California Senate Democrats Reject Bill to Make Purchasing Children for Sex a Felony


Democrats are a threat to humanity.

Democrats rejected Bill authored by Sen. Shannon Grove to make the buying of children for sex a prison felony, and hijacked her bill forcing hostile amendments by denying Grove’s efforts to protect 16 and 17-year-old children from being purchased as part of commercial sex trafficking.

Under the amended bill now solicitation of 16 and 17 year-olds will remain a misdemeanor, punishable by as little as 2 days in jail or up to a $10,000 fine.

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Grove’s bill would make solicitation, attempting to engage or engaging in sex with a minor for money a felony with a prison sentence ranging from 2 to 4 years, a fine not exceeding $25,000, and registration as a sex offender. The bill would punish all those who solicit from a child, regardless of whether or not the person knew or reasonably should have known that the person solicited was a minor.

Bill to make purchasing children for sex a felony in California …..

By Jonathan Ayestas and Ashley Zavala,
KSBW Monterey-Salinas, April 2024:
A key California Senate committee on Tuesday moved forward with a proposal to make purchasing a child for sex a felony in the state, but it was not necessarily a smooth process for the bill’s author.

Because of that, it raises new questions about the future of the proposal.

Democratic committee members forced Republican author State Sen. Shannon Grove to make changes to Senate Bill 1414 to only allow the felony classification for the purchase of minors under the age of 16. The Senate Public Safety Committee passed the bill 4-0 on the condition of those changes.

SB 1414 would classify the crime as a felony, carrying a maximum penalty of up to four years in prison and a $25,000 fine. Currently, purchasing or soliciting a child for sex is a misdemeanor with a maximum penalty of up to a year in jail, or a minimum of two days in jail, along with a $10,000 fine.

Democrats on the dais, against Grove’s will, held a vote on the changes before voting to move the amended proposal forward. The vote was moved by State Sen. Nancy Skinner, D-Berkeley. Skinner, Sen. Scott Wiener and committee chairwoman Aisha Wahab voted to move forward with the amendments as Grove watched in disbelief.

Her voice shaking, Grove said she is on the record declining those amendments.

To force these amendments on me in front of survivors, to water this down to avoid 16 and 17-year-olds,” Grove said.

Grove originally said she would not accept the amendment to apply to only children ages 15 and under. She also originally said she would only accept two amendments: removing strict liability language that was in the proposal and removing the requirement for sex registration for first-time offenders.

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16 days ago

Slavery was tne norm in the kingdoms people fled across the Atlantic to escape. The Democrat party went to war for the right to own people. They use the symbol of a donkey, an animal born owned as a slave to cayy the owner’s load. It’s as if the Democrat party is the US politcal power of the old royal families across the pond. I don’t think they started loving us after we were born as a nation, and I don’t think the Democrat party started loving us when they were forced to lay down their arms when they lost the Civil War. The Democrat party is Satanic, just like their parents across the pond.

From a Remote Location
From a Remote Location
16 days ago

It is also a measure of just how deep and pervasive and insidious LGBTQ control over the state of California truly is, and how much it has become a haven for pedophiles, child sex traffickers, child pornographers, etc. It is just as bad as, if not worse than, Islamists and anti-Semites controlling all of once-“Great” Britain as Suella Braverman had laid out.

LGBTQ politicians are frankly as much a threat to humanity as Islamist politicians like Ilhan Omar or Rashida Tlaib who are all about advancing the jihad terror agenda.

Eric Arthur Blair
Eric Arthur Blair
16 days ago

The Marquis de Sade observed that without God, anything is possible. The DemoNazi Party is a godless Party that has abandoned all morality and ethics.

They are godless heathen in free fall and dragging us all down into the bowels of a living hell.

16 days ago

Satanists and Jihadists: PURE EVIL.

15 days ago

Muslims, Communists, and LGBTQS+ all support sex with the underaged
I guess the penalty for trafficking a 15 year old virgin is community service at the local high school

15 days ago

More proof that the libturd perverted morons in calimexistan are all efing criminals!!!!! Nothing but idiot oxygen thieving POS parasites!!!!

15 days ago

Dinesh D’Souza revealed that one of the largest slave owners in the South, South Carolina, in that case, was William Ellison. He was Black and supported the Confederacy and did something most slave owners, who were white did not do. He was a slave breeder. How may of the Hollywierd crowd are involved in sex trafficking. I’ll be Schwarzenegger is one of them. Son of a Nazi, who could care less.

15 days ago

If the California democRATS did not reject the bill, they knew that they would all themselves be arrested and charged with the felony crimes.

Stephen Honig
Stephen Honig
15 days ago

I question it. Rape is one thing, but if a 16, 17 year old agrees to sex, which most are having now. It’s truly debatable.

Indigo Red
Indigo Red
15 days ago

California Democrats want to make the state prison-free. They have downgraded many crimes to misdemeanors, leading to a decrease in the inmate population. Prisons are being shut down to handle the growing misdemeanor crime rate.

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