Congress’ Lone Truthteller On Islam And Muslim Antisemitism: Rep. Mo Brooks


Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) stands alone, tragically, amongst all his Congressional colleagues from either party, in speaking with gimlet-eyed candor on the doctrinal jihadist bigotry of mainstream Islam. Shortly after the jihad carnage wrought by jihadist (“call me mujahideen”) Omar Mateen on the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando Florida, June 12, 2016—which targeted homosexuals—Brooks provided the following informed, unbowdlerized observations (during a live interview, and in a follow-up press release):

The root cause of the [jihad] terrorism that we have been seeing over the last 15- or so years has been Islam. There are provisions in the Koran, there are provisions in the hadith [traditions of Muhammad] and sira [earliest pious Muslim biographies of Muhammad]  that if you follow them it instruct Muslims to kill certain types of people [i.e.,wage jihad against them, to impose the Sharia] and homosexuals [Koran; hadith] are right up there at the top. It’s pretty clear that Islamic doctrine says you are to kill homosexuals where you find them…[Y]ou are instructed as a Muslim to kill non-believers…The motivation to kill is found in the Koran and various other learned scriptures in the Islamic religion…in the principles that are taught by Islam.

…More specifically, and with respect to homosexuals, Sheikh Farrokh Sekaleshfar said in 2013 at a speech at the Husseini Islamic Center in Orlando that (quote) ‘Death is the sentence. We know. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about this. Death is the sentence. …. We have to have that compassion for people, with homosexuals, it’s the same. Out of compassion, let’s get rid of them now.’…Consistent with Islam’s anti-homosexual doctrine, in roughly a dozen Muslim nations, it is the official and barbaric government policy to make homosexuality a death penalty offense. Saudi Arabia is the birthplace and home of Islam. Homosexual conduct in Saudi Arabia is a death penalty offense… According to the Washington Post, homosexuality is also a death penalty offense in Yemen, Iran, Mauritania, Nigeria, Qatar, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan and the United Arab Emirates, all of which are Muslim governments… Islamic doctrine inspired Muslims to slaughter thousands of Americans in New York, Washington, Chattanooga, San Bernadino, Maryland and northern Virginia, Boston, Fort Hood, Orlando, and many other parts of America. Islam’s danger today is not unique. Islam has a fourteen hundred year history of conquering lands and peoples via genocide and extermination of those who do not accept Islam. Ask the Syrian and Iraqi Yazidis and Christians whether Islam continues this pattern todayI will not apologize for speaking the truth about Islamic doctrine inspiring so many Muslims to slaughter innocent men, women, and children in America, in Syria and Iraq, in Belgium, in Paris and, for that matter, across the globe.

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Brooks’ press release issued June 23, 2016 concluded with this fully warranted admonition to institutional Islam, and the global Muslim community, regarding a mea-culpa-based disavowal of the Muslim creed’s mainstream doctrine:

I hope there will be a day when Muslims will, en masse, publicly disavow Islamic doctrine that inspires so many Muslims to slaughter innocent men, women, and children around the world. Unfortunately, that day has yet arrive.

Fast forward 3-years and Mo Brooks Agonistes, during an August 21, 2019 interview, became the only House Representative to openly decry the doctrinal Islamic Antisemitism animating the grotesque Antisemitic exploits of Muslim Congresswomen Tlaib and Omar. Moreover, Brooks warned how the global pandemic of Muslim Antisemitism was poised to subsume, permanently, a cynical Democratic party, pandering to secure Muslim voters:

JEFF POOR: It seems like a trend in the Democratic Party — that maybe they don’t want to say it outright on the news, but it seems like there is a trend questioning the alliance the U.S. has with Israel.

REP. MO BROOKS [R-AL]: There is, and I think it’s based on the growing influence of the Islamic religion in the Democratic Party ranks. Keep in mind – Muslims more so than most people have great animosity towards Israel and the Jewish faith. And as you have more and more Muslims in the United States, as they gain greater and greater influence in elections, particularly in Democratic Party primaries – then you’re going to see more and more people like Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and company that are anti-Israel, and that brings an entirely different viewpoint into the United States Congress. I think you’re going to see this influence in the Democratic Party grow and grow and grow over time but ultimately become the dominant influence within the Democratic Party, where the Democratic Party will become very strongly anti-Jewish and anti-Israel…

Conveyed calmly, and with singularly courageous intellectual honesty, Brook’s straightforward contentions are irrefragable, as can be readily demonstrated.

Islam is rife with Antisemitic motifs in its canonical texts—the Koran, hadith, and sira. The teaching and preaching of these Jew-hating themes has been a continuous process since the advent of Islam, ongoing, till now. Predictably, the inculcation of such “sacralized” Jew-hatred engendered chronic, grinding persecution of Jews living under Islamic rule, interspersed with paroxysms of mass violence, which ultimately caused their near complete ethnic cleansing from Islamdom, save for minute, vestigial remnant populations still subjected [here; here; here], at present, to Muslim discrimination, and depredations. Today, even in the absence of Jews, Muslim nations exhibit an abhorrently disproportionate excess prevalence of extreme Antisemitism, relative to non-Muslim societies, while both mainstream Sunni and Shiite Islam’s most authoritative religious teaching institutions, and religious leaders, openly espouse the creed’s unexpurgated, virulent Antisemitic doctrines. Unique hard data on global Antisemitism collected by the Leftist Anti-Defamation League (ADL) between 2014 and 2017, and the teachings of the two pre-eminent modern [see video] Sunni and Shiite Koranic authorities, respectively—each also an iconic religious leader—confirm this morbid contemporary Islamic reality.

From 2014 through 2017, the ADL performed global and regional surveys which determined the prevalence of those who agreed with six or more of eleven Antisemitic stereotypes, creating an index of extreme Antisemitism. The results demonstrated a remarkably depressing uniformity: Relative to any other major religious affiliation, or atheism/agnosticism, there is a 2 to 4.5-fold excess of Muslim Jew-hatred, and this association with Islam persists within the Muslim diaspora populations in Western Europe, and the U.S.

