NAACP President to Reporter: ‘I don’t talk to fucking Jews’


Does Jeffrey Dye know that Jewish American’s co-founded the NAACP? Does Dye know about the significant contribution American Jew’s made  to the Civil Rights Movement? Martin Luther King revered Jews, and for good reason.

Today King is rolling over in his grave at the sad state of America’s black leadership. King likely would not have imagined that a mere 55 years after the Civil Rights Act was passed, many of America’s prominent Black leaders would be anti-Semitic and anti-Israel.

NAACP President to Reporter: ‘I don’t talk to fucking Jews’

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“I don’t talk to fucking Jews,” Dye told the New Jersey Globe during a very brief telephone interview.  “Get the fuck out of here.”

By David Wildstein, New Jersey Globe, August 27, 2019:

Jeffrey Dye declined to say if he plans to resign his post as President of the Passaic NAACP after several top Democrats urged him to move on.

“I don’t talk to fucking Jews,” Dye told the New Jersey Globe during a very brief telephone interview.  “Get the fuck out of here.”

Dye was fired from his job with the state Department of Labor and Workforce Development last week after the Globe reported that he had made anti-Semitic and anti-Latino comments on his personal Facebook page.

The president of the NAACP New Jersey Conference, Richard T. Smith, told the Globe that no decision has been made about Dye’s future.

“We are awaiting the return of our National President and CEO who is traveling abroad before further action is sanctioned,” Smith said.

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4 years ago

And yet, we get called the racists. Biden says ‘white institutional racism’.

4 years ago

“Does Jeffrey Dye know that Jewish American’s co-founded the NAACP?” Of course he doesn’t. Blacks in this day – have no idea their relationship with Jews. So sad – but it’s the same as when Leno or whomever ask blacks on the street (Jay walking) asks blacks randomly who is Lincoln – and they have no idea.

So sad – but expected.

Patriotic American
Patriotic American
4 years ago

Dye is so full of Jew hatred that he couldn’t care less about who co-founded the organization he now runs into the ground.

Unfortunately, the NAACP also supports such leftist “issues” as abortion on demand (a.k.a. genocide by attrition) and the spreading of homosexuality and transgenderism.

4 years ago


Thurston Howell III
Thurston Howell III
4 years ago

and we’re not supposed to call them “COLORED PEOPLE”.

so tell me…what does the “CP” in “NAACP” stand for then????

Achmed Mohandjob
Achmed Mohandjob
4 years ago

I don’t know about the term “colored” people. The polite referencing is “negro”.

4 years ago

I used that here not long ago and JEEBUS did I ever get reprimanded by my 22y/o for using such an outdated term.

Politically Accurate
Politically Accurate
4 years ago

Crappy people.

4 years ago

Then maybe the Jews which were stupid shouldn’t have helped form the NAACP.

4 years ago

This guy is a Farrakhan Follower, he supports Palestinian Terror and hates Jews.

4 years ago
Reply to  HonestToAtee

Agree. And Left/Libs have been bringing jihad right into America.

somali jihadis attack American citizens while police make excuses

Its happening in Demonrat run counties/states .

All Anti-semites , pro-jihadis should lose citizenship right and should be banned from holding public funded office.

Patriotic American
Patriotic American
4 years ago
Reply to  Suresh

Democrats also make excuses for pedophiles and s– offenders. Like in Decatur, GA, when a 5-year-old girl in kindergarten was assaulted by a boy of same age who was led to believe he was “gender fluid” – and when the girl spoke out and came forward, the school district retaliated against her by having Child Protective Services sicced on her parents.

stephanie wilson
stephanie wilson
4 years ago
Reply to  Suresh

well said!!!comment image

Crystal Waters
Crystal Waters
4 years ago

“We are awaiting the return of our National President and CEO who is traveling abroad.”
They want us to believe the boss traveled by boat and are unable to contact him outside of smoke signals.

