Iran: Underlying Dualistic Spirituality


History is a collection of data and information that is passed from generation to generation hoping to be as truthful as possible. We all know that our memory doesn’t record flawlessly our experiences like a tape camera, but we tend to rely on what we have gained and record it. What I am about to reveal is about the things I personally witnessed and recorded in my memory with certainty.

I can attest with certainty that during my younger years in Iran, Islam was out of people’s life. What I mean is people in Iran never thought that this ideology was part of their life. Those who wished to practice it were free to do so and those who didn’t, nobody dragged them and forced them to do their Islamic rituals. In other words, religion in Iran was a very private matter and to some very irrelevant.

History proves that before the arrival of Pahlavi’s dynasty, Iranian women were extremely oppressed and had absolutely no rights. Reza Shah Pahlavi altered that immediately. Next thing you know, the lives of Persian women radically and drastically improved. Iranian women became part of the Persian society and were free. Reza Khan treasured the idea of restoring the Iranian nation and leading it on the path of progress. He loved Iran. His son, Muhammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, known as King of Kings, also followed his father and bestowed upon Iranian women absolute rights, including the right to vote.

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Once the modern dynasty was forced to leave Iran by the will of Western powers, the destiny of Persian women went back to the dark ages. Once the Islamic invasion of 1979 occurred and Ayatollah Khomeini was installed by Jimmy Carter, the Islamic Republic of Iran was established. Iranian women’s freedom was taken away while they were forced to wear the Islamic veil while they were segregated by gender.

When I read, or talk about history, it is always with a grain of salt. I know that I was not present 2500 years ago to witness Cyrus the Great’s accomplishments. I must rely on the Greeks, or the Jews documents to make some sense out of it. However, this time around, I was there and I saw it all with my own eyes. So, there isn’t any misconception.

In Western media, I frequently and erroneously read that the Ayatollah Khomeini ousted Mohammad Reza Pahlavi in an Islamic revolution.

Well, nothing could be further from the truth. The former Shah of Iran could have eliminated Khomeini in less than a second had he chosen to. But, he didn’t. Why? For a verity of reasons. One of which, he loved his country and wanted to avoid more bloodshed. No, this Quran trained, Shi’a cleric, who could barely speak Persian, never ousted the King of kings. This illiterate Islamic Shi’a was installed by foreign powers and notably, Jimmy Carter for the sole purpose of their own benefit, mostly for oil.

So, next time you see or use your pen in describing how one of Iran’s greatest and most powerful Persian patriots left his beloved country on his own, never assume he was kicked out by an old Shi’a cleric. The Shah of Iran voluntarily decided to leave his country just because he wanted to save the lives of those people who not only backstabbed him, but they had plans to purge pre-Islamic heritage and turn Iran into a 7th century Arab looking state. History must always be as accurate as passible, especially the recent ones.

OK, let’s return to another historic event that is currently taking place in Iran, under the noses of the Mullahs.

During the time I lived in Iran, most Iranians were not religious, but they had to pretend they were. Iranians for the past 1400 years have been pretending to be Muslim, when in fact, they weren’t. They could not read the Quran in Arabic. And even if they did, they could not understand a word of it or its interpretation. Iranians were completely into Persian celebration and festivities. Anything related to Islam meant absolutely nothing to them. So again, they pretended that they understood Islam and they were very much Muslim.

Who could blame them? They were living in a Muslim country with some devout Muslim relatives and some neighbors who also pretended they were devout Muslims.  The reality was, no one had the slightest idea what Islam was all about. I say this because I witnessed it. Every single vision they had about Islam was created out of their own goodness. That’s why they still blame the mullahs for destroying their peaceful and beautiful Islam they relatively enjoyed during the Shah.

During the reign of the Shah of Iran, most Iranians truly believed Islam was a very peaceful and the perfect book of Quran was sent by God. Meanwhile, they did not know a word of it. It was all based on  a figment of their imagination. If you were a good and honest person, then Islam you believed in was a reflection of yourself. Iranians were also told that Muhammad was the last in the line of prophets, beginning with Adam, and including Noah, Abraham, Moses, Elijah, John the Baptist, and Jesus. And Muhammad’s book, the Quran is the complete compilation of the revelation of Allah to Muhammad. Many ordinary Iranians believed it, but they never read it or understood it. They mostly riled on their slave holds to interpret it, the Mullahs.

