It appears to “open season” on Supreme Court precedents.

The governor of Texas has announced his plan to challenge the landmark Plyler v. Doe ruling that requires schools to educated undocumented children.

I’ll be publishing an extensive piece in Ed Week over the weekend explaining how the leaked abortion opinion could impact this challenge.

You can read more about the Governor’s plans at the NY Times piece, Texas Governor Ready to Challenge Schooling of Migrant Children.

Also, see the Houston Chronicle article, Gov. Greg Abbott wants to challenge SCOTUS case requiring states to educate all children.

What you should know about Plyler, the case protecting undocumented students’ education rights is from Chalkbeat.

To learn more about Plyler v. Doe, check out No, Secretary DeVos, Schools Cannot Choose To Call ICE On Students – Here Are The Best Rebuttals To Her False Claim.

That “Best” list explains the case, which then Education Secretary DeVos did not understand when she said that schools could report undocumented families to law enforcement.