Key specific findings, included:

—The world’s 16 most Antisemitic countries are all in the Muslim Middle East, where 75% to 93%  exhibit extreme Antisemitism—Judea-Samaria/Gaza 93%; Iraq 92%; Yemen 88%; Algeria 87%; Libya 87%; Tunisia 86%; Kuwait 82%; Bahrain 81%; Jordan 81%; Morocco 80%; Qatar 80%; United Arab Emirates 80%; Lebanon 78%; Oman 76%; Egypt 75%; Saudi Arabia 75%

—The prevalence of extreme Antisemitism, globally, by religious affiliation reveals a 2- to 3-fold excess amongst Muslims, i.e., Muslims, 49%; Christian, 24%; No religion, 21%; Hindu, 19%; Buddhist, 17%

—The prevalence of extreme Antisemitism in Western Europe already exceeds the global Muslim average in 5/6 of the countries sruveyed—Belgium, 68% of Muslims vs. 21% of the general population; Spain, 62% of Muslims vs. 29% of the general population; Germany, 56% of Muslims vs. 16% of the general population; Italy, 56% of Muslims vs. 29% of the general population; United Kingdom, 54% of Muslims vs. 12% of the general population; France, 49% of Muslims vs. 17% of the general population.

—The prevalence of extreme Antisemitism in the U.S., 34% of Muslims vs. 14% of the general population, is consistent with all these global trends, i.e., a 2,4-fold excess.

Concordant with the descriptions of both keen Muslim and non-Muslim observers dating back across a millennial continuum, canonical Islamic beliefs, primarily, foster this Muslim Antisemitism. The authoritative teachings of Muhammad Sayyid Tantawi, Sunni Islam’s late Papal equivalent (d. 2010), and those of his modern Shiite counterpart, “Allameh” Tabatabai (d. 1981), validate this trend. Both men were nonpareil contemporary Koranic commentators, and more broadly, mainstream Islamic educators, par excellence.

Tabatabai’s modern Koranic Kampf endorses the classical, authoritative Antisemitic Koranic exegeses, as announced at his glosses on Koran 2:4044—a shared “rebuking” of the Jews which continues for over 100 verses thereafter:

Now begins the rebuking of the Jews that continues for more than a hundred verses. Allah reminds them of the bounties bestowed, of the honors given; contrasting it with their ingratitude and disobedience; showing how at every juncture they paid the favors of Allah with disregard of their covenant, open rebellion against divine commands and even with polytheism. The series reminds them of twelve events of their history — … all of which shows how they were chosen to receive the especial favors of Allah. But their ingratitude runs parallel to it. They repeatedly broke the covenants made with Allah, committed capital sins, heinous crimes and shameful deeds; more despicable was their spiritual poverty and moral bankruptcy — in open defiance to their book and total disregard to reason. It was all because their hearts were hardened, their souls lost and their endeavors worthless.

Tabatabai also offers a traditionalist gloss on Koran 3:1123:116, which accuse the Jews of “prophet-killing,” “disbelief” in, and “disobedience” to, Allah, invoking His wrath, “hatching conspiracies” against Islam and the Muslim prophet Muhammad, and accordingly, deserving permanent abasement, which was then “stamped” upon them.

Abasement is stamped on them as a design is stamped on a coin, or it encompasses them as a tent encompasses a man. Anyhow, they are either branded with, or overwhelmed by abasement and humiliation — except when they get a protection or guarantee from Allah and a protection or guarantee from men… Abasement is stamped on them; it means that Allah has ordained a law affirming their abasement. This meaning is supported by the proviso ‘‘wherever they are found’’. Obviously, it means that wherever the believers find them and subjugate them; this proviso is obviously more appropriate to legislative abasement, one of whose effects is the payment of the jizya [i.e., the Koranic poll-tax for Jews, per Koran 9:29, whose payment was often accompanied by debasing rituals]. The meaning of the verse therefore is as follows: They are abased and humiliated, according to the law of Islamic Sharia‘‘those who disbelieve’’ refers to the other groups of the People of the Book which did not respond to the call of the Prophet; those were the people who used to hatch conspiracies against Islam and had left no stone unturned in extinguishing the light of the truth. Obviously, it describes the Jews’ behavior with the Muslims.

Koran 5:64 is an overt, ancient Koranic warning of “Jewish conspiracism.” Tabatabai, adding a deliberate and transparent pejorative reference to the Jews of modern Israel, and their alleged promulgation of “ethnic supremacism,” glosses this verse as follows:

“whenever they kindle a fire for war Allah puts it out”: To kindle a fire is to inflame it, and to put it out is to extinguish it. The meaning is clear. There is another possibility that the clause: “whenever they kindle a fire,” explains the preceding clause: “and We put enmity and hatred . . .” Thus the meaning will be as follows: Whenever they kindled a fire of war against the Prophet and the believers, Allah puts it out by reviving their internal discords and differences. The context points to the divine decree that their endeavors in kindling the fire of war against the divine religion and against the Muslims (because of their belief in Allah and His signs) are bound to fail. However, it does not cover those wars, which the Jews might wage against the Muslims, not for religious motive, but because of politics, or because of ideas of racial or national superiority.

Koran 5:82, arguably the central Koranic verse defining Islam’s eternal attitudes towards Jews and Judaism, is glossed by Tabatabai, thusly:

[T]he Jews, although they had the same alternatives as the Christians, and they could retain their religion with payment of the jizyah [Koranic poll tax, per verse 9:29], yet they continued in their haughtiness, became harder in their bigotry, and turned to double dealing and deception. They broke their covenants, eagerly waited calamities to befall the Muslims and dealt to them the bitterest deal…[T]he enmity of the Jews…toward the divine religion [Islam] and their sustained arrogance and bigotry, have continued exactly in the same manner even after the Prophet… These unchanged characteristics…confirm what the Mighty Book [the Koran] had indicated.