All these lies and deception continued until the arrival and invasion of real Islam by the Ayatollah Khomeini. Only then Iranians, not only saw it, but witnessed what real Islam looked like. Most Iranians began having a difficult time believing the violent Islam under Khomeini was the true Islam, not the peaceful version under the Shah. They became frustrated and disappointed overnight, and entered the phase of confusion. Most people perhaps don’t realize that 1400 years of non-stop Islamic indoctrination cannot evaporate overnight.

After forty years of non-stop Islamic propaganda, force prayers, and massive indoctrination, a great number of Iranians have completely abandoned Islam for good. It backfired on the Mullahs. The mullahs could not have even envisioned how quietly Iranians left Islam by the thousands. Not only that,  Christianity has become the fastest growing religion in Iran.

Again, facts are facts. Iranians devoid of spirituality, found Christianity, not only a religion of peace, but something close to their hearts. Iran is changing faster than we all can imagine.


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5 years ago

the “western powers” did not force the shah out…it was solely the act of jimmy carter. the suffering he has caused to hundreds of millions of people worldwide over the last 40 years belongs solely at his feet. that pious pos goes around hammering nails for photo ops with habitat for humanity, while having the blood, guts, and body parts of those slaughtered by muslims hanging off of him

Achmed Mohandjob
Achmed Mohandjob
5 years ago
Reply to  Rocinante44

Jimmy “The Worthless One” Carter played a role. However, the majority of the blame falls squarely on the VAST majority of the people of ireene. NO American, or other Western power’s tanks went rolling down the streets of any city in ireene. It was the people, the VAST majority of the people, of ireene, that did this to ireene.

5 years ago

If Carter “installed” the Ayatrollah then why did he allow the Shah to come to the USA for cancer treatment instead of sending the dying Shah back to Ireen to face his fate at the hands of the muslum vermin there?

Achmed Mohandjob
Achmed Mohandjob
5 years ago

As bad as Jimmy “The Worthless One” Carter was … it was the creatures of ireene that installed the moslem leadership. There were no battles against the ayatollah … the ireene creatures wanted it.

Achmed Mohandjob
Achmed Mohandjob
5 years ago
Reply to  Rocinante44

Did Jimmy “The Worthless One” Carter sell the canal zone? Didn’t he just give it away, in 1977? At first, pursuant to the treaty, only 60% was given away. However, little by little, as stated in said treaty, by December 31, 1999 ….all of it was given away.

5 years ago

It’s true! Now that they have been forced to become knowledgeable and practice Islam, they want no parts of it.

“The mullahs could not have even envisioned how quietly Iranians left Islam by the thousands.
Not only that, Christianity has become the fastest growing religion in Iran.”

Achmed Mohandjob
Achmed Mohandjob
5 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

FAR less than 2% of the population of ireene, is Christian. Being a non-moslem, in ireene, ain’t too good for one’s health.

Dave Glynn
Dave Glynn
5 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

I know an Iranian Christian (born a Christian) and he even served in the Iranian special forces with distinction during the Iran-Iraq war but was so persecuted for his faith that he had to leave/escape Iran and find sanctuary in the UK.
He’s now a very patriotic Briton (naturalised) and can be found at many of the anti islam and anti EU demonstrations. He knows the koran inside out and ridicules the ignorant muzrats at every opportunity.
He’s also a great supporter of Trump and i expect I will see him amongst us welcoming the president on his state visit in June.

5 years ago
Reply to  Dave Glynn

I worry about Trump’s safety over there. He’s all we have.
Mayor Kahn job would love to see him assassinated.
P.M. May has no time for him.

Dave Glynn
Dave Glynn
5 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

Those two wankers are nothing and both on their way out.
British security is still good and the president will be safe in our hands. Despite what the left wing of the establishment might say Trump is very popular with the everyday working class man on the street who doesn’t fall for the hype and bullshite of the lying mass media. I’ll be there to welcome him and so will my friends and if the lefty’s want to try and spoil it then that’ll be there hospital bed booked.

