Junk Science Strikes Again: New Study Proves That If You’re Unvaccinated, You’re More Likely to Wreck Your Car!


Superstition and mass hysteria are recurring features of the human condition. People used to believe that their neighbor’s wife had become a witch and was flying around doing mischief in the night. Now they believe that if you don’t subject yourself to a risky and dangerous vaccine, you’re more likely to get in a car crash. How does the vaccine immunize you against automobile accidents? Hey, trust the science!

This arrant nonsense was actually published this month in the American Journal of Medicine, proving yet again that academic study in the United States has become irremediably politicized and open to cultural and intellectual fads. Honest investigation of a controverted issue, leading to the acknowledgment of unwelcome truths, is vanishingly rare. According to Fortune magazine, this study claims to prove that “if you passed on getting the COVID vaccine, you might be a lot more likely to get into a car crash.”

The study asserts that “unvaccinated people were 72% more likely to be involved in a severe traffic crash—in which at least one person was transported to the hospital—than those who were vaccinated. That’s similar to the increased risk of car crashes for people with sleep apnea, though only about half that of people who abuse alcohol.”

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Does the vaccine somehow improve your eyesight and coordination, so that you can more easily get out of scrapes while driving? Oh, nothing like that. Unvaccinated people are more likely to wreck their cars because they’re the sort of people who don’t obey the rules. The study speculates that people who are so headstrong and stubborn as to resist getting a vaccine that is causing young people in perfect health suddenly to drop dead might also “neglect basic road safety guidelines.”

Now who in his right mind would get behind the wheel and neglect basic safety guidelines? Why, those incorrigible lovers of freedom, of course: “Why would they ignore the rules of the road? Distrust of the government, a belief in freedom, misconceptions of daily risks, ‘faith in natural protection,’ ‘antipathy toward regulation,’ poverty, misinformation, a lack of resources, and personal beliefs are potential reasons proposed by the authors.” So actually the study is all about why you should be a good conformist and do whatever the government tells you to do, no matter what the obvious risks may be.

Reeducation and financial coercion are therefore in the offing. The findings, says Fortune, “are significant enough that primary care doctors should consider counseling unvaccinated patients on traffic safety—and insurance companies might base changes to insurance policies on vaccination data, the authors suggest.” It’s a public health matter, you redneck rubes: “First responders may also consider taking precautions to protect themselves from COVID when responding to traffic crashes, the authors added, as it’s more likely that a driver is unvaccinated than vaccinated.” The study actually says: “The findings suggest that unvaccinated adults need to be careful indoors with other people and outside with surrounding traffic.”

This ridiculous and superstitious propaganda is frankly fascist in its warning against “a belief in freedom,” and it’s all designed to sell a shoddy and dangerous product to the weak and gullible. Epoch Times recently released a video entitled “Over 5,000 Cases of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS): Doctors Trying to Determine Why Young People Suddenly Dying.” It features Dr. Michael Ackerman, “a Mayo Clinic genetic cardiologist and the president of the Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome (SADS) Foundation,” who explains “how COVID and the vaccine affect heart conditions in people under 35.”

Epoch Times also reported on Dec. 8 that “A major new autopsy report has found that three people who died unexpectedly at home with no pre-existing disease shortly after COVID vaccination were likely killed by the vaccine. A further two deaths were found to be possibly due to the vaccine.” Meanwhile, in Germany, “newly released insurance data for 72 million people shows that unexpected deaths have been skyrocketing since the end of 2020. The number of sudden deaths has more than doubled since late 2020, jumping from about 6,000 per quarter to 14,000 currently.” And “officials in Australia are raising the alarm as the country’s excess deaths have soared to an ‘incredibly high’ rate.”

A genuine study has found that “based on passive surveillance reporting in the US, the risk of myocarditis after receiving mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines was increased across multiple age and sex strata and was highest after the second vaccination dose in adolescent males and young men.”

Why do the researchers and academics who wrote and published the unvaccinated/car crash study, and Fortune magazine that popularized it, want people to take this dangerous drug? That remains a mystery, although there is likely a profit motive involved along the way. In any case, this study illustrates yet again that some people will believe anything. P. T. Barnum famously said, “There’s a sucker born every minute.” Even he likely never expected that the august American Journal of Medicine would take his words to heart.

