Migrant rapists acquitted in gang rape of 15-year-old girl




Acquittals in the rape process


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The case of alleged gang rape had caused horror throughout Austria.
Two 19-year-olds were acquitted on Tuesday in St. Pölten of the allegation of rape of a 15-year-olds in Tulln in doubt. The judge referred in the verdict to numerous contradictions in the statements of the girl. The public prosecutor’s office filed an appeal for nullity, so that the judgments are not final. The two asylum seekers were released in succession.


Two members of the Schoten senate were for an acquittal and two for a guilty verdict, said the presiding judge in the verdict in the evening. It was not easy to make the decision. He referred to contradictions in the five interrogations of the girl, among other things in relation to the course of events – for example, whether it was two or three men. The incident was “certainly not as in the indictment,” said the judge. The entire Senate senate assume that it was probably first came to a “more or less friendly meeting” between the three or four participants, in which a joint was in the game.

Defendant in the rape case

The 15-year-old claimed to have been persecuted and raped three times on her way from Tulln Station to her father’s home on April 25, 2017. Finally, she broke free and fled home. Among other things, scratches were found in the hospital and sperm traces of the two defendants were also ensured.

“Pulled all registers”

The public prosecutor’s office had “pulled out all the stops” for clarification, the judge also referred in his extensive statement of reasons to the performed mass DNA. Sixty-five men had to hand over DNA samples by order of the prosecution. As a result, the two 19-year-olds from Afghanistan and Somalia had been investigated as suspects. After the arrest of the duo Tulln mayor Peter Eisenschenk (ÖVP) had until the final clarification of the cause a stop to the allocation of new asylum seekers.

Defendant in the rape case

The defendants had not pleaded guilty on Tuesday, according to their defenders, according to the two asylum seekers, the intercourse should have been amicable. The judge also stated in the grounds of the judgment that there were contradictions in the statements of the first accused. The trial took place in camera.

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6 years ago

Very disturbing. I wonder how many more times this will be repeated before those 3 pos get what they truly deserve. If they ever do.

What that judge has said by his actions is “Don’t bother wasting time using the law if you want to get justice.”


6 years ago
Reply to  OverIt

Tell you what, if I was her father, at least the two of them would no longer be a problem on this earth. Not to MY daughter. My daughters are not trash or rape toys.

6 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

Amen. I tend to take these stories very personally and some may think I go too far here with my posts. Maybe I do sometimes as my own daughter was raped and murdered at the age of 10 by savages similar to these. I would have killed them myself if I could have gotten my hands on them. Though this happened many years ago, I still feel the hurt for these girls on a personal level. I pray none of you ever have to go through burying your child.

6 years ago
Reply to  Jimbo

So sorry to hear that.
God is just. No one gets away from him.

6 years ago
Reply to  Jimbo

My deepest sympathy for your horrendous loss. My own response would not be to kill, but to remove the offending body part so that the owners would live the rest of their lives in the certain knowledge that they would never be able to repeat that crime.

Also on the ‘scumbags needing an “interview” ‘ list would be the vermin lawyers who defend these subhumans. There is NO justification for taking on the job of defending them. None. I would be wanting a polite discussion, perhaps over a cup of tea……./sarc.

6 years ago
Reply to  OverIt

Justice failed here. I am beginning to see a pattern of it. It’s becoming more outrageous. Justice must be served. She will never be the same and the double humiliation and unfairness will ALWAYS haunt her.

Ed Newbold
Ed Newbold
6 years ago
Reply to  OverIt

The “scumbags” need an interview with a pissed off parent holding a .45 auto!

6 years ago
Reply to  Ed Newbold

“Interview” was in quotes for individual interpretation. I would suggest at least a bit of subtlety as none of these scumbags are worth going to jail for. Same result, just different means.

6 years ago
Reply to  Jimbo

Oh my… you have all my, love and sincerest sympathy. You are loved!

Keep this in mind as you have that painful void in your heart. Take solace in it. When I see, “Amen” I am hopeful you are a Christian too. We LOVE YOU too!

Easter is a special time. Honorable people may die for people they love, but Christ died for all of us, including those that hated, abused, humiliated and abandoned Him. That is divine love! He led a perfect life and substituted Himself for our punishment, becoming a ransom for many. It’s amazing how secular history and archaeology provide evidence of His life.