5 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

The Secret Service will take care of the security arrangements. They never leave it to someone else.

5 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

Sadly, a LOT of people HERE would like to see him assassinated. And if it happened they would openly celebrate.

5 years ago

You’re not kidding either. The US is so fragmented between muslums, muslum collaborators, muslum apologists, muslum sympathizers on the one hand and freedom loving Americans on the other there is no possible reconciliation except civil war.

Achmed Mohandjob
Achmed Mohandjob
5 years ago
Reply to  Dave Glynn

When you come for your visit, bring along your plumber friend and this brave naturalized righteous Englishman. We’ll make room. And, there’s more than enough firearms to go around!

R. Arandas
R. Arandas
5 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

If only they could ALL leave Islam!

Achmed Mohandjob
Achmed Mohandjob
5 years ago

I cannot buy into the LIE that Western powers were responsible for the complete moslem takeover of ireene. When the U.S. embassy was attacked, it wasn’t Western powers … it was ireenian moslems. I did not see any Western power’s tanks rolling down the streets of any city, in ireene. I saw ireenian moslems … NOT Western powers. Isn’t it fascinating how moslems ALWAYS attempt to affix blame, for the very actions that THEY took, onto others? NO, it was the people of ireene that did this. The moslems of ireene.

Dave Glynn
Dave Glynn
5 years ago

We The un-blinkered know the truth!

Achmed Mohandjob
Achmed Mohandjob
5 years ago

MAJOR CORRECTION/EDIT (yes, I know that there’s an “edit function” … “it was the people of ….” Corrected to “inhabitants”. When’s the last time that you saw moslems that were “people”?

5 years ago

I don’t know why this Iranian Shitite mongrel is allowed to post his propaganda pieces here. I’d prefer to see essays written by the Zoroastrians — the true inheritors of Persian civilisation.

5 years ago

Please PROVE Jimmy Carter in any meaningful way “installed” the Ayatrollah Khomeni in power in Iran because I think it’s nothing but a dodge to excuse the actions of the Shitite bastards in Iran who WANTED Khomeni in power.

Dave Glynn
Dave Glynn
5 years ago

Exactly my sentiments. There’s a lot of make believe written in this report and I was an eye witness to pre Khomeni Iran being there in 1977. Even then there were many women wearing shrouds though in the centre of Tehran I would also see many women in western clothing but come the evening and every woman had to be escorted by a male otherwise they would be in danger of harassment attack and rape.
Iran was heavily influenced by The USA and Britain so I can see absolutely no reason why Carter would want to replace the westernised and friendly Shah with the Islamist and hostile Ayatollah Khomeni who hated the USA to the very core of his rotten being.

5 years ago
Reply to  Dave Glynn

Factor in that Carter was a moron.

Dave Glynn
Dave Glynn
5 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

Without a doubt the peanut farmer had a peanut brain

5 years ago
Reply to  Dave Glynn

Carter’s brother used to urinate on building and who can forget his hick mother.
Shudders to think about him. As incompetent as Carter was, he was still better than Obama who literally hates our country and did all possible to destroy us.

BTW how are things going over in the U.K.?

Dave Glynn
Dave Glynn
5 years ago
Reply to  felix1999


Achmed Mohandjob
Achmed Mohandjob
5 years ago
Reply to  Dave Glynn

Far too easy to blame foreign powers … When it was actually the total fault of the people of ireene.

Amil Imani
Amil Imani
5 years ago
Reply to  Dave Glynn

Everyone on Earth knows this except you two. Just google it.

5 years ago
Reply to  Amil Imani

LOL, the typical response of the muslum taqiyya-monger. Personally I think you’re a Shitite muslum apologist/sympathizer.

5 years ago
Reply to  Dave Glynn

I’d forgotten about that. I hope things are going well for you Dave. I’m sorry to hear that BREXIT never happened but I wasn’t surprised.

Dave Glynn
Dave Glynn
5 years ago

Hello M. The battle of Brexit is still being fought and we haven’t been defeated. If we don’t succeed then the whole world will know that democracy is dead in the once Great Britain which will be no better than a banana republic.

