British Museum exhibit explores the influence of Muslim culture on the West


We see this sharia-dictated nonsense in the sciences too. Islamic revisionism has made its way into some of the most respected museums and libraries in the Western world.

Pamela Geller, Breitbart News: “1001 Muslim Myths and Historical Revisions”

‘Holy Islamic burial pyramid’ isn’t. It’s ‘actually ancient Greek boxer’s tomb’

British Museum exhibit explores the influence of Muslim culture on the West

Does this exhibit explain how the Islamic influence on Western art was severely limited by the fact that Sharia forbids representation of the human form? Or would that reflect negatively upon Islam and Sharia, and so is forbidden to be stated? Will the British Museum host an exhibition on how Western art influenced the Islamic world, a topic about which there is a great deal that could be said, ranging from the cultural appropriation of Byzantine church architecture to the stylistic similarities of Shi’ite iconography to Western art? The answer to both questions is “of course not.” This is just another example of the British intelligentsia’s ongoing efforts to compel Britons to be ashamed of their own culture and heritage, and to think of Islamic culture as antecedent and superior to their own. It’s just more of Britain’s ongoing cultural suicide.

“Exploring the influence of Muslim culture on the West,” by Gavin O’Toole, Al Jazeera, October 13, 2019:

London, United Kingdom – A 19th-century painting of a harem by European artist Antoine-Ignace Melling has been animated, subverting the depictions of the women within, from passive subjects of erotic fantasy to drab creatures engaged in jerky, repetitive movements reminiscent of a cuckoo clock.

This is contemporary Turkish artist Inci Eviner’s reimagining of a “classic” portrayal of an Ottoman harem and its message is serious. Art from the Middle East is outgrowing its “Orientalist” straitjacket.

Her work is part of a major exhibition in London’s British Museum called Inspired by the East, that explores the significant – yet often unacknowledged – influence of Eastern culture on the West.

“Discover centuries of art inspired by the Islamic world,” the museum promises visitors.

Co-curator Julia Tugwell said there has been a resurgence of interest in Orientalist work after it fell out of fashion for years, and she hopes the exhibition can help to reduce barriers thrown up by politics.

“People might forget that there has been an exchange between East and West for centuries, much longer than we think and while, of course, some of that has been warfare, a lot of it has been diplomatic relations and artistic exchange.

“Looking at this through an artistic medium and showing how there has been this interest in the ‘other’ from both directions over the years shows that there has been an ongoing dialogue.”

Organised in collaboration with the Islamic Arts Museum Malaysia, the exhibition traces Western fascination with the Eastern and Muslim world since the medieval era….

Catherine Futter of the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City, who contributed to the exhibition’s catalogue, said Islamic influence in European design endures.

“We still see Islamic arches and patterns incorporated into architecture and perhaps we see them so often they seem part of our currency and we have forgotten their sources – whereas in the 19th century they would have seemed far more unusual.

“One of the things that is exciting about this exhibition is that it is highlighting that important contribution to art, culture, science and technology made by the Islamic world.”…

Egyptian-British artist Iythar, who lives in London, said the exhibition could not have come at a better time amid rising anti-Muslim sentiment.

“This is very important and should have been done sooner because it helps people see the positive impact Islam has had in the world – not just in art but culture in general.

“Many people only choose to listen to what they hear in the media and don’t know anything about Islam, so when they go to an exhibition like this and appreciate the benefits of the Islamic culture, it fosters tolerance.”

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Jay Wizzy
Jay Wizzy
4 years ago

If of any consequences of Islamic influence on the West one thinks of
• the establishment of enslavement of Africans,
• the anti-African racism (see Wikiislam -racism),
• the alignment of Germany with the Ottoman caliphate during the Armenian/ Greek/… genocide in the first world-war,
• Hitler & the Nazis,
• pro-Sharia politics & censorship by Lenin, Stalin, modern politicians, media, education & the UN.

