WATCH: UC Berkeley Jewish students are threatened with violence


The student terrorist group “Bears for Palestine” caused a near riot at UC Berkeley, in response to a resolution condemning anti-Semitism. Anti-Semitism continues to be a major problem on American college campuses, despite President Trump’s remarkable efforts to protect Jewish students. Attorney General Barr and Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos must take immediate action against the various pro-Palestinian terrorist groups, who are destroying Jewish life on college campuses. It is just a matter of time before a Jewish student is killed on campus.

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Pro-Israel, Pro-Palestinian groups clash at UC Berkeley student union meeting

By The Jewish News of Northern California, February 2, 2020:

A meeting of the UC Berkeley student union deteriorated into shouting and threats this week as pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian advocates clashed over a controversial display that pro-Israel students said “glorif[ies] terrorists.”

An estimated 200 people crowded the main chambers of the Associated Students of the University of California for a committee meeting on Feb. 3 that had to be moved from a smaller room after more than 110 people signed up to deliver public comments, said junior Shelby Weiss, a Hillel member and ASUC senator.

At the center of the controversy is a display put up by the group Bears for Palestine, a campus affinity group that seeks to raise awareness of the Palestinian experience and culture.

The display is inside a room designated for student groups in Eshleman Hall, the building where the ASUC student union meets. The Bears for Palestine cubicle is decorated with a string of Palestinian flags, heart cutouts, a green olive and the letters “BFP” in red cellophane, and a row of photos and short biographies of female Palestinian leaders, including militants who targeted Israeli and diaspora Jewish civilians.

They include Rasmea Odeh, a former member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, who was alleged to have participated in a 1969 supermarket bombing in Jerusalem that killed two college students, and Leila Khaled, who attempted a number of plane hijackings. including an El Al flight in 1970 that injured a flight attendant.

A display at a Bears for Palestine space at UC Berkeley "glorif[ies] terrorists," according to pro-Israel students. (Shelby Weiss)

The biography underneath Khaled’s photo, which shows her holding an AK-47, describes her as “the first Palestinian woman to hijack a plane.”

Milton Zerman, an ASUC senator and member of Tikvah: Students for Israel, introduced a resolution to the senate condemning the display and asking that it be removed or altered.

“The glorification of murderers and attempted murderers merely because their targets were Israeli citizens can be seen as both insulting and threatening to Jewish and Israeli students at UC Berkeley,” the resolution says.

Conflicts between pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian students are nothing new at Cal, but the confrontation over Zerman’s resolution, which must pass the six-member University and External Affairs Committee if it is to move on to the full student senate, raised the pitch of the debate.

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Anthony Silvio
Anthony Silvio
4 years ago

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4 years ago
Reply to  Anthony Silvio

A real embarrassment to America-!!!

Tho this is what our tolerated educational systems intentionally crank out…

ie = 90% of public skrools + higher learning “indoctrination-centers” are bastions of domestic unrest to now terrorist training centers as their administrations and these shill-babies out to rabble rouse against Americanism.

ANTIFA is only getting started with the likes of SORO$ financing it and all the Leftist riots with violence, burning + looting.

Halal Bacon
Halal Bacon
4 years ago

Rashida Tlaib new GREEN initiative – solar powered flying carpets that get 900 miles per charge

~CNN Breaking News

4 years ago
Reply to  Halal Bacon

lol….maybe not as they quit in mid flyte = then free to ground mileage…

4 years ago

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4 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

Worse than that. Jewish leaders in the Democrat Party are silent about their own growing antisemitism.

4 years ago
Reply to  Warmac9999

Because they’re all demonically inspired or possessed now and couldn’t speak the truth if they tried: THAT’S REALLY LOST IN DELUSION.

4 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

Sedition and Treason is to big for any election to fix.

>>> First, Arrest the seditious DOJ top brass and replace them with Judicial Watch!
>>> Arrest the seditious FBI top brass and place all re-vetted agents under the US Marshall’s Service!
>>> The CIA? Burn it down.

