Tuesday 30 October 2018

Practising Gratitude 2018

You probably weren't expecting to hear from me again after 4 years but here I am!

I am launching #21daysofgratitudepractice on my personal blog today.

If you would like to join in please do.




  1. As a Christian, offering prayers of thanksgiving is an essential part of one's spiritual practice and the gratitude journal and app provide the ideal medium for doing so. This enables a more rounded spiritual, emotional, and also psychological aspect of a human being; therefore, through the gratitude app, you are able to get a more inward look into your life, making you to have the 'feel-good' experience, based on bible scriptures. This is how it promotes the development of a whole being: through the enabling of a more rounded spiritual, emotional, and also psychological aspect of a human being. Source: yourgratitudejourney.com
