10 Days to a Better School Year & a Giveaway

I am so excited that it is time again for a fabulous 10 Day Series!!! You may remember that last year I did the 10 Days of Nerdy Fun in conjunction with a great group of homeschool bloggers. This year there is also an Amazon gift card!


Starting July 10th I will be posting a simple thing to do now that will make your school year a little better and a little saner. Most of these posts are not homeschool specific at all but add a little peace to our crazy homeschool lives. I will come add the new links every day (they publish at midnight;).

10 days 2017 button

 1. Planning Now for Caring All Year!

2. Passing Down Chores in 4 Steps

3. Christmas Gift Planning

4. Adding Sanity 3 Systems at a Time

5. 5 Questions to Help Your Students Succeed

6. Collage Memo Center

7. Tackling the “Once in a Whiles” Before School Starts

8. Tech Organization Helps

9. Summer Bucket List

10. Meal Plan for Your Sanity

Before you start taking in all fabulous posts, make sure you enter the giveaway for the $110 Amazon gift card!!! The giveaway starts July 10th, 7am EST – July 21st 11:59pm EST and is open to US and Canadian residents.


Make sure that you check out all the other bloggers who are participating in the 10 Days Series!! Each blogger has their own theme and subject. They are all going to be fabulous!


33 thoughts on “10 Days to a Better School Year & a Giveaway”

  1. The best tip I can offer to another mother is to have patience and know that every child is different.

  2. The best tip I can offer is don’t be too hard on yourself. We often second guess ourselves and chances are really good that you’re doing fine.

  3. The best tip I can offer is don’t be too hard on yourself. We often second guess ourselves and chances are really good that you’re doing just fine.

  4. Let your baby tell you what she or he needs. They will let you know when they need to have diaper changed or be fed!

  5. My best tip I can offer to another mother is to spend equal time with each of your children and do not pick favorites.

  6. The best tip I can offer is don’t be too hard on yourself. We will often second guess ourselves and chances are really good that you’re doing just fine.

  7. I did post a comment on July 11, but I do not see it. My best tip is to do not overheat the baby milk because it can cause the milk to lose nutrients. Just run under warm water to heat the bottle.

  8. The best tip I can offer is to not be too hard on yourself. We often second guess ourselves and chances are really good that you’re doing just fine.

  9. Give your children plenty of opportunities to spread their wings; they will be prepared when they go solo.

  10. The best tip I can offer is don’t be too hard on yourself. We often second guess ourselves and chances are really good that you’re doing a fine job.

  11. I think the best tip I can offer is don’t be too hard on yourself. We often second guess ourselves and chances are really good that you’re doing a fine job.

  12. Probably, the best tip I can offer is don’t be too hard on yourself. We often second guess ourselves and chances are really good that you’re doing fine.

  13. I think the best tip I can offer is don’t be too hard on yourself. We often second guess ourselves and chances are really good that you’re doing fine.

  14. The best tip I can offer is don’t be too hard on yourself. We often second guess ourselves & chances are really good that you’re doing just fine.

  15. The best tip I can offer to another mom is don’t be too hard on yourself. We often second guess ourselves and chances are really good that you’re doing just fine.

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