The Bible promises that ALL wrongs will be righted and Christ will mete out perfect justice for eternity. Christ won’t be fooled, mocked or easily impressed with smooth talk. He is not responsible for the free will choices people make in life. Instead, He will judge them. ALL will be exposed and held accountable.

I too have things that I know I will never get justice on this earth for and they have affected me my entire life too. So I take solace that He will fix that. Things may fade but the emotional pain is always there and so is the humiliation and unfairness.

Who knows! We might be that special generation that doesn’t experience a physical death. I could be mistaken, but I see prophecy unfolding. I have never seen such delusional global madness. Right is wrong and wrong is right. Christianity is also the most persecuted faith on this earth.

Look at the EU Muslim invasion and the horrific things they do. . They are simply living what they are taught in their Qur’an. With internet usage and global outreach not knowing about Him is increasingly rare. Maybe we will be reunited with saved loved ones sooner than we think. Can you even begin to imagine the JOY, sheer JOY you will have being reunited with your daughter and other loved ones for eternity?

One of my favorite verses is, Revelation 21:4

[4] And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.

6 years ago

“You can be full of kindness and love, but you cannot sleep next to a mad dog,” Ashin Wirathu , a Buddhist monk with a rock-star following in Myanmar,

“If we are weak, our land will become Muslim.”.

6 years ago
Reply to  taxpayer22

Which is why the Rohingya Moslems are on their way to Bangladesh and the Muzzie-worshiping UN and UK are trying to protect them…

6 years ago

Myanmar, it is Rohingya Muslims killing Buddhists.

Kalambong Kalambong
Kalambong Kalambong
6 years ago

Under the Islamic Hudud law, a rape victim (usually a female) must provide four male Muslim witnesses to prove charges of rape

In this Austrian case — The Austrian authority force the rape victim, a 15-year-old-girl, to go through FIVE INTERROGATIONS !!

Now you tell me, is the Austrian authority works for Austrians, or for Moslem Savages?

Has Austria turned into an Islamic Caliphate ?

6 years ago

Agree. Left/liberal pro-jihadi feminist welcome their own sexual predators https://tinyurl.com/y9uw74ne

…Insane ?

6 years ago

They came from Bangladesh, moved to Myanmar for work. They & Muslims from India.

Me Again
Me Again
6 years ago
Reply to  harbidoll

…Bangladesh not India

6 years ago
Reply to  Me Again

Google writes when Brits had Burma, they allowed Muslims from India & Bangladesh to (hijdra) infiltrate into Burma & settle without requiring citizenship. After Burma got independence they were left with a mess on their hands. Kinda like Europe now.

6 years ago
Reply to  harbidoll

WORK?…are yu serious?… they came to take away a huge part of Myanmar to fulfill their jihadist lusts… the entire water coastline..

6 years ago

This happened during British Empire days over 100yrs ago, They were powerless back then & starving.But refused citizenship.

Lynn D
Lynn D
6 years ago

They came from bloody Bangladesh in the first place.. They have been slaughtering Buddhists for the last 30 years in Myanmar..So finally the Myanmar authorities had had enough and sent the army in to clear them out… Pity Europe doesn’t take the same course of action

6 years ago

It’s Serbia all over again in Myanmar, Thank fully the Rapist in Chief is not in power as the POTUS

Me Again
Me Again
6 years ago
Reply to  joc22

No, you are incorrect in everything. The event which provoked this ‘kicking out of the Rohingya, was the simultaneous attack on FIFTY police and army barracks, border posts and patrolling officers. FIFTY coordinated attacks.

You reap what you sow. congrats Rogingya, you just shat in your own hats….

6 years ago
Reply to  Me Again

Do you know the history of that war? Did you know before the Serbs took to battle that the Bosnian were taking over Serb towns and converting them to Islam or pushing out the Orthodox Christians. Please do some research. It was Clinton and the UN that sent in NATO to fight for the muslims

Trump can't ban islam
Trump can't ban islam
6 years ago
Reply to  taxpayer22

there was no “rape”. the muslims just wanted to integrate. muslims have been brought to the west to take charge of western women. so no chance of “rape”. everything is well planned and organized by western politicians. muslims have been promised housing, benefits, free money if they integrate (“rape”) with western women. it’s the will of mohammad

6 years ago

Inshallah, Islam will conquer the west, and after that the world will go back to the stone and dark ages, ie, the world will go back to the ages when camel, donkey and horse were the main mean of transportation. When Islam rules the world there will be no science, no technology, no electricity, no innovations.

