Age breakdown in Michigan’s exit polling should scare the hell out of anyone who loves their country


For decades radical professors at American universities have demonized the American way of life. This is the result. Bernie Sanders will not win in 2020. But what does the future hold? What if the anti-America university professors are not fought? What if America’s youth continue to be brainwashed by the Left? Then one day in the not so distant future someone as dangerous as Bernie Sanders will be elected POTUS. The Left’s demonetization of America on university campuses must be fought, or conservatives will become voiceless and powerless in the years to come.

The age breakdown in Michigan’s exit polling should scare the hell out of anyone who loves their country

By Herman Cain, March 11, 2020:

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In most polls, you can reasonably assume that Bernie – and by extension socialism – will do better with young people than it will with older voters. Since college kids tend not to vote, that hasn’t mattered much in the past.  However, if you’re someone who loathes the idea of a socialist, or communist, America, Michigan’s exit polling contains some scary news.

The concept of ‘young people who support Bernie’ has expanded… a lot.

Gone are the days when only teens and pre-career ‘bros’ were Sanders fans.  These days, socialism’s reach is a bit more extensive. Check out the data…

As you can see, Bernie is dominating wide swaths of voters under the age of 50.

It used be that you’d say something like “sure, kids like Bernie. They don’t have jobs, houses, kids, etc. ‘Free stuff’ is great when you’ve got nothing to lose.” …But ’50’ isn’t ‘kids.’

It’s starting to look like there’s a genuine age-based trend toward Bernie’s – blatantly false – version of socialism. Maybe that’s because the younger you are, the less you remember the horrors of real socialism and communism. Perhaps it’s because of a pervasive fatalist attitude in the United States, or it could be that these are simply people who grew up being ‘educated’ by the post-hippie generation.

Whatever the reason, it’s troubling if you love the United States and fight for the free market.

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4 years ago

K-12 is doing the same thing, plus they are desensitizing and GROOMING K-12 to be LBGTQ+. So you will have emotionally driven LBGTQ+ politically, activist Marxists with no knowledge or substance. All they will know is the word “free” and “government” is who I should worship. Government will take care of me and make life “fair”. This is no exaggeration…..

Patriotic American
Patriotic American
4 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

There’s another term I use: Converting K-12 to homosexuality and transgenderism. While working to outlaw therapy to straighten them out, because LGBTQ+s’ philosophy of “being” LGBTQ+ is indistinguishable from the Mafia’s stance about “made men,” or Islam’s attitude towards those who are its “adherents” – all three hold that once one joins in, you’re locked into it for life and can never, ever be allowed a way out.

Jay Wizzy
Jay Wizzy
4 years ago

Kindness & health are the values we need for government to succeed.
Take the communist revolution in Russia. It was merely a power-switch. The values of kindness & health were not priority, so the Soviet Union failed.
Free market must be under ethical control instead of being a trojan horse for humanitarian & ecological crimes & unhealthy food.
Trump the king of capitalism president sells missile defense system & arms to Saudi Arabia where Africans are enslaved (see for the Muhammadist justification for enslavement of Africans from Saudi Arabia to Mauritania).
Trump also armed Isis arming Erdogan & Boko Haram protecting Buhari.
He also lets plastic, mercury & nuclear (in Russia) waste in the oceans.
He allows fluoride, PFAS & more in tap-water.
He allows estrogen in mass animal food for humans.
The list goes on. It’s irresponsible.
The point of governance is accountability for kindness & health.
& this can only work when we gravitate to kindness & health & support the individual to self-realization.
What do you want to do?
Get supported by the government under my control.
But leave things like ecological best-quality basics mass-production & cultivation to us.
Then we can work together responsibly.
For the basics & your self-realization.
Work for the Globalfirm-government.
[Out of technical reasons you are entitled to collect your taxes on your own.]

4 years ago

The future holds dystopian darkness.
This country is dying on it’s feet, and even one of the greatest Presidents in our history will only hold the darkness back a short while. The best is well behind us, the cancer has metastasized and is killing the body politic. It is what it is. I am happy that I will die sooner than later and not have to live through any of the next thousand or however many years of howling chaos.
It’s what these latest generations want so be it. I wash my hands of it, and them.

4 years ago
Reply to  famouswolf

Only if we let it happen. We have kids so we owe it to them.

I have a different philosophy. Do your best to do what it right and try to leave a positive difference as part of your legacy. When I look back on others that have been in my life and no longer on this earth, certain people stand out and inspire me. They would not recognize this country and be horrified at the condition it is in. We dropped the ball and took things for granted. The left exploited that.

I am not willing to throw in the towel just yet and I have discouraging days too. The legacy of others, beyond money and material things that come and go, is what I remember most about people that inspired me when I was growing up. How these people dealt with challenges in their lives has a deeper significance than when I was a blank slate with no experience in life.

Like most people, I have had some exceptional people in my life growing up as well as some, politely put, less than ideal people that you wouldn’t want to be. Both served as examples and ultimately you have to make choices on what kind of a prson you want to be and do with your life.

