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jillkino's Dream Journal
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OMG! I picked up where we left off...

I took a nap today and my dream picked up where we left off.

I'm still at the hospital with my son Brody (who is a child in this dream).   (Please see my previous dream for all of the horrible details.)

I am back in his ER room.  He is still alive and is stable and staff believe that he is going to make it afterall although his lungs still have to finish healing.

I am visiting with the nurses and I tell them that I have recently graduated from RN school.  I am thinking that while I like the hospital and am appreciative for everything that they've done for my son, there is NO WAY that I could regularly deal with pediatric emergencies like the one my son just went through.  

I am feeling hopeful and much happier. 

When I woke up, I felt better.

Horrible dream about Brody dying

OMG! I picked up where we left off...

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