More than a decade after teen sisters murdered in honor killing, police believe Muslim dad may be in North Texas


He has an underground network protecting him. They, too, must be prosecuted.

Yaser Said, one of the FBI’s most wanted, brutally murdered his two daughters in a brutal honor killing in Texas. here in America.

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More than a decade after teens killed in suspected honor killing, police believe dad may be in North Texas

Yasar Said is accused of killing his daughters Amina and Sarah because they were dating outside his faith.
Author: Rebecca Lopez,  WFAA, June 28, 2019

IRVING, Texas — It’s been 11 years since Amina and Sarah Said were shot and killed in what many believe were honor killings.

In the recorded 911 call, one of the girls is heard naming her father as the killer.

Police believe Yasar Said was angry they were dating boys who were non-Muslim and killed them.

It was a high-profile case and there are still many details some are discovering more than a decade later.

Home video
Video recorded by Amina and Sarah Said’s father.

”He followed them everywhere and he recorded their every move,” said Ruth Trotter, a family friend, of home videos that show the father with his two teen daughters before their violent deaths.

In one of the videos, Said appears to e stalking his daughter Sarah at her work.

“She smiled at the customer, “ he says.

“Baba she has to do that. It’s part of her job,” Amina replies to her father.

“She’s in trouble,” he retorts.

Problems with their father went back years.

When they were younger, the girls told police he was sexually abusing them.

In one of the videos, he gawks at the girls as he rolls the camera and zooms in on their bodies.

The girls told people they were scared of what he might do one day.

”I knew the fear and threat was real all the time,” said Ruth Trotter, whose son dated Amina. “I mean, she told us all the time that her dad would kill her.”

Finally, in December 2007, their mother, Patricia, decided it was time to take her daughters and leave Said.

The girls and their mother hid in Oklahoma for a few days. But then, on New Year’s Eve 2007, Patricia went back to Said.

Amina begged not to go.

“Amina says she was never going back,” Trotter said.

But, Patricia insisted.

On Jan. 1, 2008, Said forced the girls to go with him to dinner.

Police say he drove them in a taxi cab he was borrowing from a friend to the Omni Hotel in Irving, where they say he shot his daughters.

Amina was shot twice in the chest. Sarah, the younger daughter, was in the backseat. She was shot nine times.

Sarah managed to call 911 for help. She named her father as her killer.

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4 years ago

These daughters who looked like Milli Va-
nilli can’t give birth to any more Muslims.

4 years ago
Reply to  Marc
4 years ago
Reply to  Marc

Rob Pilatus was indeed German-American.
But Sidney Youngblood could sing himself.

Rick James
Rick James
4 years ago
Reply to  Marc

They basically ceased being Muslims by dating non-Muslims and that’s why the father killed them.

Why make fun of their looks? They never asked to be born into a Muslim family and it’s clear they were trying to escape.

I get it, we all have a certain callousness towards Muslims given that it is a cult of rape and genocide. But I make exceptions for Muslims who are trying to leave this evil ideology.

Those Muslims like their father and others who take Islam literally and are a real danger to us, deserve no sympathy.

John Acord
John Acord
4 years ago
Reply to  Rick James

Islam is not a race,it is a tyrannic political system masquerading as a religion.

4 years ago
Reply to  Rick James

The problem is separating the wheat from the chaff — especially considering f’ing muslums lie like rugs.

4 years ago

Good reason to deport every Muslim, they do not mix with our culture. Allow only the converts to stay, but only a very few who have shown they do not like Islam

4 years ago

Agre. And Macron threaten Hungary , poland for not selling out their countries to islamonazis
like he and his party has been doing in france

what’s wrong with these lunatics ?
comment image

4 years ago
Reply to  Suresh

I have nothing but sympathy and respect for Ayaan Hirsi Ali. She’ll never be able to go back to Somalia and I imagine her life is in danger even here in the USA.
The last time I watched the serpentine muslum on the Crescent News Network (I forget his name, [Zakarria]?) he had invited Ayaan Hirsi Ali on his show w/another muslimah. They both proceeded to tag team Ayaan Hirsi Ali w/leading questions and strawman arguments to such a degree she could never get a word in edgewise. It was clear the whole point of having Ayaan Hirsi Ali on his programme was to engage in character assassination of Ayaan Hirsi Ali.

AR154U☑ᵀʳᵘᵐᵖ DEPLORABLE 2020
AR154U☑ᵀʳᵘᵐᵖ DEPLORABLE 2020
4 years ago

comment image

4 years ago

“Multiculturalism” is a utopia of unworldly
madmen. (Utopia means “no place”, btw.)

Scott Smith
Scott Smith
4 years ago

I love that for a bumper sticker.

