I asked ChatGPT:

What are games someone who is learning can play with you to help learn English?

Here’s is its response:

Word Association: We can play a word association game where I’ll give you a word, and you have to respond with another word that is related to it. For example, if I say “dog,” you can respond with “cat.” This game can help you expand your vocabulary and improve your word associations.

Vocabulary Quiz: I can provide you with a list of words and their definitions, and you can test your knowledge by guessing the correct word for each definition. This game will help you learn new words and their meanings.

Sentence Completion: I can give you incomplete sentences, and you can fill in the missing words to complete them. This exercise will help you practice sentence structure and grammar.

Describe an Object: I can describe an object to you, and you can try to guess what it is based on my description. This game will enhance your listening comprehension and descriptive skills.

Role-Play Conversations: We can engage in simulated conversations where you can practice real-life dialogues, such as ordering food at a restaurant, asking for directions, or making phone calls. This will improve your conversational skills and fluency.

Hangman: In this classic word-guessing game, I’ll think of a word and provide you with the number of letters it contains. You’ll guess letters one at a time, and for every incorrect guess, I’ll draw a part of a hangman. Your goal is to guess the word before the hangman is complete. This game is great for practicing spelling and vocabulary.

Pictionary: We can play a modified version of Pictionary where I describe a word to you, and you have to guess what it is based on my description. This game will help you improve your listening skills and expand your vocabulary.

Storytelling: We can take turns building a story together. One person starts with a sentence, and then the other person adds another sentence to continue the story. This game will enhance your creativity, sentence construction, and storytelling abilities.

Tongue Twisters: I can provide you with challenging tongue twisters, and you can try to say them correctly multiple times in a row. This game will help improve your pronunciation, diction, and fluency.

Category Game: We can play a game where we take turns naming items within a specific category. For example, if the category is “fruits,” I might say “apple,” and then you can respond with “banana,” and so on. This game will help you practice vocabulary and quick thinking.

Guess the Definition: I can provide you with a word, and you have to guess its definition. This game will help you expand your vocabulary and improve your understanding of words and their meanings.

20 Questions: We can play a modified version of the classic game “20 Questions.” You think of an object or person, and I’ll ask up to 20 yes-or-no questions to try and guess what it is. This game will help you practice asking and answering questions in English.

Riddles: I can give you riddles, and you can try to solve them. Riddles are a fun way to challenge your critical thinking skills and improve your language comprehension.

Describe a Scene: I can describe a scene or situation to you, and you have to visualize it and ask me questions to gather more information. This game will help improve your descriptive abilities and question formation.

Word Chain: We can play a word chain game where we take turns naming words that start with the last letter of the previous word. For example, if I say “cat,” you can respond with “tiger,” and so on. This game will help expand your vocabulary and improve your word associations.

Story Starters: I can provide you with the beginning of a story, and you have to continue it by adding the next part. We can take turns building the story, creating an engaging narrative while practicing your storytelling skills and using English creatively.

Alphabet Game: We can play the alphabet game where we take turns naming words that start with each letter of the alphabet. For example, I start with “apple,” then you continue with “banana,” and so on. This game will help you practice vocabulary and think quickly.

Homophone Hunt: I can give you a sentence with a missing word that sounds the same as another word but has a different meaning and spelling. You have to fill in the correct homophone to complete the sentence. This game will help you improve your understanding of homophones and enhance your language accuracy.

Sentence Transformation: I can provide you with a sentence, and you have to transform it using a specific grammar rule or sentence structure. This game will help you reinforce your understanding of grammar and sentence construction.


Though I think there are far more engaging online games students can play, it certainly couldn’t hurt to offer them some of these options.