God, Make Me Ready for the End of Time

52 Simple Prayers for 2018

The Bible is full of promises, —hundreds, perhaps thousands of them, that God has made to his children. Not all of them have been fulfilled, but none of them have been broken. Nor will they ever be. Every promise in scripture will come true—including God’s promise to send to earth his Son a second time. And that promise could be fulfilled today.

A Simple Prayer for End-Time Readiness:

God, make me ready for Christ’s return today. And help me to live each day as if it were my last. Give me a passion for purity, an urgency to share my faith in Jesus, a greater boldness to withstand the pressures of evil, and an unquenchable longing for the return of my Lord and Savior. And yes, on this day, even so, come Lord Jesus.

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