Corruption in India - A Great Picture Showing Ingenuity of Indians | Indian Stocks to Make You a Millionaire
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Corruption in India - A Great Picture Showing Ingenuity of Indians

Posted By On 1:04 PM Under ,
Must say that these guys are brilliant who design such thought provoking images and this image is courtesy sent to me by one of my friends who received the same in email. It is a commendable work for all those generating such type of images and when one reads the SMS being generated; only than one realises the amount of talent which exists in India. This whole image has a potential to make or break the power politics in India. Please note that we are not an originator of this image and this is in way to tarnish image of any individual or as a matter of fact of any political party and same needs to be taken as a satire on our political system.

It is no doubt that corruption is a big evil in India, however it needs to be seen that despite all the constraints we have progressed to a great extent and Fitch has also given a certificate that we are lesser corrupt than Russia and China.

This does not mean that we are legitimising the corruption, however we should not lose heart because despite all constraints we are progressing as a nation. Let us get together and make a beginning by taking a vow not to give bribe and if each one of us can do it, we are going to remove this corruption stigma from our society.
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