>>> Next, Trump must declare Martial Law and arrest the “Deep State” entrenched in the DOJ/CIA/FBI/DNC/CAIR/SPLC/Leftist Academia …..and all the leftist MSM members ☭NN, AB☭, NB☭, ☭BS, MSNB☭, ☭NB☭, NPR, WaP0S, HuffP0S, MEDIA MALPRACTICE and THE NY SLIMES.

Time to get serious Trump!

4 years ago
Reply to  CharlieSeattle

You are sounding more and more like a lawless totaltarian. In the U.S. you have to indict, prosecute and and try the crime.

I agree that many have to be legally indicted, prosecuted and tried but not how you are suggesting. Stop taking your cues from the LEFT. We need to preserve our system of law and order as best we can till hopefully we end lawlessness and get control back again.

You need to get control of youself and use that frustration to staighten out Seattle. You could get serious on a local level and fix Seattle. Seattle is a total shiithole. What are YOU doing about Seattle?

4 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

I would prefer a secular military dictatorship to any islamic “republic”. The muslums have already usurped justice in Dearbornistan, Michigan, it’s only a matter of time before they do so elsewhere in the USA.

4 years ago

I don’t want either just yet.

4 years ago

Yes isolated enclaves that can be starved into submition if necessary.
Keep voting in those that will change the “flavor” of all the fed judiciary and have the guts to slash the alphabet carnivals off DC over time so immigration is legitimate once again.
Get the Athiest + perverted Marxist out first then it take apart their placed and positioned substructures.

4 years ago
Reply to  mtman2

Starved? I’d vote for carpet bombings and artillery barrages.

John Acord
John Acord
4 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

Unfortunately, the Once Great Republic has degenerated into a banana republic populated by a motley mob of people who no longer accept our Judeo-Christian Anglo-Saxon heritage and the rule of law. We can only preserve what is left by actions described by Charlie. That I am afraid will require the rule hopefully temporary of a “Lord Protector.” Once that is accomplished perhaps a return to our Great Republic can be managed.

4 years ago
Reply to  John Acord

We aren’t there yet and that’s why I caution Charlie Seattle. He’s pushing a Bernie Sander agenda. One of his supporters tried to massare the GOP for a charity baseball game because he didn’t like GOP views. He is promoting ANTIFA behavior.

4 years ago
Reply to  John Acord

It didn’t seem the Roman Republic was even as corrupt as the USA before it degenerated into the totalitarian abyss.

4 years ago
Reply to  CharlieSeattle

Well – elections is how We got here.
All those who didn’t show up allowed the Democ-rats to reign when they were always a clear minority but promised free stuff while setting up more unconstitutional controls, agency’s and regulations along with Marxist + pervert judges.

Yes is can reverse if the “sleeping giant” finally sufficiently awakens to take their part and show up on election day.
However then follow thru with pressure on those elected to do the right thing or throw them out and ply for only Constitutional Conservative candidates.

4 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

a picture of ET and a lizard looking thing

4 years ago

Rep. Rashida Tlaib Compares Anti-Semitic BDS Movement
To Boycotting Nazi Germany

by Jeff Dunetz | Jul 23, 2019
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4 years ago

Jewish people and other non Muslims had better WAKE UP!
Muslims are the new NAZIS.
comment image

Halal Bacon
Halal Bacon
4 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

yah sure, those are the Friday people pictured in that photograph /sarc off

4 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

Why don’t these idiots try being Jewish from within the confines of ANY f’ing muslum state in the mid-east or N. Africa?

4 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

INSANE – at least Nazis operated on direct orders whereas these robots are capable of doing anything anywhere- even using their own children as bomb carriers- or – honor kill them for not obeying.

4 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

That Jews would support this against their own homeland, is unconscionable.

4 years ago

funny how no one likes muslims except other muslims, and how their presence does nothing but bring down everyone around them. why would a free nation import more these troublesome people?

4 years ago
Reply to  tituspullo

Our home grown Communists like Bernie Sanders LOVE Muslims as do other lefties.

We should NEVER have allowed Muslims in our country. They are the terrorists. Christians and others are fleeing their country because of them. To have them be “refugess” HERE is absurd when Muslims are the problem. No matter where Muslims go, they are the problem.

