Kapo Peter Beinart calls for US to pressure Israel by withholding military aid


Such a despicable piece from the grotesque Peter Beinart is not a surprise. Like Thomas Friedman and Michele Goldberg of the New York Times, Beinart is a pro-jihad propagandist and a vicious anti-Israel Jew. Like many in the mainstream media, Beinart will consistently blame Israel for the lack of progress in the so-called peace process, and rarely (but probably never) blame the barbaric Jew-hatred, terrorism, and incitement taught in most segments of Palestinian society.

However, what Beinart is proposing would certainly be implemented by Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, and all of the other Democrats running for president: black mail Israel into signing a suicidal “peace” agreement with Palestinian terrorists in Ramallah. #JEXIT.

Peter Beinart calls for US to pressure Israel by withholding military aid, World Israel News, May 22, 2019:

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In a Monday op-ed in The Forward, Peter Beinart added to his series of attacks on Israel by arguing that the U.S. should use American military aid as a means of pressuring Israel to change its policies vis a vis the Palestinians.

Beinart, who also contributes to CNN and The Atlantic, writes that American governments bear a responsibility for the death of the two-state solution by failing over the last 25 years to make “Israel pay a price for undermining it.”

“It’s time for a new generation of American progressives — especially progressive Jews — to make it conceivable again,” to pressure Israel through threats of withholding aid, he said.

He says that American presidents fear being labeled anti-Israel or anti-Semitic if they use American aid as a way to pressure Israel.

Beinart writes approvingly of U.S. presidents who did threaten pull U.S. aid from Israel, from President Dwight Eisenhower, who demanded that Israel evacuate the Sinai in 1956 to President George H.W. Bush, who refused in 1991 to give Israel $10 billion in loan guarantees until it froze Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria.

In his piece, Beinart also praised Minnesota Representative Betty McCollum’s 2017 proposed legislation to prevent U.S. tax dollars from going to the Israeli military for allegedly detaining children. “Shamefully, only one Democratic presidential candidate, Representative Seth Moulton, has endorsed it, according to McCollum’s office,” he writes.

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4 years ago

Apparently, Democrats think that Palestinians who wear swastikas during protests are some “very fine people”.

R. Arandas
R. Arandas
4 years ago
Reply to  TD

Or someone did something on 9/11! After all, terrorism has no religion!

4 years ago

You can thank BILL CLINTON and OBAMA for normalizing a terrorist group like the Palestinians in the 1990s.

comment image

4 years ago
Reply to  TD

Yet another failed dumb-ass Democrat deal we are paying for decades later.

4 years ago
Reply to  TD

In the case of William Jefferson Clinton it’s hard to imagine he’s dumb, he was a Rhodes scholar. I’d say he’s corrupt and compromised.

4 years ago

There is no two-state solution because the Arabs want it all. They consider Israel all their land and all the Jews must go. This has been known for decades by everyone.

4 years ago

Beinhart is the consummate Jew/Israel-Hater; he is, after all, a Democratic/Nazi. His wanting to deny Israel military aid does not ring hollow among his Democrat comrades; they are following the party’s longtime loathing and anti-Semitic/Israel diktat. One does not have to travel back in time via a time machine to witness or recall the treachery Democrats undertook against the sovereign State of Israel. TD’s post of Clinton and Obama’s ‘normalizing’ the terrorist group the faux-Palestinians. Jimmy Carter, an avid anti-Semite, and anti-Israel and thought nothing, not unlike Obama, to undermine our relationship with Israel while sponsoring, aiding the enemies of Israel and those of this nation.

Beinhart is a byproduct of his personal Jew loathing which aligns nicely with that of the Democratic-Fascists. Nazism never died, it is thriving under a new banner, a donkey emblazoned with a swastika on its hiny.

4 years ago

A KAPO. And a scumbag.

4 years ago

The libturds hate strong leaders and know that Israel will defend itself!!!! Can’t stand a single libturd or muslim!!!!