6 years ago
Reply to  taxpayer22

‘… a clear conquest’ (through violent jihad 2/216 -> 4/74-76, 95..) https://quran.com/48/1-28 muh’s latest Sermon on the Mount ‘Arafat’ (near Mecca), 61/9, 8/39, 9/29-33

6 years ago

The only “integration” you people should be doing, is to the rendering machine that turns you into dog food.

Me Again
Me Again
6 years ago
Reply to  santashandler

Are you really stupid enough to think that ‘trump can’tt ban islam is a Muslim?

6 years ago
Reply to  Me Again

Are you stupid enough to think what that pile of sh*t says has any merit?

6 years ago
Reply to  santashandler

Dont U recognize satire when U-all see it.

6 years ago
Reply to  Me Again

dont U recognize satire when U see it.

6 years ago

who needs muslims when you have communist race-hate-inspired savages? not even Indians are safe in south africa (actually Indians are specifically targeted/hated)…(note: it’s referring to this case: https://www.news24.com/SouthAfrica/News/vicki-momberg-sentenced-to-an-effective-2-years-in-prison-for-racist-rant-20180328)comment image
comment image

6 years ago

A special message for you and allah:

اذهب تبا نفسك
adhhab tabaa nafsak

6 years ago

Go back to your desert and integrate with your uncles, cousins and sisters. It is the will of mo-HAM-head.

6 years ago
Reply to  taxpayer22

The amoral, atheist West accepts the muslum vermin with open arms…

6 years ago

The failure on behalf of feminist groups to devote adequate attention to the Muslim rape epidemic and Islamic Female Genital Mutilation unveils the true face of what characterizes third wave feminism – rampant hypocrisy and an agenda to downplay and dismiss genuine women’s rights issues that don’t fit into their warped paradigm .

The Left claims it opposes bigotry. Yet Islam, the most bigoted ideology that exists today, is given a pass./ is being promoted.

6 years ago
Reply to  taxpayer22

The big problem for Myanmar is that their military isn’t even on par w/Indonesia, much less the muslum or muslum friendly states of NATO.

Mahou Shoujo
Mahou Shoujo
6 years ago

Austrian – german with the brains kicked out of them.

6 years ago
Reply to  Mahou Shoujo

Germany ruled by idiots & coward traitors to piSSlam

Sebastian Kurz, Chancellor from Austria is good, also in his migration politic 🙂 cause Vienna had still a meeting with is(s)lam, and fought the Muslims back (also Hungary, today PM Victor Orban rejects Muslim so-called refugees)

6 years ago

No young girl is going to make up a rape. Not when it comes to Muslims.
LOOK AT THEM. Would you want either of them, let alone THREE of them raping a female you love? What about the sperm? Did it match? This is beyond outrageous. This is a green light to RAPE MORE! Hang that judge by his balls in the public square along with the rapists. I feel sorry for that poor girl. NO ONE wants to be raped by these savages!
Sperm alone should have convicted them!

6 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

From that translation, the judge seems to be saying that because she wasn’t sure if she was attacked by two or three men, her testimony is somehow invalidated – what a crock of bs.

6 years ago

In the horror of the moment, that is very understandable. Can you imagine the terror she experienced? I can only imagine. She would have been hysterical and fighting as she was over powered. Sperm by two of them should have been enough to have prosecuted them. It sure is a crock of bs to not prosecute the two of them.

6 years ago
Reply to  felix1999


The very fact that she was unclear about the number of assailants proves to me that it was a traumatic and unwelcome assault, and there could be no suggestion otherwise.

Like you say, with the physical evidence undisputed, this was a slam dunk for a straightforward conviction, so we can only guess what political factors influenced the decision.

6 years ago

The destruction of justice is necessary for a country, a culture, or a government to be supplanted by a foreign power. The people become desperate for at least predictability, hence the hijab and other manifestations of islam.

6 years ago

I see these cases becoming a political fight on one side as a means of reducing or eliminating asylum seekers usually in small towns where the native population is just fed up with the crime these migrants bring in. The Mayor may side with the residents and try to get the town off the relocation list. But then the government and courts weigh in on the side of the Muslim migrants over and over again. In the end, this poor girl, and her community pay the real costs and burdens of dealing up close, and personal, with these savages. May Gd avenge them against these corrupt politicians.