4 years ago
Reply to  tituspullo

Our home grown Communists like Bernie Sanders LOVE Muslims as do other lefties.

We should NEVER have allowed Muslims in our country. They are the terrorists. Christians and others are fleeing their country because of them. To have them be “refugess” HERE is absurd when Muslims are the problem. No matter where Muslims go, they are the problem.

4 years ago
Reply to  tituspullo

Our home grown Communists like Bernie Sanders LOVE Muslims as do other lefties.

We should NEVER have allowed Muslims in our country. They are the terrorists. Christians and others are fleeing their country because of them. To have them be “refugess” HERE is absurd when Muslims are the problem. No matter where Muslims go, they are the problem.

4 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

Sounds like only something a wickedly evil mind + heart could pull off on the world at large.

4 years ago
Reply to  tituspullo

The reason is the Globalist monetary masters need something to break the Judeo-Christian West to accept their planned goal of a NWO.

They tried Marxist Socialism = Communism – but it got put on hold- tho awaits in the wings…..

Mohamnedism tho like an infection that rots the body has been massively intentionally injected in the mostly secular Euro-peon nations by the Globalist EU.

Here the Globalist UN is paramount in helping usher in a borderless socialist NWO- esp with help from the myriad of SORO$ sponsored orgs and DC deep-state swamp agencies; of course along with the Democ-rat 0-Party + all RINO that can be bought to help facilitate the breakdown of America.

Islam is perfect for their political divide + conquer strategies here to co-encide with controlling education of the pliable youth being as the great Rushbie states “young skulls full of mush”[sh!te for brains] because parents allow it.
Wake up time is about over to see what’s being done.

4 years ago

This was not a “clash”. “Clash” implies moral equivalency. This was a Muslim + Lefty allies attack on Jews. The Muslims + Lefty allies want the posters of Pal Arab Jew-killers to stay up and UC Berkeley Administration is fine with that. If anyone put up Hitler posters, the individual perpetrator and the organization to which he/she belonged would be immediately expelled. But for Berkeley Administration, Pal Arab Jew murderers are fine.

Regarding this riot against Jews at UC Berkeley: Listen and watch as Jewish Federation, ADL, AJC, StandWithUS and Simon Wiesenthal Center do nothing real to end the endemic anti-Semitism at UC Berkeley. “Something real” would be demanding the expulsion of the rioting students and the organization that organized the riot – and not giving up until that is done. The big, well funded Jewish groups named above will tweet something, perhaps issue an anodyne press release, and walk away.

Want to fight anti-Semtism for real? Dump the organizations above and support:

The Lawfare Project
The Geller Report
David Horowitz Freedom Center
AMCHA Initiative
ZOA on Campus

Achmed Mohandjob
Achmed Mohandjob
4 years ago
Reply to  freedomfrind

Here’s another one to add to your list:
JPFO .. Jews for the Preservation of Firearms

Achmed Mohandjob
Achmed Mohandjob
4 years ago
Reply to  freedomfrind

Here’s another one to add to your list:
JPFO .. Jews for the Preservation of Firearms

Rick Gouveia
Rick Gouveia
4 years ago
Reply to  freedomfrind

I will support any Jewish organisation with the “Z” word in their name. The “Z” word should no longer be considered as tabboo but as Holy, for God’s plan for humanity has everything to do with the “Z” word.

4 years ago
Reply to  freedomfrind

Good call, the rotten, corrupt, enemedia in the dying atheist West also loves to depict the ongoing genocide of Christians across Nigeria as clashes — despite the fact the Nigerian Christians literally have no means of defending themselves against the muslum vermin killing them.

4 years ago

Always wonder why they set up to be victimized……
defending one’s self + family is not a sin.

4 years ago
Reply to  mtman2

The muslums killing them are typically well armed, the Christians are unarmed and perhaps kept that way by their muslum government (the president of Nigeria is a f’ing muslum).

4 years ago

Someone is helping them out- guns are expensive + poor folks have no money.

4 years ago
Reply to  freedomfrind

Yes – there’s a video of David Horowitz taking on Palistinian Muslimes there with both hands tied behind his back [figuratively]….he ate their lunch.

