Saturday 2 October 2021

Lots of work

When I was at Committed to Cloth, I pinned all the fabrics I was happy with up on the design wall.  I grouped together the fabrics I had printed at the same time for the most part, but because on the whole I stick to the same limited palette most fabrics go with something else.

I tend to have the Venice or Florida colours of pale blues, turquoise and shades of orange and the canal themed fabrics of petrol blue/green and rust.

I started cutting up the fabrics.  Firstly I cut the those fabrics that could make hangings just as they were starting with these that look like bridges., viaducts or aquaducts.

I took the two fabrics on the right of this photo and cut them both into strips.

I took the strips and randomly put them back together by pinning them on the design wall.  The next task is to machine stitch the strips together and then decide what to do next!

Next I took this breakdown printed fabric and cut it into strips.

And assembled the strips ready to machine.

I took these fabrics and cut them into strips.

And yet again reassembled the strips on the design wall.

Leslie made a suggestion to swap two pieces.  Can you tell which they are?

So now I have a lot of work to do!  I just hope I have enough thread!

Thanks for joining me today

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