Exiting The Syrian Morass: President Trump Supported By Christian Leaders on the Ground in Syria


Johny Messo, President of the World Council of Arameans (WCA; indigenous Syriac speaking Middle Eastern Christians), has written thoughtfully and sympathetically about Zionism as a (belated) prototype for “Arameanism,” though he guardedly refrains from “championing” Zionism, outright, today. Mr. Messo, nonetheless, does not appear to have imbibed in any way the vitriolic Antisemitic persuasions one too frequently encounters, sadly, among Middle Eastern Christians (rooted in continued promotion of the Deicide allegation, and rejection of Vatican II’s ecumenism toward Jews and Judaism). Indeed, Mr. Messo expressed his sincere gratitude when Israel became the first nation to officially recognize Aramean during September, 2014, as a unique national identity within its population registry, and the  WCA invited the first registered Aramean from Israel to present a statement of recognition on behalf of the Arameans worldwide at the U.N. The WCA’s press release  a month later further included this remarkable statement about Israel’s indigenous Christian population, and their growing tendency to reject “Arabization”—consistent with Messo’s earlier sympathetic posture toward Zionism:

Mainly due to the interrelated processes of Arabicization and Arabization, most of the Christians started to perceive themselves as “Arabs.” Recently, however, an increasing number of them have started to rediscover their authentic roots and have chosen to reclaim their Aramean identity and to learn anew the Aramaic mother tongue of their forefathers.

Mr. Messo is also gimlet eyed and unapologetic about Muslim Turkey, including the Kemalist ethno-racist state, as can be gleaned from extracts of his November 2010 address on the failure of “Turkish democracy”:

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…T]he Arameans were never granted formal recognition by Turkey as a “minority” such as formulated in this [1923 Lausanne] Convention. Consequently, they have never enjoyed their basic human rights which include, for example, the foundation of Aramean schools, hospitals and even new churches. On that account, one could boldly state that the religious freedom of the Arameans is even more restricted than that of the Christian Greek and Armenian nations who are recognized by Turkey. …I question why is Turkey interfering with Israel’s internal affairs while it has not solved its own domestic situation? And why, in fact, is Turkey able to readily invest 150 million dollars in Palestine and translate its words into action, whereas it continues to neglect its own citizens and society in its very own backyard?…Is Turkey ready to invest structurally in its south-eastern terrain, above all in improving the security, infrastructure and facilities for normal life circumstances there that may draw Aramean refugees back to the land of their ancestors? .. Turkey should embrace and integrate the native Arameans as an ambitious people who can enrich it culturally, intellectually, spiritually and economically. With their experience in the Western diaspora, the Arameans may even become beneficial to Turkey in assisting Turkish society in the ongoing process of democratization…

Free of the Middle East’s Antisemitic baggage, clear headed about Turkey, and experientially knowledgeable about the fanatical Marxist Kurdish militias of the Syria-Turkey border areas as well (here; here; here; here; here; here), Johny Messo and his indigenous Christian organization are ideally suited to weigh in on the Trump Administration decision to withdraw troops from the (70+-year ongoing) Syrian morass. Below is the WCA/Messo press release in its entirety, issued October 9, 2019:

Indigenous Aramean (“Syrian”) Christians Proclaim “Trump is right on Syria!” YPG Kurds are responsible for escalation in Northeast Syria

WCA, 09 OCTOBER 2019

“President Trump is right on Syria!,” according to Johny Messo, the President of the World Council of Arameans (Syriacs) (“WCA”). Withdrawing U.S. troops from Syria and halting financial and arms support to the YPG Kurds may help restore peace and security in Syria. Messo further argues that “the YPG Kurds are responsible for the current escalation in the northeast and that they hold the key for peace in this part of our ancestral homeland.”

1) President Trump made the right decision in withdrawing U.S. forces from Syria to end the “ridiculous endless wars,” fulfilling yet another campaign promise; he already ended the covert CIA program of 2013 to arm the “rebels” in Syria. America’s mission to destroy the Caliphate and military power of ISIS was achieved in March 2019. So there was no cogent reason to stay in Syria, let alone to keep arming the YPG Kurds. Staying rather than leaving would be a greater security threat and burden for America.

2) Trump’s edict may lead to peace, security and stability in Syria. Despite the powerful war narrative and war lobby, Trump shows the world that America chooses peace and jobs at home above wars abroad. If other countries follow suit, primarily those whose foreign policies largely follow America’s course, and stop arming their proxies, violence will soon end. Then one can finally focus on seeking a genuine political solution for Syria, beginning in a few weeks through the UN-facilitated Constitutional Committee.