6 years ago
Reply to  Jimbo

That is where our faith kicks in. God will avenge all wrongs. It’s hard to be patient but we must be patient for Him to ultimately make wrong right for eternity if we can’t get justice on this earth.

God loves His followers and Christians are part of that. We are grated in. When your daughter was murdered and so horribly, that person hurt GOD too.
God loves YOU!!!!!

When you look at secular history, evil may prosper for a season, but then God steps in and ends it. What seems to make this different this time is the GLOBAL delusion going on. It’s bigger than WW1 or WW2. Islam a global problem and another symptom of a vile agenda going on.

Keep that faith and celebrate Easter too!

6 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

You are a submissive idiot. God helps him who helps himself.

tn_tea _ partyer_420
tn_tea _ partyer_420
6 years ago

She probably wanted to have sex with only one of them, but those animals don’t play that way. It Is by no means her fault, maybe her naivete????

Achmed Mohammedan
Achmed Mohammedan
6 years ago

From any recount of the tale, it did not appear that she “wanted” anything from any of them. That’s a terrible accusation for you to lay. Have you no shame? She was brutally gang raped.

6 years ago

Islam AND “progressivism” are dangerous to humans, as hydrophobia (rabies) is to dogs… Paraphrased from Winston Churchill’s astute and succinct cultural / anthropological observation of Islam / Muslims

As hordes of 3’d world, savage / illiterate / violent / sex crazed muzlims continue to flow into Europe, the EU’s still prevalent left wing ideology / culture / politics (constituting among other lunacies, feverish muzlim arse sucking) = HIV, now full blown AIDS(!) to the European continent…

Halal Bacon
Halal Bacon
6 years ago

maybe start a go fund me to use in the sharia court, cash is king in that environment – $350k ought to buy castrations all around

6 years ago

OMG. How could they let this go. They’re Muslims. Of course they did it. Thank God I live in the US, where Trump is going to MAGA.

6 years ago

Sept 25 2012 By David Wood “… In order to accuse someone of a sexual sin (such as rape), the accuser must produce four male witnesses (Qur’an 24:4,13). If the accuser can’t produce four male witnesses, the man can’t be charged with rape. And if he can’t be charged with rape, the girl is stuck with her admission that illicit sex has taken place (which she admitted when she accused him of rape). Hence, she will be given 100 lashes for fornication (Qur’an 24:2 + 80 lashes 24:4 for her ‘false statement’). …”

July 23, 2013 By Robert Spencer “… The problem with this is that women who accuse men of rape but cannot produce four male witnesses are often accused themselves of zina — unlawful sexual intercourse—and jailed as a result. …”

-> not so good to be a Muslim women (without headscarf)

6 years ago
Reply to  Thorsten

Since when is pisslam the law of the Austrian land?

F- pisslam

6 years ago
Reply to  Dagonet

Dunno since when, but it sure is now!

6 years ago

Sept 25 2012 By David Wood “… In order to accuse someone of a sexual sin (such as rape), the accuser must produce four male witnesses (Qur’an 24:4, 13). If the accuser can’t produce four male witnesses, the man can’t be charged with rape. And if he can’t be charged with rape, the girl is stuck with her admission that illicit sex has taken place (which she admitted when she accused him of rape). Hence, she will be given 100 lashes for fornication (Qur’an 24:2). …”

July 23, 2013 By Robert Spencer “… The problem with this is that women who accuse men of rape but cannot produce four male witnesses are often accused themselves of zina — unlawful sexual intercourse—and jailed as a result. …”

6 years ago

Sept 25 2012 By David Wood “… In order to accuse someone of a sexual sin (such as rape), the accuser must produce four male witnesses (Qur’an 24:4, 13). If the accuser can’t produce four male witnesses, the man can’t be charged with rape. And if he can’t be charged with rape, the girl is stuck with her admission that illicit sex has taken place (which she admitted when she accused him of rape). Hence, she will be given 100 lashes for fornication (Qur’an 24:2). …”

July 23, 2013 By Robert Spencer “… The problem with this is that women who accuse men of rape but cannot produce four male witnesses are often accused themselves of zina — unlawful sexual intercourse—and jailed as a result. …”

Halal Bacon
Halal Bacon
6 years ago

send them home then

6 years ago

No young girl is going to make up a rape. Not when it comes to Muslims.LOOK AT THEM. Would you want either of them, let alone THREE of them raping a female you love? What about the sperm? Did it match? This is beyond outrageous. This is a green light to RAPE MORE! Hang that judge by his balls in the public square along with the rapists

6 years ago

Sounds like Europe is overdue for some vigilante justice.

