The Democrat Party’s Anti-Jewish Problem Is Obama’s Legacy


America’s most radical, anti-Semitic, and pro-Jihad President should bear much responsibility for the anti-Semitic turn of the Democrat Party. Obama destroyed the Democrat Party’s relationship with Israel and with American Jews, because of his ferocious hostility to Israel, Prime Minister Netanyahu, and his embracing of anti-Semites and Jihadists.

The rise of President Obama also enabled politicians, political activists, and political organizations who are even more radical than he is to emerge and flourish. If there had not been a President Obama, there would not have been a Bernie Sanders or Linda Sarsour or Ilhan Omar or Rashida Tlaib, or they would not have become mainstream. Even Louis Farrakhan would be much more obscure today if not for the eight monstrous years of President Obama. CAIR would not have ascended, and the BDS Movement would be much less influential.

The Democrat Party may never again be a normal or civilized Party because of the presidency of the radical Barack Hussein Obama.

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“The Democratic Party’s anti-Semitism problem is Obama’s Legacy,” by Matt Margolis, PJ Media, March 16, 2019. 

Why does Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) still have her position on the House Foreign Relations Committee? House Republicans stripped Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) of his committee positions after making his own controversial remarks. Omar should have met the same fate. But considering recent history, it’s not surprising that Omar remains unpunished. It’s just the latest example of their party turning a blind eye to the rise of anti-Semitism in their ranks over the years—if not embracing it at times. Perhaps the most shocking thing was Omar’s subsequent criticism of Barack Obama, calling his “hope and change” slogan a mirage. “We can’t be only upset with Trump,” she said. “His policies are bad, but many of the people who came before him also had really bad policies. They just were more polished than he was.” She added, “And that’s not what we should be looking for anymore. We don’t want anybody to get away with murder because they are polished. We want to recognize the actual policies that are behind the pretty face and the smile.” Ouch.

This was shocking because Omar should have thanked Obama. If not for his “pretty face” and smile, she likely would have experienced the public rebuke she deserved and lost her spot on the House Foreign Relations Committee. But, after eight years of anti-Semitism disguised as opposition to longstanding U.S. policy on Israel, the anti-Semitism she preached (and continues to preach) has become far more palatable in her party.

Prior to being elected president of the United States, Obama spent twenty years in the congregation of Jeremiah Wright. Wright’s anti-American and anti-Semitic remarks became a liability for Obama during the 2008 election but didn’t matter enough to the people who voted for him. Obama may have been forced to quit his church and distance himself from Wright, but that didn’t change who Obama was at heart—and it presented itself once he showed up to the White House.

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5 years ago

If Clinton was the first black president, then Obama was the first Muslim president.

5 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

You will never fix STUPID with the ignorant libturds!

5 years ago
Reply to  patd

You’re right Felix….ignorance and stupidity. I used to think it would take something very serious to happen to make people wake up….like when the world woke up to Hitler. Now, with all of the information that is available, and we have this kind of thinking? Now, it would be Trump’s or America’s fault, maybe Christians….

5 years ago
Reply to  Warmac9999

not really. blow j clinton is not black. obola is muslim.

Halal Bacon
Halal Bacon
5 years ago

well george the “White Carrot Thief” Soreass got his moneys worth

5 years ago

Why can’t you use a picture of something else? Every time I see that POS anti-American muslim flipping off Americans I get sick to my stomach!

5 years ago
Reply to  patd

Reminds of the moron’s hatred for American, as well as his low class. Ghetto dweller at his core.

Drew the Infidel
Drew the Infidel
5 years ago
Reply to  patd

Is that his age or IQ?

5 years ago

The photo shows “Hussein’s” whole “personality”: If you hold your finger in front of your mouth like that,
you say: “I should be silent at the moment, otherwise I’ll say something wrong or make myself suspicious!”

At the same time he uses the middle finger (according to Samy Molcho the self-confirmation finger), which
shall send the signal to everyone else: “I am the biggest one here anyway, and you can all kiss my ass!”

5 years ago
Reply to  Marc

But who knows: Possibly he has drilled with it however just minutes before on toilet in his ass and enjoys now in all public the “smell”. He’s supposed to be homosexual and so he looked for a masculine lesbian to be his wife.

