Why I Don’t Have a Five-Year Plan

I’ve always been amazed, and a bit perplexed, by people who have five- or ten-year plans.

That’s not to say that I don’t have north star objectives: things centered around my values, hopes for my family and loved ones, and a broad set of professional aspirations.

But questions that get down to the next level of detail don’t work for me.

This is because I know what I don’t know about my future possibility set: the things that I can imagine today are a function of who and where I am today, and, if I keep making progress, my today view of what’s possible will be out of date in a year or two years’ time.

My mindset is fueled by the work of Stephen Johnson and the idea of “adjacent possible,” which is the core mental model for creating an innovative culture.  The idea is that the possibility set — for everything from evolution to new ideas — is a function of the frontier of current available biology / best thinking. The things that are adjacent to that frontier are the ideas that are possible today; and as that frontier moves, new ideas are possible tomorrow.

Take the work of 60 Decibels: we have a set of capabilities, positioning in a number of markets, and big plans for what the future holds. But the future paths, while all fitting under a clear strategic umbrella, are many. If I knew for sure which one would be the one we’ll be walking, then I’d be a soothsayer.

Imagine, then, the paths we could take, all representing big possibilities, and then roll the tape forward two years: one or two of those paths is going to be successful, success will breed investment into new capabilities, which will create more success and more opportunities.

Something that looks like this (and yes, more than one branch from today could survive until tomorrow, that’s just harder to draw):

As I imagine that extending out for two or three years, it’s not a useful exercise to imagine the perfect mix of products, or markets, or offerings that we “ideally” will have—exactly because we are faced with so much opportunity.

I can see the big, long term goals, and I can make the best strategic choices with the information I have today. I can integrate that new information quickly, adapt and adjust. But I cannot see further than the distance my headlights shine.

Strong ideas, loosely held.

What to Do When Your Commitment Wavers

Henry Ford famously quipped that, if he had asked them, people would have said what they wanted was a faster horse.

It’s easy to see how this insight applies to new products.

It is more profound to note that it also applies to social change.

Social change is the act of building a car that nearly everyone cannot see.

Worse, they have a vested interest in a faster horse—after all, change involves loss.

For the instigator of that change, the person at the center of that storm, believing in that vision for years is no small feat.

Day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year…fighting for a vision that few can see, when change comes slowly, and feedback loops are imperfect.

(Because, unlike with a product, we don’t even have a traditional market sending back reliable signals).

It is human to doubt your own vision from time to time.

Indeed, when we are building things that might take a generation to come to pass, it’s a miracle we don’t doubt our vision every day.

Don’t be too hard on yourself if there are days when your confidence flags.

Days when you think, “the doubters may be right after all.”

Days when you wonder if people ever really will want that car that you’re so painstakingly building—aren’t they awfully happy with their horses?

I’ve found two things to help me on these sorts of days:

First, I turn to my own tribe of true believers: folks who remind me of what’s possible, why it matters so much, and how far we’ve come. Whether it’s the way they smile, their infectious enthusiasm, or the hard road they’ve walked, we all have people who can shine a light on us and help us remember the things we might have temporarily forgotten.

Second, I return to the clearest, simplest version of that change I’m trying to create, a story so powerful that has a logic of its own, is trivial to remember, and is easy for others to share.

Our story at 60 Decibels is that it’s crazy to think that you can create meaningful, lasting social change if you never listen to the people involved in that change.

What’s yours?

Supporting Your Team

So often we are confused by what it means to lead a team.

We think it is about fiery big speeches, painting a picture of the future, rallying the troops to scale that next mountain.

And yes, there are those days and those moments.

We all need to be reminded of our “why” and see ourselves in the great deeds of others, so we can push to new places.

But most days, what matters more is deeply paying attention to people, and turning that attention into actions that further their success.

Noticing what they said, and what they didn’t say, to learn what they need.

Being available for a task that might seem small but that we know is significant.

Anticipating an issue they may not have seen coming, and helping them head it off at the pass.

Continuing to think about them after they’re out of the room, and, later, saying things like, “You know that hard thing we talked about? Can I help you with it?”

Lending a hand to take their 75% chance of success and turn it to 100%—even and especially if doing so doesn’t make “sense” according to your and their job description.

People feel supported when they feel noticed, when they see you devote time and energy to their success when you’re apart, and when you take actions that make them shine.

Talk, in the end, is cheap…and actions, well, there’s a reason they speak so loudly.

On Interviewing Well: Owning Your Agenda

We are at our most effective when we have a clear sense of purpose.

Heading into a job interview, that sense of purpose is captured in three sentences:

This is what I want them to know about me.

This is the work I’ve done that will convey why I’ll be a great member of their team.

This is what I want to learn about them.