The “greatest generation” had their challenges in life and I believe with few exceptions they handled themselves well. Of course I screw up but that shouldn’t stop one from still trying to get it right and make what positive difference you can. So, I’m just not ready to call it quits. Every now and then younger people pop up and I think, maybe all is not lost. There are some inspiring young people too!

James Jones
James Jones
4 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

Of all the pr oph ecies currently unfolding, there are two that stand out from the others. You already know where I stand on things, but just to be clear – final judgement has already begun and the aforementioned two prophs tell me that God does not intend to grant a ‘Nineveh’ like stay.

If these times were a ‘corrective’ judgement, like in OT times, then the advent of the NWO and the False Prophet, have no business being anywhere near the advanced stages of development that they are in. These are gargantuan entities that required a near endless list of circumstances to come into fruition. There is nothing minor about them, and are not the kind of thing that just come to nothing. They have each taken multiple decades to gain the status each has in world events, and are very near to their goals.

There are over 30 other active end time prophs, but these two take any uncertainty out of what they collectively all mean. When Jesus said that the beginning of these things happening would mark His standing at the door of His return, He was referring to everything we are seeing today.

I for one regard His return as not only inevitable and imminent, but welcomed as well. There is nothing left to preserve, nor do I want a society like ours to continue. And so everyone can know, I have 4 grandchildren, but I would rather see them grow up under Christ’s reign than in this cesspool we have created. Why would any of us want His return delayed any longer? Why would we not want His kingdom in place? It is all up to God’s timing, and I will be about His business till He returns, but to not want it doesn’t make sense to me.

4 years ago
Reply to  James Jones

I believe His return to judge this cesspool is very near but I also want as many as are willing to get born again from above, and start renewing their minds in His Word.

James Jones
James Jones
4 years ago
Reply to  movingwaters


4 years ago
Reply to  famouswolf

I concur. Have a couple of daughters that might be okay.

Patriotic American
Patriotic American
4 years ago

This is EXACTLY why, in the “near term,” there should be an EMERGENCY INITIATIVE to raise the minimum voting age to 26. The last thing we need is an electorate that, at the point they are old enough to vote, are at their most indoctrinated and radicalized.

4 years ago

They also do not have brains where the judgement functions are fully developed.
Those functions do not become fully formed until circa age 25, which is a big reason why those under age 25 can’t rent a car without paying a huge risk penalty, if they are even allowed to rent one at all.

Patriotic American
Patriotic American
4 years ago
Reply to  Public_Citizen

Exactly. Exactly.

4 years ago

Btw… even education about Communism was not good when our boomer generation was in school. The only anti Commie book we were allowed to read was “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denosovitch.: And that book by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn was the only book of his approved by the Communist party. It was approved during the destalinization time in Russia, I learned about Communism from Ayn Rand, outside readings by Werner Keller and watching Bill Buckley’s “Firing Line” on tv. I later read the great Robert Conquest and his books about the purges and the Ukranian famine. The schools during my time were no great shakes either — but they were still better than what our brats have today.

4 years ago
Reply to  Underzog

Believe it or not, I first realized exactly what communism and islam were in college, in the mid seventies. I had a couple of professors who were NOT liberal or on the left in any regard, in fact one was former CIA. The class was called Geopolitics 100. The other class was History of the Middle East…and brother, it was a different ballgame in those two classes( I was lucky, and they were two of my best if scary classes). Those classes were pretty much where I heard the real truth about a lot of things. They were veritable truth bombs, eye openers, amidst a growing influence of leftism amongst the faculty even then. One of the other ‘professors’, of American History, was another story, she couldn’t get past George Washington’s ‘wooden false teeth’ or the Rough Riders using ‘out of date’ .45-70 single shot carbines (LOL, that is all I remember of her class). Guess she never heard of 18th century tech being a bit more primitive, wanting to make Washington into white trash, I don’t know. Her crap was highly inaccurate, anyway. Yes, the Rough Riders used .45-70s, until they were issued .30-40 Krags, which were more on a par with the 7mm Mausers they were up against.
Anyway, at that point the process you describe was not entirely in place or accurate writings entirely unavailable, but the left has apparently done a LOT of damage in the last half century. These days I am not sure the two professors mentioned, who were known to lift the curtain and point out the truth, probably couldn’t get or keep tenure in most schools. Little missy, the anti-American, commie loving little bitch, probably became a department head somewhere and sold many ‘history papers’ and other trash.

4 years ago

They probably just think that Bernie Sanders is Colonel Sanders.

Rick Gouveia
Rick Gouveia
4 years ago

I went to a multi-racial Catholic school (up to 1992) where Zionism was respected and ragheads were ridiculed, but after 1994 the Marxists started to gain power over schools.

4 years ago

if bernie and biden were the ONLY choices on the ballot, I`d stay home. Surround myself w/all my precious pretties, and armed to the teeth.dhu mhan yhu, stupid communist`s.