4 years ago

American secular Jews avidly support universities like UC Berkeley, send their kids there, and the richest Jews leave endowments.

if you politically align yourself and fund institutions that plot your own demise, you get what you deserve.

American secular Jews have learned nothing from British and French Jews. The Left is infested with anti-semites.

4 years ago

A true “3rd Great Awakening” can redirect America…

As did the 1st Great Awakening to create America from 1740 – 1800

When the 2nd GREAT AWAKENING built + carried America to a world power and finally super power from 1800 thru and into the 20th century.

Then WE let the Globalist seed in Marxist Socialism for 100+ yrs after being handed our monetary system by Democ-rats in 1913 ….

This began thru the later 1800’s in our institutions of higher learning + seminaries from European influences which turned out the Woodrow Wilson’s and John Dewey’s who got into seats of American power after 1910 as “Progressives” but really were + are Marxist Socialist’s….

So was FDR the traitor who was installed to take us right into a socialist national entity which DC became and now is on steroids.
McCarthy was not correct enuff for Communist’s were thru out the FDR entrenched DC cabal already.
“Communist Goals for America”
– as read into our Congressional Record in 1963 = take 5minutes.

4 years ago
Reply to  mtman2

I see Trump as being a temporary plug in the dam which has temporarily slowed the Leftist encroachment in America.

Right now, the left may not be completely in power but they are winning the war of hearts and minds.

The Left has done a pretty effective job of conveying the Robbin Hood message. The system is corrupt and broken. A tiny cabal control all wealth and socialism will right these wrongs by redistributing wealth.

Young people, armed with far more indoctrination than knowledge, are very susceptible to the Socialist sales pitch.

As logical as that sounds, millions of Americans still do not grasp the irrefutable reality that they get a paycheck because their employer generated revenue (and maybe profits) to cover the check.

This denial of reality extends to govt. Millions of Americans simply do not comprehend that our govt doesn’t produce anything. 100% of its income is derived from private sector productivity and borrowing to cover the unfunded balance (the debt).

The conservative movement has to do a much better job of delivering a simple universally understood benefit statement to the masses. For the country to thrive, the ball has to get bigger. This means we have to compete and produce more. Productivity produces more income which pays for everything including government.

4 years ago

Again I do blame parents who are intentionally blind even going back into the ’50’s for allowing the Ecumenical creep into churches and public education morphing into socialistic ideology.

You see without a moral foundation in accountability to “the higher power” ethics then yield a self serving self centered worldview to fill that spiritual vacuum = materialism + hedonism now rampant as acceptable to be life’s purpose = me me me.

Financial prosperity is not the means to the end if that is a sterile diluted myopic disinterestew citizen in “what good they can do for fellow man and community = not the dependence of everything comes from government “as long as I get mine”.

“This form of government is for for a religious [Christ+Scripture honoring] and moral people and will work for no other” – John Adams

No people will tamely surrender their Liberties…
when knowledge is diffused and virtue is preserved” – Sam Adams

reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principles.” – George Washington
“Sell not virtue to purchase wealth, nor Liberty to purchase power.”
Benjamin Franklin
When virtue is banished, ambition invades the minds of those who are disposed to receive it, and avarice possesses the whole community.”
Montesquieu (written by Thomas Jefferson in his Common Place Book).

“. . . Virtue, morality, and religion. This is the armor, my friend, and this alone that renders us invincible. These are the tactics we should study. If we lose these, we are conquered, fallen indeed . . . so long as our manners and principles remain sound, there is no danger.”
Patrick Henry
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
John Adams
Lastly, our ancestors established their system of government on morality and religious sentiment. Moral habits, they believed, cannot safely be on any other foundation than religious principle, nor any government be secure which is not supported by moral habits.”
Daniel Webster
Righteousness exalteth a nation.”
Proverbs 14:34
“[Liberty] considers religion as the safeguard of morality, and morality as the best security of law and the surest pledge of the duration of freedom.”
Alexis de Tocqueville