5 years ago
Reply to  Marc

Strangely enough, his eyes remind me somehow of those of Lorne
Green, who was Jewish. Maybe he had African American ancestors.

5 years ago
Reply to  Marc

Lorne didn’t look like a “Russian Jew”. At least his skull, unli-
ke Hussein’s, was big enough to hold more than just garbage.

comment image

5 years ago
Reply to  Marc

Our hand is highly interesting symbolically. Men are unconsciously
chosen by women because of their ring finger length, which signailises
testosterone level and masculinity.

But also the sound of the voice (that’s why Jordan Peterson sounds so
unconvincing. He knows everything, but what matters is not) or the gait
have an extreme influence on women and vice versa. Women recognize
high-quality genetic men by their gait alone, even in mere silhouettes.

For example, I’m careful with women who wear rings on their thumbs. Since the thumb
is the dominant finger, this means that these women take themselves extremely serious-
ly, self-centered. If we feel self-confident, we show our thumbs, while the rest, for exam-
ple, disappears into our trouser pockets. If we feel insecure, the exact opposite hap-
pens: the thumbs disappear in the trouser pockets, while all other fingers remain visible.

The ring finger is the emotional “feel” finger. It shows special connectedness. If someone unconsciously plays with the ring on this finger, he is concerned about the connection with another person: “Am I sure of him? The index finger of the “know-it-all”. Whoever wears
a ring on it is probably particularly instructive, presumptuous, and self-opinionated.

The little finger stands like the individual to society. If he is splayed when
talking or even wears a ring, this “eccentric” person (standing outside the
norm) considers himself something very special, extraordinary, good to see
with the English nobility, who splayed the little finger when drinking the tea.

Personally, I have found out that one must show one’s thumbs in a dis-
heartened, depressed mood in public; this has an effect on self-confi-
dence. This requires courage and self-confidence, which you will notice
then, because everything in you strives to hide your whole appearance.

One can sit in the tram, raise one’s thumbs, after half an hour any de-
pression is gone! Those who raise their thumbs while talking symbo-
lise power and self-confidence. Trump or Putin know this very well.

5 years ago
Reply to  Marc

Women value well-groomed, well-formed fingers (after all, they are to be touched by them later), a clear, unobstructed gaze that looks deep into the soul and reveals a varied inner life, but of course also such things as an upright, self-confident gait, a strong-willed chin that even gains dominance through a small, well-groomed beard alone. A man must not allow himself to be put out of his mind or out of reserve, this is a capital error. Even if they scream hysterically or beat around themselves, they test with it exactly whether they are inferior to you in maturity and personality or not. Kooky men who dress up like peacocks are unwelcome with women. At best among those who have been afraid of masculinity since their childhood due to abuse and therefore abuse homosexual men as a kind of partner substitute (the so-called gay mothers).

5 years ago
Reply to  Marc

If a man wants to know whether a woman is sexually interested in him, all she
has to do is ask her about her age. If she rejects this question outraged, a man
can end the game and nothing will happen. She says, guess what, she’s interes-
ted, but you still have to win her for you. The fight has just begun. If she imme-
diately says her age, she has already completed the union with you in spirit.

The photo shows that Pam is a very female woman. Her posture shows
interest, but also reserve. With her crossed legs she indicates that she is
not sexually interested in any of these men, at least not at this moment.

comment image?_nc_cat=108&_nc_ht=scontent-dus1-1.xx&oh=d40bf96ab566f7e6303b819d2da9c7d1&oe=5D1FFF60

5 years ago
Reply to  Marc

Great manipulators and seducers know about the existence
of mirror neurons. They mirror their potential partners, adopt
the same posture, align their pace with the woman’s gait.

Of course, it’s all just a game, and the women know it very well.
No man in the world can play-act in front of a woman! However,
they recognize his interest in the man’s effort and appreciate it.

5 years ago
Reply to  Marc

Whether Trump would be the man every woman would like to have
in bed, I very much doubt. In any case, he is not a copy, but a ge-
nuine original. And he has enormous willpower and assertiveness.