It’s easy to get unmoored in interviews: it’s an artificial situation and we can revert to the person we were years or decades ago—when we had our first interviews—instead of the more intentional, confident person we are today.

The most important thing to remember is: the dutiful question-answerer is not the person who gets the job.

The person who gets the job is someone who comes in with executive presence that is communicated through a clear sense of purpose. That purpose is manifested by conveying a clear body of work that shows why you’re the right person for this job.

This is a delicate rebalance of the power dynamic that typically prevails.

As you walk into the room, the interviewer has all the power: you’re one of hundreds of candidates aiming to “win the bake-off.”

But if you enter with strong presence and clear intent, and you focus on communicating your relevant body of work, that balance starts to shift towards one in which two people are having a conversation to discover if working together will meet both of your goals.

Of course, you’re walking a fine line here. While you want to come in with a clear purpose, you can also push too far. If you communicate that all that’s going on for you is evaluating them, you’ll probably come across as arrogant and get passed over.

But clarity about why you are here and fidelity to those goals will infuse all your responses with additional crispness. You will convey the points you need to get across even in the face of a barrage of surprising questions. And you’ll be more likely to stay grounded throughout this grueling process.

In summary:

Their agenda is: to assess me and find the best candidate for the job.

My agenda is: to clearly convey who I am, why I’m here, and what I bring to the table; to understand who they are and whether they’re the right place for me.

Attitude matters as much as what you say in any job interview.


Other posts in this Series:

On Interviewing Well: Introduction

On Interviewing Well: Convey Deep Self-Knowledge (3-3-2)

Use AI to do Just One Job

Are you curious about AI but still a bit skeptical?  Then this post is for you.

First, a test: Have you found at least one important task that you can now do better or faster thanks to AI?

Yes! Hooray.

No? Keep reading.

To put the “no” into context, you are, in effect, making an active choice not to use a major productivity enhancer. It’s like insisting to do your calculations by hand instead of Excel, or writing by hand instead of using Word or Google docs.

If that choice is essential to your creative process, then I encourage you to stick with it.

But there is definitely somewhere that you should be using AI.

If you’re not using AI, you may have read about it or tried ChatGPT, but it’s not part of your daily workflow.

The road from here to there is short, just follow these steps:

  1. Pick a task that you do often, that you understand well, and for which you are a good judge of what good quality looks like.
  2. Log in to one of the new AI models. I would suggest you pick ChatGPT-4 (free) or Claude 3 Opus (I pay $20/month for this).
  3. Play around for 1-2 hours, working to get the AI to help you do your chosen task.

A mindset shift around AI might help, and what helped me the most was this How Should I Be Using AI Right Now podcast by Ezra Klein.

My takeaways from the podcast were:

  • Anthropomorphize the AI. Think of it like a person you’re working with, not like a computer. More specifically, think of the AI like an intern who’s a couple of years out of college who is very capable but who needs (and is open to) a lot of feedback.
  • Tell the AI who it is / who you want it to be. Meaning, give it a personality. Tell it to be Steve Jobs, or tell it the characteristics of your college advisor or best friend or editor. When you tell the AI what personality to have, it responds with the right tone and syntax and, more surprisingly, you are changing the quality of the responses.
  • Give the AI examples of what ‘good’ looks like. Share examples of the work product that meets the standard you want the AI to hit. Better yet, share 10 of those. I find copy/pasting text the easiest way to do this. Explain what each example is and how representative it is of the generalized output you’d like to see. The more you can share, the better.
  • Give the AI tons of feedback on its output. This is where the “helpful intern” mindset helps. The AI needs to be told what to do, so tell it! Here are some examples from when I was playing with teaching the AI to write a good follow-up email from a sales call. (aside: the AI is reading what I write to decide how it will write. So I’m intentional about writing like I write.)
    • “It’s pretty good. The opening is a bit generic and I’m always trying to avoid more general statements, so please tone that down a bit and stick to specifics.”
    • “You’re getting there. Let’s leave that as a placeholder for now. It’s a good start for the more standard emails that I write. But sometimes I’m more open ended.”
    • “OK a few things – avoid unnecessary modifiers like “truly believe” and try to avoid repeating words (you used “believe” twice at the start of two paragraphs).”
    • “This sentence is terrible ‘Bringing together diverse perspectives and expertise will be critical in unlocking innovative solutions.’ It is a statement full of platitudes. Avoid writing like this always.”
    • “Yup. Better. But this sentence is still full of platitudes. ‘and have been impressed by the insights and leadership you’ve brought to the space.’ What would be better is either to delete it or to find something relevant to refer to that is more specific. Also on the prior example, ‘exciting opportunity’ is breathy and doesn’t need the word ‘exciting.’ Don’t be afraid to be direct and not too flowery.”
    • It finally produced something decent, so I wrote, ‘Good. This works as a point of reference, stylistically.’ I named that style so I could refer back to it in the future.

