Thursday 31 October 2019


The Scots, the Welsh and the Irish value and love their peoples and culture. The English do not. We turn the other way and look embarrassed if the subject comes up. Or we make an acid comment about 'little Englanders'.

This is not healthy. It is corrosive. A Shaman loves and values her people and culture, and this connection gives power to her work. This is a given, it should not need even saying.

I do not want to hear any comments under this post that justifies this attitude. Even by saying there is no such thing as English, that is just the same thing. We are the people who live here, now. Of course the English have their faults, just like any other nation. (And I suspect part of our problem is the hangover from Empire: some of us feel guilty for having had it, others feel humiliated for no longer having it, and maybe some of us feel both!) But that is not the point. There is so much to celebrate, not just in our history, but now: we are, for example, the most multi-cultural nation in Europe. We have achieved that since WWII. I love that about us, the tolerance and broadmindedness and love for all peoples that it implies.

I offer Shamanic consultations, usually by skype, in which we can talk over anything you want to talk over. I may use the Medicine Wheel, Journeying, Astrology, Tarot or anything that works. And it centres around listening to ourselves in a deep way. I work on a donation basis, and I am happy with whatever is easy for you: I love this work. Contact:
Shamans are healers and elders, and we help heal not just individuals but the whole tribe. The people are feeling badly about themselves, and it has become a bad habit that eats into our psychological health. We have a job to do here, a stance to take, and because our loyalty is primarily to Spirit rather than to the values of society, we do not mind what people think about us, we are bigger than that.

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