Former Al-Azhar Grand Imam Tantawi’s 700+ page academic religious treatise, “Banū Isrāʼīl fī al-Qurʼān wa-al-Sunnah,” or “Jews in The Koran and The Traditions”, originally published in 1968,  includes this summary Koranic rationalization for Muslim Jew-hatred:

The] Koran describes the Jews with their own particular degenerate characteristics, i.e. killing the prophets of Allah [see Koran 2:613:112 ], corrupting His words by putting them in the wrong places [4:46], consuming the people’s wealth frivolously [4:161], refusal to distance themselves from the evil they do [3:1205:79], and other ugly characteristics  caused by their deep-rooted (lascivious) envy [2:109]…only a minority of the Jews keep their word…[A]ll Jews are not the same. The good ones become Muslims [Koran 3:113], the bad ones do not.

More ominously, Tantawi’s exhaustive modern analysis of Islam’s defining, canonical sources concluded by sanctioning  bigoted—even violent—Muslim behaviors towards Jews.

[T]he Jews always remain maleficent deniers….they should desist from their negative denial…some Jews went way overboard in their denying hostility, so gentle persuasion can do no good with them, so use force with them and treat them in the way you see as effective in ridding them of their evil. One may go so far as to ban their religion, their persons, their wealth, and their villages.

During his tenure as Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, Tantawi’s public statements on “dialogue” (January 1998) with Jews, the Jews as “enemies of Allah, descendants of apes and pigs” (April 2002; from Koran 5:60), and the legitimacy of homicide bombing of Jews (April 2002)—a statement issued after the March, 2002 Netanya homicide bombing carnage of Jews at a Passover seder—made his personal Muslim Jew-hatred eminently clear. Tantawi’s comments on dialogue, which were issued shortly after he met with Israel’s Chief Rabbi, Israel Meir Lau, in Cairo, on December 15, 1997, re-affirmed his ongoing commitment to the views expressed in “Jews in The Koran and The Traditions”.

Despite the established validity of Mo Brooks’ concerns, requisite calumnies and derision were sprayed upon him by both Rep. Omar, and her equally repugnant hard Leftist abettors.  Compounding these sins of commission, are those of omission by Rep. Brooks’ GOP colleagues. Consider Jewish Republican Congressman Lee Zeldin, whose grandstanding “critiques” of Congresswoman Omar scrupulously avoid any mention of the clear Islamic doctrinal and (living) historical context Mo Brooks fearlessly enunciated. As anticipated, Congressman Zeldin proffered no independent confirmation, or endorsement of his Alabama colleague’s apt comments.

Mo Brooks Agonistes remains the sole Congressman who has the intellectual bravery and moral rectitude to break the craven self-imposed silence on Islam every other one of his House and Senate colleagues have chosen to exercise. Ha-Shem bless Mo Brooks, but this overall sorry state of Congressional affairs is a lingering, self-destructive shanda שאַנדע‎.

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4 years ago

Mo Brooks HAS INTEGRITY and he is probably the ONLY one in Congress who has it.

to makes excuses for our borders being open out of MISPLACED COMPASSION; (SECURITY OF AMERICA IS MORE IMPORTANT)
to make excuses for liberals who want to take away our Constitutional rights to protect the MINORITY over the MAJORITY, to me IS TREASON AGAINST OUR CONSTITUTION in every way. (2ND AMENDMENT SHOULD NEVER BE APPEALED)

The ONLY reason anyone would want to make more gun laws and/or repeal the 2nd Amendment IS TO CONTROL PEOPLE, ALL

comment image

4 years ago
Reply to  TomSJr

Agree. All conservatives should fund only candidates who come out strongly against islam/jihad and call for banning immigrants of muslim faith and holding public office ………..or they should not get 1 red cent.

Even Liberal loon Clooney the Loony had to admit Trump was
Correct and he was wrong

As long as they don’t have to pay the price for their loonism, they will shill for it !

4 years ago
Reply to  TomSJr

Mo Brooks is a close friend of Allen West. Both are True Heroes.

Moya McNulty
Moya McNulty
4 years ago
Reply to  TomSJr

They don’t want “open borders” because of their “compassion” – they want open borders so they can secure

AR154U☑ᵀʳᵘᵐᵖ DEPLORABLE 2020
AR154U☑ᵀʳᵘᵐᵖ DEPLORABLE 2020
4 years ago

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Bikinis not Burkas
Bikinis not Burkas
4 years ago

Muhammad said women are deficient of intelligence!

Pull on an Islamic head dress raise your hand and scream “Look at me, look at me, I agree with Muhammad, I am STUPID!”

Moya McNulty
Moya McNulty
4 years ago


4 years ago
Reply to  Moya McNulty

Mentally-ILLhan Blowmore and Raw-Sh&ta T-Lame Are The Most UGLY POS To Ever Disgrace The USA!!!!

4 years ago

Do us All a favor the world over and put a rope around your Ugly neck and jump from a 100 ft cliff while leaving your every possession behind to The White Citizen Foundation!!!!

Thomas Faddis
Thomas Faddis
4 years ago

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Moya McNulty
Moya McNulty
4 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Faddis


AR154U☑ᵀʳᵘᵐᵖ DEPLORABLE 2020
AR154U☑ᵀʳᵘᵐᵖ DEPLORABLE 2020
4 years ago

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4 years ago


4 years ago

This should wake someone up. Americans voted for these reprobates.

joan flaherty
joan flaherty
4 years ago

A picture is worth a thousand words – aint THAT true!

4 years ago

Last (honest) man standing in the US Congress? At least now that Lt. Col. Allen West is gone.

David Grisez
David Grisez
4 years ago

Along with the commands to Muslims to carry out jihad against non-muslims, Islamic teaching also has a tremendous amount of hatred and anti semitism towards Jewish people. All this anti semitism is part of the main and central teachings of Islam. This is the source of a lot Muslim hatred toward Jewish people. And now we have anti semitic Muslims in congress, named Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib.

