Minnesota city issues cease-and-desist order: Islamic Center’s security vehicle looks too similar to a police car


Why do they need a car that looks like a police car? Are they trying to give the impression that “islamophobia” is rampant, and that therefore they have to be patrolling around to protect innocent Muslims? That’s pure fantasy and victimhood propaganda. Or are they going to imitate what we have seen in London and several European cities, with Muslims establishing sharia patrols to make sure that everyone behaves in a sharia-compliant way? Here’s the thing: who is going to protect us from the Muslim sharia patrol? Consider the bigoted and genocidal Jew-hared central to Islamic texts and teachings …..

“Minnesota city issues cease-and-desist order: Islamic Center’s security vehicle looks too similar to a police car,” by Robert Spencer, Jihad Watch, April 20, 2019:

“Brandmire said the vehicle reminded him of vehicles he has heard were used in other states like New York to ‘enforce Sharia Law.'”

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There is actually no evidence that vehicles in New York or anywhere else in the U.S. are being used to enforce Sharia. However, Brandmire asks a good question: “Why do they need a patrol car?”

Why indeed? “Mohayadin Mohamed, president of the center, said the vehicle is used for safety and security purposes such as directing traffic. ‘It’s common sense for when you have that number of people coming at the same time,’ he said. ‘Because we’re a private organization, we feel that it’s our responsibility to at least have some presence of security on our premises.'”

Sure, but organizations of all kinds have security vehicles that aren’t made to resemble police cars. Does any in St. Cloud have a faux-police car? Is the Islamic Center trying to further the idea that “Islamophobia” is a massive problem, and that Muslims in St. Cloud are subject to widespread persecution and harassment, despite the fact that FBI statistics every year show that anti-Semitic attacks are far more common than attacks on innocent Muslims?

Also, Bradmire is wrong about vehicles enforcing Sharia in the U.S., but there have been self-appointed Sharia police in Britain and Germany. Is it inconceivable that they could arise in the U.S.? No, but concerns about that possibility will be drowned out by a chorus of charges of “Islamophobia.”

“Islamic Center balks at City Councilor’s complaint on security car that resembles others,” by Jenny Berg, Saint Cloud Times, April 18, 2019 (thanks to Elizabeth):

ST. CLOUD — The city of St. Cloud this week issued a cease-and-desist order against the Islamic Center of St. Cloud because its security vehicle looks too similar to a police vehicle.

But the president of the center said Thursday they modeled the vehicle’s design after other area security vehicles at organizations such as CentraCare Health and Crossroads Center.

Now the city is now looking to curb the use of all non-compliant security vehicles, including those in use at religious centers, businesses and schools such as St. Cloud State University.

Mayor Dave Kleis was alerted to the issue Sunday when City Council member Paul Brandmire called him to report the vehicle, which he said looked similar in color and design to a St. Cloud squad car.

Brandmire said the vehicle reminded him of vehicles he has heard were used in other states like New York to “enforce Sharia Law.”

“That raised all kind of red flags,” Brandmire said Wednesday. “Why do they need a patrol car?”

He said he didn’t know what the vehicle was being used for in St. Cloud.

Mohayadin Mohamed, president of the center, said the vehicle is used for safety and security purposes such as directing traffic.

“It’s common sense for when you have that number of people coming at the same time,” he said. “Because we’re a private organization, we feel that it’s our responsibility to at least have some presence of security on our premises.

“They are not out patrolling any neighborhood. We are not going out into the city and walking around,” Mohamed added. “This is specifically for our building and our parking lots.”

St. Cloud Assistant Police Chief Jeff Oxton said the city talked to the vehicle’s owners Tuesday after finding the vehicle violated state law because only law enforcement can use certain colors such as white for public safety vehicles.

After investigating the center’s vehicle, Kleis said, the city found other area security vehicles also not in compliance with state statute because many are white with “security” written on the side….

