AT&T removes AFDI from approved-charities payroll-deduction list for 2020


I received this email from a Geller Report reader. This is yet more of the censorship and fascism that is taking hold of American society: only one point of view is permitted; all others will be crushed. The enemies of freedom want to make sure our voice cannot be heard: they can’t refute us, so they’re desperate to silence us.

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I work for AT&T, which has let me donate $10/month to AFDI this year via payroll deduction.

When I went today to renew my charitable donations via payroll deduction for 2020, I learned that AT&T no longer lets me include AFDI (Tax ID no.: 27-2518993) as one of my charities.

In contrast, three other charities that I have supported in 2019 continue to be available for inclusion in my 2020 giving via AT&T payroll deduction.

I submitted AFDI to AT&T this afternoon via its “Suggest an Organization” form, to see whether AT&T’s removal of AFDI was accidental or intentional.

I thought that you’d want to know about this de-platforming of AFDI!

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4 years ago

Figures. Big tech all freedom haters.

Liatris Spicata
Liatris Spicata
4 years ago
Reply to  lostlegends

Well don’t you know, AFDI is a “hate group”. SPLC said so.

4 years ago

Yeah and you call anyone who denies your mythology of the “secular”, “good”, “honorable” muslum a “goon” so what’s the salient difference between you and the SPLC? Whether or not you can oppress/repress/persecute those who disagree w/your viewpoints?

4 years ago

So now u r equating AFDI with known Leftist Propaganda artists Like SPLC ?

4 years ago
Reply to  Suresh

No I’m equating Latrine Spicatra, the gormless, white worm with them.

4 years ago
Reply to  lostlegends

why blame em ?

The Leftists are organised and are emailing, writing and personally meeting to shut down conservatives speech, organisation from getting funds . where are the Lazy assed conservatives ?

sue them out of existence everytime if they take down / shut down conservative free speech and promote Left/.islam agenda.

This is how patriots fightback and win

corrupt Left/liberal media will not talk about it lest it wake up the masses to fightback !

But most conservatives won’t fund, support but prefer someone else fight their battle , while they prefer to be internet “warriors”. That is why the Left/Jihadis win.

They are united and will use all fair and foul means to destroy American law for their benefit/power grab

Raymond of Canada
Raymond of Canada
4 years ago
Reply to  Suresh

The reason the left seems to be so successful is the totally-complying media. Conservatism, by its very nature, is non-accusatory and non-combative probably because, being most Christian-based, believe the meek will inherit the earth. It does work in the end.

Liatris Spicata
Liatris Spicata
4 years ago

If you have cell phone service with AT&T, I can think of a good reaction to this:

1. Contact AT&T and ask them to verify the claim here. Of course, they won’t know, so they will have to research it.

2. Once confirmed, tell them that if they don’t reinstate AFDI, you will move to another carrier within, say, 90 days. If you don’t get the desired response, jump ship.

Liatris Spicata
Liatris Spicata
4 years ago

AFDI is Pamela Geller’s organization that supports virtually all of her counter-jihad activities (she is- or at least was- the president). Although I believe she is paid now, she worked full time for them for over a decade on a pro bono basis.

4 years ago

We already got rid of AT&T and now use OOMA for all our home phone calls. IT IS CHEAP and if you have Broadband, IT IS AWESOME!

4 years ago

Agreed! Plus, you can hook a fax machine to your Ooma box, which comes in handy when you need to fax with a doctor’s office or a financial advisor.

4 years ago

AFDI = American Freedom Defense Initiative (THE GOOD GUYS/GALS)
ADL = American Defense League (not as popular or as strong as AFDI)

Both fight FOR the 1st Amendment and against antisemitism.

4 years ago

AT&T bought a media company and now acts like a typical media company which is why i no longer use their tv service. Verizon bought yahoo and hence it is another company to boycott.

4 years ago

If this report is true it evidences what I have been saying
that our leaders, the media and now a giant corporation refuse to accept the
reality of what we face from the belief system that is Islam. Notwithstanding
over 1400 years of history, our leaders, the media and now corporate giants all
seem to ignore the clear and present danger represented by the Islamic belief
system, as it applies itself against all others (non-Muslims). To refuse to
allow an employee to donate her own money to whom see decides to do so is the
height of inanity. Though I recognize that AT&T is providing a voluntary
administrative process, and that they can stop the entire process completely,
if they so desire; to single out AFDI, which merely provides the news that our
leaders and the media refuse to broadcast, is the height of denial of freedom
of non-violent expression. The left has initiated conduct which will ultimately
destroy what America is all about, which makes our enemies happy and gives the Islamic’
s a forward step towards domination, etc. We all should be outraged, especially
since the intention of these donations is to support our American way, and not
support a Nazi like philosophy that constitutes the Islamic mentality.

4 years ago
Reply to  Dennis

I’m sure it’s not just ATT who is collaborating w/the muslum bastards and their various sh!ttystans. Big business across the dying atheist West has sold out to islamic petropounds, petrodollars, petrodeutzchemarks, petrofrancs etc. and the allure of a billion muslum customers to pander to.

4 years ago

I read Michael Youssef’s book, “JESUS, JIHAD, AND PEACE.” He is from the Middle East, became a Christian, came to America, and formed the CHURCH OF THE APOSTLES in Georgia. He has written several books about the Muzzsluems.(sic).
The reason all these big corporations tow the line for them is they give them a lot of business. But the kicker is that all of this businesses, big banks, and holding companies pay a “tithe” to them for doing business with them. Youssef names a lot of them.
So they are paying for all this violence in the name of big business.
He also shows how Bush put a a lot of MEs in our military, intelligence, and big business.

I highly suggest Youssef’s books. They are on Amazon and very inexpensive.

4 years ago

Payroll deductions for charitable giving is obnoxious snooping by Big Business; sorta of like the social credit system in Red China. United Way pulled this scam for decades. People should tell HR to go screw and give to the charities of their choice outside the payroll system. Anyway unless a person’s income is in excess of $250,000 the new fed standard deduction makes all of this pointless for the typical jane and joe. IMHO

4 years ago

Another reason to go with a different mobile carrier ; Ma Bell is way overpriced.

4 years ago

Want to complain about ATT discriminating against AFDI, here’s where you can do it, but I’m not sure which specific contact to hit (hmmm, why not all of them?):

4 years ago

Pamela Geller has used her personal time and money several times to see that female Muslim victims of “honor” murder were buried and had a headstone so that their names will be remembered. I would love for AT&T and the SPLC to explain how that constitutes hatred of Muslims.

4 years ago

Interesting that I cannot get the link to the AFDI donations to work. It states that I cannot be connected.

4 years ago
Reply to  CreoleGumbo

I know Pam has a mailing address for AFDI but it didn’t show up in this article. But, that is how I would do it. Send a check or money order.

4 years ago

May I suggest to the publisher of the web site that instead of using a link for donations to provide an address for donations within the text of the article. The link did not work for me and I suspect that many people may prefer to send checks rather than using the internet for donations.

4 years ago

Well, I already dropped the “Death Star” along with DirecTV a long time ago. Maybe I should ask them to stop sending me those “Please come back” weekly letters.

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