4 years ago

Jews helped found the NAACP eh? The pathway to hell is paved with good intentions it seems…

4 years ago
Reply to  MAS


4 years ago


4 years ago

Unlike whites, black anti-semitism is rooted in envy and resentment of jewish success, not the church. They’ve always masked their true sentiments for jewish money. Without it, there aint no negro colleges. Jews are always looking for love in all the wrong places. Blacks are not your friend. Never have been.
Show me one black (besides Lt Col Allen West) who has ever rebuked America’s Greatest Living Jew Hater Lois Farakkhan. To the contrary, for years, an endless parade of Black politicians (including Obama) and celebrities have pandered to this scumbag for some street cred. Want more proof? How about the unending urban terror inflicted by blacks in NYC against Jews. It’s been going on for years and the feckless Jews just keep taking it.

4 years ago

You are absolutely correct. Black anti-Semitism is as old as the hills. It was there during the Civil Rights movement. The Jews were the only ones who seemed not to be aware of it. I always wondered if their support of civil rights was rooted in a desire to be liked and loved.

4 years ago
Reply to  CreoleGumbo

Maybe, this quote will shed some light on the subject.

NOTE: On June 17, 1957, this passage was also read into the Congressional Record by Rep. Thomas G. Abernathy.

“We must realize that our Party’s most powerful weapon is racial tension. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races, that for centuries have been oppressed by the whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party … In America, we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will instill in the whites a guilt complex for the exploitation of the Negroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise to prominence in every walk of life, in the professions, and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negroes will be able to intermarry with the whites, and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.”
– A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century, published in 1913 by (((Israel Cohen))) of the Fabian Society

comment image

4 years ago
Reply to  RhymesWithNews

But A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century never existed because it’s a 100-year-old antisemitic hoax Abdullatard.

4 years ago

“But A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century never existed because it’s a 100-year-old antisemitic hoax Abdullatard N/A – This comment is not applicable due to blatant stupidity and false accusations of alleged association with Muslims and the religion of Islam..

4 years ago
Reply to  RhymesWithNews


4 years ago
Reply to  RhymesWithNews

I just read that this quote was a hoax.
Any rebuttals?

4 years ago
Reply to  CreoleGumbo

Okay, I quickly gathered some information on the quote for you and added a few pictures as well into an RTF file, then converted it online into a PDF and uploaded it for you to download. The PDF is 12 pages long and 1.6 MB in size.

The Israel Cohen Quote Investigation!6EwgyKxD!9qZunMvArnYwqokf9ICuiso6-mnZi6-LaUllmBdL3YY

4 years ago
Reply to  RhymesWithNews

You are absolutely amazing!
I have not had a chance to read it yet but the truth is that whether a hoax or not it certainly is on target with what has taken place with respect to the Civil Rights Movement and Communism. Thanks again.

4 years ago
Reply to  CreoleGumbo

I choose to give Jews (and many Catholics) during that period the benefit of the doubt. I think they genuinely wanted to alleviate Jim Crow persecution. Unfortunately, the black community has never expressed any real gratitude. Consider this: A tiny tiny percentage of Gentiles risked their own lives to save Jews during the Holocaust. In recognition of their incredible heroism, the State of Israel has officially recognized these people at Yad Vashem as the The Righteous Among The Nations. it’s pretty much the highest honor you can rcv in Israel. That’s gratitude. Jesse Jackson, the Jews are still waiting for a “Thank you”. I won’t hold my breath.

4 years ago

To some extent that is due to widespread ignorance within the Black population as to just what “a Jew” is.

When I was in junior high school a Black girl sitting next to me made a comment about “these Jews.” I asked how was she able to tell who was a Jew by just looking at them. Her response was “That is just another word for White People.” I don’t know how widespread this is among lower class Blacks but I suspect that it is fairly common. And it is an issue that is rarely addressed when Black Anti Semitism is discussed. I would love to see a pollster ask a large number of Blacks what is a Jew and how can you differentiate them from other White people.

