty Tutor looks like it could have potential to help English Language Learners develop English skills.

RockettAI is yet another AI teacher assistant.  I’m adding it to NOT NECESSARILY THE “BEST,” BUT A LIST OF AI TEACHER PREP SITES.

I’ve previously posted about Facebook’s AI site that lets you upload a drawing, and it then animates it for you. They appear to have updated that site.

AI Magicx looks like an “all-in-one” AI tool.

The popular Loom video creation tool has added AI abilities.

Earn Better is yet another AI-powered resume tool.  I’m adding it to The Best Places For Students To Write Their Resumes.

MyMap.AI will show you AI-powered results of an inquiry in the form of a mind map.  The results are in very small print.  You can enlarge them in your user-created version, but I didn’t see that option in the version that you can share.  Because of that shortcoming, I’m not adding it to Not “The Best,” But “A List” Of Mindmapping, Flow Chart Tools, & Graphic Organizers.

AI Splash has AI-created stock photos.  I’m adding it to The Best Online Sources For Images.

Vicki Davis has a good post explaining how you can use ChatGPT to create your own chatbot.  However, since you can’t access any these kinds of chatbots if you don’t subscribe to the ChatGPT premium version, I don’t believe they will be very useful to educators.

Instagraph is a so-so AI-powered mindmapping tool.

Learniverse will create a course for you to learn just about anything.

Leonardo is an AI-powered text-to-image tool that also lets you draw something which it turns into a photograph.  I’m adding it to THE BEST RESOURCES FOR TEACHING & LEARNING WITH AI ART GENERATION TOOLS.

DeepSeek is another ChatGPT/Bard AI-powered chatbot.

Harness AI Tools to Make Engaging Quizzes is from TechNotes.

As you likely know by now, Google changed the name of its Bard AI chatbot to Gemini.

Spellar is an AI-driven tool designed to help you become a better speaker.

Though I still think Padlet is the best way to go for text-to-image creation, you can learn more options at FIVE AI ART CREATOR TOOLS from TechNotes. I’m adding it to THE BEST RESOURCES FOR TEACHING & LEARNING WITH AI ART GENERATION TOOLS.

Of course, awhile back Meta also announced their own free text-to-image tool but, since you have to log-in to Facebook in order to use it, it will be fairly useless to school classes because of district content filters.

Animaker has announced that they are adding AI to their video-creation tool, but I can’t quite figure out how to access it, nor can I figure out what is free and what you have to pay for….

I think Depth Tale is a game-creation site.


EdTech Cool Tool – NotebookLM is from Control Alt Achieve.


Using Character Chatbots in English Class is from Edutopia. I’m adding it to THE “BEST” IDEAS FOR USING CHATGPT, BARD, & OTHER FORMS OF AI WITH STUDENTS. is a free tool to help teachers with grading.  I’m adding it to NOT NECESSARILY THE “BEST,” BUT A LIST OF AI TEACHER PREP SITES.

Open Dream is another text-to-image AI-powered tool.  I’m adding it to THE BEST RESOURCES FOR TEACHING & LEARNING WITH AI ART GENERATION TOOLS.

Remini is yet another AI-powered photo-editor.

“Little Professor™ allows you to create tests using ChatGPT and store them using your OneDrive account. You can create Classes by adding students to a Class and then distribute a test to a class. Once the tests have been completed they can be graded and you can review the results for each student.”

Quiz Rise is yet another AI tool for creating…quizzes.

Create AI-generated images with FreePik.

This is interesting. I’m adding it to The Best Sites For Learning About Human Evolution:

GreetsApp uses AI to create free online greeting cards.

Ringle Dingle does the same, but their “cards” also provide personalized songs.

Xmind is an AI-powered mindmapping tool. I’m adding it to Not “The Best,” But “A List” Of Mindmapping, Flow Chart Tools, & Graphic Organizers.

Painless English is a Chrome extension that uses YouTube to teach you English.

EdTech Cool Tool – Sorcerer is from Eric Curts. lets you create a song.

More AI Tools for Kids Under 13 is by Al Gonzalez.

There’s An Ai For That is a pretty big list of AI tools. I’m adding it to THE BEST COLLECTIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TOOLS.

Talk To Me could be helpful in language learning. is another site for creating text-to-images. I’m adding it to THE BEST RESOURCES FOR TEACHING & LEARNING WITH AI ART GENERATION TOOLS.

Revision History is an extension that is not AI-powered, but like Draftback, it lets you see the previous revisions done by the writer. It could be one limited way to check for student AI usage.

EdTech Cool Tools – Honorable Mentions is from Eric Curts.

Krea looks like a potentially interesting text-to-image tool.

Rec Cloud will create video subtitles in various languages for free.


KidsThinkWide has a lot of AI-created images, along with accompanying writing prompts. They might be worth a look, but aren’t worth on putting any “Best” lists.

Put a prompt here, and it will display answers from ChatGPT and Bard side-by-side.

Rosebud lets you create games.

Piggy Quizmaker lets you create…quizzes.

4 Time-Saving AI Tools for Teachers is from Edutopia. I’m adding it to NOT NECESSARILY THE “BEST,” BUT A LIST OF AI TEACHER PREP SITES.

Chatbots to the Rescue: 8 Time-Saving Ideas for Busy ESL Teachers is from Blog de Cristina. I’m adding it to THE “BEST” TOOLS FOR TEACHERS TO CREATE THEIR OWN AI CHATBOTS and to THE BEST POSTS ABOUT USING ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE WITH ELLS.

Dezgo is yet another text-to-image generator.

And Lexica is another one.

Alayna and Owler are two more AI-teacher prep sites (Owler is more for help with grading). I’m adding them to NOT NECESSARILY THE “BEST,” BUT A LIST OF AI TEACHER PREP SITES.

Moemate has lots of AI chatbots, including ones for learning a new language.

BitLife has a lof AI chatbots.  I especially like its Historical Role Playing Game bot. Basically, tell it any historical event and it will create a “choose your own adventure” game to play in order to learn about it. I’m adding it to The Best Places To Read & Write “Choose Your Own Adventure” Stories.

Piggy will let you create a video story about anything, like this (all I did was ask it to create a story about teaching ELLs):

Grow with Google launches a new generative AI course for educators in collaboration with MIT RAISE is from Google.

AI editing tools are coming to all Google Photos users is also from Google.

8 Ed Tech Tools to Try in 2024 is from Cult of Pedagogy.

Little Story lets you create…stories for children. I’m adding it to THE BEST ONLINE TOOLS USING ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE FOR CREATING STORIES FOR CHILDREN.

Suno uses AI to create music.

Stylar is yet another AI-powered photo editing tool.

Common Sense has a series of AI literacy lessons for students. I’m adding it to A BEGINNING LIST OF THE BEST RESOURCES FOR TEACHING ABOUT ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE.

Seamless supposedly will provide a list (free of hallucinations) of academic papers, with summaries, around any topic.  I’m adding it to The Best Tools For Academic Research.

Tool Explorer collects lots of AI…tools.  I’m adding it to THE BEST COLLECTIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TOOLS.

Mock Interviewer provides interviewing practices, and has some free options.