Israeli Watergen partners with Flint, Michigan where water quality is ‘third-world’


Contaminated water is a serious problem in Flint, and can potentially kill people. Fortunately the people of Flint will now have access to the cleanest possible water, made possible by the miraculous Israeli company Watergen. Watergen has created technology that can extract water from thin air.

However, Michigan is Rashida Tlaib’s home state. Rashida Tlaib is a virulent hater of Israel, and a strong supporter of  the BDS Movement. If Tlaib was governor of Michigan she would ban this water, because it comes from an Israeli company. Tlaib would jeopardize peoples lives to boycott Israel. Think about that.

Related: Flint Lead/Water Scandal Was Caused by Democrats | National Review

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Watergen partners with Flint, Michigan where water quality is ‘third-world’

“For the past five years, there have been solutions promised to the community by many, yet no one has delivered,” said Armstrong Williams.

By David Dimolfetta, Jerusalem Post, July 18, 2019:   

Israeli company Watergen just launched a new partnership with the community of Flint, Michigan, providing what could be the first large scale solution for drinking water by placing a 350 unit in the community church. If successful, it could be a model for similar towns.

As opposed to bringing in plastics that are associated with trucking in water bottles, Watergen uses a dehumidification apparatus to create water out of thin air.

“For the past five years, there have been solutions promised to the community by many, yet no one has delivered an affordable solution that is good for the people and for the environment by reducing plastics,” said Armstrong Williams, a nationally syndicated talk show host who partnered with WatergenUSA and NBC25 to bring the Watergen solution. “When I saw the Watergen unit, I immediately started working with the company to bring this technology to Flint.”

The unit was placed in the community church, Greater Flint Holy Temple.

“Now we need to make certain that every school in Flint has this solution, and we cannot allow the children’s health to be compromised,” Armstrong continued. “The people of Flint have now given their community and government leadership a solution to make certain the right options are implemented for the safety of their children.”

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4 years ago

Rashida “ignore that I wrote for Louis Farrakhan’s paper” TLaib.

Rashida “ignore that I wave the flag of a sponsor of terrorism” TLaib.

4 years ago
Reply to  TD

Send them back (figuratively speaking) to their preferred country. But yes, they should all go back of their own accord (literally speaking).

Her parents should never been allowed to come to the US in the first place.

4 years ago

“If Tlaib was governor of Michigan she would ban this water, because it comes from an Israeli company.”

RASHIDA TLAIB is what I call a “Professional Anti-semite”.
(I invite the editorial staff of this website and its readers to spread that phrase online).

Professional anti-semite is defined as one who gets paid to spread defamation or who has built their career in the anti-semite industry. This is different from a casual anti-semite or an amateur blogger.

4 years ago
Reply to  TD

“Career anti-semite” would be another.

4 years ago
well: The trick of the elites is to allow small liberties
to prevent big ones. It was the same in communism.

4 years ago
Reply to  Marc

But the author is not this recent-
ly deceased gentleman from Flint.

4 years ago

I lived in Michigan, just south of Port Huron for several years and I NEVER SAW 1 MUSLIM EVER. NOW, Port Huron is overflowing with them, just like in Minnesota, with their NO-GO ZONES. The problem with allowing Muslims into America is that THEY REFUSE AT ALL COSTS TO INTEGRATE INTO OUR SOCIETY, even lying when they swear to uphold our Constitution because they are allowed to lie under their Taqiyya.

I never thought I would ever say this, but MUSLIMS do not deserve, not do they NEED to be in the United States:
1. Deserve, meaning, ISLAM is opposite of our Constitution
2. Need, meaning, if they cannot uphold our laws (they have Sharia Law and follow only that), then there is no need to be here.


4 years ago

They’re invading; they want to be here.

4 years ago

any american city run by certain racial types is or quickly becomes the 3rd world. the only people on the planet who are not allowed to state this obvious fact are americans

John Mitchell
John Mitchell
4 years ago

Hmm.. I wonder how many leftists there would rather drink poison water than water from an Israeli filtration system?

4 years ago

The Jews as a people have contributed hugely to the culture and betterment of humanity in both the arts and in all the sciences. What have the Muslims contributed apart from death and oppression? Perhaps the FAB four could speak about that.

4 years ago

I have a DEHUMIDIFIER in my basement and it dumps the water pulled from the air down the drain. DEHUMIDIFIERS are NOT new. EVERY Air Conditioner DEHUMIDIFIES the air BEFORE the temperature can be lowered. Nothing new here.
OH! By-the-way, I understand the IDEA of air conditioning was first thought up by an American black skinned fellow.

4 years ago
Reply to  Laddyboy

This one makes water in the desert. No humidity there.

4 years ago
Reply to  Meg

Sorry to inform you that there is always moisture in the atmosphere. No matter where you may be.

4 years ago
Reply to  Laddyboy

Sorry to inform you that you just can’t stand Israel. I lived in Nevada, no moisture there. Had to have water to use a swamp cooler. No humidity period.

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