There is Black Anti Semitism but the larger issue is the hatred of all White people and widespread Black ignorance.

4 years ago
Reply to  CreoleGumbo

Or a desire to stick it to whites, whom they regard as their very old nemeses. Especially Christians.

4 years ago

Superb comment. The sad fact is that other ethnic groups that came here a hundred years after Blacks for instance Chinese, Koreans and Vietnamese. Have far exceeded Blacks and have gained much more prosperity. I knew a Korean family that saved every dime they could earn. Everyone worked about sixteen hours a day to buy a small store. They continued to work the store just as hard. The kids when they returned from school did home work for one and a half hours and then went to work in the store.

Don S Paulsen
Don S Paulsen
4 years ago
Reply to  Larenzo1

We work with a colleague from Viet Nam. His parents barely escaped in time. Arrived here with less than 5 dollars. The four kids are now physicians (3) and a pharmacist. Amazing success story!

4 years ago
Reply to  Don S Paulsen

its not an aberration. Asian cultures are rooted in family, faith and work ethic. If we could eradicate the corrupt Communist scum running China and liberate the 1.45 billion Chinese people living under totalitarian rule, amazing things happen. Proof? Taiwan & Hong Kong. Both are prime examples of what the Chinese people are capable of when freed from Communist rule.

4 years ago
Reply to  Larenzo1

I was raised in NYC and the endless black on Jew violence also applies to the black violence perpetuated on asian shop keepers. Like the first generation of pre-war Jews, first generation Asian families often open stores in black & hispanic neighborhoods because the rents are lower. How many Chinese takeout employees have been robbed, assaulted and even murdered for simply making a delivery in black neighborhood. The violence they endure is motivated by envy. Too many blacks watch new ethnic groups climb the economic ladder while they languish in multi-generational poverty. It has little to do with racism. Jews and Asians have endured plenty of prejudice and persecution. For Blacks its all about values and the lack thereof. At this point most of their problems are self-inflicted. Choosing not to marry, raising children without fathers and sometimes without mothers. Choosing criminal activity as a means of income, denigrating and dismissing education and worse, selling out to corrupt unions that do not support school choice This keeps innocent kids trapped in horrible inner city schools. The only people Blacks treat worse than Jews and Asians is their own children. it’s sad.

Pelatiah Adams
Pelatiah Adams
4 years ago
Reply to  Larenzo1

And in this country, the blacks cannot stand the Asians. Friend told me just last week about a kerfuffle in an Asian nail salon, where the black client accused the guy doing her nails of intentionally ruining them. They’re all out for free nail services and will raise hell and fight physically in front of any bystanders. My friend happened to have her kids with her (they were a captive audience with feet in the water) and kids were traumatized by woman’s language and threats. Certain cultures teach their kids these terrible things and think nothing of it. The kids are brainwashed. The cycle continues.

4 years ago
Reply to  Larenzo1

But that’s IQ showing its indelible face. IQ discussion is verboten because there’s no way to make, or legislate it to be equal. Thus Affirmative Action, but even that won’t equalize things.

4 years ago

Those “feckless Jews” keep taking it because their fanatical
attachment to the Left overcomes their sense of survival.

4 years ago
Reply to  figaro86

Correct. And there are those of us to whom “Never again” has real meaning.

4 years ago
Reply to  figaro86

Not so sure its political ideology. American Jews have never learned to defend themselves. Their passivity was inherited from their Eastern European and German ancestors. Their survival strategy has always been to run. In NYC during the 60s and 70’s middle class jews ran to Long Island and to Westchester and to NJ. They ran as far away from the Blacks and Hispanics “invading” their jewish neighborhoods as they could. Technically, they succeeded in protecting themselves from violence but its ingrained a culture of passivity and false sense of security in the next generation. When I walk through a jewish neighborhood in NY I never feel really safe but when I walk through jerusalem I do. Routinely seeing young Israeli female soldiers with machine guns patrolling the old city has a way of rearranging your view of the world. There are small exceptions. The NYC Hasidic community has become more proactive in defending its turf but it hasn’t really stopped the relentless violence against them.