4 years ago

In America as in every other nation, we have the tools which can destroy the left / Islamic alliance already in our hands.

Fearless debate, no matter what, because the symbols of Nazism and Islam abound, just plaster them all over the left wing demagogues and their anti semitic muslim allies. It’s time for fight back before other options are all that is left.

4 years ago

The dirty little secret is that islam has no problem with homosexuality or pedophilia. Men in prison are as likely to be raped as females. Young boys are frequently raped by uncles or male friends of the family. It really is time for the world to understand that islam embraces all forms of perversion.

Those who have reason to fear/oppose islam are all of humanity who will not submit to islam: that is a wide range of individuals and people groups.

4 years ago
Reply to  eassa

Really? You upvoted Achmed Mohandjob’s post? Congratulations, you’re a dolt like him.

4 years ago
Reply to  RhymesWithNews

Go give your favorite imam a rusty trombone.

4 years ago

Oh, if I only had a dollar for every time you’ve said that. I’d be rich. If I had a dollar for EVERY time you repeat yourself, I’d be FILTHY rich!

4 years ago
Reply to  RhymesWithNews

A whole dollar, you really think big don’t you?

joan flaherty
joan flaherty
4 years ago
Reply to  RhymesWithNews

At least you’re ONE part of that prediction.

Moya McNulty
Moya McNulty
4 years ago
Reply to  RhymesWithNews

It just BLOWS MY MIND how BRILLIANT you are! Your PLAy on words is so IMPRESSIVE.
What’s ‘PEEE-YOOO-s” all about? (“peee – yooo-s” = RhymesWithNews” ?? )
YOU are “FILTHY” – MR. McNASTY – it has nothing to do with how many times he says ANYTHING.
Just “keep your fingers on your nose” and YOU CAN TAKE IT TO THE BANK !

4 years ago
Reply to  eassa

“ultimately become the dominant influence within the Democratic Party, where the Democratic Party will become very strongly anti-Jewish and anti-Israel…”

See Democrat party in the UK (Labour).

Jeremy Corbyn is what it would be like if Bernie Sanders was the leader of the Democrat party in the US.

Drew the Infidel
Drew the Infidel
4 years ago

The jihadis have been screaming what Brooks points out at the top of their collective lungs all these many years but it is the media and other like-minded apologists who think we are stupid enough to be convinced otherwise.

Such media garbage as “of Asian descent”, “mental illness”, and “known to authorities” are enough to make you puke.

In the case of Mateen and the Pulse slaughter, it was buffalo-butt AG Lynch who had his phone conversation transcripts with 911 doctored to insinuate his innocence. BTW, where was the armed private citizen who could have heroically changed the outcome on that mass shooting?

Be safe, be trained. be alert.

4 years ago

It’s way More than clear that these Maggots Are The Lowest Scum On The Earth!!!!!

4 years ago

Liberals and Muslims both intellectualize the murder of the innocent. Liberals celebrate aborting babies and Muslims celebrate “aborting” adults. They both do it because of their godless ideologies. They get along so well for now because they both equally hate Christianity & the judeo-christian West. I’m glad to learn from this article that Mo Brooks is a truth-speaker I will definitely be checking out his Twitter feed to have his back. May he stay safe and may his number increase. To God be the glory.

Ban Islam
Ban Islam
4 years ago
Reply to  byronmullet

60% of women who get abortions are Christian and 70% of the US population supports Abortion rights, you’re in the minority. Don’t conflate a medical procedure with an evil death cult that calls for the slaughtering of unbelievers.

Additionally no babies are being killed, only a clump of cells are removed. It might be a good idea to research why abortion exists and why the vast majority of people support it. Clearly you’re uninformed on the subject.

While there are stupid Liberals who support Islam the same goes for some Christians. There are many Leftists like Sam Harris and others who strongly oppose Islam as much as we do. In order to win the war against Islam, all of us non-Muslims must set aside our differences and unite against this ideology.

4 years ago
Reply to  Ban Islam

Sorry to tell you this but you’re the one that is uninformed in a few areas. A “study ( finds that a vast majority of Americans believe biologists should determine the question “When does a human’s life begin?” and that the question is important to the abortion debate. Then Jacobs surveyed biologists and found that 95 percent of them agreed that “a human’s life begins at fertilization.”…”Even before this study of biologists had been published, a whopping 65 percent of Americans said they would support a legal abortion regime that effectively overturns the Roe v. Wade (1973) decision. When Americans hear that a vast majority of biologists believe that life begins at conception, that may move the needle on the issue.”

Not only do I stand behind my contention that abortion is equivalent to Islam, I’m can make the case that it is a resurrection of the old Baal sex worship infant sacrifice cult.

In addition, I believe there is a direct link between it and the rise of mass shootings, which is equivalent to someone conducting a cultural abortion.

As far as claiming Christians engage in it, I would point out that the Bible says many will say Lord Lord but will not enter the kingdom of heaven. So-called Christians do a lot of things.

So yes we must unite in condemning Islam but we must also condemn Baal worship and mass shootings.

4 years ago

Off topic – the DELUSION continues.

Canada: Quebec Youth Adopt Islamic Customs in ‘Solidarity’ with Muslims

Canada’s French-speaking province of Quebec is seeing a new trend of young non-Muslim people adopting Islamic customs and holidays.

The new phenomenon was first noted by anthropologist Géraldine Mossière who found young people, mostly women, in Montreal who frequented Muslim associations and cafes and began to adopt Islamic practices without ever formally converting, La Presse reports.

“These are young people who have experienced in school a cultural mix conducive to the integration of certain cultural beliefs. Sometimes they do it in solidarity with their Muslim friends. Those who do not go to conversion see Muslim practices as personal development, such as yoga or meditation,” Mossière claimed.

Some women do convert to Islam, with Mossière claiming that the attraction stems from a desire to seek out more traditional female roles, suggesting “They see themselves as Quebecers and Muslim. They adopt a ‘pure Islam free of its origins’ of the patriarchal system which they associate with the culture of the Muslim countries of today.”

