CNN Tries to Get Interior Department Official Fired for Opposing Jihad Terror


CNN, Al Jazeera and Al Hayat (ISIS media arm) are all but interchangeable at this point.

CNN Tries to Get Interior Department Official Fired for Opposing Jihad Violence

By Robert Spencer, October 12, 2019

So it turns out that the acting director of the Interior Department’s Bureau of Land Management, William Perry Pendley, has denied the Left’s “climate change” mythology, and opposes jihad violence and illegal immigration. CNN’s Andrew Kaczynski is out for blood, trying to get Pendley for heresy, that is, for his dissent from Leftist orthodoxy.

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My first reaction to this was, so what? William Perry Pendley is in the Bureau of Land Management. What does that have to do with “global warming,” unless Kaczynski thinks that the sea levels are going to rise and swallow whole cities, including Obama’s new beachfront estate, and we’re all going to be dead in 12 years? What do jihad violence and illegal immigration have to do with land management? Kaczynski here shows that he would have been a terrific Gestapo official: why no, sir, you cannot have a position as a grocery clerk, because you have shown insufficient ardor for the Führer.

And indeed, the left is increasingly open about its totalitarianism. Those with dissenting views will not be allowed to hold jobs, even if those jobs have nothing to do with the subject of their dissent. A few years ago I was invited to address an education conference in California that had nothing whatsoever to do with Islam; the hate-filled fascist Georgetown University thug Nathan Lean got the cowardly Catholic bishop Jaime Soto, under whose auspices the conference was being held, to cancel my appearance. (I spoke at the conference as scheduled, in a venue outside the bishop’s purview.) And also a few years ago, the Washington Post discovered that Qur’an-burning pastor Terry Jones was driving for Uber; they duly got him fired. I don’t approve of book-burning, but it is not illegal in the United States, and the idea that a man must be hounded forever and prevented from making a living for views that dissent from the Left’s reveals what Leftists really are.

Among William Perry Pendley’s heresies was that he “has repeatedly pushed hardline anti-Muslim views, including citing an article by anti-Muslim activist Robert Spencer in a 2018 tweet to claim Islam was at war with America.”

Here Kaczynski employs the familiar smear of Leftist “journalists,” that opposing jihad mass murder and Sharia oppression of women, gays, and others makes one “anti-Muslim.” That could only be true if all Muslims endorse jihad mass murder and Sharia oppression of women, gays, and others. Does Kaczynski believe that? If so, he should accuse himself of “Islamophobia” and resign in disgrace from CNN. In reality, opposing such things doesn’t make one “anti-Muslim” any more than opposing the Nazis during World War II made one “anti-German.” I’ve only said that about ten thousand times, and have said it directly to Kaczynski in emails. He doesn’t take any note of it, because he is not a real journalist, he is a Leftist propagandist who is not interested in the truth, but only in shaping the world by imposing his narrative upon it. He may succeed for a while, but all totalitarian thought-control breaks down in the end under the weight of reality.

In this case, reality may break in on Kaczynski in a most unpleasant way, when he discovers that the Islamic jihadis he has enabled and run interference for are something less than grateful.

Kaczynski smeared Pendley with this: “‘Who knew? Islam’s war with America started just up the road in Greeley, Colorado!,’ Pendley tweeted. In the article, Spencer floats unfounded conspiracies about ‘leftists’ allying with ‘Islamic hardliners who adhere to Sharia, a system of laws that would have many of them executed.’”

The PJ Media article in question details how Leftist were banning the song “Baby, It’s Cold Outside,” which Muslim Brotherhood theorist and Islamic scholar Sayyid Qutb also found objectionable. That wasn’t a conspiracy theory at all. Both the Leftist hatred for the song and Qutb’s similar hatred for it are amply documented in the article and elsewhere. What is ironic here is that Kaczynski claims that I spread “unfounded conspiracies about ‘leftists’ allying with ‘Islamic hardliners who adhere to Sharia, a system of laws that would have many of them executed.’” Yet in demonizing me for opposing jihad terror, he enables those Islamic hardliners. In claiming that the idea that Leftists would ally with Islamic hardliners is a “conspiracy theory,” the hardcore Leftist Kaczynski allies with Islamic hardliners to try to destroy those who stand against jihad violence and Sharia oppression of women and others. Conspiracy theory?