The paradox is that whenever people want to impress
other people, the exact opposite of what was hoped for
happens. Only someone who is genuine, authentic, and
rests within himself can convince: emotioally independent.

There are certain no-go mistakes that a man should refrain from making
with women. One of them is to talk about politics, technology or other
ideological things. Women have only one topic: human relationships.

Another mistake is to violate the ritual of rapprochement, such
as reaching for the woman’s bottom, bosom or crotch, as Mus-
lims do. They show that they have no idea of human nature.

From the first flirtation to the first touch on the arm or shoulder to
the first embrace, until finally everything strives towards physical
union, many small stages must be meticulously adhered to. Other-
wise it ends in disaster, without the participants knowing exactly why.

There is no need to have an opinion on everything, just as there is
no duty to answer other people’s questions. You have the right to say,
“I have (formed et) no opinion on that.”

If someone is inappropriately curious and interferes in things that
are none of his business (“Why are you behaving like this and not
differently?”), you can say in a friendly but diplomatic way: “Becau-
se I like/enjoy it!”. He will be satisfied with that and go his own way,
because he instinctively realized himself that he had gone too far.

5 years ago
Reply to  Marc

Women want to perfect themselves through the man in the end, complement each other.
In fact, women only need a good-natured but energetic mirror in which they can look at themselves, because they consist entirely of vanity, from head to toe. It is their nature.
Women want to be beautiful, men want to be strong. Women only have to be, men have
to perform to be. A man should not overestimate his importance in the eyes of a woman,
he is always interchangeable. Women want to prove with a man also before other women
that they are desired, this is more important to them than men to “understand”.

Perhaps women (X) cannot “understand” men (XY) at all, the other way around they can.
That is neither good nor bad, is the world in which we live, and with which we have to live. When a man cries at a woman after work about her bad colleagues, it is quite depressing
for her. He shows her that he does not have his life under control. On the other hand, wo-
men expect men to be able to lean on them and howl. A man who thinks he is one should
be able to do that. A man who is jealous becomes unsympathetic to a woman. Even if they always claim that he must be.

Women are not as sexually interested or active as men. The basis of the business is quite simple: she gives him sex, he has to prove time and time again that she can meet her ever-increasing demands. Those who don’t want this and who find it too stressful should withdraw from this topic and seek peace of mind within themselves, as priests, happy loners or hermits.

If women have the feeling of being safe, secure and in good hands, in my expe-
rience they are ready for men to do the seemingly most impossible things, and
to devote themselves completely to them. A man must never forget that a woman
sees it as a gift and a sign of trust to deliver her body to the male desires. She
does not already have such impulses like a man in her youth, but only learns with
the right partner to feel pleasure in it. For them it is something like a concession.

5 years ago
Reply to  Marc

Women constantly compare and identify themselves with other
women. “Mirror mirror on the wall who is the fairest one of all?”

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5 years ago
Reply to  Marc

Someone once said: “Women make women’s politics, men make people’s politics.”

5 years ago
Reply to  Marc

Georg Troller once said: “A woman always wants to know how much man there is
in you, a man always wants to know how feminine a woman is. If you do not signal
this as a man, she will challenge you again and again. Today I am of the opinion
that no woman will ever part with a man once she has got involved with him. But
that the man unconsciously expels the woman through his careless behaviour.

5 years ago
Reply to  Marc

(My own thoughts above start with “If you do not signal”)

5 years ago
Reply to  Marc

(“all she has to do” = all he has
to do / “in spirit” = in her mind)

5 years ago
Reply to  Marc

“The fight has just begun.” It should be more a “dance” than a fight. Men al-
ready have enough to fight against other men in their professional lives, they
want their rest then and a warm soft lap to rest and recharge their batteries.

5 years ago
Reply to  Marc

Interesting in this context is the popularity of the Tango,
in which the women let themselves be led again. It has
been banned and persuaded by feminist propaganda.

5 years ago

Ummmm… the Negro was NEVER a legal constitutional sitting “President”. =

Every time I hear someone call him “President” makes me question their narrative. You are endorsing something that never was and promoting their narratives.

This is NOT good. 535 Congogressmen + 1 Negro need to be arrested and jailed and ring leaders hanged. Do you know what they did?