4 years ago

Indeed, Islam’s influence on Western Civilization; the big wicked West did not possess the wherewithal to evolve without the influences of an age-old cult of nihilism, inherent hatred, and a penchant for mass-murder of non-Muslims, aka Western Civilization.

Once again, the apologists, appeasers of Islam conjure historical facts into a fictitious narrative. Academia and its tagalong West loathing Leftists betray their duplicitous, disingenuous dogma of deceptiveness.

Those of the so-called academia, intelligentsia’s ongoing groveling of Islam, damning, or dismissing the West’s Judeo-Christian principles while lauding Sharia Law.

4 years ago
Reply to  Ziggy46

Not interested.
N-O means NO.

4 years ago

British Museum to host special exhibition, “Inspired by the East: How the Islamic World Influenced Western Art”
AUG 5, 2019 11:00 AM

Will this exhibit explain how the Islamic influence on Western art was severely limited by the fact that Sharia forbids representation of the human form?

Will the British Museum host an exhibition on how Western art influenced the Islamic world, a topic about which there is a great deal that could be said, ranging from the cultural appropriation of Byzantine church architecture to the stylistic similarities of Shi’ite iconography to Western art?

The answer to both questions is “of course not.” This is just another example of the British intelligentsia’s ongoing efforts to compel Britons to be ashamed of their own culture and heritage, and to think of Islamic culture as antecedent and superior to their own. It’s just more of Britain’s ongoing cultural suicide.

I guess the MUSLIM slave trade won’t be highlighted…
Black castrated males and the preference of WHITE EUROPEAN WOMEN for sex slaves.
comment image?w=542&ssl=1

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4 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

The muslum slave trade never stopped and is going on right now across Africa.

Dirt Doctor
Dirt Doctor
4 years ago

& the Western world!!

4 years ago

British Museum to host special exhibition, “Inspired by the East: How the Islamic World Influenced Western Art”
AUG 5, 2019 11:00 AM

Will this exhibit explain how the Islamic influence on Western art was severely limited by the fact that Sharia forbids representation of the human form?

Will the British Museum host an exhibition on how Western art influenced the Islamic world, a topic about which there is a great deal that could be said, ranging from the cultural appropriation of Byzantine church architecture to the stylistic similarities of Shi’ite iconography to Western art?

The answer to both questions is “of course not.” This is just another example of the British intelligentsia’s ongoing efforts to compel Britons to be ashamed of their own culture and heritage, and to think of Islamic culture as antecedent and superior to their own. It’s just more of Britain’s ongoing cultural suicide.

I guess the MUSLIM slave trade won’t be highlighted…
Black castrated males and the preference of WHITE EUROPEAN WOMEN for sex slaves.
comment image?w=542&ssl=1

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4 years ago

Wonderful! An exhibition on acid attacks, incest, welfare scrounging, suicide bombing, 24/7 aggression, hypocrisy, arse-lifting, kiddie-diddling, rape, gang rape, treachery, human trafficking, duplicity, gang warfare, drug dealing, religiously-sanctified wife-beating, honour killings, homophobia, misogyny, slavery and all-round evil.
Sounds like a very worthwhile, informative and necessary exhibition. Thanks, British Museum!

4 years ago

Why not explore Hitler’s contribution to art? After all, he WAS a painter.

Halal Bacon
Halal Bacon
4 years ago

and a wallpaper hanger

4 years ago

Why not?
Muslims still adore Hitler!
Let’s also add Hitler and Husseini and the rest of it to this collection.
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Halal Bacon
Halal Bacon
4 years ago

try not to mistake it for the explosives/dynamite exhibit

4 years ago
Reply to  Halal Bacon

Could they have a display of Muslims blowing themselves up?

