President Trump Threatens Regulation or Shutdown of Social Media Companies” “Big Action To Follow”


The GOP has ignored this and us for far too long. We are what stands between victory and defeat. Social media is the last frontier, the only place we can share ideas and we are being shadowboxed, suspended, censored and scrubbed. Trump understands this.

Donald Trump Threatens Regulation or Shutdown of Social Media Companies

By: Charlie Spiering, 27 May 2020:

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President Donald Trump on Wednesday warned social media companies to stop silencing conservatives on their platforms or face a stiff penalty.

“Republicans feel that Social Media Platforms totally silence conservatives voices,” he wrote. “We will strongly regulate, or close them down, before we can ever allow this to happen.”

The president said that despite attempts by tech companies to stop him from winning in 2016, he still won but warned that the companies would try again in 2020.

“We can’t let a more sophisticated version of that happen again,” he wrote.

Trump commented on social media companies after Twitter on Tuesday branded one of his tweets warning about vote-by-mail fraud with a fact check.

“Just like we can’t let large scale Mail-In Ballots take root in our Country. It would be a free for all on cheating, forgery and the theft of Ballots. Whoever cheated the most would win,” Trump wrote. “Likewise, Social Media. Clean up your act, NOW!!!!”

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3 years ago

I wouldn’t vote for a DemoCRAP if they were made of gold, but Trump habitually bellows and BLOWS EMPTY HOT AIR more than any previous president in history!

For once, just once, how about actually DOING SOMETHING you threaten or promise?


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3 years ago
Reply to  BanLiberals

Amen, BanLiberals .

3 years ago
Reply to  Ziggy46

HERE is Trump’s Plan for Twitter and Other Big Tech
detail here:
Trump will make Twitter into a Public Service, like the phone companies. The phone company can carry our information signals, but they can’t censor our signals. Those same Public Service rules can be implemented through regulation to the big Web communication sites, using the FCC and other regulators. No new legislation will be needed. If Trump pulls this off, it will revolutionize the Web. It will crash Big Tech’s attempts to control public communication.

3 years ago
Reply to  DemocracyRules

Sounds plausible, likely probable but will he carry through. Trump has backstabbers in his presidential circle, as well.I’m being my oh so positive self, DR.

3 years ago
Reply to  Ziggy46

Zig, don’t worry about your ‘positive self’. It’s good enough, and pure positivity is boring anyway.

3 years ago
Reply to  DemocracyRules

Me worry? LoL. Indeed, it can be boring, we are al in the same boat, although the likes of the Democrats and the Leftist scourge are doing the utmost to sink it. Take care, DR, stay safe and healthy.

3 years ago
Reply to  Ziggy46

You too, and don’t zag if you can Zig.

3 years ago
Reply to  DemocracyRules

how did you know, DR? It’s the story of my life. take care.

3 years ago
Reply to  Ziggy46

Oh I know Ziggy, I know. And as I look deeply into your soul, I see a very good person.

3 years ago
Reply to  DemocracyRules

That made my day, I feel worthy; I realize, you are the same, DR.

3 years ago
Reply to  DemocracyRules

They will battle that. They want to self regulate but not by the government. They want to regulate us and ideally censor out anyone that disagrees with the liberal globalist agenda. Watch them claim to be “publishers”. Then they can continue to be BIASED.
Look at our mainsteam media for the bias they get away with. Social media is the liberal arm of the Democrats.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m just playing devils advocate. Does this have to be LEGISLATED? If it does it will go no where. Can Trump EO it? Can it be done by new rules through the FCC?

3 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

NO not legislated. Please follow the link for more detail. This is a regulation, controlled by the executive branch. And don’t worry about expressing your doubts. I have them too. I am just explaining what I think Trump plans to do.

Don T
Don T
3 years ago
Reply to  BanLiberals

Trump IS the man, but he does indeed make many empty promises. He’s in a position to correct so many wrongs in the US. He really means what he says, but the enemy within the White House, son-in-law Jared Kushner, I’m convinced, talks him out of doing so. Very sad to have family influence you about national affairs. They should stay out of the President’s decison-making!

3 years ago
Reply to  Don T

Good post, Don T.

3 years ago
Reply to  Don T

Mrs. and Mrs. Ivanka are a big part of the Trump problem. They are nothing more than lefty establishment globalists and have way too much influence on Trump.

Thank Ivanka for federal leave. Its bad enough they have contractors do their work and when they do work it is to organize against us. Many of them are unionized and can’t be fired. Thank Obama for extending unionization to them. Now they can easily qualify for up to three more paid months off in additional Ivanaka’s Family Leave to other paid leaves they can take. We are paying for that as well as their outrageously generous pensions. These are multimillion dollar pensions that we fund through tax dollars for the little they do and you can’t fire them. Now they are looking to give them ANNUAL paid leave. Ivanka has no concept of how a business is run or the interruptions this causes.