“They see Islam as a way to return to the family model of their grandparents, but being more valued than their grandmothers, because, in Islam, the role of mother and wife is sacred and recognized by God,” Mossière added.

4 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

This is SCARY!!!!!!!!

4 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

Getting bad by the day, and with the Chinese gets worse

John Acord
John Acord
4 years ago

Brooks makes only one error which is the implication Islam can be reformed. It can’t and it willnot.It can only prevail or be annihilated. There Is no middle ground.

4 years ago
Reply to  John Acord

A good Muslim is a dead Muslim

4 years ago
Reply to  John Acord

Correct!! Mo Brooks wishful thinking is dangerously naive.

Brenda Sinclair
Brenda Sinclair
4 years ago


Ban Islam
Ban Islam
4 years ago

This meme needs to be plastered everywhere, that is Islam in it’s true form. No need to study the Quran/Hadiths or listen to Muslim liars, this is the unvarnished truth.

They are religious Nazis, throw them out, defeat them in battle, Muslims are the enemy of freedom.

4 years ago

Those home invasions will be brutal.

4 years ago

They came for pagans, no one cared,
They came for apostates and heretics, no one cared,
They came for Christians, no one cared,
They came for Jews, no one cared,
They came for homosexuals, no one cared.
Why are people so afraid to talk about the explicit threats to murder that is well documented in the Islamic Manifestos of Hate?
Why is ISLAM supposed to be tolerated as a “religion” in the West when no other world religion believes in or, acts out such widespread unprovoked acts of murder of non-members of their religion?
People do analyze with a fine toothed comb any Manifesto of Hate written by any individual crazy, wild-eyed white supremacist who kills and then that bigoted manifesto is automatically applied to ALL white people.
Muhammad and his early Arab followers were crazy, wild-eyed supremacist cultists who became a gang of thugs then warmongers then took over nations. But we’re supposed to tolerate ISLAM because there are 1.8 billion devotees of this cult (mostly involuntary converts or Muslim by accident of birth) who are compelled by their ideology’s Hate Manifestos to take over the world. If you got power, the lust for murder and can easily silence and intimidate non-Muslims with words like “Islamophobe,” “racist” and “intolerant”…what’s to stop them?
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4 years ago
Reply to  Patriotliz

And … now that they have money backing, they discovered that money talks. Right, Fox News?

4 years ago
Reply to  JEAN

How can FOX news be critical of McCabe, on CNN who is a fired liar,
when they hired Donna Brazile who was fired by CNN for being a liar?
FOX is changing… hiring notorious liars is not “fair and balanced”.

James Jones
James Jones
4 years ago
Reply to  Patriotliz

“Why are people so afraid to talk about…the Islamic Manifestos of Hate”.

I think that is a very good question…for Americans.

I live in Canada, and “hate” speech here faces the very real possibility of being dragged before a provincial kangaroo court known as The Human Rights Tribunal. It is staffed with Lefties and the accused must obtain their own legal representation – the “offended”, win or lose, has their counsel paid for. The financial costs are extraordinary and are way beyond the average person’s affordability, and a “guilty” finding carries a multi-thousand dollar fine as well. Justice?…,no. Silence?…,yes. Truth?…,no defense.

In the UK and across Europe, “hate speech” has been just as institutionalized. Although “court” action is also involved, the police and other agencies are often the first line of attack, followed by a propaganda induced cowed response from the public.

Not that long ago, an Englishman posted video of Muslim rape gang activity in his city. His employer reported him to the police, and they showed up at his door that night threatening to involve child services because he “must be teaching them to be racists”. Not only was he fired from his job, the press published his address making it impossible to live in their home.

Even police officers that objected to the “do nothing” orders about those rape gangs, were shifted around and treated so badly by command that many quit – the others got the message (yes, in England).
Similar occurrences happen all across Europe and a controlled press sees that all such incidents are painted “appropriately”. “Antifa” groups operate in all these countries as well and seem to face the same subdued response from “authorities”

America as yet does not have this level of institution against speech. Though many are trying to destroy the 1st Amendment, you still retain those precious rights. So, unless I’ve missed something, the question stands; why would Americans be afraid?
I have no doubts that Trump and a faithful remnant represent the only “human” force keeping a very dark cloud from engulfing America, but Trump’s time is nearing the end and with it, so will America’s time of reprieve end.

4 years ago
Reply to  James Jones

America’s government has not yet instituted “Sharia Blasphemy Laws” like the social media Leftist Nazis have done. I’m banned on Twitter for “hateful conduct” for reporting HEINOUS conduct committed by Muslims and verifiable truths about Islamic atrocities. Muslims can get away with HATE SPEECH and HEINOUS conduct w/o repercussions compared to mere “criticism” of Islam because Western Government officials are frankly AFRAID of Muslim violent backlash. You know—“strike fear into the hearts of the unbelievers.” That is the END of your country as you know it unless you can elect politicians who aren’t afraid to speak the truth about Islam like Rep. Mo Brooks and is not a big time Islamopanderer like Obama and the Democrats. What good is the 1st Amendment where freedom of speech is suppressed but someone who has “freedom of expression” of a vile religion can’t be OFFENDED by my freedom of speech?comment image

Ban Islam
Ban Islam
4 years ago
Reply to  Patriotliz

In the past that meme would be funny, today this is an accurate depiction of what really happens in western nations.

That’s why Tommy Robinson and unknown heroes are sitting in jail today. Jayda Fransen and Paul Golding also were jailed for speaking out against Islamic rape-gangs/terrorism and supremacism.

Fear of Muslims is what has caused us to turn on each other, more accurately what has caused cowards in power to turn on brave citizens who speak the truth about Muslims.

Either the political landscape must change or the UK will be Islamified or you’ll get war.

