Silver Lining:Immigrants Self-Deporting from U.S. to Avoid Possible Coronavirus Infection


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Immigrants Self-Deporting from U.S. to Avoid Possible Coronavirus Infection

Foreign nationals held in Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) custody are self-deporting from the United States to avoid potential infection with the Chinese coronavirus.

While federal judges are helping release convicted illegal alien and legal immigrant criminals from ICE detention amid claims that they could potentially contract the coronavirus, some ICE detainees are self-deporting back to their native countries.

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Recent cases detailed by USA Today found two ICE detainees getting ready to leave the U.S. to avoid potential coronavirus infection:

Ricky Williamson, 31, a detainee at Mesa Verde, said he told a judge in immigration court last week that he was dropping his case to remain in the U.S. because he would rather be deported to his native United Kingdom then wait for the virus to start circulating through the detention center. While the U.K. is going through its own coronavirus outbreak, he said he would prefer the freedom to wear gloves and a mask than stay inside an ICE facility. [Emphasis added]

Martin Alvarez Garcia, 28, made a similar decision last week. He has had a cough and sore throat for more than two weeks, he said, but doctors at the facility have denied his request for a COVID-19 test because he doesn’t have a fever. So last week, he waived his right to appeal his deportation order. [Emphasis added]

“I would honestly rather sign and go back to my country then risk myself getting infected,” he said. “I don’t feel safe anywhere in Mexico, but I have no choice.” [Emphasis added]

In the case of six illegal aliens and legal immigrants who were released in California by a federal judge, a handful of them have repeatedly petitioned immigration courts to drop their deportation orders and have been repeatedly denied.

This week, a Massachusettes federal judge announced he would be likely ordering the release of multiple ICE detainees from custody every day. The ICE detainees must be either civil immigration violators or have only a “nonviolent criminal” record to be eligible for release.

The Congressional Hispanic Caucus has asked for all 40,000 ICE detainees — including those with violent crime convictions — to be released from federal custody to avoid possible infection of the coronavirus.

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4 years ago

Not enough illegals leaving and not fast enough……….. The problem is all major countries now have this virus, so it is probably better to die or be sick in your own home country!

Immigrants who follow our laws and apply for a Green Card or citizenship AND have an education and SOLE MEANS to support themselves and do NOT take American benefits/welfare ARE WELCOME IN AMERICA! However, those who have no education, no means of financial support and do not want to apply for citizenship, NEED TO GO BACK TO THEIR OWN HOME COUNTRY.

I would LOVE to be a Federal Judge for I.C.E.. Some Judges do now require a law degree and I believe some of these liberal Judges have none.

4 years ago

“Immigrants Self-Deporting from U.S.”
Yes, but when they get Covid-19 in their home country, they want back in to the USA, for better medical treatment. And most US hospital ERs must see every patient, regardless of nationality or ability to pay.

4 years ago
Reply to  DemocracyRules

let these POS’s get out. they’re either MENA, Asian, or Indian.
every immigrant looks for loopholes in tax or governments to milk it as one radiologist told me years ago.

Michael Goldman
Michael Goldman
4 years ago
Reply to  DemocracyRules

Deportation should be one way. You want back in, you follow the law, except we can’t let in any more Illegals until we clean up what is already here, and that will take 50 years.

4 years ago

Hey Mike

4 years ago

“Immigrants Self-Deporting from U.S.”
Yes, but when they get Covid-19 in their home country, they want back in to the USA, for better medical treatment. And most US hospital ERs must see every patient, regardless of nationality or ability to pay.

4 years ago

Not legal immigrants, but rather invaders, need to GTFO of my country – and make sure they take their unassimilated, monolingual, government-dependent anchor babies with them.

Michael Goldman
Michael Goldman
4 years ago
Reply to  durabo

Illegal Criminal Invaders, and your point is spot on.

4 years ago

Only in some screwed up ” insane asylum ” demorat world would you let convicted and in many cases violent criminals out of prison – to commit MORE violent crime on an innocent public – because you think they may get this crap? GOOD hopefully they will all infect each other and die before the rats can turn them loose on the rest of us..Thankfully i have lots of extra ammo stashed – so when they close the sporting goods/gun shops here i can defend myself – As defend myself i will ..

4 years ago

hasta la vista, baby & don`t come back.

Robert Kahlcke
Robert Kahlcke
4 years ago

The Democrats want them to vote before going home.

4 years ago

Not anywhere enough to matter.

Geller Report
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