Ilhan Omar: CAIR Formed Because Muslims Were Targeted After ‘Some People Did Something’ on 9/11


“Some people did something” on 9/11 – if she’s not a jihadi, why is she covering for them? Their martydom letters exalt allah 90 times. CAIR’s founding was by leaders of the Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP), a Hamas-affiliated, terror-tied, Jew-hating propaganda organization. In 1994, not after 9/11 as Omar claimed, CAIR was founded, and that same year, CAIR founder and Executive Director Nihad Awad said, “I am in support of Hamas.”

Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth.” Omar Ahmad, the founder of the Council for American Islamic Relations, the Hamas-affiliated Muslim Brotherhood front group named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the famous Holy Land foundation terror financing trial. 1998
Source: Lisa Gardiner – American Muslim leader urges faithful to spread Islam’s message – San Ramon Valley Herald, July 4, 1998

“Ilhan Omar: CAIR Formed Because Muslims Were Targeted After ‘Some People Did Something’ on 9/11,” by Joshua Caplan, Breitbart, April 9, 2019 (thanks to Todd):

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) referred to the terror attacks of September 11, 2001, as a day in which “some people did something” during her keynote address at a private fundraiser for the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) of Greater Los Angeles last March.

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In her remarks, Omar urged attendees to “raise hell” and “make people uncomfortable” in an effort to reverse the fortunes of Muslim Americans, who the freshman Congresswoman suggested were demoted to second-class citizens following 9/11.

“CAIR was founded after 9/11, because they recognize that some people did something, and then all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties,” said Omar, without offering any evidence to back up her claim. “You can’t just say that today someone is looking at me strange, that I am going to try to make myself look pleasant. You have to say that person is looking at me strange, I am not comfortable with it. I am going to talk to them and ask them why.”

Later in her remarks, the Minnesota Democrat implied President Donald Trump was to blame for the deadly mosque shooting in Christchurch, New Zealand. The March 15th attack, which consisted of two consecutive shootings during Friday prayers, killed 50 people and would 50 others. “The reason I think that many of us knew that this was going to get worse is that we finally have a leader, a world leader in the White House, who publicly says Islam hates us; who fuels hate against Muslims; who thinks it is okay, that it’s okay to speak about a faith and a whole community in a way that is dehumanizing, vilifying, and doesn’t understand, or at least makes us want to think that he doesn’t understand, the consequences that his words might have,” she said, according to The Gateway Pundit….

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Jan Favre
Jan Favre
5 years ago

Do you need any other proof that orthodox Islam is incompatible with Western Society. Send Ilhan Omar back to Somalia and disband CAIR.

5 years ago
Reply to  Jan Favre

Even the least devout of muslims is pro sharia, pro death to the infidels, any kindness is just dawah

James Jones
James Jones
5 years ago
Reply to  Jan Favre

This trial and its’ findings were public back in 2008, just 11yrs ago, yet politicians and the MSM behave as though it didn’t happen, yet even more disturbingly, the FBI under Mueller disbanded its’ “terror squad” and he destroyed all related training material. How is that a proper response – how is that patriotic – how is that in line with the oath to protect from foreign and domestic enemies ???

“Religion of Peace” Bush proclaimed after 911. “No different from any other immigrant from our past” – “Diversity is our strength” – “Islam is compatible with our society”, from politicians all across the West, in spite of all the evidence to the contrary.

How can the scale of this blindness be explained ? Can they all be truly beguiled by some politically correct notion ? Is there a few at the top who have been promised something and they have fostered some kind of “collective think” that has filtered down through the ranks and picked up by the unthinking pawns ? Has God put scales over their eyes blinding them to their own hypocrisy and foolishness ? All of the above?

If a continuing stable culture and society was the aim, are we heading in that direction ? Obviously we are not. These kind of conditions signal an end is coming. From every perspective: cultural – social – spiritual – economical and prophetical, we are swiftly moving towards what the Bible refers to as the “end times”. World events and two thousand year old Biblical prophecy are converging and aligning as never before. We all need to be prepared accordingly.

John Acord
John Acord
5 years ago
Reply to  James Jones

Come election season I’m printing p a little red booklet with Omar’s face ititled”Sayings from Chairman Omar,” nothing like being told in advance exactly what the Commiecrats Intend To do to us if they win the White House. Omar is the face of the Commiecrat Party and anyone who says either blind or a fool or both.

5 years ago
Reply to  John Acord

She gets the white house we are going to a nice camp by train and we will be getting tattoos and showers.

