Muhammad Ali’s son says his father would oppose ‘racist’ Black Lives Matter movement and support Trump


Ali Jr. believes his father, who fought against racism throughout his life, would have been disturbed by the violence and looting that has taken place since the death of George Floyd.

Muhammad Ali’s son says his father would oppose ‘racist’ Black Lives Matter movement and support Trump

By Andrew Mark Miller, Washington Examiner, June 20, 2020 12:24 PM

The son of famous boxer and civil rights icon Muhammad Ali said his father would not have supported the “racist” Black Lives Matter movement.

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“It’s not just black lives matter, white lives matter, Chinese lives matter, all lives matter, everybody’s life matters,” Muhammad Ali Jr., the boxer’s only biological son, told the New York Post.

“God loves everyone — he never singled anyone out,” he added. “Killing is wrong, no matter who it is.”

Ali Jr. believes his father, who fought against racism throughout his life, would have been disturbed by the violence and looting that has taken place since the death of George Floyd.

“Don’t bust up shit. Don’t trash the place,” Ali Jr. said. “You can peacefully protest. My father would have said, ‘They ain’t nothing but devils.’ My father said, ‘All lives matter.’ I don’t think he’d agree.”

Ali Jr. also defended law enforcement amid calls to disband and defund police departments across the United States as a response to Floyd’s death.

“Police don’t wake up and think, ‘I’m going to kill a n—– today or kill a white man,’” he said. “They’re just trying to make it back home to their family in one piece.”

Ali Jr. said, “Not all the police are bad, there’s just a few. There’s a handful of police that are crooked. They should be locked up. I never had a bad scene with a cop. They’ve always been nice and protect me. I don’t have a problem with them.”

On the subject of Floyd’s death specifically, Ali Jr. believes the officer was “wrong” but pointed out there is footage that is not often seen showing Floyd resisting arrest and that the officer was “doing his job” but “used the wrong tactic.”

Ali Jr. had strong words for members of antifa who have been responsible for some of the violence that has erupted since Floyd’s death, arguing that they are “no different from Muslim terrorists.”

“They’re no different from Muslim terrorists,” he said. “They should all get what they deserve. They’re f—ing up businesses, beating up innocent people in the neighborhood, smashing up police stations and shops. They’re terrorists — they’re terrorizing the community. I agree with the peaceful protests, but the antifa, they need to kill everyone in that thing.”

On the subject of politics, Ali Jr. says he supports President Trump and that his father, who died four years ago this month, would have supported him as well.

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3 years ago

“They’re no different from Muslim terrorists,” he said.
Full points for that.

3 years ago

A voice of reason. So was his dad. Never heard him say anything bad about Israel or Jews. I do not remember him being too fond of Arafat either. Maybe I am wrong.

3 years ago
Reply to  Rl

You’re wrong, you’ve been propagandized. When it comes right down to it, Muhammad Ali’s viewpoints were just as racist as those of the KKK. And why should anyone be surprised by this? He voluntarily joined the Nation of Islam.

3 years ago

Cassius Clay was an idiot to convert to Islam, aSunni Muslim, and then renamed himself Muhammad Alis.

3 years ago

Really? Then how does his son explain away the following?

“You’re my enemy. My enemy is the white people!”
-Muhammad Ali

And the Nation of Islam, to which Muhammad Ali belonged, didn’t allow anyone other than blacks as members, period, full stop, but they did invite Nazis to attend one of their functions.

“We who follow the teachings of Elijah Muhammad (leader of the Nation of Islam) don’t want to be forced to integrate. Integration is wrong. We don’t want to live with the white man”
-Muhammad Ali

In an interview with Playboy Ali said “A black man should be killed if he’s messing with a white woman.” When the interviewer asked about black women crossing the colour barrier, Ali responded: “Then she dies. Kill her, too.”

Here’s a Breitbart article that exposes more of Muhammad Ali’s anti-white racism (incl. using the epithet “white devils”:

Then there’s the little matter of Muhammad Ali’s antisemitism:

Patriotic American
Patriotic American
3 years ago

Ali also bitterly opposed racial intermarriage, claiming that miscegenation would lead to the destruction of the Black race. Proving that, in the years up to the Supreme Court’s Loving decision, it wasn’t simply whites who stood against same, but also those pockets of the Black community who were adherents to Islam as he was. (Conservatives of today have noted how dead wrong that opposition was, given that such unions still entailed a man and a woman for the purpose of bringing children into the world – something “gay marriage” does not do in any way, shape or form.)

But as for Ali’s son, he reminds me a bit of Paul Robeson, Jr. (d. 2014) – whose father, singer Paul Robeson (d. 1976), was an avid Soviet and Stalin apologist, even as the dictator was carrying out his massive purges in the years up to his death in 1953. Robeson fils did not drink from his father’s Kool-Aid on the Soviet Union, being as he’d known people in his younger days who ended up “disappeared” during the Stalin era, and himself had attempts on his own life while there. In fact, in the late 1980’s, Robeson Jr.’s criticisms of Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev got him blacklisted from WBAI-FM, which never met a leftist dictator or anti-American subversive they didn’t like – an irony, given how his father was blacklisted in what has for years been called the “witch hunts,” owing to his USSR sympathies.

3 years ago

I once knew a “moderate” muslum at university. Once when I was working on a project in a computer lab late into the night he stopped by and we were alone in the lab. He went on the most incredibly racist screed against miscegenation and told me no muslum woman would dare marry outside her race (note he mentioned women but not men). He didn’t spare the Jews in his tirade either. He would’ve fit in perfectly at an Aryan Brotherhood meeting.

3 years ago

Setting aside that Nation of Islam is not Islam but some strange Islam-like cult, Islam does forbid its women form marrying outside of Islam (Islam is not a race). But because women are the property of the man, a man could marry a non-Muslim woman but she essentially become Muslim and their children are by default Muslim.

Anthony Silvio
Anthony Silvio
3 years ago

#Walkaway …………. actually RUN !!
comment image

3 years ago

his son is full of crap. Perhaps he wants to get into politics…
But he’s forgetting, his father was full blown racist, hating white race.
Reading about what he had said, about his believes etc. It amazes me how can white male anywhere in the world, especially in USA, give any credit to this racist fanatic. No matter how well he could swing his arms.

evangeline golding
evangeline golding
3 years ago

Nice words…but I wouldn’t believe a moslem if it told me grass is green.

3 years ago

The terror and destruction that so many Americans have suffered in blue states and especially blue cities within blue states will hopefully make them see the light. Democrats can offer nothing but the destruction of the America most of love so dearly. November is going to be devastating for Dims!

3 years ago

I’m old enough to remember when Cassius Clay refused to be drafted to fight in Vietnam. But he thought there was no problem with his chosen sport of boxing. He was perceived as a huge hypocrite by everyone, except the pro-boxing fans and boxing promoters. Lotta money to be made.
But I would never ever call him a civil rights icon.

3 years ago

Only people that accept Jesus as Lord and Savior go to heaven that is the truth and only those anyone that accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior have their sins removed. Hell is forever if you are reading this then God is speaking to you.
Please listen I want to see you in heaven.

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