Stephen Harper Nominated to Have a Jerusalem Street Named After Him


Before there was President Donald Trump, there was Prime Minister Stephen Harper. As Canadian Prime Minister, Stephen Harper consistently championed Israel. He would also fight anyone (including President Obama) who tried to demonize Israel. His strong leadership is very much missed and needed today.

If Stephen Harper was still Canadian Prime Minister he would not have betrayed Israel at the UN, the way Justin Trudeau recently did. He would have re-located Canada’s embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. He also would have taken significant action against anti-Semitism, which has skyrocketed in Canada since the election of Prime Minister Trudeau.

The Israeli government should bestow this honor onto Stephen Harper. He deserves it. Israel has never had a better friend than Stephen Harper, who is still a global advocate for Israel almost 5 years after he left office.

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Stephen Harper Nominated to Have a Jerusalem Street Named After Him

By Algemeiner, December 18th, 2019:

Jerusalem City Council member Dan Illouz (Hitorerut) on Tuesday officially nominated former Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper (2006-2015) for the honor of having a Jerusalem street named after him.

Though tradition dictates that the honor be reserved for individuals who have been dead for at least three years, exceptions may be made—and “Harper is a strong case for such an exception,” Illouz told JNS. “Throughout his time in office, he was, and continues to be today, a devoted friend of Israel,” he said.

Harper was the first Western leader to suspend aid to the Palestinian Authority after Hamas’s electoral victory in 2006. In 2009, he was the first to withdraw from the infamous Durban Review Conference, saying the event would “scapegoat the Jewish people.” In a 2014 Knesset speech, Harper committed to support Israel “through fire and water.” He is also known for changing Canada’s voting record in the United Nations in support of the Jewish state, ending funding to UNRWA, opposing Iran’s nuclear program, promoting investment in Israeli security and intelligence and modernizing trade agreements between Israel and Canada to increase trade and business connections.

“It is in recognition of this significant support that I seek to honor Harper with a street name in the capital city. Doing so during Harper’s lifetime would show the world how Israel treats its friends, which would be a big step for diplomatic relations,” said Illouz.

During Harper’s visit to Israel in September of this year, US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman wrote on Twitter: “I can think of few if any world leaders who have been better friends of Israel over the past generation [than Harper].”

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has also expressed appreciation for Harper’s devout support of Israel.


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4 years ago

Very nice.
Lee Zeldin would make a FANTASTIC President. He’s the best one yet!

The Legend of Zeldin’:
How Long Island’s GOP Congressman Became Impeachment’s Biggest Star

17 Dec 2019, 9:09 PM PST

But perhaps no bigger star has emerged in the fight than Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY), a hard-charging GOP congressman from Long Island whose district includes the Hamptons.

It’s not because of any viral moment in a public hearing. Zeldin actually is not on either of the committees that have held public impeachment hearings, though he is on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, which granted him access to the Secure Compartmentalized Information Facility (SCIF) during the behind-closed-doors deposition-taking part of the Democrats’ impeachment push.

It’s not because of some outrageous thing he said or did on television. Zeldin has been remarkably reserved, sticking to the facts, in press conferences and television appearances during this whole process. But he also has no problem taking the heat right to the Democrats when they deserve it, as they often have shown they do. Zeldin believes the Democrats are committing a fatal political mistake with impeachment, and is helping lead the GOP in the party’s efforts to recapture the House majority because of it.

4 years ago

Prime Minister Harper, initially elected with a minority government, survived 2 “Votes of Non Confidence,” basically the Canadian version of being impeached out of office, (By the liberal and socialist opposition.) The third election Canadians gave him a majority government, and he DID NOT disappoint us, telling the opposition to take all their p.c. b.s. and shove it where the sun don’t shine.

Then members of Odumbas old election team came to Canada to run Turdolt’s campaign, under the slogan, “Time for a Change” and after the press asking Turdolt tough questions like, “What kind of shampoo do you use?” enough Canadians were not only stupid enough to give Turdolt, an outright admirer of China being a dictatorship, a majority government, we re-elected him despite his multiple black face/multiple scandal ridden/multiple embarrassing Canada internationally, laden term.

As an Albertan, I wonder.

Can a PROVINCE apply for refugee status to America?

4 years ago
Reply to  Dano50

perhaps if it’s conservative or independent.
hopefully it’s not like California or Hawaii – democrat states.

4 years ago
Reply to  TD

More like Texas.

At least before all the Californicators started moving in.

4 years ago
Reply to  Dano50

Harper is history. Canadians now must deal with the current reality of a government that has as its priority the transformation of the country into a multicultural cesspool, with their own white-stock people becoming a minority ( hence, open borders and sanctuary cities). That’s what’s happening.

There’s no point in feeling sorry that the traitorous dirtbag Justin Trudeau got re-elected as PM for a second term. Clueless young females ( “he’s so cute!” ), newly-minted New Canadians ( Muslims ), commie teachers and public service unions are mainly responsible for his miraculous survival.

We have to fight against the deliberate destruction of beautiful Canada by stupid and evil people. Don’t feel defeated, but join with other pissed-off Canadians ( the descendants of those Europeans who made this country such a desirable place to be ) in defeating the corrupt traitors ruling over us now.

There are great Canadians who are doing everything possible to make Traitor Trudeau’s current stint in office his final one. You know who they are. Your own Alberta Premier Jason Kenney, Doug Ford in Ontario, Candice Bergen and Michelle Rempel, two female tigers, either one of them would make a superlative Prime Minister, to name just a few. So why don’t we join them in defeating the Canadian-hating traitor Trudeau?

4 years ago

“Stephen Harper consistently championed Israel. He would also fight anyone (including President Obama) who tried to demonize Israel.”

Let’s see what we can do to bring Canada to the nationalist column.

4 years ago

It;s such a shame that Canada has gone the way of Britain, Germany and the EU. The majority of Canadians that I know and have conversed with hate Jews and all things Jewish. (I am Jewish by the way). Trudeau is an avowed muslim and harbors an intense, vitriolic hate for Bibi and Israel and all Jews. Canada has become just another Banana Republic and a lackey of Xi’s of China and the Globalist goon squad.

4 years ago
Reply to  Rivia

Awesome, Great news. I was not aware of that. Thanks for sharing. השם יברך

4 years ago

Perhaps Israel can name a public toilet after our PM the grand Prince of Poof JustTin Trudope so he can be famous too.

Geller Report
Thanks for sharing!