7 Cool Resumes We Found On Pinterest

Pinterest resume

Today everyone is using social media in their job search.


People make connections and share their work on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter — and with the recent explosion of Pinterest, there's a new player in the game. 

The visual nature of Pinterest, which allows users to create virtual boards onto which they can pin images, is perfect for showing prospective employers what you've done so far. 

Tons of users have pinned web images of creative resumes for inspiration. But a few innovative souls — graphic designers, photographers — have already started using Pinterest to extend their personal brand, uploading their resumes, linking to their work and creating an online portfolio. We got permission from these 7 people to post their resumes on Business Insider.


This lady designed and then pinned her husband's resume, which compares his work history to human evolution

Kate Moore / Pinterest

See the resume here.

Aly Sharette uploaded a complex-looking resume, which breaks down her experience working with graphic design software

Aly Sharette / Flickr

See the resume here.


Michael Mahle is "looking for a high-level communications position in the wine world"

Michael Mahle / Pinterest

See the resume here.

This colorful resume is loaded with information

Michelle Magoffin/ Pinterest

See the resume here.


The description under this pin simply says: "My resume. You should probably offer me a job."

Molly Wallner / Pinterest

See the resume here.

Richard Gonzalez's portfolio pin board features this resume, as well as samples of his work

Richard Gonzales/ Flickr

See the resume here.


Krissy Marheine pinned her resume onto her board called "job stuff"

Krissy M/ Flickr

See the resume here.

Want to see more creative ways people are looking for jobs?

Jobless Paddy Billboard Resume CV Dublin
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Check out these crazy tactics people have tried to get hired>>

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