Kaczynski also objects to Pendley for saying that the Department of Homeland Security should focus on jihad terror rather than “right-wing extremism”; Kaczynski quotes acting Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan saying that “extremism from white supremacists” is “one of the most ‘potent ideologies’ driving acts violence in the US.” He notes that Pendley said this in 2010, but doesn’t bother to inform his hapless readers that few people were worrying about “right-wing extremism” in 2010. Nor does he bother to inform them that the idea that “right-wing extremism” is a greater threat than jihad terrorism is based on studies with numerous flawed premises.

We have just learned regarding the jihad massacre last week in Paris that the jihad murderer Mickael Harpon “had caused alarm among his colleagues as far back as 2015, when he defended the massacre of 12 people at the Charlie Hebdo newspaper by two brothers vowing allegiance to al-Qaeda. But even though a police official charged with investigating suspected radicalization among the force questioned the colleagues, none of them wanted to file an official complaint.”

Why didn’t they? The answer is obvious. None of them wanted to file an official complaint for fear of the French counterparts of Andrew Kaczynski. They were afraid if they did, articles like this one about William Perry Pendley would be in their future, and their career would be in ruins.

Yes, by stigmatizing and demonizing opposition to jihad terror, Leftist “journalists” are getting people killed. If CNN were a genuine news source, it would fire Andrew Kaczynski and repudiate his hit piece on Pendley. But it isn’t, and it won’t.

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4 years ago

If being “Anti-muslim” is a bad thing then so is being anti-Nazi and the proof for that comment can be found throughout the muslum world right now.

Dan Knight
Dan Knight
4 years ago
Reply to  Paul

May God bless Dr. Mirah Wilks … I’m sorry she was stabbed to death, ..

but one has to wonder about the quality and authority of any psychological research conducted by someone stupid enough to ‘retire’ in South Africa …

one of the most dangerous nations in the world.

The phrase … it takes a special kind of stupid … comes to mind.

4 years ago

From my perspective the key phrase to come out of this well done
article is “ the refusal of those who disagree to be tolerant of ones right to
disagree.” We have seen that conduct by the Antifa hooligans as recently as the
Minneapolis Trump rally. Admittedly, I see the Islamic world as a clear and
present danger to everything we hold dear about what being an American is all
about. I believe that the conduct of these believers and the books that outline
their expected conduct towards non-Muslims speaks volumes. That is my
conclusion and I do not see that changing as the world of Islam does not seek
change, which of course would involve tolerance of what I describe as us “others.”
A belief system that essentially is despotic, expects domination, and
subjugation of non- Muslims, treats women as chattel, and expressively intends
to destroy the nation of Israel and all its people, cannot expect that right
thinking people will sit idly by and say nothing and do nothing. Therefore, I
commend those who will “fight back” (non-violently) and that should be what we
all should expect from men like the subject of this article.

Dan Knight
Dan Knight
4 years ago

Off Topic, but mention of the plight of Terry Jones … which reminds me that my ‘crime’ was just being poor white trash.

38 years of work … and not one single day where I was treated like a normal human being much less offered the Special Privileges of the Protected Class.

I believe I speak for all average normal working stiffs – white males of course, but it definitely includes every American – that the Left hates our living guts. Period. Nothing follows.

It does not matter if you hold the correct opinions or not. They just want the drones cooperation … until they’re through using and abusing them.

Holding the wrong opinions is just an excuse to destroy people who are not One Of The Body.

Yeah … I’m just whining … so what?

4 years ago
Reply to  Dan Knight

And Terry Jones ‘crime’ (for which he was imprisoned) happened over a decade ago and he’s still being persecuted by muslums and their useful tools/collaborators. All this is going to be getting worse, much worse, as muslums increasingly co-opt/subvert/infiltrate our government/media/educational institutions/law enforcement/judiciary etc.