I expect you’re getting the feel for this…I gave more feedback on various iterations, either at the general level (“that is waaaay too wordy. Try again but cut 80% of the words”) or much more specific (“This sentence is terrible, the whole second half of it is a word salad that adds no value.”). Again, the mindset of “I’m talking to an intern” really helped me stick with it here.

After about an hour of this back-and-forth, the AI was giving me what I wanted at a high standard, and this standard got me an 80% first draft that will save me tons of time.

In addition, working on a real task—one that is important, and where I have domain expertise—helps me learn about what the AI can and cannot do well.

And the impact of that is huge. It’s like crossing a threshold as I imagine the amount of leverage each of the 120 people on my team could have if this becomes part of their workflow. What if each person could have a “very helpful and eager intern” at their beck and call? Imagine the impact of that, and add to it the operational stack that we can hack to pieces with the aid of this technology.

I hope this is the post that nudges you to take another shot at this, and that, in a weeks’ time, you’ll have played with and succeeded at getting AI to do SOMETHING meaningfully helpful in your professional or personal life.

If you need more ideas of where to start, here they are:

  • Writing your professional bio
  • Creating meeting summaries
  • Writing follow-up emails from sales calls
  • Resume screening to avoid bias
  • Creating a negotiation training module
  • Helping you prioritize your to do list
  • Summarize this data set
  • etc. etc.

Don’t forget: the assisted here is the point.

I generated that list with help from AI.

It gave me two lists of 10 ideas. All of them were too wordy. I liked 5 of the ideas, and I made those 5 better, added links, and I added two of my own


(p.s. more On Interviewing Well posts are in the queue. Stay tuned.)

On Interviewing Well: Convey Deep Self Knowledge (3-3-2)

What is the person interviewing you trying to accomplish?

We know what they are doing: posing a series of questions with the ostensible goal of figuring out who you are, what your strengths and weaknesses are, and how well you’ll fit culturally within their organization.

Knowing that, you have a choice.

Your first option is to play their game and answer every question as well as you can. When you do this, you are, bit by bit, handing them puzzle pieces that make up the picture of who you are. Your hope is that those pieces are accurate and complete enough that the picture they paint is a reasonable representation of you and of you in this job.

Unfortunately, this approach is flawed. First, it assumes the interviewer will ask enough questions, and the right ones, so they’ll end up with a good-enough set of “you” puzzle pieces—that’s leaving a lot up to chance. Worse, you’re setting yourself up to be compared in a like-to-like way with everyone else who answered that same set of questions.

Here’s a second option, inspired by the most creative interviewing I’ve ever seen. The interviewer had a list of 40 traits (e.g., data analysis, public speaking, sales, making new connections, coding), and she told the interviewee that she’d be reading down that list. She asked the interviewee to to rate their abilities on each trait on a 1 to 10 scale. She would go through the list quickly—the whole thing probably took two minutes—and then discuss.

So much is happening here. The interviewee quickly figures out there’s no gaming this system: they can’t credibly say they’re great at everything, so they are likely giving a more accurate picture. Plus, so much information comes across about the candidate beyond each individual answer: are they a tough or kind self-grader? How quickly do they answer on some traits (I’m confident about this) vs. others? How consistent are the answers? What does the overall picture look like? And how do they react to this surprising exercise?

Since most interviewers won’t take this approach, your option is to take it for them with the 3-3-2 approach.

With this approach, you are going to describe eight things about yourself:

Three that you’re solid at

Two that are weaknesses of yours—things that, if they’re core to this job, mean that this job isn’t right for you

And three things that are your superpowers

For example:

“Three things that I’m good at and would be a core part of any job I’d do well: managing large teams, handling stress/complexity, and selling.

On the other hand, two things that I’m really not great at are: creating PPTs to present my ideas; and living and dying by getting the last decimal point right. I’m good at details, but if that’s my whole job I’ll go insane.

And my three superpowers are: strategic thinking (figuring out the way forward from a bunch of complex options), coaching, and building community.

I’d be happy to give you examples of any of these if that would be helpful.”

You have to be really honest here—no “the thing I’m worst at is having high standards.” You’re intentionally stepping outside of the interview game and telling the interviewer what she really wants to know.

What’s powerful about this is the clarity and confidence you demonstrate by giving someone all the pieces to your puzzle. You’re saying “this is me, the whole story, both the good and the bad. If that’s a fit for what you’re looking for, great. And if it isn’t, that’s fine too.”

Of course, you can adjust as you see fit: how deep are you going to go with what you share? How long a list?