4 years ago

the overwhelming percentage of American Jews have run away from their religion, not just their neighborhoods. Donald Trump has more Jewish grandchildren than most American Jews have.

4 years ago
Reply to  mackykam

Actually what most American Jews did is swap religions. They traded in Judaism for Progressivism. Of course they’ve rationalized that Progressivism is the central tenet of Judaism but it’s not. People make stuff up all the time including half-baked theories on how to fix things. The latter trait defines Progressives.

4 years ago

looking for nirvana in all the wrong places.

Donald Howard
Donald Howard
4 years ago
Reply to  figaro86

The problem with much of the Jews in America, is that those who are liberal (largest percentage), are like most other liberals. Liberals put ideology over country and Jews who are democrat supporters are no different, they are liberals first and ideology is their identity.

4 years ago
Reply to  Donald Howard

This is the only way I could reply to you. I agree one hundred percent and have told everyone since Reagan was President that LBJ and Democrats have done more to destroy the black family than slavery. They simply introduced a new form of slavery. A Bait and Switch.

4 years ago

There are others, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams,……but they could be counted on one hand. I am sure that the corrupt members of the Blak Kawkus are applauding this NAACP “President.”

4 years ago
Reply to  victoryman

You are right. There are a handful of Black Americans who have called out Black anti-semitism over the years. Obama made speeches condemning anti-semitism but for 20 years he sat silent in a Chicago church run by a jew-hating racist black pastor. Actions always speak louder than words. There are over 40 million Black Americans. In light of Jewish America’s historical contribution to Black America, the list of blacks condemning black anti-semitism is woefully short, while the list of black anti-semites is woefully long. The prosecution rests.

4 years ago

So what percentage of American Jews voted for Obama, both times?

4 years ago
Reply to  HFH1

Way too many. Jews have always and continue to vote against their own self interests. But religious Jews including Hasidim did not support Obama.

Crystal Waters
Crystal Waters
4 years ago

This began in the late 60s early 70s not long after the assassination of MLK when Muslims in a calculated and coordinated effort (see The Project) began infiltrating black groups and student socialist groups on campuses across the nation and converting them to Islam. Old Arabic adage: “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.”
The goal as always in Islam to overthrow the “Infidels” and antisemitism is just part and parcel of their religion.

4 years ago

What about the Rabbi somewhere who said something like ‘Islam is our broom’?

4 years ago
Reply to  HFH1

Yeah Adolph because we’ve all noticed the tender regard your f’ing fellow muslum brethren have for Jews.

J k
J k
4 years ago

He is another Abed.

M. Morrison
M. Morrison
4 years ago

Is there nowhere rotten where Jews have not been.

Roma Mikhasev
Roma Mikhasev
4 years ago

ordinary fake media/dems/lefts/hollywood/showbiz/crooked

Michael Garfinkel
Michael Garfinkel
4 years ago

Pam Geller asks “Does Jeffrey Dye know that Jewish American’s co-founded the NAACP? Does Dye know about the significant American Jew’s made to the Civil Rights Movement?” – as if this was a good thing.

Drew the Infidel
Drew the Infidel
4 years ago

Keep in mind that the NAACP got hoodwinked by a white girl passing for black yet still thinks voter ID is a bad idea.

4 years ago

That is a great point!

4 years ago

Well whodu thunk a racist could be black? These folks always saying they can’t be racist because they are black. Unh hunh!!! Boy u iz rayciss

4 years ago

Please correct the first sentence which confuses the possessive and the plural.

4 years ago

FTA: “The president of the NAACP New Jersey Conference, Richard T. Smith, told the Globe that no decision has been made about Dye’s future.
“We are awaiting the return of our National President and CEO who is traveling abroad before further action is sanctioned,” Smith said”

TRANSLATION: We’re gonna wait this one out and hope everyone forgets about it.
Apparently the National President and CEO ‘who is traveling abroad’ is unreachable and can’t make what should be a relatively simple decision over an email or a phone call.