Achmed Mohandjob
Achmed Mohandjob
5 years ago

I didn’t see American tanks rolling down the streets of Tehran, or U.S. troops marching through the streets, squealing “alleyhooackbur”. The military of ireene didn’t pull a coup … they went along with the moslem takeover. The inhabitants (notice it is “inhabitants” as opposed to “people”) didn’t resist … they were FULLY behind it.

5 years ago

The Shah wasn’t even IN Iran when the Ayatrollah Khomeni took power because he was busily dying from cancer abroad where he sought treatment for his terminal cancer.

5 years ago

This is true there are photos on line showing women in bikinis on Iranian beaches, that would get the women in jail if anyone dared to do so today. Iran was quite a liberal country until the Mullahs took over. It is one of the greatest examples to the true and oppressive nature of Islam. Plus they are not ‘holy’ men but men who are materialistic and have greatly enriched themselves.

J k
J k
5 years ago

The greatest insult to a Persian is classify them as Arabs.

John Acord
John Acord
5 years ago

I sympathize with the author and believe her observations on Iran and the Persian people are correct, but the fact remains that the Islamic Republic is an existential threat to the security and survival of Israel and that great threat needs to be immediately addressed. The time for waivers is over. Trump, Bibi, and the Saudis need to close down the Iranian oil loading facilities by air strikes while protecting the Straits Of Hormuz. This will bring about the total collapse of the already teetering Iranian economy.At the same time we must support the Iranian resistance, crush the mullahs, and restore the Pahlavi’s who must eliminate the Muslims from Iran completely and totally. Islam is a threat to their dynasty, to the people and to the world. Iran is a good place to start annihilating the Islamic threat to the world.

5 years ago
Reply to  John Acord

Trump is hitting Iran with a another round of sanctions. He wants to bring them to their knees.

John Acord
John Acord
5 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

Need to take out their oil loading facilities.Stop the flow of petro bucks to the mullahs

5 years ago
Reply to  John Acord

Sanctions are taking care of that without a war – hopefully….

John Acord
John Acord
5 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

We are already at war with Iran in Yemen and Iraq and Libya.Air strikes are all that is necessary,no ground forces except perhaps to secure the straits of Hormuz and the Saudis , Emirates and Omanis can do that job. Meanwhile supply the resistance and prepare the Pahlavi restoration.

5 years ago

I pray this is true and wish so much that all Muslims could be delivered from their terrible violent ideology.

Geraldo Rivera is a Jerk!
Geraldo Rivera is a Jerk!
5 years ago

Geraldo Rivera just took a picture with Zarif claiming Iran an ancient country isn’t as bad as Saudia Arabia that just executed religious minorities like the shiites.

I guess Geraldo forgot that Iran routinely hangs homosexuals and stones women and throws anything in prison who disagrees with them.

Geraldo is a Jerk!

I guess Geraldo likes supporting terrorist ministers. Iran’s leaders continually threaten Israel with missiles to destroy the only Jewish state- doesn’t seem to bother the narcisstic Gerald Rivera one bit.

These Hollywood phonies are so stupid. Geraldo only cares about being on TV and taking photos even if its with Zarif a true anti-semite that has promised to destroy Israel.

Achmed Mohandjob
Achmed Mohandjob
5 years ago

That sawed off little half-reek. He’s currently living in “The Mistake on the Lake” area. I have an acquaintance that has despised him for years .. and ran into the little bugger. He asked him how his “high impact shock absorber” was doing, as he pointed at little jerry’s mustache. I did not witness this encounter, therefore I cannot vouch for the veracity of such … but, if true …. ain’t that PRICELESS?

Thomas Faddis
Thomas Faddis
5 years ago

This is Very good news! It’s definitely time for an Iranian revolution!

5 years ago

Thank you, Jimmy Carter and the CIA. Why would you think a muslim Iran would be better than a secular Iran? This happened when I was a wild 16 – 18 year old so I do not remember the reasoning behind it. Hind sight being 20/20 we know it was a HUGE mistake, but I would like to know the reasoning at the time.

5 years ago
Reply to  Roland

Yeah it was Jimmy Carter and the CIA — only in your delusions dipstick. The Ayatrollah Khomeni and his fellow Shitite mongrels in Iran seized power allah on their own.

