Non-Traditional Options For Creating a Family

Friday, August 17, 2018
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There are so many choices when it comes to deciding not only whether we want to create a family of our own, but how we can go about achieving this. Traditionally, when we think of creating a family, the majority of us will tend to think of a man and a woman conceiving through traditional intercourse. However, thanks to increased awareness surrounding all sorts of social issues, and also dramatic improvements in science, medicine, and technology, this isn’t the only way to create a family of your own.

Voluntary Childlessness
The number of people voluntarily choosing to not have children is on the rise. Studies conducted by the Census Bureau have found that the number of women between 15 and 45 who have never had children is over forty seven percent. This is an all-time high. There are various reasons that you might not want to have children. Various recessions and credit crises have resulted in an economic depression that means many people don’t feel they are in a stable enough financial position to take on the responsibility of raising and supporting a family. Some people just want more time to themselves. 

For women, there is also a double standard that sees people less likely to land the job they want if their potential employer thinks that they may request paid maternity leave. Many people would rather pursue a career than dedicating a large amount of their time to a family. But you don’t necessarily need a reason. Some people simply don’t want children and that’s perfectly fine. You shouldn’t have to justify why you do or do not want children. It’s entirely your business and is a perfectly fine choice to make that shouldn’t be affected by societal pressures and expectations.

There are many people who want children, but cannot conceive naturally. In the past, this would have simply meant that you could not have carried and delivered children of your own. However, huge steps forward have resulted in the availability of IVF. IVF stands for “in vitro fertilization”, and is a process in which eggs are fertilized in a laboratory setting. The fertilized egg (or embryo) is then implanted into a womb where it will hopefully settle and begin to develop. You don’t necessarily need your own eggs or sperm to engage with this process. You can engage with an egg donor program or a sperm donor program to obtain the necessary components for the process to work.

If you cannot carry a child yourself and IVF isn’t a suitable option for you, surrogacy is always an option. Surrogacy is a process in which another person carries and delivers your baby on your behalf. There are various different ways that this can work. If you don’t have an egg, you could use the surrogate's egg. If you have eggs of your own, you can use them. You will have to go through an official surrogacy program, as legal rights regarding surrogacy and children brought into the world via surrogacy can be relatively complex if you don’t have the proper professional help.

Another option that you have when it comes to building a family of your own is adoption. There are hundreds of thousands of children in the world who are desperately in need of a permanent loving home. By adopting a child, you take them on as your own and dedicate your life to raising them and loving them in the same way that you would a biological child. It’s important to remember that adoption isn’t solely an option for homosexual couples or couples who cannot conceive themselves. It’s an option for absolutely any responsible and competent adult who is hoping to become a parent and raise kids!

If you know that you definitely want children, but now just isn’t the right time, you can always consider embryo freezing, professionally referred to as cryopreservation. This is an option that is often offered to individuals who worry that they may reach the menopause before they’re ready to have children, or individuals who worry that they may not be able to have children in the future due to medical conditions or illnesses.

These are just a few different options that are available to you if you intend to have children via non-traditional means. You will, of course, have to consult professionals in each field before setting your heart on any option. Whether you can undertake treatments such as IVF or cryopreservation will be largely determined by your own physical condition and wellbeing, as both processes can be affected by age, illness, BMI, and other factors. Your chances of being successfully approved for adopting can also be affected by your personal circumstances and living situation.

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