5 years ago
Reply to  James Jones

they got money. Never kill anyone you get money from, the mobsters tell you…. No matter who dies

James Jones
James Jones
5 years ago
Reply to  dad1927

I agree, some must have been paid – either bucks or power or both (Trudeau I think sold out Canada for a spot of power at one of their tables, and I wouldn’t be surprised if Merkel and May/Cameron also got a similar deal for selling out their countries as well)

5 years ago
Reply to  Jan Favre

No, send CAIR back to Somalia with the hater

5 years ago

Deport all Muslims

5 years ago
Reply to  Bill

Oh look, an islamophobe. lol

5 years ago
Reply to  Bill


5 years ago
Reply to  Bill

Nansi the Snake Pelosi gave CAIR office space in The Capitol building. She also put Omar on foreign relations committee. Don’t overlook that.

5 years ago
Reply to  VTS

she is scared to death of the extreme left muslims

5 years ago

“In her remarks, Omar urged attendees to “raise hell” and “make people uncomfortable” in an effort to reverse the fortunes of Muslim Americans, who the freshman Congresswoman suggested were demoted to second-class citizens following 9/11.” Well, we’re all broken up about their loss of rights. I know I lose sleep at night knowing there’s a degenerate in a dirty night shirt out there who has been relegated to a “second-class citizen” because of ‘certain events.’
They seem to be doing pretty well, despite those “hardships.” Why, one of them managed to run several people over with a truck in Manhattan. Two of them shot up an office Christmas party in San Bernardino, CA. So, it seems “second-class citizens” are making “good” use of their “status.”

In the middle
In the middle
5 years ago
Reply to  santashandler

Second class citizens??!? Most muslims are in tech companies like Microsoft or FaceBook, making much more than any of us.

The only demographics I know who are being treated as second class are white males.

5 years ago

CAIR is like the ACLU for Muslims. Islampophobia is rampant in America and is being promoted by white nationalists in the US govenrment.

Ban Islam
Ban Islam
5 years ago

I have yet to see a real “moderate” Muslim in public office. One that clearly states they oppose Islamic terrorism and thanks Trump for defeating ISIS and other groups.

They’re all liars who have close ties to radical Islamic terrorist groups or individuals. Why are we allowing our enemy to hold positions of power and then spew their hateful rhetoric and be allowed to destroy the foundations of western civilization from within?

What’s worse is that the Democrats shield these traitors, so is it any wonder people like Omar shoot their mouths off like they do? Since most Americans learned nothing from 9/11, sadly it’ll only allow Muslims to get away with more large scale terrorist attacks until we finally wake up if we ever do.

5 years ago
Reply to  Ban Islam

a moderate is a dead one

Mark Goldberg
Mark Goldberg
5 years ago

That Jihadists have no shame….
That is one of the key indicators of that which makes them Jihadists.
Omar, has no shame, none… when it comes to hideous actions of the muslims who declared and brought devastation on 9/11, she evidences no shame at all. That is one of the cardinal signs of a Jihadist.

dba_ unruly_ vagabond_trader
dba_ unruly_ vagabond_trader
5 years ago

“Some people.”

A truther no doubt and I have a pretty good idea who “some people” are according to the brotherfcker.

5 years ago

Many did forget!
comment image

5 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

Lutheran satanic services brought these violent diseased welfare cases. They ran one of their own, and an old rotten democrat congressman lost his seat. So sad, so stupid of the democrat

Tamara Hussey-Mecklenburg
Tamara Hussey-Mecklenburg
5 years ago

Muslims lie. Muslims rape, beat, demean, abuse, and kill us.

They should not be here. Our legal representatives, lawyers, judges, and politicians which support their presence in our nations are obviously severely learning disabled.

AR154U☑ᵀʳᵘᵐᵖ DEPLORABLE 2020
AR154U☑ᵀʳᵘᵐᵖ DEPLORABLE 2020
5 years ago

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) referred to the terror attacks of September 11, 2001, as a day in which “some people did something” ………. THANK YOU MINNESOTA VOTERS !!!
NOT !!
comment image

5 years ago

Or, just READ the History of what really happened, over the last 1400 Years!

AR154U☑ᵀʳᵘᵐᵖ DEPLORABLE 2020
AR154U☑ᵀʳᵘᵐᵖ DEPLORABLE 2020
5 years ago

comment image

In the middle
In the middle
5 years ago

Well I had colleagues who feel discriminated against because they are indian and muslim, so probably this phrase was spoken to appeal them. I’ve had a colleague who was indian and muslim from Pakistan who once warned us if al Qaeda is doing something don’t interfere as they don’t want to hurt you. So I suspect the general consensus of muslims is limited support for jihadis. I suspect the Toronto Danforth ISIS inspired shooter got his guns from muslim gangsters.