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1 year ago

As everyone on the Geller Report knows the complete opposite is true. This is a complete crock of shite, and just another way to get illiterate people to take a shot of poison or the indoctrinated progressive, liberal, commie, demos, another way to force the Fraken shot upon the people, and or blame the unvaccinated for damage in car accidents. Could this lead to the Insurance companies denying Car Insurance to the Unvaccinated trying to limit their travel to start another lock down? This is just another way to attack our Constitutional Rights.

1 year ago

I just looked up the song “I CAN’T DRIVE 55” on lyrics.com and found: “Lyrics currently unavailable… “

1 year ago
Reply to  forgosis

I don’t remember the song being labeled as a “threat to our democracy” nor its singer as a “domestic terrorist.” Indeed, “in 2021, Sammy Hagar performed this song live at the NASCAR All-Star Race at Texas Motor Speedway during the warmup lap before the race began.” -Wikipedia

1 year ago
Reply to  forgosis

Democratic party, ruled by “superdelegates” is direct opposite of “democracy”.

1 year ago
Reply to  forgosis

I just found it on you tube.

1 year ago

It has nothing to do with science
Trudeau is slowly implementing the Commuhist Chinese Social Credit system in Canada.
Car and home ownership are in the crosshairs of the WEF World Nazis of which Trudeau and Freedland ( real spawn of real nazis she’s proud of) are the most loyal followers of.

Get ready for higher insurance premiums for drivers and mortgage holders refusing state mandates before the total ban on their owning any assets comes in if Trudeau gets another term as dictator of Chinada

1 year ago
Reply to  Armaros

“The Science”. Did Fraudci get a job in the Canadian government after he retired here ???

1 year ago
Reply to  Armaros

But Trudeau also offers the way out: assisted suicide.

1 year ago
Reply to  Armaros

I heard something here in my area of Canada there was talk of not insuring or cancelling the unvaccinated car insurance policies. Last year Trudeau wanted to charge a four thousand dollar tax on anyone driving a van or F-150 configuration type vehicle. That hasn’t materialized as yet. But if you are unvaccinated it could happen in the future. This madness needs to be Stopped. And it will take the action of people to do it. I think we know that protests, no matter how intense, will not accomplish anything.

1 year ago
Reply to  Hardrock

Yet Western Canadians are too stupid to vote Separatist. Westerners are gonna get what the Eastern Leftwing Pukes vote for because they haven’t got the guts to say bye-bye to Soviet Canuckistan.

Staff Sgt Chaos
Staff Sgt Chaos
1 year ago

Um yea and the ‘Car Accident’ would be caused by them because you refused to take the shot!!!!!They probably already have their EVIL, CORRUPTED, Kill you plan standing by if you say no to this or that, than they take our Power, Money and Control or Kill us and keep it all for themselves and abuse it which all stems back to help destroying our Country, Elections, Religion, Races for more of other People’s Power, Money and their Control………if we don’t stop them than we will be living the MOVIES literally!!!!!!! Red Dawn, Captain – America Winter Soldier, Books like Ted Dekar – Black: The Birth of Evil, The Hungry Games(The Control Part).

Bottom line, NO ONE should be allowed to force, manipulate, coerce, threaten, bribe, seduce, trick, lie or anything else to get you to take anything……..especially ANY COVID shot, especially!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If they do force you in anyway than there is our JUSTIFICATION on kicking your ASS whether in WAR, the Street or Armageddon which would be us Christians destroying all you evil, corrupt, blinded UNBELIEVERS!

Go take your Science and SHOVE IT!!!!!!!!

1 year ago

It could be because if you’re unvaxed and unmasked you’re just stupider–more likely to be negligent low life. I wonder how long before Pam starts shilling for Putin.

edward kennedy
edward kennedy
1 year ago
Reply to  Nabi

A fake jab masquerading as a vaccine is developed in a year while REAL vaccines always took seven to eight years to develop, test, and perfect. The experimental jab is still not proven except to have serious side effects including death. In addition its efficacy rate is so low that multiple jabs are required per year. Anyone noting this and the continuing number of experts who are warning of its dangers but still participating in the sheeple herd getting the jab prove one solid fact.

You have to be a special kind of stupid to continue allowing a dangerous experimental jab access to your pitiful carcass.