4 years ago
Reply to  Dan Knight


4 years ago
Reply to  Dan Knight

Oops – I meant to put my rant on white privilege under this reply..

The LEFT wants what you worked for NOW. They don’t want to work for it as you have.
You’re not whining. You’re telling the truth.

Dan Knight
Dan Knight
4 years ago

‘Right Wing Extremism’ … is a threat. … And everyone familiar with my handle knows exactly the gist of this point.

Focusing on near non-existent ‘Right Wing Extremism’ has consumed countless resources and untold amounts of manpower and money without producing a single positive result.

Even IF we ASSUME violence by White Males Sympathetic to Demokkkrats, Socialists, and Anti-Semites are ‘Right Wing’ … then it amounts to a rare event that has cost far fewer lives than almost any other event sponsored by the Left.

Just one example: European Leftists forbid the use of chlorine in drinking water supplies in 3rd world countries. Poor nations must comply with these rules to export food (and other products) into the European market. This one demand by the Lefties kills thousands of people in the 3rd world every year. Of course, the local dictators would refuse to supply clean water anyway, but it’s very reasonable to blame European Lefties for every case of cholera in every nation that exports food into the European market. According to WHO, about 3800 people die of cholera each year.

That alone places the Left’s death toll hundreds of times larger than say, mass shootings.

According to the CDC and FBI stats, see the link below, the average mass shooting deaths in the USA since 1982 is about 9. Obviously, a close examination shows this number excludes the violence in Demokkkratic controlled turfs in Chicongo, Detroit, or LA. And it includes crimes by lone gunmen and wackos.

Still – that means the Lefties kill about 400 times more people just from their chlorine ban than die from mass shootings in the USA.

To that we could the consequences of their crime stat falsification, open borders, refusal to prosecute criminals, bans on Halon and DDT, inversion of family law principles, love of recreational poisons, lies about unsafe neighborhoods, lies about pornography and prostitution, racist indoctrination (which is getting black men killed at an alarming rate), CAFE legislation, and those are just my pet peeves.

‘Right Wing Extremism’ is about as common as unicorns. The whole basis for the Big Lie is the behavior of violent Demokkkrats who were racist (thanks to evolution and eugenics), and to the Nasties – who were socialists.

Wasting our time on the Big Lie of ‘Right Wing Extremism’ is exactly like blaming Israel for Jihadi terrorism. It wastes resources and time and money … and WORSE:

It gaslights the innocent and pins the blame for violence on the anti-violent rather than on the perpetrators.

Just rantin’


4 years ago
Reply to  Dan Knight

Excellent commentary, Dan; I hope you and yours are well.

Dan Knight
Dan Knight
4 years ago
Reply to  Ziggy46

Thank you Ziggy, we’re doing great, but very busy.

you and yours have a wonderful week!

4 years ago
Reply to  Dan Knight

I’m glad to hear you and yours are well, and busy Dan. You folks have a great week, too. Stay safe and healthy.

4 years ago

The greatest threat to America and the so-called Western Democracies is the Left, not merely the extremist-Left. Ironically, as the alleged enemy of the state, the Extreme-Right, unlike the Left, has not caused the civil-disobedience, denying those of diverse politics or faith one’s First Amendment Rights. Nor does the Right have a voice in the Leftist-Fascist education system. The latter is rife with those of a Marxist and Fascist bent who cannot discern one political diktat from the other, as long as it is oppressive.

One does not witness Trump supporters spitting or threatening Democrat supporters; unless it is conjured by the MSM to prop-up their Fake-News agenda. CNN, of course, as are its media counterparts, is the Fifth Column, a perfidious, shameless cabal of traitors. One may anticipate or hope the indictment of this treasonous enterprise’s seditious machinations; however, they, as do all subversives, are enabled by the protectors within the Democrats, the FBI, the DOJ, and others underfoot of the Deep-State.

