Remembering History’s Most Audacious Hostage Rescue Mission: Entebbe, July 4, 1976


43 years ago the Israel Defense Force executed the most miraculous hostage rescue ever. On this Independence Day we should be reminded that Israel is on the front lines of the war on jihad. When Israel fights terror it is protecting America from terror. A strong Israel means a safer America. America must always support Israel.

Remembering History’s Most Audacious Hostage Rescue Mission: Entebbe, July 4, 1976

Related: Nikki Haley: ‘The better and stronger we make Israel, the safer we make the world’

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By Ari Lieberman, FrontPage Mag, July 4, 2019.

How Israel showed the world that the war on terror could be won.

On July 4th, 1976, as America celebrated its Bicentennial, four Israeli Air Force C-130 Hercules planes carrying over 100 Jewish passengers, twelve Air France flight personnel, and their Israeli rescuers landed safely at Ben Gurion Airport. The safe landing of civilians and commandos marked the end of a week-long, nightmarish drama that gripped all of Israel.

The saga began on June 27, when a Paris-bound Air France commercial airliner took off from Tel-Aviv. The plane was scheduled for a stopover in Athens. Lax security at Athens International Airport enabled four terrorists with forged passports – two from the notorious West German Baader-Meinhof Gang and two from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – to board the flight with their guns, grenades and explosives.

Their hijacking adventure set into motion a sequence of events that would reverberate around the world. It would also ultimately serve to further enhance the prestige and reputation of Israel’s vaunted, specialized commando units and intelligences services.

After a brief refueling stopover in Benghazi, Libya, the terrorists flew their commandeered Airbus A-300 to Entebbe airport in Uganda where they were given a hero’s welcome by their mercurial Ugandan host, the cannibalistically-inclined dictator, Idi Amin. In addition to providing them with safe haven, the despotic Amin placed elements of the Ugandan army at the hijackers’ disposal. In addition to the Ugandans, the terrorists’ ranks now swelled to seven, having been joined by three PFLP operatives during the Benghazi stopover.

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4 years ago

The ‘Palestinians’ are too stupid to pull off a complex plan like that without the Bader-Meinhof Gang.
I vaguely remember this. Quite a daring rescue. The whole world posted good press about the rescue. Not like now.

4 years ago
Reply to  Bill

“The ‘Palestinians’ are too stupid to pull off a complex plan like that without the Bader-Meinhof Gang.”

The so-called Palestinians could not succeed even with the Bader-Meinhof Gang. If the raid occurred today; Israel would face worldwide condemnation; blaming the Jews is age-old and accelerating.

4 years ago

I, also, recall the Entebbe hostage rescue; only the Israeli’s could pull off such an audacious raid. I think of Yonatan’s death when watching Bibi, Yonatan’s loss seems etched on his face. Indeed, the leftists, then, as today, do not have the capacity to learn. After all, they judge themselves as the apogee of humanity; the intellectual elite; all others are but the dregs of our species.

4 years ago
Reply to  Ziggy46

The only raid that could compare is the raid that freed American POW’s from Japanese by Rangers.

4 years ago
Reply to  Larenzo1

I do not like to compare events such as these raids. Yes, the freeing of the American POW’s by the Rangers was beyond heroic and one helluva success. One knows that these poor souls had little time on this earth due to the atrocities already perpetrated by Imperial Japan’s military.

Pelatiah Adams
Pelatiah Adams
4 years ago
Reply to  Ziggy46

Leftists, dems and commies cannot envision history, it’s only about today and what’s in it for them. Such a huge event is beyond their understanding, and what these global events have to do with America is completely lost on the average dem voter.

martin henry
martin henry
4 years ago

Good training and lots of guts made those Israeli guys tough as nails.

Joy Daniels Brower
Joy Daniels Brower
4 years ago

Thanks for reminding all of us of this amazing and memorable event!! EVERYONE was proud of Israel when the raid and its success were made known, but no one knew then that the one casualty was the brother of a future PM. “Bittersweet” describes that stunning success! But as others have noted, I did not know (or, more precisely, remember) that this momentous event occurred on our own Bicentennial – which, of course, initially got all the enormous publicity, because I don’t think they announced the raid – or its success – for at least 24 or 48 hours.

4 years ago

You are a brave race. A resourceful one, and intelligent. Preparedness means everything.
Never forget.

John Acord
John Acord
4 years ago

As with Leonidas at Thermopylae, this is an act of bravery and self-sacrifice that will be remembered and celebrated forever

Lee M. Kaplan
Lee M. Kaplan
4 years ago

The remake of Raid on Entebbe, just released stated in the opening minutes that the Jews stole the Arabs’ country. He director and producer were Israeli Jews. God save us from these morons.

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