Dirt Doctor
Dirt Doctor
4 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

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4 years ago

Obviously museums are more or less controlled by the politicians. comment image Euronews TV news presenter Rosie Wright disseminating politically correct propaganda

4 years ago

The ugly irony here is the director of the British museum is a homosexual. He sent the Cyrus Cylinder back to Iran to his dear mullahs and had a pathetic exhibition of Islamic “art”, not mentioning these skills had been hijacked by muslims and originated probably thousands of years before piss-lame. Sickening little Muzz butt kisser

4 years ago
Reply to  Cassandra

Gallery of the Islamic World – British Museum

Neil MacGregor, director of the British Museum, said “This generous gift from The Albukhary Foundation makes it possible for us to completely redisplay one of the world’s most important Islamic collections. These new galleries will allow us to present our collection in the context of world cultures exploring the history, complexity and diversity of Islamic cultures across the world from Sub Saharan Africa to Malaysia and Indonesia. I am delighted that the British Museum’s exhibition Hajj: journey to the heart of Islam has been awarded the Prize for Educators, by the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation and the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies, this recognition demonstrates how important it is to build and develop our collection to better understand the history of the Islamic world.”

Looks like they have been bought off. He’s been involved in a few scandals too….

AR154U☑ᵀʳᵘᵐᵖ DEPLORABLE 2020
AR154U☑ᵀʳᵘᵐᵖ DEPLORABLE 2020
4 years ago

British Museum exhibit explores the influence of Muslim culture on the West ……..
……….Oooh ……. feel that ‘cultural’ up-lifting ?!!
comment image

4 years ago

The USS Stark was hit by an exocet missile (thanks Fwance!) fired by a muslum in an Iraqi fighter jet.
The US diplomatic compound in Bengazi was also attacked by f’ing muslums, not only in the 21st century, but the 20th. In the 20th century f’ing muslums attacked the US embassy or consulate (I forget which) sometime after the Six Day War. British military forces (hooray!) managed to repel the f’ing muslums and save the staff.

4 years ago

Yeah, but you can’t demonise a whole religion for the actions of a few million, can you? (sarc)

AR154U☑ᵀʳᵘᵐᵖ DEPLORABLE 2020
AR154U☑ᵀʳᵘᵐᵖ DEPLORABLE 2020
4 years ago
Reply to  Laura

I guess ‘We Can’ …….
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Dirt Doctor
Dirt Doctor
4 years ago

Obozo Oblamer the islamic Flamer – GFYS!

Dirt Doctor
Dirt Doctor
4 years ago

Stay Locked & Loaded! – or is it the other wy around?

AR154U☑ᵀʳᵘᵐᵖ DEPLORABLE 2020
AR154U☑ᵀʳᵘᵐᵖ DEPLORABLE 2020
4 years ago

Such talented people those ‘Muslims’ ……… makes one wonder, what we’d do without them ?!!
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Dirt Doctor
Dirt Doctor
4 years ago

Live in Peace???

4 years ago

“British Museum exhibit explores the influence of Muslim culture on the West”
They could dedicate the whole museum for space dedicated to Mozzlems’ influence on Western culture !! Rapings, stabbings, shootings, acid attacks and bombings against the west committed by mozzlems against the west could easily fill the entire museum….

J k
J k
4 years ago

Will they be presenting Islam’s significant contribution to slavery (past and present) and genocide? How many Islamic scientists have been presented with the Nobel prize in any scientific discipline?

4 years ago

Yeah the exhibit is you walk through the front door and it leads out to the back alley !

John Acord
John Acord
4 years ago

I suppose tens of thousands of British school children will be marched through this exhibition. I must go myself. I have been searching for a single, that’s one, an example of a significant contribution made by a Muslim from a Muslim country to the sciences in the last 100 years. Aside from suicide vests and IED’s I have not found an example. Perhaps, mingled among the Elgin Marbles, I will have my Eureka moment and finally, find the one example of Muslim contributions to the sciences.

Dirt Doctor
Dirt Doctor
4 years ago

Here’s an example of that influence on the West:. The devils rise up!

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Geller Report
Thanks for sharing!