5 years ago

You can always tell when somebody is arguing from a weak point. They have to immediately revert to name calling. Happens every time.

5 years ago
Reply to  Roland

You’re the one who has to prove the CIA and Jimmy Carter engineered the Islamic Revolution in Iran half-wit. I didn’t make the a$$ertion a$$hole you did. So let’s see you prove it a$$hole — please explain away how the Ayatrollah Khomeni allowed the US embassy to be taken over by f’ing Shitite mongrels when he was a CIA puppet as well.

5 years ago

Happens every time, like I said. No leg to stand on, start ad hominem attacks.

Mat G
Mat G
5 years ago

As a young man, I got caught up in the shootings that led to the overthrow of the Shah. It was a tragedy for that country. I wanted to share this lady’s view of growing up there on my Facebook page but it was blocked as other readers listed it as objectionable. It seems that if anything that is critical of Islam these days, the imams and their jihadis immediately demand it is removed. And, apparently, Facebook just prostrate themselves to submit.

Dave Glynn
Dave Glynn
5 years ago
Reply to  Mat G

Facebook and Twitter are toxic and have outlived their usefulness as a vehicle of free communication.
The Telegram app/site is growing and it is Russian so is not part of the silicone valley pc mafia.

5 years ago

You mention him being installed by Carter the sycophant and all of the Western Governments, and rightly so. I would like to add (if I may), that the overwhelming majority of people are not aware of the fact that France kept the
Ayatollah Khomeini living in the lap of absolute luxury and splendor in a palatial residence in Southern France during the entirety of his exile. Then played a huge role in financing his return, because when he went into exile, he didn’t have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of. I have met about 15 or 20 Iranians over 50 years of age, living in Canada. They all get teary eyed and then enraged at how their beloved country has turned into a toilet bowl, by these muzzie crazies. (I just read some comments criticizing your article re; the West’s involvement.) A modicum of research will show that the Deep State was deeply involved. Democrats have always supported islam and Khomeini, to promote the NWO and secondarily the oil prices. Carter despises Jews and Israel and if it wasn’t for Reagan the prisoners would still be there. in graves. Obama giving 150 billion American taxpayers dollars in CASH no less supports this as well. It is so important to remember and know that the NWO plan for World Hegemony has been going on for well over 100 years.

Rob Porter
Rob Porter
5 years ago

What an irony, because of Islam, its hatred, violence, intolerance and cruelty, Iranian Muslims are finding Christianity while the utterly foolish West has turned away from Christianity – to nothing, and nothing but stupidity, political correctness, LGBTQ embracing with its lies and deception, cowardice. With this has come lack of vision, stupidity and no will to fight for freedom, free speech, and decency. Back in 1978 the great Russian dissident, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, in his Harvard Commencement Address gave a warning of what was taking place in the West and the response was mostly one of loathing and rejection from liberal academics who, devoid of wisdom, were blind to what they were helping create. Now their idiocy is upon the West.

5 years ago

“The Shah of Iran voluntarily decided to leave his country because he wanted to save the lives of people who backstabbed him, (and who) had plans to purge pre-Islamic heritage and turn Iran into a 7 century Arab looking state”.
And the author interprets this as proof that Reza Shah Pahlavi was a good ruler of Iran who loved his country and its people and was worthy of the title “King of Kings”???

Dave Glynn
Dave Glynn
5 years ago
Reply to  Merlinever

Plenty of scope there for healthy scepticism

5 years ago
Reply to  Merlinever

But was that the reason, or was it because he was diagnosed w/terminal cancer, which he died from less than two years later?

R. Arandas
R. Arandas
5 years ago
Reply to  Merlinever

Well, at least he TRIED to modernize and Westernize his society. And the current government is much worse, in my opinion.

R. Arandas
R. Arandas
5 years ago

Only when Iran finally frees itself from Islam once and for all, can the world begin to accept it as a true nation among nations.

Michael Jacobs
Michael Jacobs
5 years ago

Where in Bizzarroland did this writer get the idiotic idea that the ayatollah Khomeini was “installed by Jimmy Carter”? I find it hard to accept anything else he writes, without independent verification.

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