1 year ago
Reply to  Nabi

Did you get your booster yet, SFB? Double jabbed? You MORON! You are now a transhuman, hom0-borg-geneus, and will have NO rights as the property of which every pharma company jab you got! Not to mention the nano crap growing in your body as we speak. You do know about the white fiber clots being pulled out of the dead, right?
Better get a D-Dimer test before you open your SFB mouth again! Poor brainwashed baby…we’ll pray for you! (At least you won’t be able to breed.) Look it up, weep and gnash your teeth, for your stupidity to trust the commie government and the WEF! Sorry for your loss, (not really)!

1 year ago
Reply to  Kay

DAMN RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 year ago
Reply to  Nabi

My how hateful you are!
What happened to inclusiveness?

FYI – explain to me how it is that a virus that has a diameter of 0.1 microns and cross-sectional area of 0.007854 sq. microns could possibly be stopped by a mask with holes ranging from 40 to 100 microns and having holes (using 50 microns as base) with a cross-sectional area of 1963.4 sq. microns.

Then explain to me why the Weasel Fauci stated that “masks do nothing to stop the virus, they are just to make people feel better”. Fauci also stated that the “vaccine” would prevent the virus – then stated it would not. Fauci also stated that the “vaccine” would prevent the spread of the virus – then stated it would not.

If you are capable, do the math yourself.

You, and all the other “good little sheep” are being led to the slaughter, willingly.
You are being just like the “good little German soldiers” leading others to the ovens.

Ignorance is simply “not knowing” …… willful ignorance is “STUPIDITY”.

1 year ago
Reply to  Nabi

So keep getting your clot shots brain-washed Sheeple Peasant until you finally keel over and die.

1 year ago

I think I would much rather be alive and maybe get into a car accident than to get the clot-shot and die suddenly…

1 year ago
Reply to  ed

Or get a physical condition you never had before the Franken Shot.

Moe Wigsoe
Moe Wigsoe
1 year ago

They don’t REALLY believe that at all. They believe you are stupid enough to believe it and get the clot shot.

1 year ago

Who doesn’t know someone who has been vacced & boosted and still got the covid?!?! A lot of diseases have been eradicated by vaccines. These shots are no vaccines!!!

1 year ago

The American Medical Association was founded and funded by Rockefeller. And in true deep state form they are once again LYING to the American Public, trying to get ahead of the actual reports of MORE car accidents being caused by the poor idiots that took that shot, when they faint, (or die), while driving! So that just tells me that Big Pharma KNEW these shots were killers. Time for the ropes! Just saying….

1 year ago

HAHAHAHAHAHAhahahihihihi.. ohohhhoooooo yahoosyayayhahahohoihihi



1 year ago

As a scientist ….. I would really like to see their “sample data”.

Halal Bacon
Halal Bacon
1 year ago

garbage in = garbage out

1 year ago

“…Distrust of the government…” we are reminded of course of the soviet diagnosis of “slow schizophrenia,” a symptom of which was disagreement with the regime.

1 year ago

If you were ignorant enough to get the shots and boosters, you are probably locked in your house afraid to cone out. You cannot get into an accident if you never leave your house.

1 year ago

This belongs in the +Journal of Irreproducible Results”. According to the editor (George H. Scherr Ph.D.), …a forum for the humorous, satirical, and critique writings concerning those in whom the hallmark of achievement has resulted in jargon, pomposity, verbosity and obfuscation to befuddle the uninitiated and preserve the mystique that often clothes the culprit or the ignorant.

1 year ago

Does taking an oath mean anything anymore? Politicians, judges, generals, priests, doctors, etc… all take oaths in one form or another. Society, in general, is immoral and corrupt. Never give up your right to protect yourself and your loved ones.

1 year ago

Assuming the stats are correct, and that is a big assumption, the disparity can be explained by any number of factors other than being unvaccinated. perhaps, unvaccinated people rive longer ditances, or they have a higher ownership of personal transportation? I’m sure here are other factors which the authors have conveniently left out of their analysis. Statistics can be easily manipulated.

1 year ago

There is an easy and obvious answer. The largest adult demographic that did not get the vaccine were young people. Young people have to pay more for car insurance BECAUSE THEY ARE BAD DRIVERS.
Duh. Smdh.

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