This Neo-Liberalism, a cobbling of varied political diktats from Marxism, Fascism, and Islamism, is doomed to fail, but honestly, it is too late. The sole resolution is a Civil War by those who do not deem nationalism or patriotism a far-Right disease. Liberals of any accord are aspirant autocrats, immobile Leftist puppets waiting for the puppet-master to give one’s meaningless life meaning or a cause. Pathetic and worthless dilettantes, Neo-Bolsheviks are waiting for a tug on the strings for self-motivation. It is the quintessential trait of a Collectivist, the Global Village syndrome.

AR154U☑ᵀʳᵘᵐᵖ DEPLORABLE 2020
AR154U☑ᵀʳᵘᵐᵖ DEPLORABLE 2020
4 years ago

Of course CNN has a problem with Jihadist,…. especially with the ones they HIRE !!
comment image

4 years ago

The LEFT is determined to destroy our country. Once again, Trump is trying to PROTECT US from “immigrants” only here for a free ride at YOUR expense! It’s the same pattern over and over and over again. A LIBERAL judge pops up to block common sense rules and tightening up on immigration or another issue.

Judge Blocks Trump Admin Rule That Makes It Easier To Deny Green Cards To Poor Immigrants
By Jason Hopkins on October 11, 2019

A federal judge blocked a Trump administration rule just days before it was due to go into effect and make it harder for low-income migrants to obtain green cards, dealing a serious blow to the president’s immigration agenda.

New York federal Judge George Daniels on Friday issued a preliminary injunction against the Trump administration’s “public charge” rule, which takes into account a foreign national’s use of government benefits when they apply to live in the U.S. on a more permanent standing.

Daniels — who was appointed to the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York by President Bill Clinton — ruled that the White House likely overstepped its authority when it moved to expand the public charge guidelines.

“In short, defendants do not articulate why they are changing the public charge definition, why this new definition is needed now, or why the definition set forth in the rule — which has absolutely no support in the history of U.S. immigration law — is reasonable,” Daniels wrote in a 24-page order.

(That is totally bizarre! In the past NEW IMMIGRANTS required a sponsor and the sponsor agreed to not allow them to be a public burden Trump was simply strengthening that LAW through a RULE. The responsibilities of being a sponsor have not been enforced in years!)

United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) officers reviewing cases would look at an applicants’ use of public benefits over a 12-month period within any given 36-month period during their time in the country.

However, a cadre of Democratic-led states, advocacy groups, and other progressive organizations made numerous court challenges across the country against the rule. In fact, Daniels wasn’t the only judge on Friday to rule against the public charge rule. A federal judge in California also issued an injunction against it, albeit that decision was more limited than Daniel’s nationwide ruling.

The Trump administration blasted the decisions, casting them as partisan.

“An objective judiciary will see that this rule lies squarely within long-held existing law. Long-standing federal law requires aliens to rely on their own capabilities and the resources of their families, sponsors, and private organizations in their communities to succeed,” acting USCIS director Ken Cuccinelli said in a statement on Friday.

Old White Man
Old White Man
4 years ago


The Pied Piper was known to be a rat catcher and
seducer. Who do you want to seduce and to what?

4 years ago

CNN is in Panic Mode right now.
Over on the Gateway Pundit site there’s a new article that “Project Vertis” has new hidden camera videos from inside CNN.
Someone who works at CNN has been wearing a hidden camera & has some juicy damning evidence on them.

“PV”(Project Vertis) said that they will be releasing these hidden camera CNN videos one at a time coming this week. O’Keefe from “PV” said something about Brian Seltzer(hack reporter from CNN) yelling at CNN employees in the hallways at CNN, I am guessing they have some video of this too. You have to read that article in full cause I can’t remember word for word. Plus there’s extra details in that article too that I know you’d all be interested in.

I’m crossing my fingers????????that this will finally do it. O’keefe of “PV” said this new stuff about CNN caught on secret hidden cameras is some of the best juicy sheeett he has ever exposed(he used different words than mine, but it means the same thing).

I’m sooooo excited!???? I hope Pamela will also keep us up on it here too.

4 years ago

CNN isn’t the only treasonous traitor.

Whistleblower: Google still up to its election pranks
Friday, October 4, 2019 | Steve Jordahl

A former Google employee – who had remained anonymous until recently – claims the search engine giant has a plan to take over the world … and he’s not talking euphemistically.