3) The PKK and the PYD/YPG Kurds, who control the SDF, are two sides of the same coin. The communist ideology and violent nature of these nationalist organizations discredit democratic and liberal values. These ‘heroes’ have oppressed vulnerable Arameans, taken their innocent lives, Kurdified their lands and still use a tiny Christian group as their mouthpiece to represent Kurdish interests. The resentment against the YPG among the locals is prevalent, yet underreported. In due time, their authoritarian governance would likely lead to an ISIS 2.0 among the local Arabs, who outnumber the Kurds, mainly among Arab nationalists and among conservative Arab and Kurdish Muslims.

4) The YPG Kurds had ample time and opportunities to take away the security concerns of Damascus and/or Ankara. Inspired by North Iraq, the envisioned autonomous Kurdish region in North Syria would give a huge boost to the PKK Kurds in Southeast Turkey. Instead of striking a deal for their people, though, Western support made them haughty. The YPG did not calculate or care about the high risks involved in its determination to first craft an autonomous region in North Syria and then a statelet called “Kurdistan.”

5) By pursuing their own agenda, the nationalist PYD/YPG Kurds have acted irresponsibly, endangering the lives of their own people and those of Arameans and other minorities! Whenever a village, town or city fell in their hands, they proudly raised Kurdish flags and nationalist symbols on the buildings, and displayed images of the jailed PKK leader. It was only a matter of time until Damascus would reclaim control over Northeast Syria or until Ankara would unilaterally resolve its growing security concerns at its border. That day has come, and Aramean civilians now suffer due to the YPG’s irresponsibility.

6) Unlike the Aramean Christians and Yazidis, the YPG Kurds received protection and huge amounts of money, arms and airpower from America to defeat ISIS. The Kurds should always remain grateful to America, which never promised them an eternal partnership. The YPG Kurds should have used their privileged position to focus on Syria’s unity and strike a peace deal with Syria and/or Turkey. In particular because they should have known that America would never sacrifice its relations with a fellow state, huge trade partner and established NATO ally for a rather impulsive non-state actor whose mother organization after all is officially designated by the U.S.A. as a terrorist organization.

7) The PKK/PYD/YPG Kurds must give up the armed struggle for autonomy and the idea of a state called “Kurdistan” in the homeland of the Arameans and their Aramaic language! Our region has become weary of wars. They only destroy our common land and the lives of our loved ones and families, causing animosity toward one another. As the indigenous people of Southeast Turkey and Northeast Syria, we call upon the PKK/PYD/YPG to end its violent struggle for independence so that Arameans, Kurds, Arabs and Turks can work together on a mutually enriching co-existence between different ethnicities, religions and languages in Turkey and Syria. Whether in Southeast Turkey or Northeast Syria, the PKK/PYD/YPG Kurds hold the key in their hands to peace, security and prosperity for their own people and for other peoples in the lands which we need to be sharing today.

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4 years ago

Just breaking the Turkish Air force has just bombed US Special Forces, in Syria, accidentally, on purpose. At the same time we just sent 3,000 extra troops to Saudi Arabia. So much for Middle Eastus Interuptus!



4 years ago
Reply to  Millionmileman

I wouldn’t trust newsweak to tell me the time of day.
Oh great so US forces are being used to protect f’ing muslum interests and that of the world’s number one or number two sponsor of worldwide islamic terrorism.

4 years ago
Reply to  Millionmileman

It is conforming???

4 years ago
Reply to  Millionmileman

…bombed US Special Forces?? …or the Obama CIA guys that created ISIS?

4 years ago

Off topic – YES, YES, YES!!!!!!

Shep Smith announces he is leaving Fox News

In a stunning announcement, Shepard Smith announced on his Friday show that after more than two decades at Fox News, he was stepping down as chief news anchor, and leaving the network.

“This is my last newscast here,” Smith said.


Who knows where to or the real reason why! It’s leaving!!!!
The hysterical queen who hates Trump is leaving!!!!!!!
I wonder if he has aids….. One thing for sure is he most likely had a NON COMPETE clause in his contract enforceable for a period of time. This is what is probably stopping others from leaving FOX and setting up a competing cable show.
comment image

4 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

There was a rumor going around that Tucker and Shep were openly sniping at each other. Hysterical Shep is no match for Tucker. Tucker loves to argue with people with a smile on his face.
If Shep doesn’t have aids maybe his feelings were hurt and couldn’t keep up. Shep is the classic example of being able to dish it out and not being able to take it.

Fox News host war!
Tucker destroys Shep Smith for
‘pretending your angry political opinions are news’
September 26, 2019 | Samantha Chang
comment image

4 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

Oh, Shep can take it…eagerly!

Drew the Infidel
Drew the Infidel
4 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

AIDS = Ass Injected Death Sentence

4 years ago

LOL !!