Cauc-Asian Patriot
Cauc-Asian Patriot
4 years ago


Pray Hard
Pray Hard
4 years ago

FBI has a $100K reward on him. I hope I find him first.

4 years ago
Reply to  Pray Hard

You have to wonder, are muslum moles in the Fecal Bureau of Islamisation protecting the muslum murderer?

4 years ago
Reply to  Pray Hard

Would you throw your life away over one Muslim cockroach? There are millions of them in this country; the only way to get rid of them is by destroying the liberal ideology that has allowed them into the country in the first place.

4 years ago
Reply to  Floridian

The traitorous liberals are nothing but useful tools of the f’ing muslums and if they disappeared tomorrow the muslums would only alter their tactics but it wouldn’t change their end game.

4 years ago

Sorry, but that’s backwards. Muslims are a problem because of liberals, not vice versa. Muslims used to be an existential threat on their own, but thanks to the superiority of Western technology they are no longer because we could easily defeat any attempted invasion. Hell, if we so willed it, we could go to their countries, exterminate them and take their land (and oil). However, liberal cockroaches are nihilists who want to destroy civilization and ultimately life itself, so they bring millions of Muslim savages to Western countries to help them do that, and they use their control of the media and government to destroy the lives of those who dare criticize their Mohammedan pets.

4 years ago
Reply to  Floridian

“Muslims are a problem because of liberals.” Um who has been committing terrorist attacks in Israel and India for the past 70 years? Who invaded, annexed and ethnically cleansed 40% of Cyprus? Who committed the E. Timor genocide? Who committed the genocide in the Sudan/Darfur? Who is committing the ongoing genocide of Nigerian Christians? Who committed the genocide of upwards of 2.5 million Hindus in Bangladesh? You have the tail wagging the dog. The immoral, decrepit, traitorous, degenerate atheists who run the dying West in no way control the muslum world, the muslum world controls THEM.

4 years ago

Muslims would not be in America or Europe or Australia at all if not for liberals inviting them here. I feel for the victims of Muslims in the Third World, but that’s over there and not our problem.

A mental exercise: imagine an America without a single Muslim but identical to the real America in every other respect. 9/11 and several smaller terrorist attacks would not have happened, there would be a lot less medical malpractice from awful Muslim doctors, as well as fewer cases of food poisoning from filthy Muslim restaurants. However, Demoncraps would still be on the verge of getting a permanent majority thanks to the mass Third World immigration they have engineered precisely for that purpose, the country would still be $22 trillion in debt thanks to the welfare state, the murder of millions of babies killed by Planned Parenthood would still be subsidized by the federal government, sexual deviants would still be imposing their agenda on the rest of society, schools would still be indoctrinating instead of educating. In short, everything else would be the same because everything else is the work of liberal cockroaches. Liberals are the primary disease; Muslims are an opportunistic infection.

4 years ago
Reply to  Floridian

But the liberals are the useful tools of the muslums, not vice-versa. It’s the liberals who are bowing down to the muslums for whatever reason (petrodollar bribes, threats). The dying atheist West is not co-opting/subverting the muslum world, the muslum world is co-opting/subverting it. The muslum world existed long before the immoral, degenerate, cowardly liberals and it will exist long after they’ve been conquered.

4 years ago

I can’t disagree with anything in your last post. My point is that our current problem with Muslims, as opposed to the many invasions and atrocities of the past, was caused by liberals opening Western countries to mass Third World immigration, including by Muslims.

4 years ago
Reply to  Floridian

If muslums disappeared tomorrow the world would be practically unrecognizable. Muslum terrorism would cease. Millions of kafir slaves across Africa would be freed. Millions of other kafir who are subject to systematic oppression/persecution/brutalization across the muslum world would also be freed. The paid traitors in the dying atheist West would no longer have any paymasters. North Africa, the Indian sub-contient and the Mid-East would become more civilised.

4 years ago

All true, but the West would still be in deep trouble from the coalition of liberals and Third World immigrants other than Muslims. When the present-day liberal movement took shape in the 60s led by people like Saul Alinsky (who personally recruited Hillary Clinton), was it the work of Muslims? Not at all. Liberals and Muslims have an unholy alliance. A good book on the topic is “United in Hate” by Jamie Glazov. Something we probably agree on is that if the enemy achieves its goal of destroying Western civilization, Muslims will eventually get the upper hand over liberals, if for no other reason that the liberal lifestyle is essentially sterile while Muslims breed like flies.

Lynn D
Lynn D
4 years ago

Apart from anything else, if there ever was an Islamic takeover, the lefties that support Islam would be the first to meet their demise.. Mussie thinking. “If he is treacherous to his OWN people, he cannot be trusted by us either”.

John Acord
John Acord
4 years ago
Reply to  Pray Hard

Is that dead or alive?