“We’re going to make sure we treat all of those vehicles exactly the same,” he said….

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5 years ago

Should be removed from streets and public areas and company fined

5 years ago

It should be very obvious by now that Muslims will not assimilate and patrol look alike cars are just another example. They want to build another society within our own and spread. Say, kind of like cancer…

5 years ago

Glad some “government official” somewhere finally spoke up about those fake cars.
They sure have taken their sweet time speaking up about those… (but suppose a little late is better than never).

What’s next? Turn a blind eye and allow Antifa to roll around in trucks that look like firetrucks, or BLM rolling around in a fleet of fake ambulances?

5 years ago

Historians will write about this next decade as the beginning of the Great Correction, when we finally will admit the only way to save civilization is through force. Revocation of visas, cancelling green cards, deporting millions of illegal aliens through massive tent cities and ocean liners manned by US Marines and private military security companies.

Or we can just ignore it and hope it goes away.

Achmed Mohandjob
Achmed Mohandjob
5 years ago

In this area, the moslems have it solved. Richmond Heights, a suburb in which I own properties, a large MACE izslumik Center is right on the border of Lake County. On Friday afternoons, the Richmond Heights police are there, in full force (and by full, I mean three-to-five squad cars, depending upon the Friday) and they direct traffic, stopping those on the main thoroughfare to allow cars exiting the izslumic center to not have to wait. Around two years ago (perhaps three) I attended a city council meeting (hey, I own houses there) and asked what compensation the moslems paid the city for this service. I was informed that it was a necessary city service and the moslems weren’t charged one single red cent. When I pointed out there are several churches, within the city limits, and none of them received the same “necessary city service”, I was called “out of order”. I kid you not. My voice was not raised. No profanities were set forth and nothing derogatory was said about moslems. But, I even heard, “racist” coming from some of those attending …. I simply asked why were moslems given special dispensation, when human beings had to fend for themselves. Perhaps, it was that line that caused the disturbance(s).

Mark Steiner
Mark Steiner
5 years ago

This is happening everywhere Achmed. Planned that way, and executed by politicians and law enforcement according to plan. Soros lurks in the misty background planning, scheming and laughing his fool head of at goings-on in St. Cloud, Washington and elsewhere.

Achmed Mohandjob
Achmed Mohandjob
5 years ago
Reply to  Mark Steiner

Hi, Mark Steiner. But, why do you think that there was such a commotion caused by my asking why human beings weren’t offered the same special dispensation that moslems received? Heck, I didn’t even follow “moslems” with the normal “vilest of ALL creatures”. It was a simple question.

5 years ago

Just as an aside, I’ve been finding the same thing on websites I now formerly visited daily. If you post a comment the folks “in charge” don’t like you are labeled and “invited to leave and not return! It has shortened my news day. This, to me, is a relatively new phenomenon.

5 years ago
Reply to  nag2

The libtards are finding all sorts of ways to censor, silence and attack us.

I was an Admin on a large conservative online group and had been adding many new members, adding relevant posts of my own, keeping the comments on-point and staying within the bounds of decent conversations.

Then I posted a series of popular articles that linked the need to break up Facebook and other information monopolies through anti trust lawsuits. For a solid week I posted those articles.

And my 5000-friend facebook profile was deleted. No facebook jail, no warnings. Just deleted.

5 years ago

I’m thinking it’s just going to get worse until the only voice heard is that of non-sense and lots of folks will fail to seek the truth and simply believe what is propagated on a daily basis. We’re heading for trouble quickly.

5 years ago
Reply to  nag2

I usually just get banned, you might like https://www.newser.com
not many muslim lovers on there

Mark Steiner
Mark Steiner
5 years ago

Gotcha. We are on same page. You already know, f’instance, that the media goes out of its way to cover-up for, or avoid altogether, Muslim transgressions no matter how egregious. Money has an incredible way of dictating what the news person will say (no rhyme intended!).