4 years ago

Du Mhan Yhu, stupid Communist`s

4 years ago

Go to Germany. . . . Near Munich (NE of). . . To a place called Dachau . . . See it, read about it, hear it, (it’s all v-e-r-y quiet,) smell it. . . . Then you’ll learn the “pleasures” of socialism. No freedom, no choices, no guns (liberal platform – BETO anyone?) everything’s free? yeah, except your freedom. . . . Liberalism is a fool’s journey, folks. America’d better wake up – QUICKLY! (uh, yeah, doubters, I HAVE BEEN THERE – it smells like DEATH!)

John Acord
John Acord
4 years ago

On the other hand, I have never witnessed such a vibrant, expansive opposition to socialism as we have today. IMHO this country will either abandon universal suffrage that allows those we do not contribute to vote, or it will split into separate political entities. Let NY, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Houston, Denver, L.A., San Francisco, Seattle, Portland become little Venezuela’s while the rest of us live in peace and prosperity.

Leonard Payne
Leonard Payne
4 years ago

The problem is ….. the “50 year old kids” have never had to grow up.
My generation, the boomers, threw away almost all of the beliefs that our parents and grandparents had, and we had nothing to replace them with. Thus, the generation that followed was defective and really had no paradigm to follow. We didn’t want our children to struggle for what they had, so we gave it to them and they learned nothing about ‘how’ to struggle and thereby gain the strength that came with struggle.
Our children, since we did not teach them, could not teach their children, those could not teach their own, and now we have a bunch of ‘entitled little worthless shits’ that seem to think everything should be free. SOMEONE has to pay for the ‘free stuff’, it is not generated, wholesale, out of the ether.
Then, we have the “electronics world”. The Sci-Fi writers of my generation had it more correct than they could have imagined. People have become so isolated from each other, due to electronics, that there are little to no “social graces” left in the world. It is all faceless & nameless, and you can say, or do, just about anything on the ‘net’ and there are no consequences for their actions.
I never thought I would live to see my country in this condition. I never thought, when I signed my life & body over to the Navy, that my country would degenerate into what I see today.

The things one has are worth exactly what they cost you.
The name of God is NOT Ohm.
Yes, you have “rights” … and the RESPONSIBILITIES that go with them.
The Constitution ONLY APPLIES to Citizens of this Republic …. aliens are just that and they are GUESTS.
This is NOT a “democracy”, just ask Ben Franklin.

Eli, Eli, Lama Sabachthani ….. perhaps God has turned from us because we have turned from God.

4 years ago
Reply to  Leonard Payne

The Democratic National Party formally and in National Convention turned away from God at their 2012 National Convention when they Denied God Three Times, removing God from the party platform. This single act turned them into the Democrat Party, and it goes a long way to explaining the increasingly irrational and bizarre actions.
They are under a Biblical Level Curse which will not be lifted until they reverse, in the same fashion in which they came into play, the actions taken in 2012.

James Jones
James Jones
4 years ago
Reply to  Leonard Payne

A sound perspective and well stated.

God sent warnings, He called for repentance, but even the Christian world became distracted until finally its voice became inconsequential to the ongoing fabric of society. By turning away from Him, the West has brought this upon itself. I defy anyone to read Deuteronomy 28:49-50, and tell me that the Islamic ‘invasion’ of Europe isn’t fully articulated there, and just as importantly, the ‘why’.

4 years ago

Lib Profs say; “it will work THIS TIME!”
comment image

Bart's Bantering
Bart's Bantering
4 years ago

This poll has a direct correlation with the changes in public education, more accurately known as government propaganda mills. We of the older generations were taught how to think, not what to think (read as Marxism)

4 years ago

The skills of reasoning and logic require training, exercise, and frequent use for them to develop to an individuals full potential.
The current “progressive” [actually demonstrably regressive] curriculum suppresses these skills. Prior to the progs gaining control of public education [circa 100 years ago in many urban areas] the McGuffy Curriculum was the Standard for education. The program was good enough that the holder of an Eighth Grade Passing Out Certificate had the requisite qualifications for an Entry Level White Collar Position. The same or equivalent position today requires a Baccalaureate Level Degree in specific areas of education.
Today, most Liberal Arts Majors won’t even be considered for a lot of these positions.

We need an updated McGuffy Curriculum to be introduced. Unfortunately, most of today’s primary and secondary teachers will need comprehensive and broad upgrading to their own education and qualifications in order to teach such a program.

4 years ago

One of the biggest mistakes this nation has made happened during the Carter Administration, when 18 year olds were given full franchise.
We need to undo this strategic level error and simultaneously have a National Dialogue [something currently out of fashion, having been replaced with fingerpointing acrimony] on the scientific reasons ~why~ the age for full franchise should be raised to 25.
Multiple scientific studies, conducted over several decades, have all come to the conclusion that the human brain does not achieve full maturity until circa age 25, a few months earlier in females and afew months later in males. The last areas of the brain to achieve full functionality? Judgement, particularly when related to correctly analyzing long term consequences of actions taken today.
Since a sober and carefully considered casting of a ballot require judgement, those with undeveloped skills in this area need to be kept away from the process that will determine who has access to the controls of the heavy machinery of government.

mike reynold
mike reynold
4 years ago

so tell me when is pedophilia going to be accepted as norm like pedo Shiffy in Congress

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