“I sought for the greatness and genius of America in her comodious harbors and her ample rivers, and it was not there; in her fertile fields and boundless prairies; and it was not there; in her rich mines and her vast commerce, and it was not there. Not until I visited the churches of America and heard her pulpits aflame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power. America is great because she is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.”
An old adage attributed to Alexis de Tocqueville
History fails to record a single precedent in which nations subject to moral decay have not passed into political and economic decline. There has been either a spiritual awakening to overcome the moral lapse, or a progressive deterioration leading to ultimate national disaster.”
Douglas MacArthur
The American Constitution is remarkable for its simplicity; but it can only suffice a people habitually correct in their actions, and would be utterly inadequate to the wants of a different nation. Change the domestic habits of the Americans, their religious devotion, and their high respect for morality, and it will not be necessary to change a single letter in the Constitution in order to vary the whole form of their government.”
Francis Grund
[R]eligion, morality and knowledge, being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall be forever encouraged.”
Northwest Ordinance of 1787

“Liberty cannot be established without morality, nor morality without faith.”
Horace Greely

“[I]f we and our posterity reject religious instruction and authority, violate the rules of eternal justice, trifle with the injunctions of morality, and recklessly destroy the political constitution which holds us together, no man can tell how sudden a catastrophe may overwhelm us, that shall bury all our glory in profound obscurity.”
Daniel Webster

4 years ago

I met a woman who had recently graduated from Berzerkeley with a master’s degree, when I asked her if they had any statues of Karl Marx, Mao Tse Tung or Joseph Stalin on campus her only reply was that UC Berzerkeley observed smoke marijuana day on campus (yes apparently there is a day honoring the smoking of marijuana).

Jay Wizzy
Jay Wizzy
4 years ago

& who’s to blame? What didn’t I read?
“Totalitarianism is bad.” “Authoritarianism is bad.”
“Democracy” would be “the solution”&”capitalism”.
“Government-control” would be “socialism-smocialism, communism.”
Lack of authoritarianism leads to theses value-less outgrowths.
The government must teach to the youngs, arm them with the truth, instead of arming Muhammadists in Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Syria, Turkey & where else.

4 years ago
Reply to  Jay Wizzy

Well WE in America are a Constitutional Representative Republic; totally antithetical to a full demockracy.

4 years ago

The Paleswine and their various traitorous supporters never mention that Gaza is entirely judenrein, then again, no one mentions that pretty much the entire f’ing muslum world in judenfrei at this point and where Jews do exist in the muslum world they are a persecuted minority.

4 years ago

RIGHT and was specifically why Satan inspired a murdering pedophile to start such a Death Cult in reverse meaning of Christ Jesus saying His Saving Redemption is –
“To the Jew first then the gentile”

To the Muslime it’s death to the Jew first then to the Christian gentiles

4 years ago
Reply to  mtman2

This is part of the general psychopathy of islum. The ayatrollah Sistani, out of Iraq, stated on public television there that Jews were unequivocally allowed dhimmitude in the muslum world, he said Christians might be considered polytheists and that for everyone else (incl. atheists) the choice was convert to islum or die. Yet there are three authentic ahadith that plainly call for the worldwide genocide of Jews. But maybe the Shitites don’t consider these ahadith to be authentic? Otherwise how could that position be resolved w/the Jewish right of dhimmitude?

4 years ago

Palestine is already free, but these students do not know it. All they understand is to accuse Israel of being “occupiers.” Their ignorance, superimposed on the PLO/Hama’s refusal to accept the many resolutions that have been proposed, further “inflames” that ignorance. As long as that Arab mentality continues to exist the anti-Semitism towards Israel and Jewish students will never end. Since these people cannot be reasonable, they represent a clear and present danger to many of us others, and I am coming to the conclusion that unless they accept and see the reality, deportation may be in their best interest if they are not citizens.

4 years ago
Reply to  Dennis

They have it reversed and few challenge it. Good luck deporting them for “free speech”. They are abusing our freedoms, civility and decorum as their contribution, to make us a divided third world country.