4 years ago
Reply to  Ban Islam

It’s amazing how everyone seems to ignore this slow-rolling WWIII where IslamoNazism, worse than Hitlerian Nazism, is destroying Europe. Jayda is on Parler. I posted her recent interview with Alex Jones there and called her a present day Joan of Arc because she is being persecuted by her own government for trying to defend her country that once was considered part the Free World. It really is disheartening to see this happen. I think of all those brave young soldiers who gave their lives to preserve FREEDOM in Europe….all for naught.
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4 years ago
Reply to  Patriotliz

The British police have successfully completed their muslim diversity sensitivity training.

They understand now that muslims are merely practicing their religious freedom, as enshrined in the koran, that permits sexual slavery, rape, forced conversion, assault, murder and genocide!

The police stand aside now, smile and applaud with a quiet opera clap of approval.

However, patriots like Tommy Robinson that expose the truth are arrested.

4 years ago
Reply to  CharlieSeattle

It’s absolutely sickening that’s there’s no fuss by Western Leftist (formerly known as Liberal) international media and Amnesty International about the Sharia Police State of the UK and other Islamicized European countries.

4 years ago
Reply to  Patriotliz

They are happy thinking they will be killed last.

Lover of Truth
Lover of Truth
4 years ago
Reply to  CharlieSeattle

We have turned our back on God in the UK and now reaping the whirlwind!

4 years ago
Reply to  Lover of Truth

Even a pagan Britain was more secure. Deport the muslims you foools.

4 years ago
Reply to  Patriotliz

When times are bad and freedom fails,
the best men lay in filthy jails,
Whilst those who cried appease, appease,
Are hanged by those they tried to please.

4 years ago

If you don’t mind my saying, that is excellent.

4 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

It’s not mine. I found it elsewhere.

Lover of Truth
Lover of Truth
4 years ago
Reply to  Ban Islam

It must be getting ever nearer!

James Jones
James Jones
4 years ago
Reply to  Patriotliz

You are probably familiar with that East Indian philosophical depiction of a group of blind men trying to describe an elephant by only touching one part of it. The point of it is obvious, they fail miserably because they cannot see the bigger picture.
I think in a similar way we (the truly “woke”) are caught up in running upstream to a controlled narrative that has “blinded” most to the truth. Political Islam (as if there was another) has come in like a lamb, all disguised and beguiling to many, but recognized by some as the wolf (no offense to any wolves reading this) it truly is. Yet even among us, there are only a few who would dare to use the term “war” to describe what has/is happening.
Their leadership intends to overthrow local culture, customs, and laws wherever they plant their feet – the many only make a way for the few who will command the rest and execute their goals. Is this not “warfare”? Not with guns (yet) but a stealth, backdoor assault that creeps rather than roars. Civilizational jihad – know thy enemy.

“This is the end…unless you can elect politicians who aren’t afraid…”.

America is likely the only nation left that has a chance to get ahead of this scourge – will it? I firmly believe it won’t. It saddens me to say this because at one time America was the greatest. She was founded on Christian principles and values and for the most part lived up to those roots, but she is not the same today. Her culture has lost the “right” to God’s blessings through no one’s fault but her own. No nation that kills its unborn, diminishes the core of its society, the family, and abandons God in the public and political square, ignoring His counsel and reproof, has any hope of His graces or even survival.

Rev.13 talks of an entity that has global authority and does the bidding of another entity that is in control. Both of these entities commit terrible things upon people and other nations and do so without challenge from any other nation. Does America become one of those “beasts”, or does she fall from power and is unable to appose the regime that is that beast – either way, America transforms from who and what she is now into something unrecognizable in the very near future. The most we can hope for is that whatever victories we can fight for, are enough to spare us from the worst of what’s coming (yes, it’s a long shot), but getting right with God through Christ is a must for everyone.

4 years ago
Reply to  James Jones

Maybe we could handle Islam by educating everyone on the TRUTH were it not for loss of freedom of speech which is enforced by the Leftist Nazi Media. That’s the greatest blow to the future of the Free World. I always say…”As Islam expands, the Free World shrinks”…but that’s because the dumb-dumb-dhimmis in the West censor criticism of Islam, particularly after 9/11 we were made to believe a LIE which was that “Islam is a religion of peace”….in essence we are not supposed to believe your lying eyes. Also, the apologists made sure that we dare not blame ALL Muslims for the actions of a “few” nor could were we even allowed to blame Islam. We lost the war against Islam with that brainwashing. Our “religious” tolerance is our Achilles heel and Muslims took full advantage of that. I think Jesus was wrong…the meek will NOT inherit the earth,
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James Jones
James Jones
4 years ago
Reply to  Patriotliz

I too firmly believe that an educational component regarding our Christian heritage and why it made us great, is an essential in the whole immigration/citizenship process. We have thrown away an opportunity to counter the lies and misinformation that many come here with, and have failed to help those wanting out of Islam by not providing the truth about God. Instead we placed our trust in better vetting??
I think vetting is important and needs to be tailored to the host country, but by not educating new arrivals about our spiritual heritage we fail them and ourselves, but then again, we have diminished that part of us within our own shores too. We would appear as hypocrites now by saying we are a “Christian” nation given how we have let things lapse and how many give little more than lip-service to God.

You are correct, freedom of speech is one of the big foundational blocks; without it, no nation can repel evil. It is why it has come under such attack and is being squeezed by censorship. Control of the media narrative is job1 for any subversion to gain ground. Islam however, is not the direct enemy. They are a tool/weapon being used to bring about the conditions that will facilitate the goals of those at the top pulling the strings. Those who want nation states demolished, borders erased, and a central unelected governing body, are the masters and they feed their plans on the chaos they themselves induce within the structures they seek to overturn and replace.

4 years ago
Reply to  James Jones

Agree…and there’s a meme for that–(I need to edit that by changing “Liberal ideology” to “Marxist Globalists”)–comment image

James Jones
James Jones
4 years ago
Reply to  Patriotliz

That is the perfect meme, and your change suggestion completes it.