What matters most is that it’s genuine: you’re communicating that you’ve reflected deeply on yourself. You’re saying that you understand this is a matching game, not a “pick the best candidate” game. And you’re giving yourself the chance to say, without bragging, “out of everything you might be looking for, these are the areas where I really shine.”

This approach consciously rejects the cat-and-mouse game of interviewer question and answer. It demonstrates the kind of self-knowledge that itself will distinguish you from the pack.

Most of all, it’s breaking the mold, doing something memorable that says “I’m an open book, this is the information we both need to proceed. Let’s have that conversation.”

Other posts in this Series:

On Interviewing Well: Introduction

On Interviewing Well

I’ve had several conversations recently about how to interview well.

These conversations reflect an innate understanding that we’ll never stand out just by answering questions better—we have to get above the fray.

With that framing in mind, I will be writing a series of posts on this topic.

These posts will likely be most relevant for people later in their careers looking to land more senior roles. But hopefully the themes and approaches will be useful to everyone.

The topics will include:

  • How to convey deep self-knowledge
  • What interviewing has to do with sales and with dating
  • Being clear and unwavering about intention
  • The truth behind “informational meetings” (and how to 100x your odds in getting a job)
  • The transformation from interviewee to partner.

The focus of these posts will be on how you shift the conversation. If the game you’re playing is trying to be the “best” out of 50 or 500 applicants, that is a loser’s game—the odds are stacked too high against you.

Instead, your objective is to show up as a completely different kind of candidate, and to push the person hiring into a yes/no decision about whether to hire someone like you. When you do that, you’ve moved from 1 in 500 (“trying to be the best in a big crowd”) to 1 in 2 odds (“do I want to hire this unique, surprising person for this role?”).

In the process of standing out, you’re going to do more than increase your odds. You’re going to discover whether the organization that’s hiring wants someone different.

Because if they don’t want that, then you probably don’t want them.

Stay tuned, and feel free to share the series with someone who will find it helpful.

Share Your Strategy with Everyone

We sometimes get protective about our strategy, like a cat we don’t want to let out of the bag.

When asked, “What’s new?” we answer with vague pleasantries rather than cutting to the quick of what’s on our mind.

This fear is misplaced because our understanding of whatever we are grappling with is 100x more granular than that of the person we’re talking to. We also have the people, brand, and momentum to take our strategy forward.

Instead, we should actively choose to share meaningfully with the people we meet. This leads to a genuine discussion at a strategic level, which:

  1. Deepens engagement and trust
  2. (If we listen closely) Allows the other person to share a story or insight that could catapult us to the next level of clarity.

This kind of deep, open conversation stays with someone. By talking at an honest, strategic level, we invite them to our side of the table. If the conversation is both engaging and memorable, they’ll keep thinking about to for weeks or more, becoming a powerful ally.

And, by telling a vivid enough story about our strategic dilemmas, we offer an opportunity for engagement, so people can dig through their own deep experience to find the perfect vignette with the diamond of wisdom just for us.

As Tom Peters said, “innovation comes only from readily and seamlessly sharing information rather than hoarding it.”

Telling our story well and sharing openly brings together more allies, horsepower, and willingness to take that story to new heights.

The Inefficiency is the Point

My 13-year-old daughter has been working her way through writing 75 thank you notes for the too-generous gifts she received for her Bat Mitzvah.

Note by note, one at a time, in the mix of cursive and print that is the hallmark of an early teen.

If she really concentrates, she might be able to 5 or 6 of them in one long sitting.

So much of our professional time is spent finding the last 10% of efficiency: the hacks, the shortcuts, the things we can strip away.

And, indeed, “frictionless” is valuable most of the time.

But, unless (and even if) you are running a fully scalable, 1000x software company, what’s going to make the difference, and what’s going to make them remember you, isn’t (just) how hassle-free it was.

What they’ll remember are the personal touches.

The effort that shows through.

The smudges.

The corrections.

The imperfections.

The one-of-a-kind patina that shows that you really, truly care.


When the stakes get really high, we have to know how to be…





…top priority

…and now!

All of those are fine. Sometimes we need to sprint. The unexpected can and does come up, and we have to be calm under that pressure while hitting our top gear. There are few greater differentiators than the ability to deliver our best work quickly and under pressure.

But frantic is something else entirely.

Frantic communicates anxiety and fear.

Frantic puts everyone on their back foot.

Frantic says “we’re in big trouble” and activates the amygdala.

In that reactive place, we cannot produce our best work, and our bonds to one another weaken. It’s a terrible place to be.

Think about it: at the end of a sprint, we might feel exhausted, but we’re also proud.

And at the end of a sprint that we did together, we feel closer to one another.

Whereas at the end of frantic, we just feel relief that it’s over, and we hope that it will never happen again.

If you’re in a position of authority, no matter what the context, you can never be frantic, and you can never communicate frantic to your team.
