It has been a very long time since I have posted a blog.  Yikes!  Many things have changed since my last post.  I have decided to update you in the form of a list.  Some of these changes are sad, some are a relief, some are exciting, some are freeing, some are head scratchers….as usual though…there is always a lot of contrast!

In no particular order….

  • My  mom died a year ago last August. She died peacefully…though the years up to that were pretty damned intense….for her and for all of us.
  • My business is doing awesome.  I have the honor of working with so many amazing people~~ Love Love Love my work!
  • Our dog Elly died on the same day that my son Ethan graduated with his Masters in Mathematics.
  • My son Ethan graduated with his Masters in Mathematics.  What an amazing accomplishment!! :)
  • Even though our dog was crazy and quite the handful, we miss her friendship and her unconditional love.  We all learned so much from her.  I miss her everyday!
  • My brother and sister in law embezzled my inheritance from me, my fella and my sons.  They are no longer a part of our lives.
  • I took up beading (thanks to my friend Kerry and my friend Tara).  Now, I am absolutely hooked on it and am planning to open a little etsy store soon.  Wait until you see what I am making!!!! Awesome jewelry :)
  • Since I did not receive the inheritance that we were depending on, my fella and I are selling our home and moving to a new place….in a new state.  We are very excited about starting a new adventure.  This will happen spring 2014~  What do you call that?  Something like ‘turning lemons into lemonade’  😉 
  • My son Corey continues to write and has figured out some cool and unique ways to make money on line.  Today he is hanging out in Oahu….in a cave….that overlooks the ocean….writing.  tomorrow….who knows where he will be :)
  • I have gone through a lot due to betrayal of my brother.  Interestingly, since this happened to us….I have heard of so many other people who experienced this as well.  Mainly women.
  • My inner magical thinker has been really shaken up.  I am still a magical thinker….and I am also more able to call a spade a spade.  Hasn’t been easy though.
  • I still have IC
  • I want that to change and the little sucker refuses to bend to my will!!!
  • I am doing Caroline Myss’ Archetype ( Sacred Contracts) training.  I love the information that I am learning.  Very cool stuff.

Well, I think that about sums it up-ish.  I do want to get back to writing though.  I miss writing and I have lots of cool ideas for topics to chat about.  Till next time….

Have a lovely day!

4 Responses to “So…it’s been awhile~”

  1. Keep writing.

  2. I am so glad to read you again! I figured you were focused on caring for your mother, may she now rest in pure, blissful peace.

    Your son Corey sounds like dauntless, adventurous soul. I wish him well. My daughter might be living a somewhat similar life. (As in, “Dad, I’m not going to college. I’m going to be a tattoo artist and operate a vegan food truck.”) His memoirs will be an interesting read one day. Make sure he takes good notes!

    Lemons to Lemonade… I miss Kerry’s blog, but I’m glad she has another.


  3. Hey there Tara and Mr Peg 😉
    Thanks for your comments. I will be writing more Tara…feeling inspired again :)
    Mr Peg…your daughter should meet my son…right now he is living in a cave in Oahu which over looks the ocean. Maybe she can get a job near by doing tattoo’s 😉

    Kerry’s blog has really changed. Things changed pretty dramatically after her son committed suicide over a year and a half ago. Pretty intense and also amazing~~
    Talk to you all soon :)

  4. You always inspire me, Lynne. Through the last months your humor, heart, determination, guts, beauty, wisdom, depth, playfulness, rebellion, acceptance, resilience, and LOVE have been quite evident. I am forever grateful you are in my life! xooxoxo

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