Anyone that gets stuck working with Ivanka on some kind of a project is more or less forced to brown nose Trump into praising her because her father is the boss. Are you going to take the Brannon route and state the truth that she is “dumber than a rock?” This is why nepotism should never be allowed under any circumstance by either party. She can’t get along with people because of her high maintenance and extreme liberal views as well as her insatiable need for attention. Bannon was forced out and so were the other Trump loyalists that started with Trump with the exception of Stephen Miller because she couldn’t get along with them and has a liberal globalist world view. Miller is the only one left. Ivanka is nothing more than a political Hillary surrogate.

BTW Mr. and Mrs. Ivanka are the ones pushing for MORE foreign VISAS to replace white collar jobs such as IT, medical, management positions etc… Hopefully someone got through to Trump with our HIGH unemployment that we don’t need these people. It is under “review” by Trump. We should freeze or ideally END this massive foreign VISA free for all. America First needs to apply to educated white collar jobs too! What’s the point of Ivanka giving away tax dollars for STEM when foreigners get the jobs? We also need to STOP discriminating against males! Why can’t that be based on MERIT instead of forced IDENTITY POLITICS? It is also affecting internships with college/university students. Foreigners are favored over legal students because they work cheaper and the company is financially incented to hire them over legal students.

The discrimination against legal Americans is so bad these foreign VISA people and green card holders etc. are in hiring positions and discriminate against hiring legal Americans. It’s become a club. Most are from India and they hire fellow Indians instead of legal Americans. The quality of their work is also poor….Just look a a world wide average IQ map if you have not experienced the poor quality of work they contribute….

Thank Jared for being the catalyst for releasing criminals before finishing their sentencing. Some exceptions could be made but NOT the massive release of them by liberal judges. He could never accept that his father served time in federal prison for embezzlement. Jared comes from a very under handed trashy family.

This defining down of punishment and redefining of “compassion”, has lead us to releasing other criminals because they could be infected with the virus. It’s this softening on crime, in the name of twisted “compassion” that is helping us see a surge in crime. I have no doubt this made SOROS very happy!

Hospitals segregate those with the virus but we are supposed to believe a PRISON can’t do that. That is bizarre. Prisons can do the same thing and not put the rest of us at additional risk. They have no jobs or money, due to the shut down so thy resort back to crime. The criminals they are releasing are rapists and other violent criminals. This stems off from Jared’s skewed view of people in prisons.

With all this concern about social distancing etc… Notice the additional hypocrisy as subways have NO social distancing other than wearing masks as they are packed like sardines in the subway and other public transportation. Look how nursing homes were handled. They are like prisons and virus patients were not segregated so more were killed off. We are elevating criminals over law abiding people. I guess we know WHO THE ESSENTIAL PEOPLE are whether they are employed or not!

3 years ago
Reply to  Don T

Let them vote for Biden. If they don’t see how Trump is not supported from his own party, they should vote for Biden. Trump does what he can. My beef is over Mr and Mrs. Ivanka and their liberal globalist world view influencing and making policy. Nepotism should NEVER be allowed either PAID or UNPAID! Mr. and Mrs. Ivanka are living proof of that regardless of party.

3 years ago
Reply to  Don T

If there is a way to be inappropriate in other forms, Ivanka finds that too.
Here is the happy couple, Javanka at the USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center in Queens, New York. She also tries to compete with Melaina for daddy’s attention.
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3 years ago
Reply to  BanLiberals

President Trump does what HE SAYS

Drew the Infidel
Drew the Infidel
3 years ago
Reply to  Jay

Agreed. I always say that Trump’s dad must have had the same talk with him that my dad had with me, “You don’t go around saying sh*t you don’t mean”.

3 years ago
Reply to  BanLiberals

He’s done allot. We don’t see caravans coming up from Mexico and we finally have a funded wall. That was sheer Trump will power and not supported by his own party. HE does what he legally can do to keep what ever promises he has made.

You can always vote for Biden or his replacement and have something to really get irrate over.

3 years ago
Reply to  BanLiberals

You prefer missiles flying. People on food stamps and unable to, find work? Just wondering!

