Creativation and Creative Mountain Retreat registration!

Soon I'll be off to Phoenix for Creativation, the annual craft and hobby show! This is the best place to see ALL the new and upcoming craft products (and trends) in the industry before they are sold in stores, and to connect with other designers, exhibitors and store owners. I'll be attending this year's show with my friend and assistant Tiffany and we'll be taking a few fun classes together so we're sure to have a great time.

I'll be posting lots of photos and videos on my social media, so be sure to follow me on Facebook and Instagram. (my links are in the righthand column of this blog page.) The show officially begins this Saturday, but I'll give you some good stuff to watch and see up until then as well as during the show.

Your Creative Mountain Retreat registration begins tomorrow evening, 7 p.m. EST. We had a shared room become available since the last time I posted, so be sure to check the Retreat Blog for all the info and updates. Read through the main page and the Registration page (tab at the top) so you are fully informed and are ready to go at 7 p.m. Good luck!