John Acord
John Acord
4 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

Smith’s ratings sucked. I know a major adverser on Fox that refused to buy time on Smith’s program because he had no audience. This firm got 5x more response from ads on Hannity than they received on Smith. Aside from the fact his reporting sometime made Tapper look good no one was watching his show. Smith had to go.

4 years ago
Reply to  John Acord

UN Supports Jihadi Invasion and Islamic Takeover of Non-Muslim Lands

And rejects Trump’s choice For daring to speak the Truth About it to head UN’s International Organization for Migration https://tinyurl.com/yc88lljq

why fund them ?

4 years ago

Off topic –
Trump Tells Bankrupt UN to Find Money Elsewhere
Friday, 11 October 2019
Written by Alex Newman

Facing a massive hole in its budget, the United Nations is implementing “emergency measures” to avoid missing payroll and other obligations before the end of the year. Unsurprisingly, UN bosses are demanding that taxpayers in America and other nations hand over more money now or face global catastrophe. Even UN officials and apologists, though, have blasted the “bloated” organization for squandering massive amounts of money on everything from luxurious air travel and fancy hotels to globalist propaganda promoting its own agenda. Trump reacted to the whining by calling on the UN to go look for money elsewhere.

According to the UN, one third of all “member states” are delinquent in paying their “dues” to the UN this year. That includes the United States, which funds between a fourth and a third of the UN’s overall budget, compared to Communist China’s meager 8 percent. In exchange, the regime in Beijing runs almost one third of all UN specialized agencies, while an American runs just one out of 15. State Department officials said the U.S. government would pay up at some point in the fall.

While the exact numbers are hard to pin down because so many federal agencies provide so many funding streams to the UN and its maze of bureaucracies — not to mention the “peacekeeping” — official estimates suggest the U.S. government sends well over $10 billion per year. American taxpayers pay more than 185 other UN member states, combined. And in return for all that money, the UN constantly attacks Americans’ liberties while praising and aiding mass-murdering regimes.

comment image

4 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

The U.S. has been the global ATM machine for decades.
We spent the most money in the middle east for these endless pointless wars and get nothing in return.
We had more man and women killed and maimed in the middle east than any other country.
We have taken in more “refugees” from the middle east than any country and “migrants” from other countries than Europe. EIGHT TRILLION DOLLARS LATER, hopefully we are pulling out of the middle east -not just Syria! All we have is people that won’t assimilate, hate us plot against us and our debt is too high. The neocon Bolton types and other swamp creatures want this to continue – NO!
ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! We have no national interest being there.
Let Europe handle it. Europe doesn’t even pay up for NATO or the rebuilding of these hell holes or take in as many “refugees” and “migrants” as we have and they constantly scheme against us behind their backs and insult us to our face. NO MORE!
I don’t know who the U.N. hates more – the U.S. or Israel.

Rick Gouveia
Rick Gouveia
4 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

1000s of troops have just been sent to Saudi Arabia and 1000s more are on their way…

4 years ago
Reply to  Rick Gouveia

I don’t like that either.

4 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

Deploying US troops to protect communist China’s oil supply line?? ……..HELLL NOOO!

4 years ago
Reply to  CharlieSeattle

I have to look into this but I doubt that we are protecting China as we feud with them over trade. China has been talking to Russia about that.

4 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

Why are my tax dollars being extorted from me to support an organisation that is nothing more than a front for the OIC?

4 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

The UN was created with a 3 fatal flaws.

Allowing dictatorships and fascist muslim states in the UN.
Allowing communists states in the UN.
Allowing communist Russia and China to have veto power.

All free countries should withdraw and stop all funding at once to the UN.
All free countries SHOULD reform under NATO, with several minor changes.

Deport all muslims from the west, citizens or not.
Replace Turkey with Israel.

4 years ago
Reply to  CharlieSeattle

That last idea is an interesting one. I’d think Greece and Hungary would be behind it and the US, but I don’t know about the United Kaliphate, Fwance or Germanistan anymore.

Halal Bacon
Halal Bacon
4 years ago

nice pic of CAIR “foodbank” volunteers

4 years ago

Now if we can just remove all our soldiers on the N. Korean border who have been there for SIXTY YEARS.

Dave Jensen
Dave Jensen
4 years ago
Reply to  Poetcomic1

Bring them all home. Europe can fight their own battles and if they are too lazy to do so they weren’t worth saving in the first place. Looks like they are turning their countries over to the lunatic Muslims anyway.

Tamara Hussey-Mecklenburg
Tamara Hussey-Mecklenburg
4 years ago

There are no innocent Muslims. It’s an oxymoron.

4 years ago

Dead ones perhaps.

Tamara Hussey-Mecklenburg
Tamara Hussey-Mecklenburg
4 years ago
Reply to  CharlieSeattle

That’s an interesting thing to consider…now, maybe they are innocent because they are no longer acting on their religious agendas but are they truly innocent? Are they not still guilty for all they did while they were alive?

