Coffee Break: Online rights; Apple's chip
Coffee Break: Hulu weighs premium pricing; Nexus One update

Facebook is booming with Boomers

By Jon Swartz, USA TODAY

Some might call it the graying of Facebook, others its maturation. By any measure, it reflects the growing popularity of the world's biggest social-networking site.

Last year, social media boomed for Baby Boomers: 47% of them actively maintained a profile, compared with 32% in 2008, according to eMarketer.

Boomers inexorably drifted to Facebook. Nearly three-quarters had a Facebook account. Only 13% used Twitter.

Make no mistake, however:  the digitally connected tend to skew young. They are imbued with social media, as exemplified by use among millennials (77%) and Generation Xers (61%).

By Jon Swartz

Coffee Break: Online rights; Apple's chip
Coffee Break: Hulu weighs premium pricing; Nexus One update
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