The second edition of our book, The ESL/ELL Teacher’s Survival Guide: Ready-to-Use Strategies, Tools, and Activities for Teaching English Language Learners of All Levels, will be out any day now.

Next week, we’ll lead a “Slow Twitter Chat” on the book.  This means we’ll be sharing short excerpts from the first two chapters, and at least some of the other ELL teachers who contributed chapters will do the same.  It won’t be taking place during a specific time of the day or the week – just ongoing from this Sunday to the following Sunday.

In addition, we’ll be answering questions about the topics and the book.

We’ll be using the hashtag #eslsg

The week after that, look for a two-part excerpt from the book appearing in Middleweb.

Finally, sometime next week or the following week, the website will be live for the book, and five chapters will be accessible online to everyone (without any registration needed).  Plus, all student handouts from the book – and, believe me, there are a lot of student handouts – will be freely downloadable.