Whistleblowers seem to be popping up all over these days, and in many cases the claims they are making are suspect. But when Zack Vorhies left Google, he brought thousands of internal documents with him to bolster his claims – and during a radio interview on Friday morning, he stated that among other misdeeds, Google is determined to keep President Donald Trump from getting re-elected in 2020.

“The CEO made a statement that they were going to use artificial intelligence in order to combat the fake news that helped Donald Trump get elected,” he told American Family Radio talk-show host Sandy Rios. (Listen to the entire podcast)

“I discovered that there was a PowerPoint presentation talking about what ‘fake news’ was – [and] the examples they were using of what ‘fake news’ was were actually real events that took place.”

Researcher Robert Epstein recently told Congress that Google may have funneled more than 10 million votes from Donald Trump to Hillary Clinton in 2016 by providing more pro-Hillary search results. According to Vorhies, it happened again during the last Democratic presidential debate after Hawaii’s Tulsi Gabbard had a standout performance.

“So [people] started searching for Tulsi Gabbard – and Tulsi Gabbard’s ad account, which she uses to capture those people searching for her name and to stay at the top of the Google search results, her ad account went down,” he described.

Meaning for a critical six hours, people had limited access to information about her. She’s suing Google for $50 million.

“Not only has Google demonstrated election meddling in the past, it’s demonstrating election meddling right now,” Vorhies added. “And it doesn’t matter if your Left, it doesn’t matter if you’re Right – Google is going to do it for anyone who challenges the establishment narrative.”

4 years ago

We have so many laws in this country that it is hard for me to believe that there are no legal channels that can be used by a prosecutor to get CNN and MSNBC for doing this type of thing. Is this something that the DOJ should be doing?

James Stamulis
James Stamulis
4 years ago

Lets get real folks CNN(CIA) and the left have allied themselves with every enemy of mankind and we are literally in a war between good and evil. GOD WINS!

4 years ago
Reply to  James Stamulis

The DOJ is in the back pocket of the Democrats and the Deep-State, hence CNN and the other MSM vermin hide fake-news under the banner of freedom of the press. The MSM or DOJ do not believe in freedom of speech for all but a selective few, Liberals, Democrats and Muslims.

Drew the Infidel
Drew the Infidel
4 years ago

CNN = Counterfeit News Network

Thomas Faddis
Thomas Faddis
4 years ago

Project Veritas just announced a new whistle-blower came forward! Recoding to be released this coming week! :comment image

Rick Gouveia
Rick Gouveia
4 years ago

Turkey outspends Kurdish forces on influence activities in Washington (if you ignore George Soros). All politicians and media that are funded by Soros are attacking Trump for abandoning “US allies” (Soros allies) in Syria. Turkey kicked out Soros in November 2018 so Trump has officially attacked Soros.

4 years ago
Reply to  Rick Gouveia

Why isn’t more being done about SOROS?
Never mind. The corruption in the FBI, CIA, DOJ is thriving.
It’s almost impossible to fire these people unless AG Barr decides to DO HIS DAM JOB!
Prove me wrong Barr. I’ve seen how fast the opposing side handles their opposition.

Rick Gouveia
Rick Gouveia
4 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

Here is a good report on AG Barr, let’s hope and pray he can drain the swamp.

4 years ago

Not much will change unless a war breaks out here and the leftists and muslims are chased out of America or wiped out.

4 years ago

Islamic teachings are responsible for most of today’s violence. Throughout history Islam’s uses violence, and intimidation against those who refuse to convert or are just non-believers.

There is and never was anything ‘peaceful’ about Islam. The reluctance of the media to recognize it indicates they approve of the methods used.

John Acord
John Acord
4 years ago

The Commiecrats cannot tolerate patriots working in any position for the federal government. After 8 years of Obama its their exclusive territory and whenever they identify a parrot on their “turf” they will unleash vitriol and if that does not work they’ll plant dope or something on him to get him or her dismissed an put in jail. You have to look no further than Lt. Hasoon, a Coast Guard officer that was recently framed by the local NKVD aka FBI.

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