4 years ago
Reply to  James Jones

Islam is a gift to the left only to be used to destroy our Christian roots and erase Christianity. Socialism is repugnant to Christianity so it must go. While politicians tout socialism, they really want communism and communism has no time for God in any
form. A communist leader replaces God.

James Jones
James Jones
4 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

Peter Sutherland, UN Chief Officer of Migration, “We will use mass migration and multiculturalism to destroy the nation state because if we can destroy them, we can politically control them.

What a time we are living in felix. What our Christian ancestors longed to see, we will see. It’s both exciting and scary at the same time.

Felix, I have a big favor to ask of you. There is a quote attributed to Justin Trudeau that I have tried to verify but can’t. If you could search it out, I would be most grateful. It goes like this, “The very concept of a nation founded and developed by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock white Canadians are an unpleasant relic and quite frankly, replaceable, and we will replace them.”

Moya McNulty
Moya McNulty
4 years ago
Reply to  James Jones

I call him ‘TRUE-dooh-dooh” – Hold your nose when you say that. He’s such a smarmy bastard.

Moya McNulty
Moya McNulty
4 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

Point is, ‘communism’ is NOT FOR THE PEOPLE. “Communism” is SOLELY FOR THE “LEADERS”. Once they have you in chains, you’ll work till your dying day, housed in a cubicle, while
the “leaders” reap the PROFITS – and house themselves in MANSIONS. Just take a look at RUSSIA –
before PUTIN re-arranged everything. Ask “Bernie Slanders” he LOVES “communism” – he went there BEFORE the ‘change’ for his “honeymoon” !!!
Jesus – everything is SUCH A JOKE.

4 years ago
Reply to  James Jones

Islam is a gift to the left only to be used to destroy our Christian roots and erase Christianity. Socialism is repugnant to Christianity so it must go. While politicians tout socialism, they really want communism and communism has no time for God in any
form. A communist leader replaces God.

4 years ago
Reply to  Patriotliz

“I think Jesus was wrong…the meek will NOT inherit the earth,…”

I used to find that puzzling. Jesus declared Himself to be “meek” in Matthew 11:29. In the Greek New Testament, “meek” is from the Greek term praus. It does not suggest weakness; rather, it denotes strength brought under control. The ancient Greeks employed the term to describe a wild horse tamed to the bridle.

In the biblical sense, therefore, being meek describes one who has channeled his strengths into the service (will) of God. More here:

Now maybe what Paul states makes more sense ->

[10] Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ’s sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.

It’s about drawing strength from Christ because on your own your strength would crumble. That’s how I interpret that.

4 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

You did not understand the passage.

The meek will inherit the earth, ….when they are buried in it!

James Jones
James Jones
4 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

I think that’s a most excellent rendering of those related passages.

4 years ago
Reply to  Patriotliz

“I think Jesus was wrong…the meek will NOT inherit the earth,…”

I used to find that puzzling. Jesus declared Himself to be “meek” in Matthew 11:29. In the Greek New Testament, “meek” is from the Greek term praus. It does not suggest weakness; rather, it denotes strength brought under control. The ancient Greeks employed the term to describe a wild horse tamed to the bridle.

In the biblical sense, therefore, being meek describes one who has channeled his strengths into the service (will) of God. More here:

Now maybe what Paul states makes more sense ->

[10] Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ’s sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.

It’s about drawing strength from Christ because on your own your strength would crumble. That’s how I interpret that.

4 years ago
Reply to  Patriotliz

During Yeshua’s lifetime in Israel the Jews there celebrated Nicanor Day, a day celebrating the defeat of the Seleucids by the Maccabees and the subsequent beheading of the Seleucid general Nicanor, whose head was brought back to Yerushalem. I sometimes wonder what Yeshua’s thoughts were on this celebration or the fact the Maccabees didn’t turn any cheeks to the Seleucid bastards who wanted to turn the Temple into one honoring Dionysius.

Moya McNulty
Moya McNulty
4 years ago
Reply to  Patriotliz

ISLAM is NOT a religion – it’s a CULT. A Godless, murdering, brainwashed gang of beheading monsters – WHO F–K underage girls – keep their women in black bags and worship satan – of course they don’t KNOW it’s Satan, coz he doesn’t WANT them to know – likes to KEEP them IN THE DARK

4 years ago
Reply to  James Jones

It saddens me beyond words what is going on in the U.S. and elsewhere. People are increasingly out of control because of being godless. Yes, the U.S. will eventually fall.

Speaking of prophecy, there are many schools of thought on that but it looks like the U.S. isn’t playing a major role in it except being part of ALL nations coming together against Israel. The delusion, 2Thes.2:11, is happening and people are very receptive to it. The “falling away”, 2Thes.2:3 is also happening. Unsound doctrine is proliferating because sound doctrine is viewed as “hate speech” and “intolerant” because it offends godless people and humanists. Romans 11:25, “the fullness of the gentiles” is one of those verses that is hotly debated but could that be what we are waiting for?

What I can say with confidence is if unbelievers see “global warming” er “climate change” as a problem, wait till they experience God’s wrath. Humans aren’t causing any change in the weather. God is always in control and that includes the weather.

I agree wholeheartedly to seek whatever victories we can. I sill hope for a revival where people repent and turn to Christ. It is possible but maybe not probable. There is intense hostility towards Bible based Christianity and many bitter people out there. that think they don’t need Him in their lives. What can bring them peace is what they object to the most.

4 years ago
Reply to  Patriotliz

You don’t have freedom of speech if you don’t have the right to offend someone.

Lover of Truth
Lover of Truth
4 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

Too right!

4 years ago
Reply to  James Jones

Trump is doing his best to keep freedom alive. I agree with you that whether he has only one or two terms, the reprieve will be over. The GOP routinely silent. The only time the GOP gets upset is when one of their swamp buddies is being harassed or mistreated.

Liberals are publishing the addresses of donors that give to Trump, so it is starting to happen here. Another time liberals listed names and addresses of people who owned guns. The privacy invasion is ongoing – censorship and now stealthily moving to “social credits” on social media. I also anticipate more violence – especially near Trump rallies.