They put a Negro Mouslem, sodomite, foreigner and general all around weirdo MAHOO as your “President”, Commander-in-Cheat of your military and leader of Washington IN CHARGE!!! This is a BETRAYAL on the American people and their Constitution

As Johnny Carson would say, that’s like giving your daughter a chastity belt and letting Bert Reynolds have the key.

His husband is a mentally ill man getting a kick as a women and notoriously as “First Lady”. This is a stewepid Negro stunt on white people in the HIGHEST office in the land.

Someone needs to PAY!

Ban Islam
Ban Islam
5 years ago

I fully agree Obama was a disaster. He enabled and supported the worst dregs of society. He regularly met with the Muslim Brotherhood-a terrorist organization that spawned Al Qaeda, Hamas, ISIS and so forth and he was never called out for it.

I’m sure others have documented all his crimes and the damage he’s done much better than I could and we’re still suffering from the repercussions from his presidency.

If Hillary had won, it would’ve just been a continuation of Obama’s policies since she’s just as much a stooge of Islamic organizations as he was.

Fortunately the US woke up and voted in Trump and he’s made it clear he won’t be the Saudis (Muslims) puppet like the Dems were.

This matters a great deal as it is starting to become more obvious nowadays that the free world is on a collision course with the Islamic world. Muslim organizations are already demanding that western governments crack down on free speech in the wake of the terrorist attack at the Christchurch mosque.

They are truly being put to the test, should the govts back down and acquiesce to their demands, then Muslims will press for more concessions (ie-surrender) and greater Islamification.

People are choosing sides and hardening their positions as the recent assault against an Aussie senator Fraser Anning suggests. He dared to state that Islam/Muslims have some responsibility for the attack. The senator was hit with an egg by a Leftist teen and he punched the teen back.

I’m glad he did because that’s a microcosm of the pro-Islam vs anti-Islam battle. And the senator showed that those who oppose Islam are ready to fight back against the fascist scum that want to force this death cult on us.

Push will eventually turn to shove, I don’t see this conflict being resolved by peaceful means anytime soon. I believe we’re headed for civil war. The freedom-lovers on the one side and Muslims-Leftists on the other. It’s going to get really ugly and it will matter a lot who holds the reins of power.

If the Leftists are in charge, they will use their authority to crush the anti-Islamic movement, much as they’re doing in Germany, Sweden and France today. This will only lead to a fascist Islamo-Nazi totalitarian state and anyone who speaks out against Islam/Muslims/leftists will be arrested, jailed or killed. We see such a proto-fascist police state already operating in the UK as well.

If the Right/Conservatives get power then they will be able to easily contain and neutralize the rise of the fascist Islam-Left alliance and safeguard our freedoms-assuming they’re the good Conservatives and not loons themselves like Merkel.

Dark times are ahead, unless the masses smarten up and vote for anti-Islam parties. I won’t be surprised if there’s open warfare in western cities between these two groups in the next 10-20 years (or even much sooner) to determine which side owns the future and which one will lose and end up in the history books.

I believe we’ll win because our side is smarter and stronger than the Islamo-Marxist fascists but it’ll be a brutal, long battle. But should we lose, say goodbye to western culture, freedom, enlightenment and hello to a permanent Islamic Dark Ages where everyone’s life will be an endless hell on Earth and the only escape would be death.

Drew the Infidel
Drew the Infidel
5 years ago
Reply to  Ban Islam

Agreed. Obhammud stoked the antisemitic sentiment in this country by his simple demeanor. Remember every time that he met face to face with Netanyahu and those go-to-hell looks he would give him?

Also, just by shooting off his mouth with irresponsible remarks, Obhammud ignited the war on cops. It all began with his assessment of the Hartford cops “acting stupidly” and continued through to Ferguson. And who can ever forget his imaginary son remark regarding the justifiable homicide of Trayvon Martin?

5 years ago

Note Husseins net worth increase in just one year. This is a page from Forbes mag.
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Stephen Honig
Stephen Honig
5 years ago

Although, the schmuck liberal Jews voted for him, they are only 1% of the voting block. Unfortunately, it was the Christians who put him in office twice.

4 years ago

Obuma Osama

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