ArtsyBeeKids / Pixabay


I am a big advocate of creating opportunities for students to teach their classmates (see The Best Posts On Helping Students Teach Their Classmates — Help Me Find More).

I’m lucky this year that I have quite a few peer tutors who can help create  those opportunities..

Here are instructions for how they prepare ELL Newcomers to teach others about new vocabulary words and sentence structures through using flashcards.

Basically, peer tutors teach groups of two-or-three newcomers new words through the use of flashcards, then help the ELLs use those new words in sentences.  The Newcomers then turn those sentences into clozes (gap-fills) on whiteboards.  Two newcomer groups are then combined, and they, in turn, use the flashcards and clozes to teach the other group.

It seems to work out well.  Let me know if you have suggestions on how I can make it better!

I’m adding this info to The Best Tools To Make Online Flashcards.

Addendum: An ESL Lesson: Writing a Story Using Picture Prompts and Correction Marks is from Don Yorty. I think I’ll adapt it for a new flash card activity I’ll be doing with my ELL students using flash cards that have sequenced stories.