3 years ago
Reply to  BanLiberals

Trump, Hold My diet coke . . . “Get Three caskets ready” . . . .
I would like send My condolences to the obama family on their loss in iraq, Jan 2020

3 years ago
Reply to  BanLiberals

You might want to give Trump some credit. This is not comprehensive either. Trump does what he can with or without GOP support. His own party doesn’t support him. ALL of the GOP knew these impeachment attempts were all lies and with the exception of Devin Nunes and Jim Jordan and Gomes from Texas did nothing to stop it or speak up on his behalf. Trump has been under siege. It’s a miracle he got anything done. I just want Javanak OUT.

I don’t worship females and I don’t care if she wants to think she is Jewish. She can be whatever she imagines herself to be but NOT on our time. They are flaming, useless liberal with an establishment globalist view and through Ivanak have too much influence over her father and they constantly pull Trump to the left. I resent their pushing educated white collar FOREIGN VISA people here and not putting AMERICA FIRST and openly discriminating against legal males for employment! They both need to shove their feminist views where the sun doesn’t shine and leave dodge asap!
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Richard Canary
Richard Canary
3 years ago
Reply to  BanLiberals

Nothing like exposing your ignorance of what this President has actually accomplished.
I would dig up that long list of over 50 real accomplishments he has to his credit, just to show it to you, but I know that you don’t give a damn, because you’re just a troll.

3 years ago

The social network is a radical cabal of Fifth Column enterprises, the so-called social media that censors all who are not in accord with their radical politics. It is absolute totalitarianism, an autocratic entity. The MSM is another perfidious Fifth Column network akin to the likes of PRAVDA. Most telling is, these cabals, enemies of the state hide behind the Ist Amendment of the Constitution they and the faux-Democrats seek to eliminate.

If the President makes this red line in the sand threat, an Obama-like threat, no more than a gesture, then, it will be an exercise in futility. If it is not already. The unmitigated biases, censorship, denying the 1st Amendment Rights of Conservatism is not new. Censorship practiced in private businesses, governments, the education system, and copious other places of communication. Talk is cheap; Trump must walk the walk or lose any credibility on this issue.

Richard Canary
Richard Canary
3 years ago
Reply to  Ziggy46

This is how Trump works. This is the strt of a planned strategy, so you can expect to see resistance and some success at it, but that is a necessary step in his plans. He knows what he is doing. And don’t forget, the most important thing in the world for America is Nov. 3, 2020. Our entire future rides on Trump winning then. A win by Biden or any other jerk they may set on a fence post, will probably set in motion some very dangerous activities that may destroy our nation as we know it.

In the 2016 election, the democrats were sure that they were only weeks away from beginning the work of creating their communist dream world. Many of them have labored in secret for decades for that day, and when they failed in 2016, it shook them to their souls.

So now, they are willing to break any laws, commit any crimes, including murder, arson, mass violence, whatever to achieve victory in 2020. They know that if Trump wins, it will set them back many decades, because a second term of Trump will expose exactly how filthy these people are, and they will be hated all over the nation. As they should be.

3 years ago
Reply to  Richard Canary

Excellent commentary, Richard. You are bang on.

Kathy Brown, Esq.
Kathy Brown, Esq.
3 years ago
Reply to  Richard Canary

Canary, you’re in the coal mine all right! This is superb; I can tell by how thrilled I was reading it. TRUTH!

Can you imagine sweaty obese stupid Stacey Abrams directing our beloved country? Because of course it’ll be the VP, not Joe, who actually does it all? And I agree they’d KILL people to further their ends! I mean they have-Benghazi? That poor young man they murdered but didn’t rob?

Killary would kill her own grandchildren, anyone! To be pres. I’m not kidding, and isn’t that a horrible thing to be able to say, and say it honestly?

3 years ago

Worst “public square” ever!

Richard Canary
Richard Canary
3 years ago

People should just use email, and the hell with social media. Scype and Zoom or Noom are ok, I guess, but they ar more private. But the quality of the content that I’ve seen on social media is a waste of time. And if anyone were interested, an email would be effective, and it wouldn’t be buried in mountions of stupid garbage.

There is something wrong with people who want the whole world to see their personal crap.

Drew the Infidel
Drew the Infidel
3 years ago

There are those who say that Trump cannot place regulations on social media outlets because of First Amendment concerns.

The First Amendment is not a concern, it is the central issue and a two-way street. It works both ways.

3 years ago

Fait accompli – If your organization within the United States blocks and censures free speech you are done – and the US Constitution ensures that. If you think you can hid in Ireland and block free speech in America…you ain’t seen nothing yet.

3 years ago

Facebook and Google are enemies of the American People they only deceive the addicted

John Acord
John Acord
3 years ago

These companies maybe privately owned but they have been captured by the CCP and its allies in the US. Trump can use the Wartime Powers Act to seize them,place them under a trustee until the war initiated by the CCP has been concluded.

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