Bernie Sanders’ Surrogate Amer Zahr’s ‘Israel-ISIS’ Tweet


This disgusting Jew-hating jihadi has also compared Israelis to dogs. These statements should not be a surprise to anyone. Like fellow Bernie Sanders surrogate Linda Sarsour, Amer Zahr is a product of the neo-Nazi Palestinian education system. Therefore it is only natural for Zahr to spread such vicious anti-Semitism on social media. So why would a Sanders volunteer request that Zahr delete this anti-Semitic tweet? Because it would be bad for Sanders’ credibility if Zahr was exposed, while his bullshit “proud to be Jewish” campaign video was being released. #Jexodus!

Bernie Sanders’ Surrogate Amer Zahr Deletes ‘Israel-ISIS’ Tweet After Request from Sanders Volunteer

By IsraellyCool, February 19, 2020:

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In October last year, I exposed the antisemitic and terror-supporting tweets of Bernie Sanders’ surrogate Amer Zahr. This post just gained much more traction, thanks to the below tweet by Bari Weiss of the New York Times.

Following Bari’s tweet, a “Bernie Sanders supporter and volunteer” claimed that Zahr deleted one of the tweets after she called him out on it

I checked and can confirm the tweet has been flushed down the memory hole.

I am not sure why the Bernie Sanders supporter and volunteer did not call out Zahr for the other vile tweets, and they still exist. Perhaps that is even more telling than the fact he was asked to delete the ISIS tweet.

In fact, he even added to the collection with this one, well after being announced as a Sanders surrogate.



Image result for amer zahr with bernie sanders

Image result for amer zahr with bernie sanders

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4 years ago

When Nazis party, they all hate Jews.

4 years ago

Bernie is truly a modern day KAPO but in this situation it is a role of choice with no coercion. Choosing that leadership role without coercion, is what I find most horrifying.

Levels of Kapos (WW2)
In the larger camps, there were several different levels within the “Kapo” designation. Some of the titles deemed as Kapos included:

Lagerältester (camp leader):

Within the various sections of large camps such as Auschwitz-Birkenau, the Lagerältester oversaw the entire section and served largely in administrative roles. This was the highest of all prisoner positions and came with the most privileges.

Blockältester (block leader): A position that was common in most camps, the Blockältester was responsible for the administration and discipline of an entire barracks. This position customarily afforded its holder with a private room (or one shared with an assistant) and better rations.

Stubenälteste (section leader): Oversaw portions of large barracks such as those in Auschwitz I and reported to the Blockältester about specific needs related to the barrack’s prisoners.

At Liberation

At the time of liberation, some Kapos were beaten and killed by the fellow prisoners that they had spent months or years tormenting, but in most cases, Kapos moved on with their lives in a similar fashion to other victims of Nazi persecution.

A few found themselves on trial in post-war West Germany as part of the U.S. military trials held there, but this was the exception, not the norm. In one of the Auschwitz trials of the 1960s, two Kapos were found guilty of murder and cruelty and sentenced to life in prison.

Others were tried in East Germany and Poland but without much success. The only known court-sanctioned executions of Kapos occurred in immediate post-war trials in Poland, where five of seven men convicted for their roles as Kapos had their death sentences carried out.

4 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

The Kapos of the Polish death camp Treblinka revolted against the Nazi and Ukranian guards and nearly all of them were killed for it.

4 years ago

There were NO Polish death camps. In fact the FIRST victims of these death camps were ethnic Poles.
Treblinka, Auschwitz and all of the other Nazi death camps were all GERMAN death camps. How can you be this ignorant to say that Nazi German death camps were “Polish death camps”? Evidently you have been brainwashed by the Fake media’s wrongful and DELIBERATE anti-Poland BIG LIES that the Nazi German death camps were “Polish death camps”.
Which is all part of the Fake Media’s attempt to move the blame of Nazi German atrocities away from Germany and onto Poland.

4 years ago

TOO LATE. SANDERS IS DONE and so are all you Muslims if you keep up this garbage against America’s closest ally and friend, ISRAEL. Keep it up. YOU WILL BE SORRY EVENTUALLY.

4 years ago

TOO LATE. SANDERS IS DONE and so are all you Muslims if you keep up this garbage against America’s closest ally and friend, ISRAEL. Keep it up. YOU WILL BE SORRY EVENTUALLY.

4 years ago

And yet young college-age kids LOVE Bernie, cause they think he’s gonna be giving them “free” sh*t……

John Acord
John Acord
4 years ago
Reply to  ed

Yes, just like sucking milk from their mother’s breast until it dries up.

4 years ago
Reply to  ed

I think they just have a vague idea that socialism is ‘better’.

4 years ago
Reply to  DemocracyRules

Colleges and universities are cranking fine young socialists at an alarming pace. There is an abundance of young AOC’s walking around with college degrees….yet they know NOTHING of how the real world actually works.

Geller Report
Thanks for sharing!