4 years ago
Reply to  Dennis

Of course you’re correct and under our U.S. Immigration Laws to become a citizen [or be properly vetted to even visit] “SHARIA” – which being incompatible with our Constitution cannot pass scrutiny for either for both being a acknowdged form of domestic terrorism if allowed inside America for holding itself above our Constitution but totally compatible with Christianity and Judean religion.

0349 JAT
0349 JAT
4 years ago

Muslim savages showing their true colours.

4 years ago
Reply to  0349 JAT

The Muslim prancing and jumping around with his simple minded chant of “free, free Palestine” reminds me of an ape.

4 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

Baboons require a multitude to gain courage to make a loud racket.

4 years ago
Reply to  0349 JAT

The Muslim prancing and jumping around with his simple minded chant of “free, free Palestine” reminds me of an ape.

4 years ago
Reply to  0349 JAT

The Muslim prancing and jumping around with his simple minded chant of “free, free Palestine” reminds me of an ape.

4 years ago

Berkeley a Nazi Fascist Propaganda institution that intends to brain wash all the students that go there so that they turn on their parents, go that at your own peril.

4 years ago

Berkeley a Nazi Fascist Propaganda institution that intends to brain wash all the students that go there so that they turn on their parents, go that at your own peril.

4 years ago
Reply to  dapto

I have some relatives on my spouse’s side that live out there UC Berkeley is where all their kids went. They are extreme liberals.

One lives in Pelosi’s district and thinks she is great! They don’t live with the homeless or live with the criminals and filth. I doubt they are even aware of how bad it is.

They simply agree with her policies and are typically UNINFORMED on reality. They are brain dead and live in a bubble. They are very nice people however you can not discuss politics with them. It’s like they are on some kind of a political drug. You can not get through to them so politics is off limits when we get together.

Achmed Mohandjob
Achmed Mohandjob
4 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

There is no such thing as “nice people” that are Democrat Party members. Don’t delude yourself.

4 years ago

No they are. This past summer they were very good to me and they have always been good to our kids. They live in their own little world so we avoid politics. There is no point in letting politics over come family.

Neighbors of my parents are the same way. When it snows they shovel their driveway, help him cut his grass in the summer, bring wood over from their supply if the electricty goes out and lend him a generator and often brought meals over when my mother was going down hill and offered to take him food shopping and babysit her etc..

These neighbors are FLAMING liberals and HATE Republicans. They also live in a liberal bubble. There was nothing to gain there by doing that.

4 years ago

There are people who are old school Democrats who have no idea what their party has become in the 21st century. It could be said they vote Dem0rat out of reflex and possibly because of the malignant influence of the enemedia.

Achmed Mohandjob
Achmed Mohandjob
4 years ago

Just as a moslem is a moslem is a moslem. A Democrat Party member is a Democrat Party member. This glorifying “old school …” is like glorifying “old school moslems”. Democrat Party members are foul, filthy and vile … and they always have been.

4 years ago

I disagree I used to know an old country doctor (raised on a farm in Iowa) then served as a doctor w/the US Army in Korea. He was a smart and nice guy but his knowledge of what the Dem0ratic party and Republican party were in the 21st century was whatever propaganda he saw/read/heard from the enemedia. It’s not his fault he was deceived.

Achmed Mohandjob
Achmed Mohandjob
4 years ago

A “deceived” moslem. A “deceived” Democrat Party member. If a moslem attempts to leave its death cult, the punishment is death. At least a Democrat Party member can leave without such a threat. I know MANY former Democrat Party members that left that death cult. What’s that “former country doctor’s” excuse?

4 years ago

He’s passed on, but the only source for his news was television, the radio and printed periodicals so that was his truth (otherwise known as propaganda). He didn’t know how to use a computer.

Achmed Mohandjob
Achmed Mohandjob
4 years ago

Until my college years, when I first programmed on an IBM 360, I had never been on a computer. It wasn’t just cobal and fortran … it was the NEW PL languages that were going to be “the programming of the future” (dropped a few years later to never be heard from again). All that I had was periodicals, television (before cable), and radio. That’s all that my parents had. That’s all that my grandparents had. They realized just how EVIL the Democrat Party was. If anyone questioned them, all that they had to do was point towards Franklin D (the “D” stands for demonspawn) Roosevelt, and Hairy-ass Truman.
No excuse for being a Satanist/Democrat Party member.

