“Stop the sickening ‘Cuomo Brothers Feel-Good Pandemic Variety Show’”



It’s disgusting. Enough,

New York was the least prepared and the worst hit — but while the media guns for Trump, the Cuomo Cracker barrel hour gets high praise from the enemedia.

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Stop the sickening ‘Cuomo Brothers Feel-Good Pandemic Variety Show’

By New York Post, April 9, 2020

So how is CNN approaching the two most important elected officials in the country in these days of crisis?

At Elected Official One, CNN directs a nonstop barrage of antagonistic questions, along with hostile commentary disguised as questions, plus additional hostile commentary not disguised as questions, for the sole purpose of creating gotcha moments that serve no public-information purpose whatsoever. It’s dog meets fire hydrant.

When dealing with Elected Official Two, CNN brings in . . . his brother. For a nonstop massage of gentle questioning, family banter and general fawning. It’s dog meets other dog’s butt.

We know CNN thinks of itself as the chief public relations officer for the Democratic Party, but usually that just means liberal journalists pushing liberal talking points.

When it’s time to interview maybe the most important elected liberal Democrat in the entire country, CNN might want to make it a little less obvious than sending the gov’s own little brother to hit him with questions such as, “You’re the man right now. Why is that?”(March 23) or “Governor, it is good to remind people that they are just coming to love you now as much as I have my whole life, and it’s because of your commitment to what you do for other people. It’s what matters most to me about you, and I love you very much. Thank you for coming on the show, and thank you for keeping my spirits up” (April 8).

Hang on, there isn’t even a question in there. It’s like Chris Farley interviewing Paul McCartney.

Cuomo reports that our state now has more people infected with coronavirus than any single entire country (outside of the U.S.). “I love you very much” and “thank you” aren’t the top two things I would say to a guy who has presided over a catastrophe that has killed more than 7,000 New Yorkers.

I’m gonna take a second look at the White House transcripts, but I don’t think Jim Acosta has ever taken time out to explain to Donald Trump that he loves him and the rest of the country does too. Here’s an idea, Clown News Network: How about hiring Don Jr. to interview POTUS every day for the duration of the crisis? Trump the Younger could distract us all with fun family photos and kid around with the old man. Wouldn’t that make for cozy television?


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4 years ago

Ugh! Somewhere in the Ether or Nether-world, as the case may be, Daddy Mario must be beaming proudly on his two half-wit spoiled-brat sons who only got as far as they have because their dada happened to reign as Gov. of NYS.

Chris Cuomo's Vanity Hour Show
Chris Cuomo's Vanity Hour Show
4 years ago

Mangiare pasta fazool!

Enough of these two domineering brothers controlling the media! Stop.

They can’t put a filter between their brain and their big mouths.

Go eat pizza and smelly Italian cheese!

4 years ago

two incestuous 69er’s – at it’s finest …

Bear Jew
Bear Jew
4 years ago

I was kind of hoping that young Fredo didn’t make it..so I can piss on his grave

4 years ago

What did despicable Jim Acosta say to the President? Happy Time, or something like that, well these two stronzos are the ones playing happy time.

4 years ago

Since CNN is the Cuomo News Network, they will continue to do this.

Andrew is pretty incompetent at his job. hospital workers in NY hate him.

Robert Kahlcke
Robert Kahlcke
4 years ago

Fredo and Little Fredo, I would like to take you both on a boat ride, perhaps we could do some fishing.
What say you ?

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