Governor Youngkin Pardons Father Who was Arrested for Protesting School Board for Covering Up Sexual Assault of His Daughter at School


Arrested for protesting the rape of your daughter. The left is pedophilic. The left is sexually violent. The left is misogynist. The left is depraved. And they are running the country.

Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R-VA.) pardoned the Loudoun County father who protested against the sexual assault of his daughter and her school’s attempt to cover up the incident. On Sunday, Youngkin said he righted a wrong after the father, Scott Smith, was convicted of disorderly conduct in August 2021 after he erupted at a school board meeting after its members mishandled the investigation into his daughter’s attack (Townhall).

New York Post:

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Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin announced Sunday he pardoned a dad who angrily protested a Loudoun County school’s handling of his daughter’s sexual assault.

Scott Smith, a plumber who erupted at a rowdy school board meeting on June 22, 2021 — reportedly unleashing a storm of profanities — was arrested and subsequently convicted of disorderly conduct.

“I spoke with Mr. Smith on Friday, and I had the privilege of telling Mr. Smith that I will pardon him, and we did that on Friday,” Youngkin told “Fox News Sunday.”

“We righted a wrong. He should’ve never been prosecuted here. This was a dad standing up for his daughter.”

Smith alleged his then-ninth grade daughter was sexually assaulted by a biological boy donning a skirt in a Stone Bridge High School bathroom — and that the school informed him it was conducting an in-house investigation of the attack.

Governor Glenn Youngkin: I’m pleased to grant Scott Smith a pardon. He is a dedicated Loudoun County father who was wrongfully prosecuted and convicted for standing up for his daughter at a 2021 Loudoun County School Board meeting after she was sexually assaulted at school (Twitter).

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From a Remote Location
From a Remote Location
8 months ago

It was obvious the Lowdown County (spelling deliberate) school district was operating in accordance with Greenwich Village/San Francisco/Fire Island/Key West “values” in charging that father as they did. Again, that county, especially as far as the schools are concerned, is our Kirklees, our Savile Town, our Batley, all of which areas’ Islamization was chronicled by Anne Marie Waters – and all of which turn a blind eye to the sexual abuse to women and children by Muslim “migrants”[sic].

H Defoe
H Defoe
8 months ago

You turn every post into one about Muslims, you are so frightened of them, You do not know anything about Kirklees either, not even knowing that Batley is in Kirklees.

8 months ago
Reply to  H Defoe

Either your a m***** too, or you REALLY need to get educated on their so called “holy book”, and the over 100+ verses to kill anyone and everyone, that isn’t one of them (which is everyone else), or the muslims that left that evil “religion”, or I could go on and on…but it might be falling on deaf ears…

Anyone who I see posting about those “people”, has a reason too, and it’s mostly always about warning the “sheeple”, or the ones who walk around deaf, dumb, and blind, and they are just trying to bang on the inside of their skulls, to wake them up, to this “so much in common with satan” ideology. Really, you say? Yeah, for rizzle!

We know for a fact, that satan (the god of this world, it is said), HATES with a passion, ANYTHING that has to do with the God of heaven. Can I get a “DUH!”

What are two of those things? Glad you asked…Christians, and Israel.

Now who is the major population of physical “people” in this world, that hates those two exact things, that Satan hates? muslims perhaps? Shall I educate you more with the verses, in their “book”, saying that “they” hate the same things satan hates (what a co-ink-e-dink, oh wait, satan wrote their “book” for them!)
Or maybe I just woke you up, to something you never thought about before, and you’ll have to get back to me, after you’ve contemplated these FACTS?

If you’d like to learn more, let me wake you to…why hundreds of thousands of them, just got up one day, and decided to leave brothers sisters, uncles, aunts, cousins, etc etc, and go thousands of miles, to get inside the borders of countrie (28 of them, last count), that they had nothing in common with, in food, clothing, religion, and even hated all the people in those borders, to do what? Get free stuff? Hardly.

You probably heard about the “mark” that satan (as a human at this time, not the spirit he is now), will force everyone in the world to get, after he manages to convince a great proportion of, that he is THE “god”?

Once practically the whole world is “marked” as now belonging to satan’s, what happens to the rest of the population of the world, that refuses his mark?

And who’s going to be in charge of doing, what satan will want done to them….you know…all the Christians, Jews, and anymore of the dedicated to God only crowd, because he wants them all, wiped clean from our planet (It’s told in just one little verse in Revelation! Can you guess?)
So you can see now, perhaps, why so many dropped into ALL of those MANY NON-muslim countries, where every one of those “leaders”, just had no problem in allowing to come in, and wait on their father, the “boss”. Time is short now!

From a Remote Location
From a Remote Location
8 months ago
Reply to  joanofark06

“Christians, and Israel.” It ain’t just Muslims who hate both. So do the political LGBTQ’s. Anyone remember “Queers for Palestine”? (And this is in spite of Muslims’ own track record with LGBTQ’s.)

8 months ago

If the boy in a skirt did that to my daughter. I would feel very sorry for him.

7 months ago

Nothing will be done to the a$$hats who covered it up…I repeat… nothing.

Geller Report
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