It’s an interesting discussion for sure!

Drew the Infidel
Drew the Infidel
4 years ago

As a Vietnam veteran, the last thing this country needs is a continuation of an eighteen year old noble endeavor that, through mission creep, degenerated into a proxy war long ago.

Dave Jensen
Dave Jensen
4 years ago

I agree completely. All these politicians and their saber rattling makes me sick. Their guts, our blood.

If we won WWII in 4 years we should have finished in Afghanistan in 6 months and if we didn’t, admit it was a mistake and get out.

4 years ago
Reply to  Dave Jensen

We fought Afghanistan like Vietnam.

We failed to cut off sanctuaries in Laos and Cambodia, …Ops, silly me. I meant Iran and Pakistan.

John Acord
John Acord
4 years ago

Turkey ruled all of these areas for hundreds of years under the Ottoman Empire. They know how to stop the tribal squabbles. Since 9/11 the USA has spent at least 5 TRILLION dollars and lost tens of thousands of our precious fighting men and women. Trump needs to make a deal with Erdogan. In exchange for Turkey’s recognition of Israels’ annexation of Judea and Samara and a permanent peace treaty with Israel, Turkey can have free reign in Syria and Iraq.

4 years ago
Reply to  John Acord

Bashar Assad might not be happy about handing over Syria to Turkey. I’m not sure what Israelis would think either. Iraq is an oil producing nation in OPEC, do you really want Turkey to gain access to that rich source of revenue?

Theo Prinse
Theo Prinse
4 years ago

Even Dutch freedom fighter and anti-islam Geert Wilders rejects fascist Erdogans new war in Syria allowed by Trump for his electoral reasons.

4 years ago

Turkey is determined to wipe out the kurds. The Kurds can’t make peace with Turkey.

4 years ago
Reply to  Gamal

I didn’t appreciate the Kurds training ANTIFA for military action as our military fought with them and tax payers footed the bill too arm and train them. I didn’t appreciate Kurds murdering Christians either. The Kurds are just another back stabbing Muslim terrorist group. Glad we are getting out of there.

4 years ago
Reply to  Gamal

Go f’ing whine to the Armenian/Assyrian Christians your fellow f’ing Kurdish muslums slaughtered in the 20th century. In the present go whinge to the Kurdish Christians or the Iraqi Christians who are being persecuted by your fellow Kurdish muslum troglodytes in Iraqi Kurdistan — then kill yourself for allah the barbarian.

Chris Wolf
Chris Wolf
4 years ago

George Bush, Jr. already pissed away enough of our military readiness, morale, Blood & Treasure in Iraq.
Then “obama” carried on the folly by deliberately, maliciously sequestering and depleting much of what was left.
Now we have a president who is responsible and sober enough to know that every marginal gain is precious to re-build and consolidate the strength of our nation. Because we are going to need it.
The Trump Doctrine could be called “Let them kill each other.”
Thank the Lord for Donald Trump.

Dave Jensen
Dave Jensen
4 years ago
Reply to  Chris Wolf

Bush was the worst president of all time, even worse than Obama. How thankful I am Trump destroyed Jeb!. I believe he would have been even worse, but no doubt he would have lost to Hillary. I really don’t know which one of those two would have been worse.

Chris Wolf
Chris Wolf
4 years ago
Reply to  Dave Jensen

George Bush, Jr.:
*March of Folly in Iraq.
*Economic collapse.
*ushered in “obama.”
He’s a good amateur painter; wish he would’ve stuck with that.
Nepotism is how great nations end.

Rick Gouveia
Rick Gouveia
4 years ago

Globalists suspend Facebook’s Libra for now because of Turkey’s invasion of Syria. Globalists fear losing control of their “European Jihadis in Syria” (part of ISIS) via the Libra because they were recruited via Facebook. https://www.cnbc.com/2019/10/11/ebay-drops-out-of-facebook-libra-cryptocurrency-one-week-after-paypal.html

4 years ago

For all his blathering, Mr. Messo wants his cake and the eating of it. He praises Israel for acknowledging the identity of Aramean Christians, and then damns the Kurds for also wanting to be free and independent, in spite of his condemnation of Turkey for its failure to do the same for Arameans. He says Arameans need to break free of Arabization, and then damns the Kurds for the same thing.

4 years ago

For all his blathering, Mr. Messo wants his cake and the eating of it. He praises Israel for acknowledging the identity of Aramean Christians, and then damns the Kurds for also wanting to be free and independent, in spite of his condemnation of Turkey for its failure to do the same for Arameans. He says Arameans need to break free of Arabization, and then damns the Kurds for the same thing.

Chris Wolf
Chris Wolf
4 years ago

Churchill: The Americans always do the right thing, after they’ve tried everything else.

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