4 years ago

Trump has better win in 2020. What’s going on is outrageous.

4 years ago

“He says that American presidents fear being labeled anti-Israel or anti-Semitic if they use American aid as a way to pressure Israel…”

The ACTUAL Antisemite that is advocating for anti Israeli measures is Beinart himself!!!

Since their Muslim Messiah (Hussein Obama) came to power, US JINO’s (progressive “Jews In Name Only”) have become a clear and present danger to Israel / Jews / Judaism as they are fanning the flames of Antisemitism from ALL parts of the political spectrum!!

White supremacist / Nazis see them CORRECTLY as anti American Traitors which in their twisted mind, validates their blanket, anti Jewish sentiment

Fellow “progressives” on the left use the “progressive” Jews as a perfect fig leaf to substantiate / prove / validate their rabid pro Muslim (automatically anti Jewish), Antisemitic agenda

Muslims (i.e. political Islam) exploit ALL “progressives” (Jews & non Jews) as the useful idiots that they are, to give them cover (in the MSM / academia / politically etc) as they promote their goals (Shariah / Antisemitism)

I wouldn’t shed any tears if tomorrow I would hear that Mr. Beinart was run down by a truck… preferably by a savage Muslim

4 years ago

I would agree with that if we can hold back aid from the Palestinians until they agree to lay down their arms and live in peace with Israel.

4 years ago

All this anti-Israel hatred in favor of a genocidal regime! Good God. Israel by itself is doing more for the world than all the death cult. For example, 12 ways Israeli tech is feeding the world:


R. Arandas
R. Arandas
4 years ago

The left has always supported Islam, do they say nothing about the millions given to Muslim countries such as Saudi Arabia or Pakistan?

Glen Benjamin
Glen Benjamin
4 years ago
Reply to  R. Arandas

The US and Europe always backed Muslim countries with money and military aid. Saudi Arabia had US troops defend it. Afghanistan, Iraq and even those other ungrateful bums in Bahrain. No US Soldiers died or fought in Israel.

Israelis fight and work with US troops. The Arab/ Muslim countried have the Americans fight and lose lives while their upper class laughs and drives fancy cars, bangs women, live in mansions and party with prostitutes.

John Acord
John Acord
4 years ago

A weakened Israel will attract the wolves that already surround it. Withdrawing U.S. military aide simply means there will be a greater conflict into which the US will be drawn at an immense cost in blood and materials. A strong Israel is the US’s best defense.If anything .more resources should be provided the IDF.

Robert Kahlcke
Robert Kahlcke
4 years ago

Bibi, enough is enough, go in and carpet bomb the Palestinians back to the stone age.

4 years ago

There is no need for a two-state solution if there is only one Jewish State, and a bunch of hangers-on. The surrounding Arab countries expelled their Jews, and though Israel lets Arabs remain, they are not owed a piece of land to live on. Where they live now was once barren of ALL Arabs. Arabs did not live there until recent times, and even then, the land was disputed. Their share of the land is now called Jordan, which will not allow Jews to own any land.
I found a love and a need for Israel. I am an American but I do not like the concept of “Nation-building.” We have tried before, and it never worked for very long. People did not always like their new government that we installed, and then they blame the Americans. Israel is already established, just like its neighbors. Nobody in any Arab country is licing off part of their land to give to their Arab “brothers.” They will kick in some money to fight Jihad, but they don’t present themselves with honor.

4 years ago

It’s incredibly these ar$eh0les point the finger of blame at Israel even though the f’ing Paleswein have unilaterally and without cause or provocation fired well over 15000 rockets and mortar rounds into Israel in the 21st century.

Cauc-Asian Patriot
Cauc-Asian Patriot
4 years ago

Beinart is one of those who would believe the Palestinians herding Jews into cattle cars would be part of land reform or resettlement! Also, the fact that Muslims universally dislike Jews has nothing to do with their religion even though their Prophet, The Perfect Man, told them to hate Jews so they do what Muhammad told them to! Imagine that!

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