4 years ago

This man is a blatant racist. Shameful!

4 years ago

Huh. Did I miss this being broadcasted all over the “news” ??? {HEAVY SARC}

4 years ago


Glen Benjamin
Glen Benjamin
4 years ago

Many blacks have always been anti semetic. My Jewish brothers and sisters always look to curry favor by being so nice to other groups yet it always comes back to haunt them. Helping blacks in Harlem gets Jews attacked by those they help. NAACP can be an example as seen by the article.
Blacks hating Jews has a long history. Farrakhan, sharpton, tutu, Jesse Jackson, Nelson mendela even after Jews sided and supported him. Congresswoman Omar.

John Acord
John Acord
4 years ago

Black on white attacks are increasing at an alarming rate. Blacks are being incited to hate whites in general and Jews in particular. If you doubt this statement visit Colin Flaherty at
It’s getting worse and will not get better until efforts are made to stop agitators like this fool.

Achmed Mohandjob
Achmed Mohandjob
4 years ago
Reply to  John Acord

What? According to the Director of the FBI, white supremacists are the greatest danger to America. There are roving bands of whites, roaming the countryside, killing blacks in epic proportions. Isn’t that what we’re being told?

John Acord
John Acord
4 years ago

I think the fear is genuine except that the targets won;t be blacks but Marxists and their fellow-travelers.

4 years ago

This clown has his head so far up Louie Fairycons A$$ he may get Ecoli

stone cruiser
stone cruiser
4 years ago

So muslims inhabit naacp.

Charles Martell III
Charles Martell III
4 years ago

Another dumb racist black man . . . . a moooslim like Barry you say ?

4 years ago

As a Jewish child, we celebrated Passover as a family affair. My grandfather led the Seder. One Seder I remember was almost 65 years ago when he stopped to read a newspaper article about “Freedom Marches.” He likened them to the Jews, leaving Egypt and spoke of the similarities between us as people.
A year or two later, in Summertime, grandpa went on a trip. I was too young to know what was going on. My family hid certain things from me. Grandpa had been missing a week. During the Summer, he worked in the city, and we stayed in the country, only seeing him on weekends. This one weekend we were told he had to stay in the city. A week later, he returned, but now he walked with a limp. He had a painful look on his face and used the cane for almost a year.
A few years later, the truth came out. I did not realize how awful politics could turn. Grandpa was a Socialist and in his early days, helped for the Printer’s Union. I did not know that he also was involved with Civil Rights marches. It seems while marching, they were all attacked and beaten. They damaged his right leg and hit him on his head. Grandma would never let him march again.
He was the sort of guy that when I asked him why he needed the cane, told me he got hurt playing baseball. I believed him until I learned the truth. My grandparents were not wealthy, but they loved to give. My grandmother used to give me a package to leave at a neighbors door on Shabbat. It was food, and the lady who got it had just lost her husband, an Italian-American soldier that helped liberate her from a WWII Holocaust Survivor camp. She was Jewish, with an Italian last name, and her son and I were friends. They were poor but proud, so my “deposit” on their doorstep was anonymous.
That is how we were raised in Newark N.J. Now, one dog has bitten the hand of his long-time friend. It only happens when people forget who helped, and who remained mute. This “leader” does not lead. He is divisive and is following the example of Democratic Party principals of anti-Semitism. He is disconnected from his history, though he probably never lived a life filled with racial stress. He never learned who his real friends are, or he deliberately turned his back on them. Either way, it’s a shame on him.

4 years ago

This whole thing will be whitewashed. Oops. That could be interpreted as racist. OK. This whole thing will be blackwashed.

4 years ago

Not to worry. CNN will do a FULL expose on this “President” hosted by either Blitzer or Tapper. Right, Mr. Zucker?

