Dec 21, 2013

Advent Reflection

The journey to Bethlehem is filled
With so many thoughts about preparation
Is everything ready?  Are the decorations hung?
Are the cookies made? Are the presents wrapped?

Yet my reflection leads me to knowing something more
Is the depth of my soul ready to receive my King?
Have I looked in deeply?  Have I softened my heart?
Do I have a generous spirit?  Is His joy the melody I carry?

For when I take the time and relish a quiet moment
And give myself in prayer, do I truly surrender?
To the One who comes?  To the Savior of the world?
To the Savior of my heart and life?

If we are preparing to see the King
We might think of our ouside appearance
Do we look presentable enough? Is our hair just right?
But Our King cares enough to know our hearts
And He invites us to come as we are

How humbly He comes, this Savior of the world
He comes to lift our burdens and look into our eyes
He comes to wipe away the tears and never leave us
He comes to save a world that needs rescue

Are you ready?

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