6 years ago

More savage Negroes getting their white girl(s) is what this is. Sadly there’s enough slut white girls that will lay down with this human trash willingly. Unbelievable this verdict though. Time to cut some balls off.

John Forbes
John Forbes
6 years ago

UTTERLY PATHETIC WESTERN SO CALLED RULE OF LAW AGAIN heavily weighted in favour of RAPISTS & Taking again, no consideration for the VICTIMS!

6 years ago

Let’s see, a Negro and half a Negro and full blown Somali are let go?? They are treated like royalty. Negro worship is what I call it.

It got a Negro sodomite illegally elected as “President”. It’s good to be Negro nowadays. It pays to have low IQ. The only thing is your too stupid to appreciate it.

Lynn D
Lynn D
6 years ago

So this was a case where the girl was on trial… The judge knows nothing about Islam and their belief that all western women are only fit for sex slaves….

6 years ago

So this means open season…:)…shit happens

6 years ago

This keeps being listed as spam, so I’ll try to separate the link and maybe it’ll post. Anything quotation marks, use the appropriate symbol, and properly space.

This is a bit off topic here but, with Muslims pushing halal on
us, and we not knowing about it, I found a link on the Rebel Media that
warns Muslims about companies whose products are not halal.

So, to para-flip Aesop, since one man’s poison can another man’s meat.

canadianhalalfoods “dot” com “slash” alerts “dot”html “number sign” a109

Basically, the companies on this list either haven’t, or won’t, capitulate. Lots of interesting companies and products.

One I particularly like is Columbia Sport Wear. Seems they have
shoes and boots made of pigskin so, I figure it would be kind of handy
to have a pair, and as long as you can get some nut to believe what
you’re wearing, a good swift kick in the you know where is all most of
us’ll ever need.

Truth be told, it might have the same effect as the Second Amendment.
If Muslims never know who’s packing pig, they’ll have to be more
careful around everybody.

James Stamulis
James Stamulis
6 years ago

When the courts fail our kids it is up to vigilantism to get real justice for them!

6 years ago

Time for people to exact justice their selves as their country is not protecting their children. The world needs to get rid of these criminals if they want to continue to act like animals it is time to put them down like we do rabid dogs

6 years ago

Well, hell, based on this court case, we just as well throw out DNA evidence. Even better, let’s legalize rape. In the muslim culture, it is virtually impossible to convict of rape. We’re bending over backwards to make these third or fourth-world animals feel welcome.

Just think how our leaders could next tell us the crime rate is going down!!

Stephen Honig
Stephen Honig
6 years ago

Why have a trial for Muslims? Let them receive a papal dispensation and only follow the Koran.

6 years ago

It looks to me like they were looking for a ridiculous technicality to drop the case against the MUSLIMS. Hopefully there is something else they can do to bring her justice.

6 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

There’s a lot that springs to mind, involving her father, male friends and relatives and assorted weaponry.

Unfortunately it will all lead to any Austrians who participate getting far longer sentences even than the cowardly rapists SHOULD have got.

We can all see where this is headed, just one sentence (or lack of) like this too many and it’s all going to kick off.

Randy Claywell
Randy Claywell
6 years ago

She was 15. Should have been statuatory rape. So the judge held the fact that a traumatized 15 year old got confused about how many men raped her.

6 years ago

If the DNA proved that the 15 year old had had intercourse with the defendants then is does not matter at all that the victim contradicted herself. That is irrelevant.

Those muslims had sex with a child so it was RAPE!

Thirty years.

Dave Glynn
Dave Glynn
6 years ago

She was 15! They both had been caught through their DNA/sperm and She was too young too consent to intercourse = Rape.
The judge has let her and his country down and these 2 muzrat scumbags walk free.
That Is Not Justice!

6 years ago

Muslims migrant invasion and they think raping women girls or boys and animals is ok it’s like a quickie – y can’t they go back to their own countries!!! I don’t like them or their practices nor am I impressed by MARIA Mahmoot England’s ? New mis universe either if she’s mozzie how come she goes by name Maria?!?!?! Please tell

6 years ago

get them on the next rape? Someone just showed them its OK to rape… So They qualify to go to Canada

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