4 years ago

The world doesn’t need TRASH like Jeffrey Dye! Fire him…get rid of him…he belongs in a solitary jail cell!

4 years ago

I’ll take things that never happened for $2000, Alex. I have never heard of that publication, and there is no proof that this encounter happened.

4 years ago

Dye’s rabid Jew-hatred got him fired from his NJ Labor Dept job…

…and he’s an ex-con but State of NJ hired him anyway.

With all due respect, getting upset about yet another angry black man in America who hates Jews is like getting upset when a pigeon takes a dump on your car. It’s what they do. isn’t that right, Lebron?

Pelatiah Adams
Pelatiah Adams
4 years ago

We had a local state rep race last year, and the Dem candidate’s staffer received a threat on her phone — photos of Hitler and some anti-Semitic language (the Dem is a Jewish convert). She screamed her victimhood loud and clear and tried to blame her Republican opponent via local media, but after the local police investigated (they obviously had the guy’s cell phone number who texted the photos) and told her that the guy was a democrat, a black guy, this dem candidate REFUSED to believe the police and never corrected her accusations in the press. Her OWN CONSTITUENT off the Democratic CALL LIST was the one who threatened her!!!! Just had fun with that one. And of course, the dems excused him when they found out he was black (and probably muslim) and continued to fund raise on Facebook allowing people to believe it was the Republicans who were the source of the threat. Police were talking about “that crazy lady” for weeks!!! The one who chose to believe the guy who threatened her OVER the police. They’re all filled with hate and deceit. As for the money she raised….she barely spent a dime on signage or anything…where did that money go?

Ban Islam
Ban Islam
4 years ago

After WW2 there should’ve been severe punishments for anti-semitism including deportation, jailing or capital punishment. That doesn’t mean people don’t have a right to criticize Judaism or Israel or maybe evils done by individual Jews (like George Soros for example). But I’m sure we all know what we’re talking about.

When “criticism of Israel” mutates into bigotry and hate against the Jews, that’s where you draw the line. Very often those same bigoted people pretend to be criticizing Israel’s ‘policies’ but what they’re really saying (in the real world) is that Israel doesn’t have any right to defend itself from the Jihad that Muslims are waging against it.

I don’t know how or why Jew-hatred became normed, especially in the Leftist camp but it’s happened and it seems to be getting worse with the influx of Muslims and migrants from Africa and the mideast.

It’s time to fight back against these modern-day Nazis. We need new laws to protect Jewish people and non-Muslims frankly. Because the new Nazis couch their hate as legitimate opposition which they use as a cover to threaten, harass, assault and kill Jewish people.

This reminds me of an interesting article Pam had posted about the car-bombings in Sweden. It occurred to me that there is nothing to stop the chaos aside from mutual self respect. The reason civilized people don’t torch each other’s cars or rob en masse is because we have a certain basic respect for our culture/civilization aside from outlaws.

However the new invaders who are mostly Muslims and migrants do not have that same level of respect. They feel entitled and think they can attack us with impunity. They must be crushed and/or deported or they truly will turn western countries into third-world hellholes.

4 years ago

Farrakhan hi-jacked Dr. King’s movement.
(it started around the 1980s and 1990s).

Mary Stevens
Mary Stevens
4 years ago

Most of the slave ships that traveled to Africa to purchase slaves were owned by Jewish people.

Jeff Ludwig
Jeff Ludwig
4 years ago

Wow. How could he say this?!!!!

stephanie wilson
stephanie wilson
4 years ago

i thought blacks & jews marched together?????????

The Uhlan
The Uhlan
4 years ago

Sammy Davis, Jr. sure did.

stephanie wilson
stephanie wilson
4 years ago
Reply to  The Uhlan

cool! i’m glad of that. i like sammy!

Joe Palooka
Joe Palooka
4 years ago

I try to not talk to anybody when they are fµ©️k!ng, but that probably wasn’t this P o’ S’s point.

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