4 years ago

Boom: Congressman Gohmert Reveals Who Hacked Clinton’s Emails
June 29, 2019
The U.S. intelligence community established that China hacked Hillary Clinton’s unauthorized email server when she served as the secretary of state, according to Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas).

Mike Kevins
Mike Kevins
4 years ago
Reply to  DemocracyRules

I guarantee that China was not the only one.

Mike Kevins
Mike Kevins
4 years ago
Reply to  DemocracyRules

I also guarantee it was not by accident.

4 years ago
Reply to  Mike Kevins

For Hillary everything is for sale
– and the prospect of making money off the emails
– would explain why her security was so lax
– she made it lax on purpose
– and that created plausible deniability
– if she ever got caught letting in the hackers

4 years ago

Ex-Minneapolis police officer sentenced to 12.5 years for fatal shooting of unarmed 911 caller

4 years ago

Got to find this guy and nail this ucker! Sick guy. No loss if he is gone.

Scott Smith
Scott Smith
4 years ago

Can we get his picture? I’d like to get that reward. Dead or alive?

4 years ago

Poor girls. It’s sick to think this muslum POS is being harbored by the muslum community here in the US.

John Acord
John Acord
4 years ago

Yasser Said is not only protected by a network of Muslims he has become their go to killer for those Muslims who want “honor killings” performed discreetly or professionally. There is no way one can estimate the murder and mayhem this man is directly responsible for committing and will continue to commit until he is apprehended. Islam cannot exist in a fee,pluralistic society without a vigorously enforced code of violence. The Murder of these two beautiful children serves as a warning to all others who may want to escape from this deadly cult masquerading as a religion of peace.

James Stamulis
James Stamulis
4 years ago

Every death falls on the head of the democratic party and rino’s who love open borders and accept any POS that comes in our country! Islam must be banned from America.

Gangnam Style
Gangnam Style
4 years ago

Sounds like he was a pervert as well. So, they Muslims cover up with not only murders but perverts a as well. Males me think all Muslim gilds have n=been molested growing up.

Dustin John
Dustin John
4 years ago

You should have his picture up.

4 years ago

Where’s the mother? She’s part of it!

4 years ago
Reply to  cassandra

Still residing in Texas.
Here is a petition to interrogate her, along with the rest of the Said family. Please sign and share everywhere you can with everyone you can; for Amina and Sarah! XOXO

4 years ago
Reply to  MTC

Proud signer — they are getting close to their goal. Please encourage everyone you can to sign this!

4 years ago
Reply to  cassandra

Believe me, the ENTIRE Muslim “community” is in on it.

4 years ago

Hey, MN AG Keith Ellison.. This is right up your ally, in terms of female abuse.

Is this a ‘Hate Crime’? Wadduya say MN Governor Walz? Hate Crime?… or just Islamist Love?

There are thousands of hate-crime not-so-honorable ‘Honor Killings’ each year..

How about FGM? Is that a ‘Hate Crime’?

Is all of that OK with you St Cloud Times and Minneapolis Star Tribune Editorial Board(s)????.. Hypocrites!

4 years ago

a few years back, In Tampa Fl. a woman found dead in her families apt. The police declared it a suicide as she repeatedly beat her head on the corner of a coffee table. Of course it was a dis-honor killing and nothing was ever done about it. How many unsolved missing and found murdered are the result of our moslem immigrants???

Valentin Tataru
Valentin Tataru
4 years ago
Reply to  jerrys

too many

4 years ago

“He has an underground network protecting him. They, too, must be prosecuted.”
Amen! Every single scumbag protecting this POS must be prosecuted, including the entire Said family.

Lynn D
Lynn D
4 years ago
Reply to  MTC

What’s left of it.

Jerry Dobson
Jerry Dobson
4 years ago

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4 years ago

From the religion of ‘peace’…

Clem Jackson
Clem Jackson
4 years ago

But still they let more muslims in to Europe, UK and America. Even 9-11 did not stop the immigration. I don’t know what will, this story sadly is all too common these days.

Blackmagikwolf Richardson
Blackmagikwolf Richardson
4 years ago


4 years ago

I have a bottle of champagne on ice for the day this scum is brought to justice…Death by Lethal injection, courtesy of the State of Texas.

Lynn D
Lynn D
4 years ago

So the mother was a US citizen, bound to be white, brainwashed at college that all races/societies are the same.. This is what she got for her troubles. Two dead daughters, by their fathers hand because he thinks 7th century repression of women is the only way to live… I imagine she got punched around a few times as well.

R. Arandas
R. Arandas
4 years ago

I wonder how many “honor killings” are hushed up by Muslim families every year, and which we do not even hear about.

Cauc-Asian Patriot
Cauc-Asian Patriot
4 years ago


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