Barr, our AG, is just a place holder and appears to be running out the clock. The evidence is there for indictments yet we have endless investigations ..They go on and on and on to pacify us. .I can’t remember how many times I have heard, “breaking news” or “bomb shell report” and there are still no indictments …. yawwnnn…. I have no confidence in the FBI, CIA or DOJ.. Devin Nunes and Jim Jordan are trying to get justice for us and restore the rule of law instead of the two tiered justice system we seem to have. I hope I am wrong about that…It’s a global pattern of behavior in the west designed to destroy it.

Here’s an example of Barr who has permission from Trump to release documents.

“It has been 103 days since President Trump empowered AG Bill Barr to release the original authorizing framework of the Mueller investigation which began on May 17, 2017. A Mueller investigation that concluded six months ago, and yet we are not allowed to know what the authorizing framework was?…. Nor the 2nd DOJ scope memo of August 2nd, 2017?… Nor the 3rd DOJ scope memo of October 20th, 2017?….”

They can’t release it because it implements them. The excuse of redacting documents to keep secret sources and methods was a joke. What was blacked out was their corruption and wrong doing and it is continuing. So it’s not just in Canada that people are being kept in the dark and silenced.

4 years ago
Reply to  James Jones

Alas Canada. I can hardly believe what it’s become.

James Jones
James Jones
4 years ago

Oct 21st, 2019, not “The Day the Music Died”, instead it will be “The Day the Music was Buried”. Stupid Canadians don’t like him like they used to, but the same polls put him back in charge with a likely minority. If this happens, then the deciding votes on policy will fall to the looniest, the whackiest broad ever to run for office, Elizabeth May of the Green Party – a globalist on steroids. If I didn’t live there, it would be the funniest thing. We ain’t seen nothin yet!!

Moya McNulty
Moya McNulty
4 years ago
Reply to  Patriotliz

ISLAM is NOT a religion. It is an HERETICAL CULT – NOTHING to do with GOD – BANNED in AMERICA !
he could not even READ or WRITE – someone else recorded his “stories” for him.

4 years ago
Reply to  Moya McNulty

No kiddin’….tell me something I don’t know! We’re stuck with a 1st Amendment which refers to “freedom to practice one’s faith” and unfortunately those who wrote that 1st Amendment didn’t consider excluding that ideology called a “religion” which is all about war and hate. IF ONLY…..they could have imagined Islam crossing the ocean to infect their most perfect country that they created but left this suicide pact of “freedom of religion” in the Constitution to allow Islam. They really should have known better. Now we are even banned from criticizing Islam (even though that’s our 1st amendment right) BECAUSE it is a religion and no one is allowed “hate speech” against a “religious” group of people thanks to the Leftist Marxist Globalists who ALL OF A SUDDEN found a “religion” that they actually LOVED, promoted and defended no matter how atrocious it is because Muslims want to wipe out Christianity and our Western Civilization. Leftists love that.

4 years ago

NO moslem should be permitted to be in any position of governance in America. Their only focus is the destruction of America’s constitution and the introduction of sharia. Their view of world dominance cannot be allowed to persist. Their insidious plan of using children as their weapons of war against Western Civilization must be proscribed.

Randall Anderson
Randall Anderson
4 years ago

“I hope there will be a day when Muslims will, en masse, publicly disavow Islamic doctrine…” That day will NEVER come, as it is heresy and apostacy to even suggest the need for ‘reform’…not one word, or the meaning of that word, can be changed, on penalty of death. There is only one Solution…Kill the religion/cult at its source…then there can be no haj, no bowing in the direction of Mecca or Medina, no kissing the Black Stone…and the ‘god’ of Islam is proven dead/non-existent/demonic and powerless against the forces the ONE GOD, JEHOVA/YAWEH.
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0349 JAT
0349 JAT
4 years ago

The five pillars of islam…….
The muslim savages can and will not live in peace with anyone, anywhere……

4 years ago
Reply to  0349 JAT

Absolutely!. Look anywhere around this planet and where you have Muslims, you have problems. They can’t even get along with other Muslims.

4 years ago


4 years ago

One must commend Mo Brooks for his impartiality. Specifically, his courageous daring to speak the truth regarding his, the hate-mongering, racist, antisemitic Democratic Party. It, however, is disconcerting that this one man of principles, integrity is the only one of the numerous Democrats with these mentioned values. Ironically, the Liberal worldview is only those right of center politically are actual racists. Mo Brooks has his work cut out, but one cannot discern his capability of righting the Democratic Party into one of tolerance and principles.

This Party of unmitigated prejudices, treason, and its support of a Cult of Death, Islam while spewing antisemitic, anti-Israel and anti-American obscenities without conscience and accountability.

Lover of Truth
Lover of Truth
4 years ago

I can only think that The Lord Jesus is using Islam (Satan) to hasten and bring about end times!

Yochanan Mauritz Hummasti
Yochanan Mauritz Hummasti
4 years ago

Ilhan Omar is an avowed Muslim who believes Muhammad, (who had sex with Aisha when she was merely nine years old and still playing with her dolls) was a prophet.

She is alleged to have married her brother and committed immigration and student loan fraud.

Muhammad got four historical facts wrong and therefore could not be a prophet:

1) He claims Miriam, the sister of Moshe was the mother of Yeshki (Jesus), Quran – Suras 19:27-28, 3:35-36, 66:12;

2) he claims Haman of Megillat Esther was in the “court” of Pharaoh; confusing the Building of the Tower of Babel with Haman and Pharaoh, Quran – Sura 40:36-37;

3) and he claims that Pharaoh used the Roman method of crucifixion as a form of the death penalty, Qur’an – Suras 7:124, 12:41, 20:71, 26:49; 38.12, 89:6-12;

4) and conflicting Islamic sources claim either Isaac or Ishmael was offered on the Altar by Avraham.

Geller Report
Thanks for sharing!