5 years ago
Reply to  In the middle

And his gun running brother had 47 kg of car-fentanol, enough to kill everyone in Canada. The news story stopped dead for some reason.

In the middle
In the middle
5 years ago
Reply to  Kenek

47kg?!? Where did he steal it from?

5 years ago
Reply to  In the middle

The story mysteriously disappeared but you can still verify what I said.
The story likely disappeared to avoid a panic, and to avoid exposing the enemy to the public. I am not optimistic.

4 years ago
Reply to  In the middle

Hard to say since the car-fentanol information was only released as a side-issue when talking about the islamic terrorists’ shooting spree .He intentionally and professionally targeted white Christian sluts as required by islam the cult of death.
The MSM did not reveal any investigation into this matter. It was either swept under the rug and ignored to satisfy sharia law, as are many attempted and successful terrorists attacks, and islamic sex crimes, or it was investigated and we are not allowed to find out how bad things really are.
There is no evidence that Canadian authorities believe it is their job to protect the public. They are too busy paying off and protecting the pets of mohamed Trudeau.

5 years ago
Reply to  In the middle

yes! support the party of the KLAN! Democrats

5 years ago

Let her go raise hell back in Mogadishu….

Dave Glynn
Dave Glynn
5 years ago

Can’t think why ordinary intelligent people should not like or trust muzrats.
They haven’t given anyone cause for concern in their 1400 years of history.
Western society is obviously just jealous of all the moslem achievements that have shaped the modern world either that or your all just a bunch of islamaphobes who need to embrace this peaceful fun loving minority in our midst.

Silver Bullet Gun Oil
Silver Bullet Gun Oil
5 years ago

Skank whore mutt.
“Two things are limitless,the universe and human stupidity,and I’m not sure about the universe”

5 years ago

Don’t ya know?? Demoncrap women only got BIG MOUTHS??? From AOC (Aught Of Control) to mother ucker Tlaib?

Roma Mikhasev
Roma Mikhasev
5 years ago

Quickly eliminate this infection!

Roma Mikhasev
Roma Mikhasev
5 years ago

Disinfect these plague breeding grounds as quickly as possible!!

5 years ago

Someone should ask Omar and the rest of that seditious family of hers why she (they) came to our country in the first place.. The question is rhetorical of course. She (they) came here to destroy (‘transform”) America..

Now, she is the mistress of CRAP! …The “Grifter” of the year award is what she ought to receive..

This is the radical Islamist fool who actually supported “LIFE INSURANCE DEATH BENEFITS” FOR ISIS TERRORISTS, when she was a Minnesota legislator.

She also publicly called for “compassion” for CONVICTED TERRORISTS returning to Minnesota from the ISIS battlefield. You really should read the OMAR letter to St Paul, Minnesota “sentencing Judge” Davis, written shortly after she was elected to the Minnesota legislature, signed “representative elect”.. It is priceless. ..She is, and had always been arrogant political trash, and a modern day version of the Trojan Horse..

She has been spewing this nonsense for a decade, and not many in Minnesota had the smarts or the integrity to call her out for it.. Now, IT is America’s problem to manage, or solve, right along with the Linda Sarsour America hatred, Rashida Tlaib, AOC, and all the rest…. Take your pick..

Additionally, listen to her blanket excuse for all this CRAP. How many countries in the Middle East, North and South Africa – or Venezuela – Cuba – and more, are guilty as sin of committing “HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS”, while this “grifter”, lays that outrageous and disgusting accusation at the foot of ISRAELIS exclusively? …and then demands a boycott (BDS) of Israel ONLY, the most peace seeking nation in that region..

And Pelosi suggests that “Omar really did not understand the import relating to the seriousness of her words”??? OMAR IS A JEW HATING – CHRISTIAN HATING – ANTI-SEMITE, and ANTI-AMERICAN supporter of the Iranian regime, the brutal Maduro Venezuela (Human Rights Violator) dictatorship, Castro’s Cuba, and…take your pick around the globe.. And she sits as a member still, on the US House “Foreign Affairs Committee”??

And, Pelosi and company suggest that poor little traumatized Omar, having been raised in war torn Somalia, and escaped to Kenya, and eventually sought “asylum” in the U.S., needs our “understanding”, and compassion for her “cultural background”??? Really??? Just after poor poor little Ilhan won the election in 2016, she traveled – with one of her 2 husbands – back to Mogadishu, Somalia, and to endorse the latest Somali strong-man dictator there, securing her brother-in-law a cushy position in the world’s WORST FAILED NATION STATE ON THE PLANET, measured by professional international organizations and standards..

