Sunday, December 16, 2012

Not high speed anything

I stumbled across this Cadillac Bumper Sticker;

and a whole string of memories came flooding back from my wedding day and the preparations.

As I recall (and if anyone remembers different, please comment), at a wedding fayre in Kent, UK, there were several transport companies there. Our finishing choice was this 1958 pink Cadillac :)

Before making that decision, I have distinct memories of looking at stretch hummers (but as the bride I wanted to be seen and didn't like the tinted windows) and as a very close second place to the Cadillac, the Monster Trucks (which we also went to watch later on at the same venue). I really did have my heart set on a monster truck as a decent form of arrival, but ,as much as he was tempted, the husband-to-be had some sense and bought me back down to earth with a floaty pink Cadillac.


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