4 years ago

How would he know how evil the Dem0rat party had become? He read/saw/heard nothing but propaganda!

Achmed Mohandjob
Achmed Mohandjob
4 years ago

The Democrat Party, and its members, have been evil … well before Franklin Demonspawn Roosevelt. Look at Woody Wilson.

4 years ago

I thought William Jefferson Clinton was great back in the day, he was Rhodes scholar, he had Jefferson in his name and he left the federal government w/a surplus. It’s not until much later than I learned he had ordered the bombing of Serbian Christians resisting islamic imperialism in Kosovo. Clinton propaganda worked well on me.
You can’t tell me Dubya was a great POTUS either — unless maybe in comparison to the 0mahdi.

Achmed Mohandjob
Achmed Mohandjob
4 years ago

William Jefferson Clownton vetoed the self-same budget THREE times before finally acquiescing to the opinion polls … and signed the Newt Gingrich budgets. As far as booshie, jr., hard for me to decide which was worse, booshie or clownton.

4 years ago

If I had to vote all over again in the Dubya elections, I probably wouldn’t of voted at all because I couldn’t really support Dubya over Lurch.

Achmed Mohandjob
Achmed Mohandjob
4 years ago

Think about Albert Gore, Jr., being the president.
Worst presidents in American History:
1) Jimmie the Worthless One Carter
2) Albert Gore, Jr., Greta’s godfather
3) obimbo
Hard to say, but I’d still put my money on obimbo.
Then, to even consider Lurch of the perjuhn mullah son-in-law.
Makes booshie, jr., look better by the day.

4 years ago

But Gore was a key player in inventing the internet!
‘I took the initiative in creating the Internet.’ -Al Gore

Achmed Mohandjob
Achmed Mohandjob
4 years ago

And, did you ever hear anything about the existential threat of man made climate change, prior to the internet? See! It’s all Albert, Juniors fault.

4 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

Very sadly yes = and “the Lord sent strong delusion that they’d believe a lie”.
Only a true Christ centered repentent revival will turn the direction of America back to the Faith of our fathers as clearly pointed to in our “Declaration of Independence” at the beginning + end of that 3 page document

4 years ago

That kind of thing has been going on for a long time at UC Berkeley.

Drew the Infidel
Drew the Infidel
4 years ago

In keeping with the motto “Never again” from the Holocaust, an armed society is a polite society.

Be safe, be trained , be alert.

4 years ago

Well said!

Porter G. Stone
Porter G. Stone
4 years ago

ISLAM is the CANCER of the Planet !
Muslims are Koran and Sharia abiding people who NEVER accept any other law above Koran and Sharia law.
Muslims who abnegate and leave Islam and become nonmuslims may stay.
Muslims who are unable to abnegate Islam, and to leave Islam to become nonmuslims, need to get all expelled from every non islamic country.

4 years ago

YES – and this is totally Constitutional within our Immigration Laws.

4 years ago

All I can say, is TYPICAL Berkeley!

4 years ago

Just as the French bowed to their NEW masters (The Eurabia Code)
To keep the oil away from the Axis powers
The Axis STILL would have been defeated
Trans-Jordan escapes responsibility for ending Nomadic tribes
Nomadic tribes become Genesis for Palestinians
Oops, what to do with ALL those ‘extra’ people?
Why, France and Europe ‘owe’ the Middle-East you understand
France signed her fate with the Arabics
Democrats took that Arabic Oil Money
Hillary got lots thru Bill’s fake foundation
Dems are party to the Kennedys-
BIGGEST anti-semites in USA
Colleges revere Kennedys
Rule over us plebes and heebs

[Hey Dems, you know how deGaul rewarded his new masters-by converting 80% of France to nuclear power!]

Scott Smith
Scott Smith
4 years ago

Palestine doesnt want to be free. They have denied the chance to be a nation over half dozen times now. What they want is to kill all the jews and then as muslims, to kill all the Christians. There really are no Palestinians, there are squatters who come from Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Egypt.

Geller Report
Thanks for sharing!