Oh yea…she is so afraid, as a so-called “refugee” of that country, based upon her STORY, that she went back TO SOMALIA in 2016 for a political vacation.. By the way, since she used “campaign finance money” to pay for her 2017 divorce OF HER BROTHER (Immigration Fraud) (Perjury) in Hennepin County (while married to the other fella as well) (Polygamy & Bigamy), Minnesota, when she was a Minnesota State Legislator, WHERE DID SHE GET THE TRAVEL MONEY, in order to fly back to that terrible place??..

You should read Omar’s one-page 2016 response to the duel marital controversy. It’s a Pip!

As an aside, please check out OMAR’s long term family political connections (many decades) in Somalia. THEY ARE THE PROBLEM THERE..

Get passed that stupid grin of her’s, and look at her for exactly what she is. …A slippery (serpent) “fox in – OUR U.S. Congressional – hen-house”.. She didn’t look so “cute” in her 2012 mug shot when she was arrested and charged in Minneapolis for “CRIMINAL TRESPASS” I can assure you.

…AND THERE IS MORE.. from Minnesota, “the Land of 10,000 cover-ups”…where hard news goes to die..

Pelosi is full of CRAP, right along with far too many in Congress relating to this entire matter, including the political trash master, Omar.. Hypocrites!!!

I can prove ALL of the above..

Based upon this ridiculous and warped standard, please restore Congressman Steve King to his committee assignments.. Just kidding of course..

Welcome to OUR Minnesota Nightmare America..

5 years ago

By the way Ilhan, The Council on (a)merican Islamic Relations / CAIR was founded in 1994 – master “Grifter”..

5 years ago

“Some people did something” on 9/11?

…Welcome to OUR Minnesota Nightmare America..

5 years ago

every republican lost his seat there in the last election. Highway to hell! How is Noor doing on his trial for killing a white girl in her pjamas? Guess the Aussies won’t let it get buried?

romain reuter
romain reuter
5 years ago

“…..some people did something on 9/11…”
Is that all she has to say on the most traumatic day in modern american history?
Get her on a plane and drop her over Somalia!
And while you’re at it, take Linda Sharia on the same plane and drop her over Gaza!

5 years ago
Reply to  romain reuter

Its nothing to them…… Liberals and muslims blame us if a fish dies in the ocean

romain reuter
romain reuter
5 years ago

“…..and then all of us were starting to lose our civil liberties……”
What is she saying?
Where, when, how?
She is talking much and obviously much crap!

5 years ago

She is so full of crap someone should stamp a half moon on her forehead and call her an outhouse.

5 years ago

WTF is she babbling about? CAIR was set up by the Muslim Brotherhood decades before the 9-11 attack. Anyone with any access to the internet can find that out in 2 minutes

5 years ago

Has anyone thought that perhaps the establishment of CAIR was the the second wave of the same attack on 9/11? What if the establishment of a well advertised and well supported American moslem organization permanently infesting the country as PART OF THE PLAN. It now has tentacles reaching into the top levels of every government organization. They even own openly islamist moslem federal politicians now. It is national in scope and already spread to Canada. Every moslem in North America votes the way they are told… by the moslem brotherhood.
The 3000 dead from the 9/11 attack could be just a drop in the bucket compared to what is coming. LBGTers and feminists are going to get what they have been working for so long (by encouraging moslem immigration).. sharia law.

5 years ago

How they really see us….. Obola allows hundreds of thousands of these into the USA. We SHOULD have cancelled all of them and revoked all plus derivative citizenships, and sent the whole families out,. Omar would be gone!

5 years ago

they eat their young and call it saving face

5 years ago

On boards hostile to Jews such as “The American Conservative” and the misnamed “Reason Magazine,” I have said comments that I would never say here because they are so nasty to Israel and the Jews. When I called the shooting in New Zealand as an extreme :lover’s quarrel” between two Jew hating types: the alt right shooter and the antisemites that this alt right racist shot. With Ilhan Omar’s remarks about “someone did something on 9/11,”I certainly will not feel pangs of guilt of the remarks I said to the two antisemitic websites I mentioneg. “Reason Magazine” denied the holocaust in one of their 1976 issues and “The American Conserative” attacks Israel all the time and the Jews some of the time. If they’re trying to hurt my feelings, I will return the favor to them and I only wish I could see how they lide it. Miged knit meged..

Robert Kahlcke
Robert Kahlcke
5 years ago

This Bitch should be burned at the stake.

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