Achmed Mohandjob
Achmed Mohandjob
5 years ago

What’s wrong with violence, right here, right NOW?

Richard V
Richard V
5 years ago

Those vehicles are illegal in the first place if used for traffic control.

Mark Steiner
Mark Steiner
5 years ago
Reply to  Richard V

MInnesota is mostly liberal/left wing and “welcoming” in its urban centers, so anything goes until a point-of-no-return line is crossed, and all that existed beforehand is lost forever.

Jeanne Ballard
Jeanne Ballard
5 years ago
Reply to  Mark Steiner

Stay away from Minnesota

Mark Steiner
Mark Steiner
5 years ago

Ahhh yes, St. Cloud, county seat of Stearns County, part of one of the largest and most traditional Catholic areas in the country – central Minnesota.

Some of the churches in the area were so traditional they never stopped the Latin Mass, effectively declared taboo in 1964.

The Muslims walked in one day with their Muslim ways and now the Catholics are on the defensive. Tradition died hard in 1964, now it is dead altogether. The imports are calling the shots.

jess wondren
jess wondren
5 years ago

golly, you just know that the next round will be spelling shariah police filled-in with the stars and bars – i mean, right?

Ed Newbold
Ed Newbold
5 years ago
Reply to  jess wondren

The next few rounds should go right through their sharia vehicles!

robert v g
robert v g
5 years ago

I think it’s a bunch of hooligans driving around pretending they have authority.

5 years ago
Reply to  robert v g


5 years ago

Not to worry as some Muslim loving judge will reverse the “cease and desist” order to allow continuation of the marauding Muslim patrols.

Dr. Karl Stalin
Dr. Karl Stalin
5 years ago

These are radical islamist truancy officers looking for 10yo runaway brides.

R. Arandas
R. Arandas
5 years ago

This would NEVER have been possible if not for the left constantly supporting the Muslims in every way possible!

Roma Mikhasev
Roma Mikhasev
5 years ago

Rabid pigs in places where people live are masked all the time to look like people, but their animal origin constantly climbs out and exposes them. They are produced by Satan, who also tries to parody, copy God, but the result is always the same – “by the fruits you recognize them.” https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+7%3A15-20&version=NKJV

5 years ago

Christianophobia Patrol. Can’t be acting like Christians.

Billy TwoKnives
Billy TwoKnives
5 years ago

Death, mayhem, destruction and trouble are all Muslims offer Humanity.

John Acord
John Acord
5 years ago

Building a Nation of Islam one community at a time. It’s an old Muslim deception. They have had 1450 years of practice. Soon they will be using their fortified “community” to attack surrounding communities. There is only one solution and that is banning and expelling them.

5 years ago

It must be stopped now or is it too late?

Mike Kevins
Mike Kevins
5 years ago

Sounds like a militia to me! Are they going to treat this militia the same way they treat patriot militias?

Robert Kahlcke
Robert Kahlcke
5 years ago

Does anyone believe these COCKROACHES are not NESTING in America. This is like the spread of CANCER, it must be excised in any manner necessary.

Mark Huber
Mark Huber
5 years ago

They are not authorized to direct traffic or do anything police like. Imitating a cop is a criminal offense. They should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

5 years ago

When will libtards get it through their thick pumplin heads? ISIS was the quintessential core of muslim thought, their highest expression, their perfect mans most ideal nation, steeped in Sharia jurisprudence and run as Allah demands.

And it was a barbaric cult of rapine and murder.

They already HAD their best shot.

And libtards in government STILL try to force them upon civilization? WHAT IS WRONG WITH THEM ???

5 years ago

muslems should NOT be dressed similar to the Police or drive around in cars that APPEAR very similar to Police vehicles. In FACT, these muslems MUST be arrested, CHARGED for being IMITATING the Police and PROSECUTED to the FULLEST EXTENT of the American CONSTITUTIONAL SUPREME LAW of the LAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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