Then Gargi, the daughter of Vachaknu, questioned him. Yajnavalkya , said she, if all this is pervaded by water, by what, pray, is water pervaded? By air, O Gargi. By what, pray, is air pervaded? By the sky, O Gargi. By what is the sky pervaded? By the world of the gandharvas, O Gargi. By what is the world of the gandharvas pervaded? By the world of the sun, O Gargi. By what is the world of the sun pervaded? By the world of the moon, O Gargi. By what is the world of the moon pervaded? By the world of the stars, O Gargi. By what is the world of the stars pervaded? By the world of the gods, O Gargi. By what is the world of the gods pervaded? By the world of Indra, O Gargi.

Yajur Veda, Brihadaranyaka Upanishad III, VI-Yajnavalkya and Gargi (I), 1

By what is the world of Indra pervaded? By the World of Virij, O Gargi. By what is the World of Virij pervaded? By the World of Hiranyagarbha, O Gargi. By what, pray, is the World of Hiranyagarbha pervaded? Do not, O Gargi, said he, question too much, lest your head should fall off. You are questioning too much about a deity about whom we should not ask too much. Do not ask too much, O Gargi. Thereupon Gargi, the daughter of Vachaknu, held her peace.

Yajur Veda, Brihadaranyaka Upanishad III, VI-Yajnavalkya and Gargi (I), 1 (CONT)

Whoever would climb up to heaven and even beyond would not elude the Lord Varuna. His watchmen with a thousand eyes, descending from heaven, sweep the earth with all-seeing glance.

Atharva Veda IV, 16, 4

Whatever exists in heaven and earth, whatever lies beyond--all this Varuna scans. He counts the blinks of every eye and reckons, like a skillful dicer, his throw in the cosmic game.

Atharva Veda IV, 16, 5

May the seven times seven threads of net stretched out three times--a fatal trap to catch the unwary-- ensnare the man who tells a lie, but let the man pass safely by who speaks the truth.

Atharva Veda IV, 16, 6